Pelosi: Ignore President Trump - Listen To Scientists


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Yeah, how's that working out?

China's scientists were telling the WHO and the world, 'Nothing to see here - everything is fine' weeks after they knew that the deadly Coronavirus-Ebola-MERS lab experiment leaked and was being spread around the world on international flights right out of Huwan, the epicenter of the outbreak.

The WHO scientists were echoing China's talking points, telling the world 'There is nothing to see here - small viral outbreak - China has it all contained' despite the fact they knew what was going on, as exposed through the cables Taiwan released, exposing the WHO was acting as China's paid 'mouthpiece' .

WHO scientists were telling the world NOT to close its borders and institute travel bans to attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19....while the President was already moving to impose the life-saving China Travel Ban.

Joe Biden, and his unblemished record of being wrong on every foreign policy decision in his life, led the Liberal / Democrat / snowflake opposition to the travel ban and the attacks against the President for imposing one.
- While calling the President a Xenophobe for executing a decision that now call 'the right thing to do' and one that should have been made sooner - despite their opposition against it at the time, Biden, Democrats, and snowflakes parroted the WHO's deadly propaganda that all was fine and there was no need to close borders / impose travel bans.

While the President was ahead of the curve, Democrats were telling people to go about their daily lives, herd in large numbers, ride the subways, flock to China Town, and to ignore the 'fear-mongering' President...

Nancy Pelosi promised the country she would not go forward with Impeachment unless she had overwhelming evidence and bipartisanship. She proceeded with neither and led an admitted political Impeachment of a President based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
....while the epidemic in China was growing into a Pandemic...and the House never had one single Intel meeting or otherwise to discuss what was going on in China.

Nancy Pelosi told Americans to listen to the scientists and ignore the President, telling them to gather in large numbers, use public transportation, and to engage in just about everything guaranteed to spread the virus faster and farther.

....and she's still telling anyone who will listen that the President is the one who has been wrong all along, the one they should not be listening to...without giving anyone 1 single reason they should be listening to HER.

Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Yeah, how's that working out?

China's scientists were telling the WHO and the world, 'Nothing to see here - everything is fine' weeks after they knew that the deadly Coronavirus-Ebola-MERS lab experiment leaked and was being spread around the world on international flights right out of Huwan, the epicenter of the outbreak.

The WHO scientists were echoing China's talking points, telling the world 'There is nothing to see here - small viral outbreak - China has it all contained' despite the fact they knew what was going on, as exposed through the cables Taiwan released, exposing the WHO was acting as China's paid 'mouthpiece' .

WHO scientists were telling the world NOT to close its borders and institute travel bans to attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19....while the President was already moving to impose the life-saving China Travel Ban.

Joe Biden, and his unblemished record of being wrong on every foreign policy decision in his life, led the Liberal / Democrat / snowflake opposition to the travel ban and the attacks against the President for imposing one.
- While calling the President a Xenophobe for executing a decision that now call 'the right thing to do' and one that should have been made sooner - despite their opposition against it at the time, Biden, Democrats, and snowflakes parroted the WHO's deadly propaganda that all was fine and there was no need to close borders / impose travel bans.

While the President was ahead of the curve, Democrats were telling people to go about their daily lives, herd in large numbers, ride the subways, flock to China Town, and to ignore the 'fear-mongering' President...

Nancy Pelosi promised the country she would not go forward with Impeachment unless she had overwhelming evidence and bipartisanship. She proceeded with neither and led an admitted political Impeachment of a President based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
....while the epidemic in China was growing into a Pandemic...and the House never had one single Intel meeting or otherwise to discuss what was going on in China.

Nancy Pelosi told Americans to listen to the scientists and ignore the President, telling them to gather in large numbers, use public transportation, and to engage in just about everything guaranteed to spread the virus faster and farther.

....and she's still telling anyone who will listen that the President is the one who has been wrong all along, the one they should not be listening to...without giving anyone 1 single reason they should be listening to HER.


There are few people on this planet I might guiltlessly wish harm to fall upon.

She is one.
Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Yeah, how's that working out?

China's scientists were telling the WHO and the world, 'Nothing to see here - everything is fine' weeks after they knew that the deadly Coronavirus-Ebola-MERS lab experiment leaked and was being spread around the world on international flights right out of Huwan, the epicenter of the outbreak.

The WHO scientists were echoing China's talking points, telling the world 'There is nothing to see here - small viral outbreak - China has it all contained' despite the fact they knew what was going on, as exposed through the cables Taiwan released, exposing the WHO was acting as China's paid 'mouthpiece' .

WHO scientists were telling the world NOT to close its borders and institute travel bans to attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19....while the President was already moving to impose the life-saving China Travel Ban.

Joe Biden, and his unblemished record of being wrong on every foreign policy decision in his life, led the Liberal / Democrat / snowflake opposition to the travel ban and the attacks against the President for imposing one.
- While calling the President a Xenophobe for executing a decision that now call 'the right thing to do' and one that should have been made sooner - despite their opposition against it at the time, Biden, Democrats, and snowflakes parroted the WHO's deadly propaganda that all was fine and there was no need to close borders / impose travel bans.

While the President was ahead of the curve, Democrats were telling people to go about their daily lives, herd in large numbers, ride the subways, flock to China Town, and to ignore the 'fear-mongering' President...

Nancy Pelosi promised the country she would not go forward with Impeachment unless she had overwhelming evidence and bipartisanship. She proceeded with neither and led an admitted political Impeachment of a President based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
....while the epidemic in China was growing into a Pandemic...and the House never had one single Intel meeting or otherwise to discuss what was going on in China.

Nancy Pelosi told Americans to listen to the scientists and ignore the President, telling them to gather in large numbers, use public transportation, and to engage in just about everything guaranteed to spread the virus faster and farther.

....and she's still telling anyone who will listen that the President is the one who has been wrong all along, the one they should not be listening to...without giving anyone 1 single reason they should be listening to HER.


There are few people on this planet I might guiltlessly wish harm to fall upon.

She is one.
She's sort of the female version of Biden...both stupid, politically motivated, elitists, dementia-suffering, and about wrong on everything.
She is right listen to the scientists and not to tramp. Tramp only know how to sue and bankrupt his companies.


someone woke up grumpy and needs to go take a nap.
On one hand we have a politically motivated narcissist who lies on a regular basis

And on the other we have dedicated professionals (many of whom are risking their lives and their health)'

I'll go with the scientists...yes...all day long
Pelosi knows nothing about "science". Like most Democrats, they only used the word "science" because it makes them sound a little smarter than a box of rocks.

If Pelosi knew anything about "science", she would understand that no amount of Botox or cosmetic surgery could make her look attractive.

If she knew anything about "science", she'd know that no amount of surgical mutilation of the genitalia can turn a man into a woman.
Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Yeah, how's that working out?

China's scientists were telling the WHO and the world, 'Nothing to see here - everything is fine' weeks after they knew that the deadly Coronavirus-Ebola-MERS lab experiment leaked and was being spread around the world on international flights right out of Huwan, the epicenter of the outbreak.

The WHO scientists were echoing China's talking points, telling the world 'There is nothing to see here - small viral outbreak - China has it all contained' despite the fact they knew what was going on, as exposed through the cables Taiwan released, exposing the WHO was acting as China's paid 'mouthpiece' .

WHO scientists were telling the world NOT to close its borders and institute travel bans to attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19....while the President was already moving to impose the life-saving China Travel Ban.

Joe Biden, and his unblemished record of being wrong on every foreign policy decision in his life, led the Liberal / Democrat / snowflake opposition to the travel ban and the attacks against the President for imposing one.
- While calling the President a Xenophobe for executing a decision that now call 'the right thing to do' and one that should have been made sooner - despite their opposition against it at the time, Biden, Democrats, and snowflakes parroted the WHO's deadly propaganda that all was fine and there was no need to close borders / impose travel bans.

While the President was ahead of the curve, Democrats were telling people to go about their daily lives, herd in large numbers, ride the subways, flock to China Town, and to ignore the 'fear-mongering' President...

Nancy Pelosi promised the country she would not go forward with Impeachment unless she had overwhelming evidence and bipartisanship. She proceeded with neither and led an admitted political Impeachment of a President based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
....while the epidemic in China was growing into a Pandemic...and the House never had one single Intel meeting or otherwise to discuss what was going on in China.

Nancy Pelosi told Americans to listen to the scientists and ignore the President, telling them to gather in large numbers, use public transportation, and to engage in just about everything guaranteed to spread the virus faster and farther.

....and she's still telling anyone who will listen that the President is the one who has been wrong all along, the one they should not be listening to...without giving anyone 1 single reason they should be listening to HER.


There are few people on this planet I might guiltlessly wish harm to fall upon.

She is one.
She's sort of the female version of Biden...both stupid, politically motivated, elitists, dementia-suffering, and about wrong on everything.

She's an enemy of the United States, and evil personified in that role.
Nancy was told by the new D leader, AOC, that she needed to proceed with impeachment so they could pursue their wish list including, the green deal, medicare for all, free college, debt forgiveness, reparations, open borders, sanctuary cities, clearing out our prisons and various other things not one of which we could afford. Now that we had to burn another 2 1/2 trillion and climbing to rescue our economy from COVID19, the Democratic wish list has become an idiots wet dream. But that's still their platform and that includes the sniffer.
Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Yeah, how's that working out?

China's scientists were telling the WHO and the world, 'Nothing to see here - everything is fine' weeks after they knew that the deadly Coronavirus-Ebola-MERS lab experiment leaked and was being spread around the world on international flights right out of Huwan, the epicenter of the outbreak.

The WHO scientists were echoing China's talking points, telling the world 'There is nothing to see here - small viral outbreak - China has it all contained' despite the fact they knew what was going on, as exposed through the cables Taiwan released, exposing the WHO was acting as China's paid 'mouthpiece' .

WHO scientists were telling the world NOT to close its borders and institute travel bans to attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19....while the President was already moving to impose the life-saving China Travel Ban.

Joe Biden, and his unblemished record of being wrong on every foreign policy decision in his life, led the Liberal / Democrat / snowflake opposition to the travel ban and the attacks against the President for imposing one.
- While calling the President a Xenophobe for executing a decision that now call 'the right thing to do' and one that should have been made sooner - despite their opposition against it at the time, Biden, Democrats, and snowflakes parroted the WHO's deadly propaganda that all was fine and there was no need to close borders / impose travel bans.

While the President was ahead of the curve, Democrats were telling people to go about their daily lives, herd in large numbers, ride the subways, flock to China Town, and to ignore the 'fear-mongering' President...

Nancy Pelosi promised the country she would not go forward with Impeachment unless she had overwhelming evidence and bipartisanship. She proceeded with neither and led an admitted political Impeachment of a President based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
....while the epidemic in China was growing into a Pandemic...and the House never had one single Intel meeting or otherwise to discuss what was going on in China.

Nancy Pelosi told Americans to listen to the scientists and ignore the President, telling them to gather in large numbers, use public transportation, and to engage in just about everything guaranteed to spread the virus faster and farther.

....and she's still telling anyone who will listen that the President is the one who has been wrong all along, the one they should not be listening to...without giving anyone 1 single reason they should be listening to HER.

Ignoring presidents is my standard operating procedure.
Smart. Particularly important with this one, especially now. Some people are useless in a crises.
Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Yeah, how's that working out?

China's scientists were telling the WHO and the world, 'Nothing to see here - everything is fine' weeks after they knew that the deadly Coronavirus-Ebola-MERS lab experiment leaked and was being spread around the world on international flights right out of Huwan, the epicenter of the outbreak.

The WHO scientists were echoing China's talking points, telling the world 'There is nothing to see here - small viral outbreak - China has it all contained' despite the fact they knew what was going on, as exposed through the cables Taiwan released, exposing the WHO was acting as China's paid 'mouthpiece' .

WHO scientists were telling the world NOT to close its borders and institute travel bans to attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19....while the President was already moving to impose the life-saving China Travel Ban.

Joe Biden, and his unblemished record of being wrong on every foreign policy decision in his life, led the Liberal / Democrat / snowflake opposition to the travel ban and the attacks against the President for imposing one.
- While calling the President a Xenophobe for executing a decision that now call 'the right thing to do' and one that should have been made sooner - despite their opposition against it at the time, Biden, Democrats, and snowflakes parroted the WHO's deadly propaganda that all was fine and there was no need to close borders / impose travel bans.

While the President was ahead of the curve, Democrats were telling people to go about their daily lives, herd in large numbers, ride the subways, flock to China Town, and to ignore the 'fear-mongering' President...

Nancy Pelosi promised the country she would not go forward with Impeachment unless she had overwhelming evidence and bipartisanship. She proceeded with neither and led an admitted political Impeachment of a President based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
....while the epidemic in China was growing into a Pandemic...and the House never had one single Intel meeting or otherwise to discuss what was going on in China.

Nancy Pelosi told Americans to listen to the scientists and ignore the President, telling them to gather in large numbers, use public transportation, and to engage in just about everything guaranteed to spread the virus faster and farther.

....and she's still telling anyone who will listen that the President is the one who has been wrong all along, the one they should not be listening to...without giving anyone 1 single reason they should be listening to HER.


There are few people on this planet I might guiltlessly wish harm to fall upon.

She is one.
She's devoted to the time when the Constitution becomes her toilet paper. It's up to us to stop her and her cronies from totally smarming everyone else with the assistance of her attack dogs of the press who obey whatever turns up on the morning sheet known as Democrat talking points. Instead of helping the American people with facts, this press has sunk hard for the Deep State agenda to oust this Republic and bring in the murderous habits of socialists once they have acquired power. Suddenly their "peace'n'sex'n'love' bullshit is replaced by a voice similar to predators such as Maxine Waters and Rashida Tlaib with words that used to embarrass even sailors, and meanings the likes of which hundreds of thousands of people killed under a combined force of dissidents guided by the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and others who took advantage of WWII to murder inconvenient people, often conservative, who did not lockstep into their world of deception and its lethal practices.
I concluded years ago that the moron in the Oval Office was not worth listening to. He has nothing to say except that he is a wonderful genius and hates the Democratic Party.
Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists

Yeah, how's that working out?

China's scientists were telling the WHO and the world, 'Nothing to see here - everything is fine' weeks after they knew that the deadly Coronavirus-Ebola-MERS lab experiment leaked and was being spread around the world on international flights right out of Huwan, the epicenter of the outbreak.

The WHO scientists were echoing China's talking points, telling the world 'There is nothing to see here - small viral outbreak - China has it all contained' despite the fact they knew what was going on, as exposed through the cables Taiwan released, exposing the WHO was acting as China's paid 'mouthpiece' .

WHO scientists were telling the world NOT to close its borders and institute travel bans to attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19....while the President was already moving to impose the life-saving China Travel Ban.

Joe Biden, and his unblemished record of being wrong on every foreign policy decision in his life, led the Liberal / Democrat / snowflake opposition to the travel ban and the attacks against the President for imposing one.
- While calling the President a Xenophobe for executing a decision that now call 'the right thing to do' and one that should have been made sooner - despite their opposition against it at the time, Biden, Democrats, and snowflakes parroted the WHO's deadly propaganda that all was fine and there was no need to close borders / impose travel bans.

While the President was ahead of the curve, Democrats were telling people to go about their daily lives, herd in large numbers, ride the subways, flock to China Town, and to ignore the 'fear-mongering' President...

Nancy Pelosi promised the country she would not go forward with Impeachment unless she had overwhelming evidence and bipartisanship. She proceeded with neither and led an admitted political Impeachment of a President based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
....while the epidemic in China was growing into a Pandemic...and the House never had one single Intel meeting or otherwise to discuss what was going on in China.

Nancy Pelosi told Americans to listen to the scientists and ignore the President, telling them to gather in large numbers, use public transportation, and to engage in just about everything guaranteed to spread the virus faster and farther.

....and she's still telling anyone who will listen that the President is the one who has been wrong all along, the one they should not be listening to...without giving anyone 1 single reason they should be listening to HER.

dOnald tRump was telling us "nothing to see here" far longer than WHO or even the Chinese government.

Your straw man is small and poorly constructed.

Try again.

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