Donald Trump Makes It Official And Releases His Birth Certificate


May 29, 2010
He did it after it was revealed this morning on Fox & Friends that George Bush released his birth certificate when he ran. This is something. Trump has a strategy and he is not backing down. He released his actual Certificate Of Birth from 1946 with the doctors signature and gold seal stating he was born at the Jamaica Hospital. This again is bad news for Obama who hasn't released his birth certificate. This is a clever move and I am sure behind the scenes at the White House, the pressure is building. This I believe is the first salvo in a series of calculated moves by Trump to get Obama to release his. If not, this will end bad for Obama as the newly Hawaii Governor Albercrombie predicted.


Donald Trump Birth Certificate Released By Potential Presidential Candidate

Exclusive to Newsmax: Donald Trump's Birth Certificate
He did it after it was revealed this morning on Fox & Friends that George Bush released his birth certificate when he ran. This is something. Trump has a strategy and he is not backing down. He released his actual Certificate Of Birth from 1946 with the doctors signature and gold seal stating he was born at the Jamaica Hospital. This again is bad news for Obama who hasn't released his birth certificate. This is a clever move and I am sure behind the scenes at the White House, the pressure is building. This I believe is the first salvo in a series of calculated moves by Trump to get Obama to release his. If not, this will end bad for Obama as the newly Hawaii Governor Albercrombie predicted.


Donald Trump Birth Certificate Released By Potential Presidential Candidate

Exclusive to Newsmax: Donald Trump's Birth Certificate


I knew he wasn't born in this country
Yea it does seem like the Obomba could have settled this whole thing a long time ago. He does seem a little less than honest on this. That's just the way it appears to many. He needs to be more forthright and up front. It just looks like evasion to many. He should settle this once and for all...If he can.
I love it. You wingnuts getting played by the mopster.

I'm not a birther but this issue makes fools more out of his defenders than his doubters imo and you don't even see it. I think Trump makes that point.

Obama is brilliant inasmuch that you all have "faith" in him rather than facts.
That birth certificate does not prove anything, in terms of Trump being a citizen. It doesn't list a location, and whatever state it is from has not verified that that picture is authentic. This is nothing more than more lies and deceit to hide the fact that Trump is not a natural born citizen.
Yea it does seem like the Obomba could have settled this whole thing a long time ago. He does seem a little less than honest on this. That's just the way it appears to many. He needs to be more forthright and up front. It just looks like evasion to many. He should settle this once and for all...If he can.

If this settles it for the Donald, why wouldn't this settle it for Obama? Born in the U.S.A.
I love it. You wingnuts getting played by the mopster.

I'm not a birther but this issue makes fools more out of his defenders than his doubters imo and you don't even see it. I think Trump makes that point.

Obama is brilliant inasmuch that you all have "faith" in him rather than facts.

So, I guess you conveniently forgot about this, huh? Born in the U.S.A.

So, now who is looking like the fool, fool?
The funny thing is that the birther issue came up....then dwindled away into obscurity, alongside truthers are their ilk. But over the last year or left wingers like Gov Abercrombie have tried, and failed, to stick it to the birthers, this issue has slowly crept back and damn near almost into legitimacy.

I mean seriously, this is becoming weird. I know the newspaper birth announcement exists. But, that was easily explained as simple as this: Obama was born, brought to Hawaii, and the newspaper was just notified of it and they printed it. Gov Abercrombie even discovered that the exact hospital where he was born is now not clear, as they have flip flopped and found falsified records or testimonies from folks at the hospitals.

Something is fishy about this whole deal.
He did it after it was revealed this morning on Fox & Friends that George Bush released his birth certificate when he ran. This is something. Trump has a strategy and he is not backing down. He released his actual Certificate Of Birth from 1946 with the doctors signature and gold seal stating he was born at the Jamaica Hospital. This again is bad news for Obama who hasn't released his birth certificate. This is a clever move and I am sure behind the scenes at the White House, the pressure is building. This I believe is the first salvo in a series of calculated moves by Trump to get Obama to release his. If not, this will end bad for Obama as the newly Hawaii Governor Albercrombie predicted.


Donald Trump Birth Certificate Released By Potential Presidential Candidate

Exclusive to Newsmax: Donald Trump's Birth Certificate


I knew he wasn't born in this country
Yes, in Jamaica, Queens New York
At least Trump’s birth certificate has a doctors signature

Doctor info:

ECKERT, Robert R., 8902 Sutphin blvd., Jamaica, by appt. Tel. Jamaica
6-6586. Univ. Mich., 1924. Asso. Obst. & Gyn. Jamaica; Asst. Gyn.
Broad St.”

1935 Doctors Queens
Yea it does seem like the Obomba could have settled this whole thing a long time ago. He does seem a little less than honest on this. That's just the way it appears to many. He needs to be more forthright and up front. It just looks like evasion to many. He should settle this once and for all...If he can.

If this settles it for the Donald, why wouldn't this settle it for Obama? Born in the U.S.A.

1. Did you notice the date on that FactCheck?

2. When elected governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie said he would put this episode
to rest. He would find and release the birh certificate.

3. "Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.

Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser he was searching within the Hawaii Department of Health to find definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii, because the continuing eligibility controversy could hurt the president's chances of re-election in 2012."

Read more: Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate

4. Now then, if the FactCheck were accurate, and cleary it is not, and dispositive, as so many 'believers' state, why would Democrat Obama-supporter and far-leftie Abercrombie have promised to find and release said certificate?

5. And....what happened to it?

6. But, far more dispositive to the debate, allow me to welcome you to the community of religious folk, such as myself, who also have many beliefs that we accept on faith alone.

Welcome, brother.
If Barry would just release his LFBC 90% of the birthers would quietly slither away and this whole thing would be put to rest. The other 10% will remain :cuckoo: regardless of what is or isn't produced.

Such a simple, easy, straight forward, single action to put it to rest. Yet he won't do it.

Por que?
He did it after it was revealed this morning on Fox & Friends that George Bush released his birth certificate when he ran. This is something. Trump has a strategy and he is not backing down. He released his actual Certificate Of Birth from 1946 with the doctors signature and gold seal stating he was born at the Jamaica Hospital. This again is bad news for Obama who hasn't released his birth certificate. This is a clever move and I am sure behind the scenes at the White House, the pressure is building. This I believe is the first salvo in a series of calculated moves by Trump to get Obama to release his. If not, this will end bad for Obama as the newly Hawaii Governor Albercrombie predicted.


Donald Trump Birth Certificate Released By Potential Presidential Candidate

Exclusive to Newsmax: Donald Trump's Birth Certificate


I knew he wasn't born in this country
Yes, in Jamaica, Queens New York
At least Trump’s birth certificate has a doctors signature

Doctor info:
ECKERT, Robert R., 8902 Sutphin blvd., Jamaica, by appt. Tel. Jamaica
6-6586. Univ. Mich., 1924. Asso. Obst. & Gyn. Jamaica; Asst. Gyn.
Broad St.”

1935 Doctors Queens

It is clear that Donald Trump was born in a Caribbean country and is not eligible to be President of the United States. Only native born citizens are eligible
The birth certificate also fails to note the citizenship of his parents

Were they Jamaican too?
I love it. You wingnuts getting played by the mopster.

I'm not a birther but this issue makes fools more out of his defenders than his doubters imo and you don't even see it. I think Trump makes that point.

Obama is brilliant inasmuch that you all have "faith" in him rather than facts.

So, I guess you conveniently forgot about this, huh? Born in the U.S.A.

So, now who is looking like the fool, fool?

You. COLB is not a BC. I thought even the dumb liberals knew that.
I want to see Donald Trump's Certificate of Birth, not his Birth Certificate. I want myself and a troupe of forensic analyzers to be present when they pull Trump's certificate out of the vault. It will be thoroughly searched for anomalies until I'm satisfied (and I won't be satisfied until I've found some anomalies). I demand to have eye-witness testimony from the doctor who literally saw Obama emerge from the womb. I want testimony from all of the pediatricians who treated Obama and his mother while at the hospital. I want interviews from all of Trump's teachers from kindergarten through his doctorate mentors. I want to know who he took to his senior prom, I want his first pet to either bark or meow a confirmation that Trump really did live in the US, and, if all of these criteria are met, I want God to personally vouch for Donald Trump.

No scanned-in, obviously Photoshopped certificate is going to fool THIS conspiracy theorist. No sirree!

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