Don’t Kid Yourself, We’re All Subsidizing The Abortion Industry


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"There was a time, you’ll probably remember, when contending that Obamacare subsidies would cover elective abortions was considered a “myth”– pure fear mongering, cooked up by the fringiest crackpots of the right. Well, as with some other alleged conspiracy theories about the administration, annoying facts keep popping up to bolster them.

"In a report requested for by eight Republicans House members, the GAO found that 18 insurance providers in 28 states made no attempt to limit access to abortion coverage. And though the Office of Personnel Management is theoretically tasked with making sure at least one insurance plan in each exchange does not cover abortions at all, in states like Connecticut, Hawaii, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont, every insurance plan on the exchanges offered elective abortion. Yes, it’s against the rules. What are you going to do about it?"

Don t Kid Yourself We re All Subsidizing The Abortion Industry
Yet, alleged ignorance of the law and blatant avoidance of the provisions companies don’t care to follow was greeted with only muted headlines. By the time it’s over, the entire incident will be covered as if it were a partisan nitpick by the GOP. That’s the way these things go.
So don’t mention the pervasiveness lawlessness in DC. So dramatic, right? Don’t mention that the president has broken a promise that was specifically made to the American people in an attempt to pressure/assure/scam certain Senators and House member to pass ACA. “And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up — under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place,” he claimed in 2009. It also breaks the useless executive order Obama issued to provide cover for the dwindling faction of pro-life Democrats."

Don t Kid Yourself We re All Subsidizing The Abortion Industry
Yes, Virginia. Your government IS subsidizing abortion:

"...this has gone on since we passed the Hyde Amendment in 1976. So when Planned Parenthood receives $540.6 million of federal funding, each of those interchangeable taxpayer dollars is being “invested” in the abortion business.
And let’s not forget Medicaid’s role – a program expanded through Obamacare. As my colleague Ben Domenech pointed out not long ago:

"While the Hyde Amendment prohibits federal funding of abortion except in cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment, state funding has no such prohibition. Medicaid is the primary payer for 41% of births nationwide, including 60% in New York City and 70% in Louisiana. It also pays for a sizable number of abortions. And this absolutely has an impact: the trendline for Medicaid funded abortions have only increased during the recession, and will only continue to increase under Obama’s Medicaid expansion. And funding has a dramatic impact—this survey of academic literature from Guttmacher notes: “Approximately one-fourth of women who would have Medicaid-funded abortions instead give birth when this funding is unavailable.

Don t Kid Yourself We re All Subsidizing The Abortion Industry
Don't like it?

Start by not shopping at WalMart and Hobby Lobby. As you know and cannot deny, both support millions of abortions in China.

You might also want to look at the number of live births and abortions done for illegals and paid for by EMTALA.

As well as both for citizens.
Sorry, luds. I'm tired of your trolling.

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Im pro life, but with that said, we as americans do far worse then quickly kill a fetus daily. None of you would want to take care of these unwanted kids as is evident by our lack of concern and caring for the suffering children all around us from any country color race or creed. so don't kid yourselves or us. you so called pro lifers really aren't when push comes to shove.
The whole "we need abortion because otherwise there will be more unwanted children" doesn't fly, it never has. There are more children burdening the system now than there EVER were before abortion became legal.
it is an established legal and medical standard, so why should our private medical insurance be diced up based on your religious preference? can religions object to subsidizing any other medical procedures?
"There was a time, you’ll probably remember, when contending that Obamacare subsidies would cover elective abortions was considered a “myth”– pure fear mongering, cooked up by the fringiest crackpots of the right. Well, as with some other alleged conspiracy theories about the administration, annoying facts keep popping up to bolster them.

"In a report requested for by eight Republicans House members, the GAO found that 18 insurance providers in 28 states made no attempt to limit access to abortion coverage. And though the Office of Personnel Management is theoretically tasked with making sure at least one insurance plan in each exchange does not cover abortions at all, in states like Connecticut, Hawaii, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont, every insurance plan on the exchanges offered elective abortion. Yes, it’s against the rules. What are you going to do about it?"

Don t Kid Yourself We re All Subsidizing The Abortion Industry

Given the average scum loser slut who avails herself of an abortion, why the hell would you object ? Shit, I think we should go FURTHER and go ahead and abort the mother to. And father to, if they happen to know who he is.
Dropping a bomb on some poor dark skinned pregnant woman in a foreign country: Righties are cool with that. 70 people gunned down in a Colorado movie theater: No problem, but they`ll pretend to care about a 4 week old fetus. Normal people don`t take these people seriously. BTW, Muslims hate abortion too!
Thanks for the rant! It scores about a 5.5 on the rabid, spewing, pro-abortion zealotry scale.

Anyway, the point is...when pro-abortion loons claim that federal money doesn't go to pay for abortions, they are lying.
it is an established legal and medical standard, so why should our private medical insurance be diced up based on your religious preference? can religions object to subsidizing any other medical procedures?

I'm sorry...who mentioned religion?

Again. When progressive lunatics claim that the feds aren't funding abortions..they are lying.
It really is a shame Republicans don't care about children the same way they care about a fetus.

They don't care about fetuses either.

If they did, they would boycott those who fund millions of abortions AND have money in abortion drugs.

What they care about is Peeping in windows and controlling other people.
"There was a time, you’ll probably remember, when contending that Obamacare subsidies would cover elective abortions was considered a “myth”– pure fear mongering, cooked up by the fringiest crackpots of the right. Well, as with some other alleged conspiracy theories about the administration, annoying facts keep popping up to bolster them.

"In a report requested for by eight Republicans House members, the GAO found that 18 insurance providers in 28 states made no attempt to limit access to abortion coverage. And though the Office of Personnel Management is theoretically tasked with making sure at least one insurance plan in each exchange does not cover abortions at all, in states like Connecticut, Hawaii, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont, every insurance plan on the exchanges offered elective abortion. Yes, it’s against the rules. What are you going to do about it?"

Don t Kid Yourself We re All Subsidizing The Abortion Industry

Given the average scum loser slut who avails herself of an abortion, why the hell would you object ? Shit, I think we should go FURTHER and go ahead and abort the mother to. And father to, if they happen to know who he is.

Not true at all.

Many pregnancies don't go as planned and hoped for and many women have no choice but lose the baby they wanted.

Most abortions are therapeutic and most are never reported at abortions.
Im pro life, but with that said, we as americans do far worse then quickly kill a fetus daily. None of you would want to take care of these unwanted kids as is evident by our lack of concern and caring for the suffering children all around us from any country color race or creed. so don't kid yourselves or us. you so called pro lifers really aren't when push comes to shove.

Pro-lifers would happily force the birth of an unwanted or horribly deformed baby but don't look for them when its time to adopt, care for and raise that baby.

Its the business of the pregnant woman. Period. Keep government and employers out of people's private lives.
"There was a time, you’ll probably remember, when contending that Obamacare subsidies would cover elective abortions was considered a “myth”– pure fear mongering, cooked up by the fringiest crackpots of the right. Well, as with some other alleged conspiracy theories about the administration, annoying facts keep popping up to bolster them.

"In a report requested for by eight Republicans House members, the GAO found that 18 insurance providers in 28 states made no attempt to limit access to abortion coverage. And though the Office of Personnel Management is theoretically tasked with making sure at least one insurance plan in each exchange does not cover abortions at all, in states like Connecticut, Hawaii, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont, every insurance plan on the exchanges offered elective abortion. Yes, it’s against the rules. What are you going to do about it?"

Don t Kid Yourself We re All Subsidizing The Abortion Industry

Given the average scum loser slut who avails herself of an abortion, why the hell would you object ? Shit, I think we should go FURTHER and go ahead and abort the mother to. And father to, if they happen to know who he is.

Not true at all.

Many pregnancies don't go as planned and hoped for and many women have no choice but lose the baby they wanted.

Most abortions are therapeutic and most are never reported at abortions.

Come on now. I'm not raging against abortions, but be truthful. Most are done simply because someone couldn't be bothered to take birth control.

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