Downloading music for free is good for music


Active Member
Jan 26, 2007
Take away album and single sales then all musicians have left to make money from is playing live. Therfore the only bands that will be succesfull are the ones that can accually play instruments and put on a good show.
Direct Internet downloads from a Bands official site is a good way for them to make money and cut out the Middle Man (Record Companies).
Take away album and single sales then all musicians have left to make money from is playing live. Therfore the only bands that will be succesfull are the ones that can accually play instruments and put on a good show.

You make no sense.
Direct Internet downloads from a Bands official site is a good way for them to make money and cut out the Middle Man (Record Companies).

this preferable, but you dont know if the record companies still take a cut, they could be contracted (probably are contracted) to give a cut of all sales, regardless.
Take away album and single sales then all musicians have left to make money from is playing live. Therfore the only bands that will be succesfull are the ones that can accually play instruments and put on a good show.

You make no sense.

ah bless, let me make it more simple for you then, NO PLAY NO PAY.
Take away album and single sales then all musicians have left to make money from is playing live. Therfore the only bands that will be succesfull are the ones that can accually play instruments and put on a good show.

You make no sense.

Not really. He's just trying to justify being a thief.

I don't think there is anything wrong with illegal downloading, as long as you buy the album or single if you like it.
I downloaded a couple of songs from a few bands that were recommended to me, and when I did, I loved them so much I bought all their albums and music DVD's. Well worth that choice to download their music without paying.
You make no sense.

Not really. He's just trying to justify being a thief.

I don't think there is anything wrong with illegal downloading, as long as you buy the album or single if you like it.
I downloaded a couple of songs from a few bands that were recommended to me, and when I did, I loved them so much I bought all their albums and music DVD's. Well worth that choice to download their music without paying.

its not stealing to copy music and share it with others, I know the law has been writen as such but its only to maintain a dying industry.
My point is, its good for music in the long term to get your music for free. as the cream will rise to the top. and we will get a better quality of music in the mainstream.
If you get it for free, the artist doesn't get paid though, and they can't be touring all the time.
If you get it for free, the artist doesn't get paid though, and they can't be touring all the time.

boo hoo, they get paid a ton of money on tour, enough to see them through, so your argument is they might have to accually work for there money and extremly priveliged possistion, when there's about a sqillion other people trying to get to the same possition I do not have one once of sympathy.
Not really. He's just trying to justify being a thief.

I don't think there is anything wrong with illegal downloading, as long as you buy the album or single if you like it.
I downloaded a couple of songs from a few bands that were recommended to me, and when I did, I loved them so much I bought all their albums and music DVD's. Well worth that choice to download their music without paying.

its not stealing to copy music and share it with others, I know the law has been writen as such but its only to maintain a dying industry.
My point is, its good for music in the long term to get your music for free. as the cream will rise to the top. and we will get a better quality of music in the mainstream.

yes. it is stealing.
its not stealing, its sharing. you have not taken anything from anyone that person will not miss what you have gained, you have been given a copy buy someone who wished to give it. just like tapes in the 80's, imagine the police going around arresting everyone for having mix tape. Im amazed that your've all been so succesfully conditioned over the last 10 or so years to accept copying and sharing as stealing. you are obviously very maluble people.
Radio New Zealand : News : National : First person fined under copyright laws

woman has been fined more than $600 for illegally downloading music in the first successful case under the new anti-piracy law.
The Copyright Amendment Act says anyone who receives three warnings for pirating music can be fined up to 15-thousand dollars.
The woman was twice warned for downloading Man Down by Rihanna, and once for downloading Tonight Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae.
She claimed she did not know it was illegal to download the first song and that no one in her house downloaded the second.
The Copyright Tribunal found in favour of the Recording Industry Association and fined the woman $6.57 cents for the two songs.
It added $360 as a deterrent and $250 to cover some of the association's costs.
Recording Industry Association managing director Chris Caddick says the ruling sends a clear message that illegal downloading has consequences.
Mr Caddick says 11 other cases are before the Copyright Tribunal and 6000 warning notices have been sent out.

I think it depends on the law of the land regarding first, second and third party copyright laws.

To simply say it's stealing without additional context is as vacuous as saying it's not stealing.

If you get it for free, the artist doesn't get paid though, and they can't be touring all the time.

boo hoo, they get paid a ton of money on tour, enough to see them through, so your argument is they might have to accually work for there money and extremly priveliged possistion, when there's about a sqillion other people trying to get to the same possition I do not have one once of sympathy.

You don't think a lot of work goes into recording that album they release? You think they should just spend time recording and hand you that album for free?

Get real. I have no issue with downloading a few songs to see if you like the artist or not, but if you do, buy the fucking album, you selfish twat.
its not stealing, its sharing. you have not taken anything from anyone that person will not miss what you have gained, you have been given a copy buy someone who wished to give it. just like tapes in the 80's, imagine the police going around arresting everyone for having mix tape. Im amazed that your've all been so succesfully conditioned over the last 10 or so years to accept copying and sharing as stealing. you are obviously very maluble people.

But when you download it, you haven't shared it with anyone yet. You have taken it, with the intention of sharing it.

You don't get it, do you?

I freely admit to illegally downloading a number of songs. But those songs I liked, and I have spent close to a thousand dollars on their albums, singles, and music DVD's. I have more than made up for my downloading, and those bands are making money from me, and from other people whom I recommend the band to.

You just want to take, take, and take some more. If I was more computer savvy, I'd try and get your IP address and fucking report you.

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