DOW down 537 points confidence in lame duck admin

Iran isn't dumping oil, it's Saudi Arabia.


Yeah they are....or soon will be.

Glutted oil market faces new flood from Iran | The Times
That's good you idiot.

Stop bothering me troll, you're an economic illiterate who is supporting an economic illiterate...that and your middle school comments are a bore

I correct your mistakes and you call me a troll. That's really lame.

Ignored....troll. See you were not nearly as important as you thought. Bye
Iran isn't dumping oil, it's Saudi Arabia.


Yeah they are....or soon will be.

Glutted oil market faces new flood from Iran | The Times
That's good you idiot.

Stop bothering me troll, you're an economic illiterate who is supporting an economic illiterate...that and your middle school comments are a bore

I correct your mistakes and you call me a troll. That's really lame.

Ignored....troll. See you were not nearly as important as you thought. Bye

Even more lame.

Bernie Sanders for president.
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Huh? But for 7 years you guys told us Obama and his policies had nothing to do with the stock market. Is the U.S. the only country that made a deal with Iran?

If you want to blame Bush for 2007 and credit Obama for the last seven years you have to blame him for this. It's a massacre
Bush is a to blame for a hell of a lot more than 2007. And a "massacre?" Good grief.

You're obviously not a trader nor an economist. You're dismissed
You don't understand basic economics, young lady. You have demonstrated that over and over. :lol:
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The fed has been artificially inflating the market. That only works for so long. A correction has been way past due.
and if we are not knee jerkers and hold steady with our stocks and buy more bargains, us little guys will be okay...

except maybe those close to retirement....will have less time to recover and then benefit.
Watching gassy get batted back and forth is fun.

If it is another great recession, Sanders will beat HRC, make Warren his partner, and beat the hell out of Trump or Cruz or Rubio. He will pin it all on a do nothing GOP Congress.

He will out do FDR.
I'm convinced that there is a disconnect between the stock market and the consumer economy. Perhaps stock market numbers have been inflate.
Cheap energy means people in the real world have more money to spend and that spending creates demand which necessitates productivity which creates jobs and the entire thing expands like a snowball. Why the stock market doesn't correspond is beyond me. So I don't give it much worry.
Obama did drive energy prices up which did hurt us real consumers in the real economy. With cheap oil I expect a good ripple effect.
The fed has been artificially inflating the market. That only works for so long. A correction has been way past due.
and if we are not knee jerkers and hold steady with our stocks and buy more bargains, us little guys will be okay...

except maybe those close to retirement....will have less time to recover and then benefit.
The fed has been artificially inflating the market. That only works for so long. A correction has been way past due.
and if we are not knee jerkers and hold steady with our stocks and buy more bargains, us little guys will be okay...

except maybe those close to retirement....will have less time to recover and then benefit.
Partial disagreement in that I think capitulation will be much lower than anyone not in cash can stomach. Good post.
The big problem is that the looting of ghost cities, empty buildings and abandoned factories in China is probably running out of steam and that is about the only possible source of the stealth investment that has powered the recovery for the last year or two. Prior to that capital flight mostly from China was the motor.
Iran isn't dumping oil, it's Saudi Arabia.

And don't expect them to stop untill one of the following happens:

1. US Shale and Fracking Industries are completely destroyed.
2. Saudi Leadership is overthrown.

The Saudis aren't our friends.
I'm not certain the Saudis are trying to bust our shale industry.... I think they are trying to hurt Iran and Russia etc. perhaps, and the rest of the world's oil industries are just collateral damage...

As much as the Saudi's have lost due to the dumping, is way way more than the emerging shale industry would harm them over the next 20 years....
They are trying to bust our shale industry. Believe it.

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