Dr. Fauci Admits He and Dr. Birx Were the Two 'Experts' Who Persuaded Trump to Kill the Economy with Their Garbage Predictions of 2.2 Million Deaths!

WOW! Dr. Fauci Admits He and Dr. Birx Were the Two 'Experts' Who Persuaded Trump to Kill the Economy with Their Garbage Predictions of 2.2 Million Deaths!

....and Pelosi is out telling everyone to 'Listen to the Scientists, not the President'. :p

"Dr. Fauci admitted on Monday that it was he and Dr. Birx who persuaded President Trump to kill the economy… And they did this based on wildly inaccurate models and predictions!

Last week President admitted that back in March “two very smart people” came into his office and urged him to lock down the economy or 2.2 million Americans would die.
But President Trump did not say who those “two very smart people” were."

President Trump followed these two inept doctors and killed off the record US economy.
Later the two doctors came back and admitted their models were off by MILLIONS but instead of revising their strategy the doctors doubled-down on their insane strategy."

Latestmodels and revised predictions show COVID-19 could possibly have a higher infection rate but mortality rate lower than the common flu.

If I didn't know any better and / or believed in Conspiracy theories, I would think Fauci and Birx were Democrat 'plants' who intentionally misled the President into killing the strongest economy seen in this country in decades - in some cases ever - right before the election, the one thing Democrats did not even have a hope of stopping.


Wow I wonder if he finally got to have sex with Hillary the way he's been dreaming about for the past 10 years.
Not so fast, we're up to 25,000 deaths already and its only mid-April, and that's WITH "shutdown" mitigation measures. Without mitigation measures the outbreak cases would have been much higher, and NYC could NOT have handled the numbers because they barely handled the mitigated cases.

So I'm not blaming Fauci and Birx for the economic shutdown as long as we get the restart soon.

This "blame game" where Trump and his cultists trying to convince voters that what is happening RIGHT NOW, is not Trump's fault in any way, is both useless and pointless at this stage.

First off, the level of illness and death in the USA right now falls directly onto Trump's desk because he wasted three months doing nothing to plan or prepare for this virus. The only way to deflect blame is to lie about what Trump did and did not do, and that's very unhealthy at a time when Trump needs people to believe what he's telling them.

But the MOST important reason why the deflect blame PR game is such a bad idea is that 30,000 people have died, and people continue to die at the rate of more than 2000 per day. Your rate of infection is also rising, and the USA is singular among the countries in the world in the rapid rate of infection and death. Your country is in mourning, and in shock from everything that has happened. To have Donald Trump go on TV every day and say "This is not my fault" and "I have saved thousands of lives", when everything we see and hear says otherwise, isn't helpful to anyone.

Stop the sickness, stop the death, show empathy for the suffering of others, and stop talking about getting the economy restarted right away. Unless and until you have this disease under control, you're in no position to point fingers and attack others, nor should you.

The bald fact is that the USA is now a national parriah due to this pandemic. No one will be going in or out of the USA for months. And your economic structures for health care and labour, are not condusive to Americans getting this infections under control. The people most likely to get the virus, and die from it, are the ones least likely to have health insurance or to stay home if they're sick. And as long as there is no vaccine, and limited testing, you will NEVER be able to re-open your economy, in any meaninful way.
First off, the level of illness and death in the USA right now falls directly onto Trump's desk because he wasted three months doing nothing

You lie so blatantly that you are nothing more than a joke. Seriously, fuck off with your idiocy.
This "blame game" where Trump and his cultists trying to convince voters that what is happening RIGHT NOW, is not Trump's fault in any way, is both useless and pointless at this stage.

First off, the level of illness and death in the USA right now falls directly onto Trump's desk because he wasted three months doing nothing to plan or prepare for this virus.

...and yet Democrats openly opposed the travel ban, downplayed the seriousness of the pandemic, and urged people to go about their lives without heed to what was going on....had they been in charge the travel ban would not have been issued, the spread and death of the virus would have been far worse.

( I love it when triggered snowflakes intentionally skip right over that part)
Not so fast, we're up to 25,000 deaths already and its only mid-April, and that's WITH "shutdown" mitigation measures. Without mitigation measures the outbreak cases would have been much higher, and NYC could NOT have handled the numbers because they barely handled the mitigated cases.

So I'm not blaming Fauci and Birx for the economic shutdown as long as we get the restart soon.

This "blame game" where Trump and his cultists trying to convince voters that what is happening RIGHT NOW, is not Trump's fault in any way, is both useless and pointless at this stage.

First off, the level of illness and death in the USA right now falls directly onto Trump's desk because he wasted three months doing nothing to plan or prepare for this virus. The only way to deflect blame is to lie about what Trump did and did not do, and that's very unhealthy at a time when Trump needs people to believe what he's telling them.

But the MOST important reason why the deflect blame PR game is such a bad idea is that 30,000 people have died, and people continue to die at the rate of more than 2000 per day. Your rate of infection is also rising, and the USA is singular among the countries in the world in the rapid rate of infection and death. Your country is in mourning, and in shock from everything that has happened. To have Donald Trump go on TV every day and say "This is not my fault" and "I have saved thousands of lives", when everything we see and hear says otherwise, isn't helpful to anyone.

Stop the sickness, stop the death, show empathy for the suffering of others, and stop talking about getting the economy restarted right away. Unless and until you have this disease under control, you're in no position to point fingers and attack others, nor should you.

The bald fact is that the USA is now a national parriah due to this pandemic. No one will be going in or out of the USA for months. And your economic structures for health care and labour, are not condusive to Americans getting this infections under control. The people most likely to get the virus, and die from it, are the ones least likely to have health insurance or to stay home if they're sick. And as long as there is no vaccine, and limited testing, you will NEVER be able to re-open your economy, in any meaninful way.
First off, the level of illness and death in the USA right now falls directly onto Trump's desk because he wasted three months doing nothing

You lie so blatantly that you are nothing more than a joke. Seriously, fuck off with your idiocy.
You have to forgive her... she's a sperm burping Canuck who meddles in American politics because Canadian politics are so fucking boring. If it's any consolation about 98% of what she posts is dead wrong. She could probably do better but she has decided that her horse in this race is the American left so it's no surprise that she's going to fall on her face with almost everything she types.

Not so fast, we're up to 25,000 deaths already and its only mid-April, and that's WITH "shutdown" mitigation measures. Without mitigation measures the outbreak cases would have been much higher, and NYC could NOT have handled the numbers because they barely handled the mitigated cases.

So I'm not blaming Fauci and Birx for the economic shutdown as long as we get the restart soon.

This "blame game" where Trump and his cultists trying to convince voters that what is happening RIGHT NOW, is not Trump's fault in any way, is both useless and pointless at this stage.

First off, the level of illness and death in the USA right now falls directly onto Trump's desk because he wasted three months doing nothing to plan or prepare for this virus. The only way to deflect blame is to lie about what Trump did and did not do, and that's very unhealthy at a time when Trump needs people to believe what he's telling them.

But the MOST important reason why the deflect blame PR game is such a bad idea is that 30,000 people have died, and people continue to die at the rate of more than 2000 per day. Your rate of infection is also rising, and the USA is singular among the countries in the world in the rapid rate of infection and death. Your country is in mourning, and in shock from everything that has happened. To have Donald Trump go on TV every day and say "This is not my fault" and "I have saved thousands of lives", when everything we see and hear says otherwise, isn't helpful to anyone.

Stop the sickness, stop the death, show empathy for the suffering of others, and stop talking about getting the economy restarted right away. Unless and until you have this disease under control, you're in no position to point fingers and attack others, nor should you.

The bald fact is that the USA is now a national parriah due to this pandemic. No one will be going in or out of the USA for months. And your economic structures for health care and labour, are not condusive to Americans getting this infections under control. The people most likely to get the virus, and die from it, are the ones least likely to have health insurance or to stay home if they're sick. And as long as there is no vaccine, and limited testing, you will NEVER be able to re-open your economy, in any meaningful way.
1. You have no credible links supporting your claims, so I can just call bullshit and end the post.
2. Here is a timeline on Trump's response to COVID, he shutdown travel the same month it became known
3. The medical experts predicted 2.2m US deaths w/o mitigation, then they predicted 100,000 to 240,000 deaths with mitigation, and now its 60,000 deaths, less than the regular flu, so the Trump admin did a terrific job keeping US deaths so low, especially compared to the EU, who has 3x the US dead based on equal populations.
4. The WHO screwed this up from the start, saying that "there was no human to human transmission". That was the major problem getting the response started, the WHO supported the China lies/coverup, "there was no pandemic".
5. We can lose tourism for a few months until there is a vaccine, no biggie. We need to get our restaurants back up and running, as well as most folks back to work, that is getting ready to start now. The US is not monolithically affected by COVID. The NYC area got most of it, the rest of the country not so much. The US healthcare system is the best in the world, by far. The ones most affected, i.e. likely to die, are over 80 and are covered by Medicare. The vaccines and therapies are being tested now.
The testing capacity is ramping up US Historical Data
6. The US economy will be restarted state-by-state with mitigation measures, starting soon. By June 1st the economy should be almost back to normal, except for large crowds, like at baseball games, concerts, and such.

So your negative post has nothing to do with reality. Be more positive and stay safe.
Repeating tRump's lies doesn't turn them into facts.
What lies?
Show me the unvarnished truth from a credible source.
I purposley linked to AlJazeera, so that no one would say its a Trump friendly site?!
Maybe its just the Truth that you find inconvenient? I can provide credible sources for all of my factoids.
Let's just start with 1.

What did the tRump administration do to keep.deaths lower?

I'd like to focus on #3. The prediction of 60,000 deaths nationwide. You're more than half way there in less than 30 days. You have more than 525,000 sick people and that number may not be doubling every other day, but it is going up by 100,000 patients every two or three days. With more than 2000 deaths per day, and that number is still rising.

It sadly appears that the USA will hit 60,000 deaths this month, and that there will still be more than a half a million unresolved cases on May 1st. You only have 40,000 "resolved", which means people who haven't died and aren't sick, and you have over 30,000 deaths. That ratio of deaths to resolved cases is truly frightening.

Now these first 70,000 cases occurred before the US had testing of any kind and when only the sickest people were getting tested, so that may be a factor in that ratio, and with wider testing that percentage is sure to come down.

But when you look at the countries where the virus is not raging out of control, where growth is slow, and the medical systems aren't being overwhelmed, and you'll see a ratio of 1 death for every 10 recoveries. Canada, Austria, Switzerland are all around this number. Germany has 1 death for every 20 recoveries. South Korea has 1 death for every 30 recoveries - remarkable.
Focusing on #3:
60,000 deaths is not my prediction, its the CDC's, Drs. Fauci & Birx, based on various models, it looks reasonable to me based on the new cases starting to decline.
See the New Case graph below:
View attachment 323796

The number of deaths is a lagging indicator. So the number of deaths will lag the number of new cases by about 2 weeks.
So in late April & May the number of deaths should decline significantly, and be a much smaller number in June.

To your final point, "deaths per population", the US is doing very well thank you:
View attachment 323803

I read that 60,000 number when Faucci first gave it, but he said if the USA were to be successful in mitigation. It was the lowest possible number. Both Faucci and Birx said "If we do everything perfectly". Trump seized on the lower number immediately, just as he seized on the 100,000 initially.

The Administration hasn't done anything "perfectly", and some of the most important things they needed to do, they still have not done. Like testing. You don't even know how many cases you have because you've tested fewer than 1% of the American population. Trump keeps saying you have tests. The hospitals and and states keep saying they don't have enough tests, enough swabs, enough labs. THERE IS NOTHING THAT APPROACHES AN ADEQUATE LEVEL OF TESTING.

I'm guessing you know the old expression "Plan for the worst, pray for the best". Trump did the opposite and he's still doing that. He's planning on opening the country on May 1st. It will be a mistake if he opens ANY of the country on May 1st. IF TRUMP OPENS THE ECONOMY WITHOUT CHEAP, QUICK AND RELIABLE TESTING, THINGS WILL ONLY GET WORSE. And right now there is no such thing in the USA. But the rest of the world, the people who didn't reject the WHO test, are already doing it.
Not so fast, we're up to 25,000 deaths already and its only mid-April, and that's WITH "shutdown" mitigation measures. Without mitigation measures the outbreak cases would have been much higher, and NYC could NOT have handled the numbers because they barely handled the mitigated cases.

So I'm not blaming Fauci and Birx for the economic shutdown as long as we get the restart soon.

This "blame game" where Trump and his cultists trying to convince voters that what is happening RIGHT NOW, is not Trump's fault in any way, is both useless and pointless at this stage.

First off, the level of illness and death in the USA right now falls directly onto Trump's desk because he wasted three months doing nothing to plan or prepare for this virus. The only way to deflect blame is to lie about what Trump did and did not do, and that's very unhealthy at a time when Trump needs people to believe what he's telling them.

But the MOST important reason why the deflect blame PR game is such a bad idea is that 30,000 people have died, and people continue to die at the rate of more than 2000 per day. Your rate of infection is also rising, and the USA is singular among the countries in the world in the rapid rate of infection and death. Your country is in mourning, and in shock from everything that has happened. To have Donald Trump go on TV every day and say "This is not my fault" and "I have saved thousands of lives", when everything we see and hear says otherwise, isn't helpful to anyone.

Stop the sickness, stop the death, show empathy for the suffering of others, and stop talking about getting the economy restarted right away. Unless and until you have this disease under control, you're in no position to point fingers and attack others, nor should you.

The bald fact is that the USA is now a national parriah due to this pandemic. No one will be going in or out of the USA for months. And your economic structures for health care and labour, are not condusive to Americans getting this infections under control. The people most likely to get the virus, and die from it, are the ones least likely to have health insurance or to stay home if they're sick. And as long as there is no vaccine, and limited testing, you will NEVER be able to re-open your economy, in any meaningful way.
1. You have no credible links supporting your claims, so I can just call bullshit and end the post.
2. Here is a timeline on Trump's response to COVID, he shutdown travel the same month it became known
3. The medical experts predicted 2.2m US deaths w/o mitigation, then they predicted 100,000 to 240,000 deaths with mitigation, and now its 60,000 deaths, less than the regular flu, so the Trump admin did a terrific job keeping US deaths so low, especially compared to the EU, who has 3x the US dead based on equal populations.
4. The WHO screwed this up from the start, saying that "there was no human to human transmission". That was the major problem getting the response started, the WHO supported the China lies/coverup, "there was no pandemic".
5. We can lose tourism for a few months until there is a vaccine, no biggie. We need to get our restaurants back up and running, as well as most folks back to work, that is getting ready to start now. The US is not monolithically affected by COVID. The NYC area got most of it, the rest of the country not so much. The US healthcare system is the best in the world, by far. The ones most affected, i.e. likely to die, are over 80 and are covered by Medicare. The vaccines and therapies are being tested now.
The testing capacity is ramping up US Historical Data
6. The US economy will be restarted state-by-state with mitigation measures, starting soon. By June 1st the economy should be almost back to normal, except for large crowds, like at baseball games, concerts, and such.

So your negative post has nothing to do with reality. Be more positive and stay safe.
Repeating tRump's lies doesn't turn them into facts.
What lies?
Show me the unvarnished truth from a credible source.
I purposley linked to AlJazeera, so that no one would say its a Trump friendly site?!
Maybe its just the Truth that you find inconvenient? I can provide credible sources for all of my factoids.
Let's just start with 1.

What did the tRump administration do to keep.deaths lower?

I'd like to focus on #3. The prediction of 60,000 deaths nationwide. You're more than half way there in less than 30 days. You have more than 525,000 sick people and that number may not be doubling every other day, but it is going up by 100,000 patients every two or three days. With more than 2000 deaths per day, and that number is still rising.

It sadly appears that the USA will hit 60,000 deaths this month, and that there will still be more than a half a million unresolved cases on May 1st. You only have 40,000 "resolved", which means people who haven't died and aren't sick, and you have over 30,000 deaths. That ratio of deaths to resolved cases is truly frightening.

Now these first 70,000 cases occurred before the US had testing of any kind and when only the sickest people were getting tested, so that may be a factor in that ratio, and with wider testing that percentage is sure to come down.

But when you look at the countries where the virus is not raging out of control, where growth is slow, and the medical systems aren't being overwhelmed, and you'll see a ratio of 1 death for every 10 recoveries. Canada, Austria, Switzerland are all around this number. Germany has 1 death for every 20 recoveries. South Korea has 1 death for every 30 recoveries - remarkable.
Focusing on #3:
60,000 deaths is not my prediction, its the CDC's, Drs. Fauci & Birx, based on various models, it looks reasonable to me based on the new cases starting to decline.
See the New Case graph below:
View attachment 323796

The number of deaths is a lagging indicator. So the number of deaths will lag the number of new cases by about 2 weeks.
So in late April & May the number of deaths should decline significantly, and be a much smaller number in June.

To your final point, "deaths per population", the US is doing very well thank you:
View attachment 323803

I read that 60,000 number when Faucci first gave it, but he said if the USA were to be successful in mitigation. It was the lowest possible number. Both Faucci and Birx said "If we do everything perfectly". Trump seized on the lower number immediately, just as he seized on the 100,000 initially.

The Administration hasn't done anything "perfectly", and some of the most important things they needed to do, they still have not done. Like testing. You don't even know how many cases you have because you've tested fewer than 1% of the American population. Trump keeps saying you have tests. The hospitals and and states keep saying they don't have enough tests, enough swabs, enough labs. THERE IS NOTHING THAT APPROACHES AN ADEQUATE LEVEL OF TESTING.

I'm guessing you know the old expression "Plan for the worst, pray for the best". Trump did the opposite and he's still doing that. He's planning on opening the country on May 1st. It will be a mistake if he opens ANY of the country on May 1st. IF TRUMP OPENS THE ECONOMY WITHOUT CHEAP, QUICK AND RELIABLE TESTING, THINGS WILL ONLY GET WORSE. And right now there is no such thing in the USA. But the rest of the world, the people who didn't reject the WHO test, are already doing it.

1. The "we" in "if we do everything perfectly" is the US population, not the Trump admin.
2. I don't see your current link to anyone who said that they can't get a doctor requested test. US Historical Data
3. Every governor has the final say in their state, if they agree to let some folks get back to work. Trump can support them as much as possible.
4. Cuomo is saying that mass producing testing is the 1st step in keeping adequate mitigation, developing therapies is another step, and winning the war means developing a vaccine ASAP.
5. We need to restart the economy, AND protect people from the virus. So Cuomo says masks are a good precaution.
Companies that want to restart need to implement mitigation measures.
4. The WHO screwed this up from the start, saying that "there was no human to human transmission". That was the major problem getting the response started, the WHO supported the China lies/coverup, "there was no pandemic".

An investigation into the actions of the WHO will bring to light more of Deadly Donnie's incompetence to lead this great nation.

Anything to scare the masses, lie to the public, push fear. Get the masses all worked up so they'll be begging to take some crap gates vaccine that can track you and will more than likely have all kinds of side effects. No thanks.
it's amazing to me how bill gates goes from a national hero and the like, to an evil man who wants to take over the world and kill us all.

are you believing the very hype you're admonishing? i worked for Gates for 15 years and at MS for 20. never once was i given a reason to doubt him or his goodwill towards others.

as of 2018, he had given away $36 BILLION in his own money to help others. yet conspiracy people run rampant shouting he's going to be the death of us all.

anyway - just funny to see someone saying the press / leadership is lying to the masses, yet where else but the press / leadership are you getting this info?

which is it?

Theres nothing funny about gates. He has given conferences and talks on reducing the world population, eugenics, etc. He also went to india a few years ago and vaccinated thousands of girls with HPV vaccine. A lot of them got sick and many died. These were girls 9-15 in age that needed no vaccine. This isnt hype dude. These are facts. You keep believing all the propaganda from the mainstream. I will not believe their lies.
please point out the conferences and quotes attributed to this. i can google, sure - but i want to see *your* points of reference.

and since i worked for and met the man, i don't believe i'm falling for the hype. you know, the same HYPE you're following to prove he's out to kill us. you are *STILL* screaming MEDIA LIES and then GATES SUCKS from info you garner FROM the MEDIA who LIES.

it's just such a strange way to process thought to me.

so - give me your specific examples of gates doing this so we're talking from the same vantage point and we'll go from there.

Yeah, he's part of the eugenics movement. He's just real subtle and disguises his antics and moves. So many people can't discern. Hopefully, thats not you.

whoah - you found a blogger to reference.

nice. how will honesty ever recover?

Oh I see, you need to be fed by the mainstream. Im out.
show me where i love the mainstream. any post will do.

look fucknut, i bitch out the mainstream DAILY. only - while i hate them, that doesn't mean i run to some assnuggetsucking blogger looking for your nuts. if they are a blogger opinion site they are no better than pogo in here and he's pretty much taken USELESS beyond reproach for any of us to ever reach again.

stop being a fucking extreme peckerhead and learn about the shades of gray between your fears and reality.
Not so fast, we're up to 25,000 deaths already and its only mid-April, and that's WITH "shutdown" mitigation measures. Without mitigation measures the outbreak cases would have been much higher, and NYC could NOT have handled the numbers because they barely handled the mitigated cases.

So I'm not blaming Fauci and Birx for the economic shutdown as long as we get the restart soon.

This "blame game" where Trump and his cultists trying to convince voters that what is happening RIGHT NOW, is not Trump's fault in any way, is both useless and pointless at this stage.

First off, the level of illness and death in the USA right now falls directly onto Trump's desk because he wasted three months doing nothing to plan or prepare for this virus. The only way to deflect blame is to lie about what Trump did and did not do, and that's very unhealthy at a time when Trump needs people to believe what he's telling them.

But the MOST important reason why the deflect blame PR game is such a bad idea is that 30,000 people have died, and people continue to die at the rate of more than 2000 per day. Your rate of infection is also rising, and the USA is singular among the countries in the world in the rapid rate of infection and death. Your country is in mourning, and in shock from everything that has happened. To have Donald Trump go on TV every day and say "This is not my fault" and "I have saved thousands of lives", when everything we see and hear says otherwise, isn't helpful to anyone.

Stop the sickness, stop the death, show empathy for the suffering of others, and stop talking about getting the economy restarted right away. Unless and until you have this disease under control, you're in no position to point fingers and attack others, nor should you.

The bald fact is that the USA is now a national parriah due to this pandemic. No one will be going in or out of the USA for months. And your economic structures for health care and labour, are not condusive to Americans getting this infections under control. The people most likely to get the virus, and die from it, are the ones least likely to have health insurance or to stay home if they're sick. And as long as there is no vaccine, and limited testing, you will NEVER be able to re-open your economy, in any meaninful way.
First off, the level of illness and death in the USA right now falls directly onto Trump's desk because he wasted three months doing nothing

You lie so blatantly that you are nothing more than a joke. Seriously, fuck off with your idiocy.
You have to forgive her... she's a sperm burping Canuck who meddles in American politics because Canadian politics are so fucking boring. If it's any consolation about 98% of what she posts is dead wrong. She could probably do better but she has decided that her horse in this race is the American left so it's no surprise that she's going to fall on her face with almost everything she types.


You're absolutely right.

Canadian politics is so boring right now. Thousands of Canadians aren't dying. Justin Trudea put money in everyone's bank account last week, and people are avoiding one another, and live streaming worship services. Our hospital workers aren't going on TV begging for PPE's, and our hospitals don't look like war zones.

My son-in-law, who owns a roofing company, has been able to buy face shields, masks and three different kinds of gloves for his workers, so he is now able to do emergency work, for people who need repairs or a new roof. His workers will get $1000 every two weeks, while they're not working, under our EI program. This means that if he gets a couple of weeks work for his guys, but then the work dries up again, they can come back, do the higher paying work, and get the money for working those weeks, and get EI for the weeks they have no work.

Canadians are watching in horror what is happening in the USA, and since the entire world is sitting home with nothing to do, and no sports on TV at all, watching Donald Trump destroy the USA is our new way of passing the time. Family and friends are all saying that they cannot watch his press conferences. They find his anger and hostility and demands for gratitude - his general presser behaviour of the last couple of days, disturbing.

Not to mention, one of my dearest friends is a New York City emergency room nurse. My French Catholic family is large and has been in North America since 1741. I have lot of family - aunts, uncles, and cousins, in the USA. I have a half dozen older family members who are "snowbirds". They own properties in Florida and spend the winter there. I also have a lot of American friends I get together with at international sporting events. Some of our American friends in our figure skating group are losing family.
Anything to scare the masses, lie to the public, push fear. Get the masses all worked up so they'll be begging to take some crap gates vaccine that can track you and will more than likely have all kinds of side effects. No thanks.
it's amazing to me how bill gates goes from a national hero and the like, to an evil man who wants to take over the world and kill us all.

are you believing the very hype you're admonishing? i worked for Gates for 15 years and at MS for 20. never once was i given a reason to doubt him or his goodwill towards others.

as of 2018, he had given away $36 BILLION in his own money to help others. yet conspiracy people run rampant shouting he's going to be the death of us all.

anyway - just funny to see someone saying the press / leadership is lying to the masses, yet where else but the press / leadership are you getting this info?

which is it?

Theres nothing funny about gates. He has given conferences and talks on reducing the world population, eugenics, etc. He also went to india a few years ago and vaccinated thousands of girls with HPV vaccine. A lot of them got sick and many died. These were girls 9-15 in age that needed no vaccine. This isnt hype dude. These are facts. You keep believing all the propaganda from the mainstream. I will not believe their lies.
please point out the conferences and quotes attributed to this. i can google, sure - but i want to see *your* points of reference.

and since i worked for and met the man, i don't believe i'm falling for the hype. you know, the same HYPE you're following to prove he's out to kill us. you are *STILL* screaming MEDIA LIES and then GATES SUCKS from info you garner FROM the MEDIA who LIES.

it's just such a strange way to process thought to me.

so - give me your specific examples of gates doing this so we're talking from the same vantage point and we'll go from there.

Yeah, he's part of the eugenics movement. He's just real subtle and disguises his antics and moves. So many people can't discern. Hopefully, thats not you.

whoah - you found a blogger to reference.

nice. how will honesty ever recover?

Oh I see, you need to be fed by the mainstream. Im out.
show me where i love the mainstream. any post will do.

look fucknut, i bitch out the mainstream DAILY. only - while i hate them, that doesn't mean i run to some assnuggetsucking blogger looking for your nuts. if they are a blogger opinion site they are no better than pogo in here and he's pretty much taken USELESS beyond reproach for any of us to ever reach again.

stop being a fucking extreme peckerhead and learn about the shades of gray between your fears and reality.

Aw yes, here comes the emotional tirade.
Anything to scare the masses, lie to the public, push fear. Get the masses all worked up so they'll be begging to take some crap gates vaccine that can track you and will more than likely have all kinds of side effects. No thanks.
it's amazing to me how bill gates goes from a national hero and the like, to an evil man who wants to take over the world and kill us all.

are you believing the very hype you're admonishing? i worked for Gates for 15 years and at MS for 20. never once was i given a reason to doubt him or his goodwill towards others.

as of 2018, he had given away $36 BILLION in his own money to help others. yet conspiracy people run rampant shouting he's going to be the death of us all.

anyway - just funny to see someone saying the press / leadership is lying to the masses, yet where else but the press / leadership are you getting this info?

which is it?

Theres nothing funny about gates. He has given conferences and talks on reducing the world population, eugenics, etc. He also went to india a few years ago and vaccinated thousands of girls with HPV vaccine. A lot of them got sick and many died. These were girls 9-15 in age that needed no vaccine. This isnt hype dude. These are facts. You keep believing all the propaganda from the mainstream. I will not believe their lies.
please point out the conferences and quotes attributed to this. i can google, sure - but i want to see *your* points of reference.

and since i worked for and met the man, i don't believe i'm falling for the hype. you know, the same HYPE you're following to prove he's out to kill us. you are *STILL* screaming MEDIA LIES and then GATES SUCKS from info you garner FROM the MEDIA who LIES.

it's just such a strange way to process thought to me.

so - give me your specific examples of gates doing this so we're talking from the same vantage point and we'll go from there.

Yeah, he's part of the eugenics movement. He's just real subtle and disguises his antics and moves. So many people can't discern. Hopefully, thats not you.

whoah - you found a blogger to reference.

nice. how will honesty ever recover?

Oh I see, you need to be fed by the mainstream. Im out.
show me where i love the mainstream. any post will do.

look fucknut, i bitch out the mainstream DAILY. only - while i hate them, that doesn't mean i run to some assnuggetsucking blogger looking for your nuts. if they are a blogger opinion site they are no better than pogo in here and he's pretty much taken USELESS beyond reproach for any of us to ever reach again.

stop being a fucking extreme peckerhead and learn about the shades of gray between your fears and reality.

Aw yes, here comes the emotional tirade.
so let's be clear before we move on - you refuse to stop being an extreme peckerhead?

got it. now please, move the fuck on.
4. The WHO screwed this up from the start, saying that "there was no human to human transmission". That was the major problem getting the response started, the WHO supported the China lies/coverup, "there was no pandemic".

An investigation into the actions of the WHO will bring to light more of Deadly Donnie's incompetence to lead this great nation.

Why don't you brag on Joe Biden instead of constantly whining about Trump with no proof of your claims?
Just think, 4-more years of Trump...glorious!!
4. The WHO screwed this up from the start, saying that "there was no human to human transmission". That was the major problem getting the response started, the WHO supported the China lies/coverup, "there was no pandemic".

An investigation into the actions of the WHO will bring to light more of Deadly Donnie's incompetence to lead this great nation.

Why don't you brag on Joe Biden instead of constantly whining about Trump with no proof of your claims?
Just think, 4-more years of Trump...glorious!!

The highest rate of infection and death in the the world is proof postive of Trump's utter incompetence in this pandemic.

That Trump is continuing to plan opening the economy on May 1st is proof positive that Trump does not have the first clue.

It’s a sad sullied orchestrated affair that has little to do with keeping Americans safe. It does have to do with monitoring how compliant Americans will be and how much freedom and constitutional, legal rights they will give up.
Not so fast, we're up to 25,000 deaths already and its only mid-April, and that's WITH "shutdown" mitigation measures. Without mitigation measures the outbreak cases would have been much higher, and NYC could NOT have handled the numbers because they barely handled the mitigated cases.

So I'm not blaming Fauci and Birx for the economic shutdown as long as we get the restart soon.
And so far this year, between 30k to 60k are estimated to have died because of the flu.

so? Almost 30k people in a month from COVID with extreme mitigation practices in place. I don’t see at all how your post is even the slightest bit relevant
Not so fast, we're up to 25,000 deaths already and its only mid-April, and that's WITH "shutdown" mitigation measures. Without mitigation measures the outbreak cases would have been much higher, and NYC could NOT have handled the numbers because they barely handled the mitigated cases.

So I'm not blaming Fauci and Birx for the economic shutdown as long as we get the restart soon.
And so far this year, between 30k to 60k are estimated to have died because of the flu.

so? Almost 30k people in a month from COVID with extreme mitigation practices in place. I don’t see at all how your post is even the slightest bit relevant
real #'s or the "put everything to covid deaths" many are being told? and given we still don't know how it's transmitted, any linking results to actions is premature at this point.
4. The WHO screwed this up from the start, saying that "there was no human to human transmission". That was the major problem getting the response started, the WHO supported the China lies/coverup, "there was no pandemic".

An investigation into the actions of the WHO will bring to light more of Deadly Donnie's incompetence to lead this great nation.

Why don't you brag on Joe Biden instead of constantly whining about Trump with no proof of your claims?
Just think, 4-more years of Trump...glorious!!

The highest rate of infection and death in the the world is proof postive of Trump's utter incompetence in this pandemic.

That Trump is continuing to plan opening the economy on May 1st is proof positive that Trump does not have the first clue.

1. The highest "rate" of infection and death in the world is NOT the US, its Spain, see chart on my Post #60. (Rate means per unit, in this case of population)
2. Look at the other countries opening their economies next week before you criticize Trump. Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, Denmark, France, et.al.
3. If you can't handle a discussion with facts, please just whine, name call and such, otherwise you just look silly spewing lie after lie after lie.
Not so fast, we're up to 25,000 deaths already and its only mid-April, and that's WITH "shutdown" mitigation measures. Without mitigation measures the outbreak cases would have been much higher, and NYC could NOT have handled the numbers because they barely handled the mitigated cases.

So I'm not blaming Fauci and Birx for the economic shutdown as long as we get the restart soon.

This "blame game" where Trump and his cultists trying to convince voters that what is happening RIGHT NOW, is not Trump's fault in any way, is both useless and pointless at this stage.

First off, the level of illness and death in the USA right now falls directly onto Trump's desk because he wasted three months doing nothing to plan or prepare for this virus. The only way to deflect blame is to lie about what Trump did and did not do, and that's very unhealthy at a time when Trump needs people to believe what he's telling them.

But the MOST important reason why the deflect blame PR game is such a bad idea is that 30,000 people have died, and people continue to die at the rate of more than 2000 per day. Your rate of infection is also rising, and the USA is singular among the countries in the world in the rapid rate of infection and death. Your country is in mourning, and in shock from everything that has happened. To have Donald Trump go on TV every day and say "This is not my fault" and "I have saved thousands of lives", when everything we see and hear says otherwise, isn't helpful to anyone.

Stop the sickness, stop the death, show empathy for the suffering of others, and stop talking about getting the economy restarted right away. Unless and until you have this disease under control, you're in no position to point fingers and attack others, nor should you.

The bald fact is that the USA is now a national parriah due to this pandemic. No one will be going in or out of the USA for months. And your economic structures for health care and labour, are not condusive to Americans getting this infections under control. The people most likely to get the virus, and die from it, are the ones least likely to have health insurance or to stay home if they're sick. And as long as there is no vaccine, and limited testing, you will NEVER be able to re-open your economy, in any meaningful way.
1. You have no credible links supporting your claims, so I can just call bullshit and end the post.
2. Here is a timeline on Trump's response to COVID, he shutdown travel the same month it became known
3. The medical experts predicted 2.2m US deaths w/o mitigation, then they predicted 100,000 to 240,000 deaths with mitigation, and now its 60,000 deaths, less than the regular flu, so the Trump admin did a terrific job keeping US deaths so low, especially compared to the EU, who has 3x the US dead based on equal populations.
4. The WHO screwed this up from the start, saying that "there was no human to human transmission". That was the major problem getting the response started, the WHO supported the China lies/coverup, "there was no pandemic".
5. We can lose tourism for a few months until there is a vaccine, no biggie. We need to get our restaurants back up and running, as well as most folks back to work, that is getting ready to start now. The US is not monolithically affected by COVID. The NYC area got most of it, the rest of the country not so much. The US healthcare system is the best in the world, by far. The ones most affected, i.e. likely to die, are over 80 and are covered by Medicare. The vaccines and therapies are being tested now.
The testing capacity is ramping up US Historical Data
6. The US economy will be restarted state-by-state with mitigation measures, starting soon. By June 1st the economy should be almost back to normal, except for large crowds, like at baseball games, concerts, and such.

So your negative post has nothing to do with reality. Be more positive and stay safe.
Repeating tRump's lies doesn't turn them into facts.
What lies?
Show me the unvarnished truth from a credible source.
I purposley linked to AlJazeera, so that no one would say its a Trump friendly site?!
Maybe its just the Truth that you find inconvenient? I can provide credible sources for all of my factoids.
Let's just start with 1.

What did the tRump administration do to keep.deaths lower?
Banned travel from China while Nazi Pelousy was going to Chinatown and telling everyone to come on down.
4. The WHO screwed this up from the start, saying that "there was no human to human transmission". That was the major problem getting the response started, the WHO supported the China lies/coverup, "there was no pandemic".

An investigation into the actions of the WHO will bring to light more of Deadly Donnie's incompetence to lead this great nation.

Why don't you brag on Joe Biden instead of constantly whining about Trump with no proof of your claims?
Just think, 4-more years of Trump...glorious!!

The highest rate of infection and death in the the world is proof postive of Trump's utter incompetence in this pandemic.

That Trump is continuing to plan opening the economy on May 1st is proof positive that Trump does not have the first clue.

The highest rate of infection and death in the the world is proof postive of Trump's utter incompetence in this pandemic.

Good Lord, how stupid are you? Do you really think such a blatant lie won't get exposed? You are nowhere near the truth, liar.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths

Coronavirus (COVID-19) U.S. Deaths

CountryDeathsDeaths /
1M pop
Confirmed Case
Fatality Rate
Confirmed Cases /
1M pop
Seasonal Flu Deaths1
(CDC/WHO 2017)
Total Global Deaths132,951---2,053,279---
United States27,60584.4+1,5583,163,054623,6944.43%1,906.340,905
United Kingdom12,868193.5+761398,91698,47613.07%1,481.113,879
South Korea2254.3+3534,55210,5912.12%204.57,146
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