Trump: "I hope he has a birth certificate"


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Trump on a roll. He says he hopes Obama is a US born citizen, but that he's got people researching it and it looks like something is very wrong. If anyone has the money to hire the best to research this thing, it's Trump.

Trump is serious trouble for Obama. Trumps wealth alone, combined with his ego and ruthless competitive nature, means he's gonna have a privately funded, large staff looking into all the things on Obama.

Even if Trump doesn't win the GOP primary, he's gonna hurt Obama a lot in the end.

I just think it's gonna be fun watching Trump go after him. Thats a hell of a lot of power, ego and competitive drive going after Obama.
Trump's also done this before..and punted. That anyone takes him seriously his laughable. He comes with a mountain of baggage and has an ego so big..there is no way he's going to survive a general campaign..let alone the Republican Primary.
Really? When did Trump do this before?

And how's he a fraud? Our own beloved POS..I mean POTUS is the biggest fraud I've seen lately.

I think it will be funny to watch Trump go after Obama the way Obama went after Palin.
Right wing christians aren't going to vote for Trump, who appears to be non-religious.
Trump is having fun as he builds his ego.
Both Trump and Gingrich have more than enough "baggage" - starting with their former wives!

The fact that Wisconsin Senator "Randy" Hopper's (R) estranged wife has reportedly added her signature for his "recall" should be more than enough to make them sit up and take notice!
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My opinion is Trump doesn't think he can win. BUT he'll run. Why? To take down Obama. Trump is acting on behalf of the entire private, corporate sector that Obama has demonized. Trump is the incarnation of that sector, and his power and ego are gonna be trouble. Plus, unlike George Soros, Al Gore, etc, Trump isn't an old school political type. He's new to politics, which means he doesn't owe any favors, doesn't have political skeletons.

He's gonna dig up somebody, who has something very damaging to Obama. And he's gonna drop a check in front of that person, for a few hundred million dollars. And Obama is done.
It's pretty sad that after more than two years of coming up empty you are now pinning your hopes on Donald freakin' Trump to find the smoking gun on Obama.
My opinion is Trump doesn't think he can win. BUT he'll run. Why? To take down Obama. Trump is acting on behalf of the entire private, corporate sector that Obama has demonized. Trump is the incarnation of that sector, and his power and ego are gonna be trouble. Plus, unlike George Soros, Al Gore, etc, Trump isn't an old school political type. He's new to politics, which means he doesn't owe any favors, doesn't have political skeletons.

He's gonna dig up somebody, who has something very damaging to Obama. And he's gonna drop a check in front of that person, for a few hundred million dollars. And Obama is done.

well if he runs after dr paul he would be my 2nd choice
if neither of them run ill vote for howard stern
, mickey mouse , peter pan , and oh well if none of them run i might give obama a look
It's pretty sad that after more than two years of coming up empty you are now pinning your hopes on Donald freakin' Trump to find the smoking gun on Obama.

Empty? A "smoking gun"? There are hundreds of issues with Obama. Problem is, libtards just ignore it.

We want the 1 thing that makes him immediately ineligible, and thus, void everything he has done. His birth outside the US is what will do that. Trump just might have enough money to find the proof.
It's pretty sad that after more than two years of coming up empty you are now pinning your hopes on Donald freakin' Trump to find the smoking gun on Obama.

Empty? A "smoking gun"? There are hundreds of issues with Obama. Problem is, libtards just ignore it.

We want the 1 thing that makes him immediately ineligible, and thus, void everything he has done. His birth outside the US is what will do that. Trump just might have enough money to find the proof.

While he's at it tell him I would like my own unicorn.
Trump is on the case


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