"Don't Panic!"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Nods to Douglas Adams, you are missed.

Regarding the recent announcement by the World Health Organization that processed meat, bacon, and hotdogs cause cancer, be sure you listen closely to what they said. They did not say, 'if you eat these things you'll get cancer.' They said if you eat these things your CHANCE of getting cancer goes up some amount.

That does not mean though that if you eat those things you have a +18% (or whatever it was) chance of getting cancer. Everyone has some baseline chance of developing cancer based on their genes. The +18% is related to this base chance. So if you have a 2% chance of getting cancer at some point you now have a 2.36% chance if you eat those things.

They're cooking the numbers to make miniscule chances seem much larger.

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