Don't Exchange Gifts At Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Weddings. Donate To Obama.

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"Tell Your Wedding Guests To Donate To Obama"

I know that some on the left think this is fine. Personally I think it sums up everything Obama is about. I only have one question.

Is there a line this guy won't cross??????

Obama's feels his re-election is more important than your wedding, your birthdays, your anniversary, your families. Forget the American Dream and get him 4 more years. Turn your special event into an Obama campaign event.

Imagine how well that will go over with your guests. :muahaha:

Turn that event into a tiny version of the Anna Winture dinner.


This guy partied his butt off the last 3.5 years. Throwing dinners, hosting championship teams every other week all the way back to the 1985 Chicago Bears, played over 100 rounds of golf, shopping trips in Spain, Christmas in Hawaii, holidays in Martha's Vineyard, yet he wants you to give up gifts at important occasions for him, so he can keep the party going for himself.

He's spending it faster than it's coming in, it has been reported.

No kidding? The guy that spent more than any president in our history can't seem to get enough money from his donors. What a surprise!!!!!

This ad says it all.

But hey,...........don't worry, as one of his radio ads says, "He's Got Your Back". :deal:


He's not lying.

4 more years of Obama policies will go further than a "Gravy Bowl".



The Obama event registry — Blog — Barack Obama

Anna Wintour Obama Fundraising Dinner Video

What a great idea. My liberal friends would love it. My wingnut friends would find it pretty offensive, so I wouldn't do it in their name.

I'd amp it up. I'd send some small gifts to the fund in the name of other wingnuts who celebrating birthdays or anniversaries.
Its not a demand its a request.

chill out

I came across the All Hail Obama pledge that loyal Democrats
say the first thing in the morning to begin their day.
But somehow I lost the link to that site...
Can any loyal member of the party provide the link.
I promised this to some lefty chick I'm trying to score with...

Thanks again.... :eusa_whistle:
She's no "first lady" to me.

She's about to take another lavish vacay in London so you betting get ready to cough up for more lobster dinners.

This is paid by Barack privately, right? We shouldn't have a problem with it as long as it doesn't cost the taxpayers anything when we are in an economic crisis.

No this one is not being paid for by the obamas at all. She is using the excuse of the olympics to promote her anti obesity program and take the attention off the Olympic athletes and put it onto herself. So this is a tax funded jaunt.

As painful as it is, the Olympians do not get any government funding. Their trip and expenses all come from private donations. Only Empress Fat Ass gets us to pay her bills.
The Onion should sue the Obama Campaign for totally harshing their business model.

Just Sayin'.
People should donate in the names of their constantly whining and griping conservative relatives on their birthdays, the resulting tantrum would be the gift that keeps on giving.

So, do you like this idea........or do you think this is a low-class effort to beg for money?

It's not just low class. It REEKS of desperation.
She's about to take another lavish vacay in London so you betting get ready to cough up for more lobster dinners.

This is paid by Barack privately, right? We shouldn't have a problem with it as long as it doesn't cost the taxpayers anything when we are in an economic crisis.

No this one is not being paid for by the obamas at all. She is using the excuse of the olympics to promote her anti obesity program and take the attention off the Olympic athletes and put it onto herself. So this is a tax funded jaunt.

As painful as it is, the Olympians do not get any government funding. Their trip and expenses all come from private donations. Only Empress Fat Ass gets us to pay her bills.

What about all of the Secret Service agents and WH minions that are on the Gubmint dime?

This trip will cost the taxpayers another small fortune.
This is paid by Barack privately, right? We shouldn't have a problem with it as long as it doesn't cost the taxpayers anything when we are in an economic crisis.

No this one is not being paid for by the obamas at all. She is using the excuse of the olympics to promote her anti obesity program and take the attention off the Olympic athletes and put it onto herself. So this is a tax funded jaunt.

As painful as it is, the Olympians do not get any government funding. Their trip and expenses all come from private donations. Only Empress Fat Ass gets us to pay her bills.

What about all of the Secret Service agents and WH minions that are on the Gubmint dime?

This trip will cost the taxpayers another small fortune.

I'm tempted to boycott the Olympics.

I know well see Meechelle sitting in the stands or Barrack sitting in the stands. Plus most of the ads will support Obama. The Olympics is being covered by the National Barrack Channel (NBC).

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