Dont wait til 2014 to understand ObamaCare

If our healthcare system collapses I'll blame Obama and congress.
If funding for cancer research goes down I'll blame Obama and congress.

What about if a giant meteorite crashes into the National Football Hall of Fame? Will Obama get part of the blame for that?
Blame conservatives. Most are low-effort thinkers who vote for the candidate who panders, who serves them ideas which are easy to believe rather than those which are hard to understand regardless of how much more valuable are the latter than the former.

Really? Conservatives are responsible for the sorry mess of PPACA? Not the reps who voted for it?

Substantially, yes. Had not they shown themselves so willing to obstruct and obfuscate, we could have gotten a far better solution to our health care access problem. Note, though, I'm not blaming this only on Republicans. Conservative Democrats are as much to blame as the Republicans.

Well, I've heard some really lame excuses, but that one pushes the envelope. The ONLY people to blame for PPACA are those who voted for it.
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