Don't Visit Sanctuary Cities/Counties/States


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Sanctuary cities are all over the USA. And they aren't always cities. There are sanctuary counties and states as well. In fact, my own county, Hillsborough, in Florida, is a sanctuary county. Whether the new bill to refuse federal funding to sanctuary cities passes or not, we citizens can enact our own brand of punishment to sanctuary cities.

When we go on vacations, we can choose where to go (and spend our money) by whether the location has a sanctuary status. At the bottom of this text are 2 links to lists of sanctuary locations (cities, counties, states). When going traveling within the US, we can check these lists, and if a place being considered is on it, don't go there. Make them pay for their irresponsible behavior. Don't contribute to the sanctuary practice by supporting them with your vacation money. There's plenty of nice places to visit in America that are NOT sanctuary locations (and a lot safer too).

Note: There are locations listed on one link and not on the other, so for a more complete assessment, check BOTH links.

Sanctuary city sanctuary sanctuary cities sanctuary city list list of sanctuary cities list Ohio jobs OJJPAC justice illegal alien immigration amnesty undocumented ICE NYC IIRIRA Huston Chicago Phoenix Steve Salvi

Map Sanctuary Cities Counties and States Center for Immigration Studies
I'll go where ever I want. If I judged where I spent my time and money based on the other entity's politics I'd never leave my house.
I'll go where ever I want. If I judged where I spent my time and money based on the other entity's politics I'd never leave my house.

And if we travelled according to the paranoiacs on boards like this we'd all be living in underground bunkers.

I looked at the list. Figured a graphic representation would be useful, so here it is translated to a map. Places to avoid in red:


Looks like you're pretty safe in northeastern Nevada. :thup:
Sanctuary cities are all over the USA. And they aren't always cities. There are sanctuary counties and states as well. In fact, my own county, Hillsborough, in Florida, is a sanctuary county. Whether the new bill to refuse federal funding to sanctuary cities passes or not, we citizens can enact our own brand of punishment to sanctuary cities.

When we go on vacations, we can choose where to go (and spend our money) by whether the location has a sanctuary status. At the bottom of this text are 2 links to lists of sanctuary locations (cities, counties, states). When going traveling within the US, we can check these lists, and if a place being considered is on it, don't go there. Make them pay for their irresponsible behavior. Don't contribute to the sanctuary practice by supporting them with your vacation money. There's plenty of nice places to visit in America that are NOT sanctuary locations (and a lot safer too).

Note: There are locations listed on one link and not on the other, so for a more complete assessment, check BOTH links.

Sanctuary city sanctuary sanctuary cities sanctuary city list list of sanctuary cities list Ohio jobs OJJPAC justice illegal alien immigration amnesty undocumented ICE NYC IIRIRA Huston Chicago Phoenix Steve Salvi

Map Sanctuary Cities Counties and States Center for Immigration Studies

The absence of racist morons is a positive, not a negative, to any city.
I'll go where ever I want. If I judged where I spent my time and money based on the other entity's politics I'd never leave my house.
So you think there isn't ANY place in America you could go to escape the other entity's politics ? Well of course there is. About a half hour on the computer could probably do it.
I looked at the list. Figured a graphic representation would be useful, so here it is translated to a map. Places to avoid in red:


Looks like you're pretty safe in northeastern Nevada. :thup:
Avoid them why ?
I'll go where ever I want. If I judged where I spent my time and money based on the other entity's politics I'd never leave my house.

And if we travelled according to the paranoiacs on boards like this we'd all be living in underground bunkers.

I looked at the list. Figured a graphic representation would be useful, so here it is translated to a map. Places to avoid in red:


Looks like you're pretty safe in northeastern Nevada. :thup:
Avoid them why ?

Hey, it's your idea, why don't you tell us?
Better yet, tell us where you live, and we'll steer clear.
If you're an illegal alien invader, (as I suspect you might be), you'd BETTER steer clear. Better yet, steer yourself right back to that country you came from.
can we assume that san fran just lost their summer tourist season? now who is going to feed all of those sea cows???
I never heard of a sea cow, and I used to go to San Francisco seaports quite often. As for what you can assume, you have my permission to assume whatever you like. Not my problem.
Better yet, tell us where you live, and we'll steer clear.
If you're an illegal alien invader, (as I suspect you might be), you'd BETTER steer clear. Better yet, steer yourself right back to that country you came from.
Us Indians have been saying the same for centuries....
well looks like those who were planning to jump off the bridge, wont even have to contemplate it, just go to a pier, or just go fishing.
Hey, it's your idea, why don't you tell us?
No, it's not my idea to avoid the places you showed on a map, marked in red. I don't even know what they are supposed to represent, or the hell you're talking about, and I suspect you don't either.
well looks like those who were planning to jump off the bridge, wont even have to contemplate it, just go to a pier, or just go fishing.
Yup. And wait for a sanctuary city protected illegal alien to come along, and shoot you in the back. Bingo!
i just drove back from Sarasota and its keys, u cant be any safer! i have to go back there someday.
Sanctuary cities are all over the USA. And they aren't always cities. There are sanctuary counties and states as well. In fact, my own county, Hillsborough, in Florida, is a sanctuary county. Whether the new bill to refuse federal funding to sanctuary cities passes or not, we citizens can enact our own brand of punishment to sanctuary cities.

When we go on vacations, we can choose where to go (and spend our money) by whether the location has a sanctuary status. At the bottom of this text are 2 links to lists of sanctuary locations (cities, counties, states). When going traveling within the US, we can check these lists, and if a place being considered is on it, don't go there. Make them pay for their irresponsible behavior. Don't contribute to the sanctuary practice by supporting them with your vacation money. There's plenty of nice places to visit in America that are NOT sanctuary locations (and a lot safer too).

Note: There are locations listed on one link and not on the other, so for a more complete assessment, check BOTH links.

Sanctuary city sanctuary sanctuary cities sanctuary city list list of sanctuary cities list Ohio jobs OJJPAC justice illegal alien immigration amnesty undocumented ICE NYC IIRIRA Huston Chicago Phoenix Steve Salvi

Map Sanctuary Cities Counties and States Center for Immigration Studies

The absence of racist morons is a positive, not a negative, to any city.

What is racist about requiring immigrants to sign the guest book and come through the front door?

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