Donald Trump: Shut Down Government If Necessary To Defund Planned Parenthood

Should government be shut down to defund Planned Parenthood?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- Real estate mogul Donald Trump supports shutting down the government as a way to defund Planned Parenthood, potentially setting the bar for the rest of his fellow GOP presidential candidates currently trailing him in the polls by a large margin.

Senate Democrats voted Monday to block a bill that would have stripped federal funds from the nation’s largest family planning provider. The GOP-backed effort was prompted by a series of edited undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the donation of fetal tissue after abortions for scientific research.

With no way forward for the vote, some conservatives are pushing on congressional leaders to defund the organization at the end of September, when government funding is set to run out. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) employed a similar, albeit unsuccessful, tactic in hopes of defunding the Affordable Care Act.

In a Tuesday interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, Trump credited Cruz for his efforts, and signaled that Republicans ought to follow his lead on Planned Parenthood.

"If the Republicans stuck together you could have done it with Obamacare also, but the Republicans decided not to stick together and they left a few people out there like Ted Cruz," he said in the interview. "You know, they left a lot of the people who really went in and wanted to do the job and you know what? If they had stuck together they would have won that battle. I think you have to in this case also, yes."

Many Senate Republicans, including then Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), opposed Cruz's tactics. The resulting 16-day government shutdown in 2013 ultimately hurt Republicans in the polls and failed to extract concessions from Democrats.

More: Donald Trump: Shut Down Government If Necessary To Defund Planned Parenthood

The Republican war on women's rights is ugly. Trump used to be pro-choice. I do not think this is a winner for the GOP. It certainly isn't a winner for women.
I get tired of Republicans whining and threatening to shut the government down when they don't get their way.
Yet another bed wetter "I hate Trump" thread.

I'd send him some money if he needed it by now. I'll just send some to Cruz instead.


Rape, freeloading and defunding the government to hurt women don't look good on Trump's resume.
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I'll agree a lot of the Dems were useless fuckwits. They tried to run to the right and act like Republicans, and rightfully got pasted for it.

Democrats who run as proud liberals, they win. Those who try to be Republican-lite lose. Given a choice between pure evil and diluted evil, voters choose the pure stuff, as it's more honest and less gutless.
I'll agree a lot of the Dems were useless fuckwits. They tried to run to the right and act like Republicans, and rightfully got pasted for it.

Democrats who run as proud liberals, they win. Those who try to be Republican-lite lose. Given a choice between pure evil and diluted evil, voters choose the pure stuff, as it's more honest and less gutless.
If by proud liberals you mean anti-American criminals, you're right. They often win using strong arm tactics and by breaking the law. We need to deal with that. We'll start with shutting down Planned Parenthood.
I'll agree a lot of the Dems were useless fuckwits. They tried to run to the right and act like Republicans, and rightfully got pasted for it.

Democrats who run as proud liberals, they win. Those who try to be Republican-lite lose. Given a choice between pure evil and diluted evil, voters choose the pure stuff, as it's more honest and less gutless.
If by proud liberals you mean anti-American criminals, you're right. They often win using strong arm tactics and by breaking the law. We need to deal with that. We'll start with shutting down Planned Parenthood.

Breaking the law? How many abortion clinics have been vandalized by Democrats? How many abortion clinic employees have been threatened by Democrats? How many abortion doctors have been wounded or killed by Democrats?
I'll agree a lot of the Dems were useless fuckwits. They tried to run to the right and act like Republicans, and rightfully got pasted for it.

Democrats who run as proud liberals, they win. Those who try to be Republican-lite lose. Given a choice between pure evil and diluted evil, voters choose the pure stuff, as it's more honest and less gutless.
If by proud liberals you mean anti-American criminals, you're right. They often win using strong arm tactics and by breaking the law. We need to deal with that. We'll start with shutting down Planned Parenthood.

Breaking the law? How many abortion clinics have been vandalized by Democrats? How many abortion doctors have been wounded or killed by Democrats?
Not enough. Your butcher shops are getting shut down, and your heroes are going to prison. Hope we don't hang the nurses like we did the Nazi nurses.
I'll agree a lot of the Dems were useless fuckwits. They tried to run to the right and act like Republicans, and rightfully got pasted for it.

Democrats who run as proud liberals, they win. Those who try to be Republican-lite lose. Given a choice between pure evil and diluted evil, voters choose the pure stuff, as it's more honest and less gutless.
If by proud liberals you mean anti-American criminals, you're right. They often win using strong arm tactics and by breaking the law. We need to deal with that. We'll start with shutting down Planned Parenthood.

Breaking the law? How many abortion clinics have been vandalized by Democrats? How many abortion doctors have been wounded or killed by Democrats?
Not enough. Your butcher shops are getting shut down, and your heroes are going to prison. Hope we don't hang the nurses like we did the Nazi nurses.

Hang nurses? Are you threatening nurses who are performing legal functions?
I'll agree a lot of the Dems were useless fuckwits. They tried to run to the right and act like Republicans, and rightfully got pasted for it.

Democrats who run as proud liberals, they win. Those who try to be Republican-lite lose. Given a choice between pure evil and diluted evil, voters choose the pure stuff, as it's more honest and less gutless.
If by proud liberals you mean anti-American criminals, you're right. They often win using strong arm tactics and by breaking the law. We need to deal with that. We'll start with shutting down Planned Parenthood.

Breaking the law? How many abortion clinics have been vandalized by Democrats? How many abortion doctors have been wounded or killed by Democrats?
Not enough. Your butcher shops are getting shut down, and your heroes are going to prison. Hope we don't hang the nurses like we did the Nazi nurses.

Are you threatening nurses?
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.
Democrats are hemorrhaging women voters. Mostly white women voters who are better educated than minorities. Mostly they are leaving because selling baby body parts is too gruesome to contemplate.
I'll agree a lot of the Dems were useless fuckwits. They tried to run to the right and act like Republicans, and rightfully got pasted for it.

Democrats who run as proud liberals, they win. Those who try to be Republican-lite lose. Given a choice between pure evil and diluted evil, voters choose the pure stuff, as it's more honest and less gutless.
If by proud liberals you mean anti-American criminals, you're right. They often win using strong arm tactics and by breaking the law. We need to deal with that. We'll start with shutting down Planned Parenthood.

Breaking the law? How many abortion clinics have been vandalized by Democrats? How many abortion doctors have been wounded or killed by Democrats?
Not enough. Your butcher shops are getting shut down, and your heroes are going to prison. Hope we don't hang the nurses like we did the Nazi nurses.

Are you threatening nurses?
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.

So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
If by proud liberals you mean anti-American criminals, you're right. They often win using strong arm tactics and by breaking the law. We need to deal with that. We'll start with shutting down Planned Parenthood.

Breaking the law? How many abortion clinics have been vandalized by Democrats? How many abortion doctors have been wounded or killed by Democrats?
Not enough. Your butcher shops are getting shut down, and your heroes are going to prison. Hope we don't hang the nurses like we did the Nazi nurses.

Are you threatening nurses?
No, I hope they aren't given the death penalty when they're arrested. I don't believe in it. But just saying..the world was not so kind to the Nazi nurses who did the same thing as the abortion nurses in times past.

So, you equate Planned Parenthood nurses to Nazi nurses?
I think the Nazi nurses might have been better trained. I know they cared more for their patients than abortion ghouls.
Democrats are hemorrhaging women voters. Mostly white women voters who are better educated than minorities. Mostly they are leaving because selling baby body parts is too gruesome to contemplate.

Please provide some "credible" proof to substantiate your claim.
Is English a second language for Lakota? She keeps asking me to repeat things...haven't I dumbed it down enough? Maybe I should speak the language of her people....
If NaziCons think defunding Planned Parenthood and overturning Roe v. Wade are such winning issues for the GOP - then go for it.

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