Donald Trump Jr.’s Bizarre Halloween ‘Lesson’ Backfires Spectacularly

Spit it out. Why are taxes on labor unconstitutional? Stay on subject if you can.

Why is it constitutional? If I mow a lawn for a lady and she bestows a 12 pack of beer upon me is "da gubemrint" entitled to three of those brews or the cost thereof? Yes or no?????

That's all you got. You are saying non-constitutional. What is your constitutional theory that precludes taxes on labor? Any specific amendment or clause?

You didn't answer my very simple ain't rocket science, "da gubermint" entitled to three of the beers of the 12 pack given to me for mowing a lawn....YES....OR....NO.....which is it???

Hang on sweet lips. That's not how it works. You made the claim that it's unconstitutional to tax labor. It's your responsibility to prove that. Not mine.

Answer the question and I will get to the meat of my contention and Supreme Court that 12 pack of beer "taxable".......yea or nay???? Why are you ducking the question???? Are you afraid????

No fear. I just see no need for diversion from your claim. First things first. Present your proof or admit you're full of shit.
It is only legal to have a second US passport and only under specific circumstances. He also hid millions of dollars in foreign banks, obviously didn't declare it and didn't tell the US he got it from a foreign entity closely linked to Russia.
He paid his bills by wire transfer from foreign banks.

Manafort and the Podesta brothers are kindred souls and thicker than proverbial thieves........and that trail will eventually lead to POS like the Hildebeast and John "lame" want ties to the Russian oligarchs that Putin has been trying to flush out that are Rothschild agents? Look no further than the puppets of the prior administration.

I swear I just read you post something that you like to educate yourself and how hard you work at learning the facts.

This post proves that's a bunch of nonsense.

Debate me........engage in an honest discussion. Let's see what ya got. I am betting that it is chock full of "nothing l
My point was the spin the Huffingpuffington post put on this. No one is obligated to give out candy on Halloween...if they do not wish to participate, they can simply leave the porch light off. Taxation doesn't allow most that option.....of course the lesson Jr was teaching his child flew right over your head. I gladly give out candy to the kids in our neighborhood. Seeing them in their costumes and the joyful glee and excitement of the night reminds me of when I was a kid. The fifty cents worth of candy I give to each "trick or treater" is a small price to pay for the smile that they give me.....but I am not forced by gunpoint to do so....get it now????

Yes. I understand you don't believe anything from HP. Do you contend that if an article appears there, then any other outlet that might publish same is lying? If not, then you have to admit that some of their articles, particularly this one is true. I'm still amazed that you think all the benefits of living here are free, and you don't owe your share of taxes to pay for them. Pretty childish and selfish of you.

What I am saying is that the Huffingpuffingtonpost wasn't reporting news without inserting their own leftard slanted commentary. THAT is what I am saying.

"I'm still amazed that you think all the benefits of living here are free, and you don't owe your share of taxes to pay for them. Pretty childish and selfish of you"

Consumption taxes are constitutional but a tax on what I make when I barter my labor in one hour increments for paper scrip aka "Federal Reserve" debt notes isn't. Why do YOU think this corporate entity that claims to be a legitimate governmental body is entitled to 25 cents of ever FRN I make? That sounds like feudalism to A progressive income tax is one of the planks of the communist manifesto along with a central bank....did you know that? Look it up. I don't want or expect anything from any corporate entity and I refuse to be a de-facto employee of USA.INC. I will sink or swim based on the merits of my own labor and on my terms......if it's all the same to you....capiche'?

Got it. You think banks are communist.

Is that ALL you got out of my post? You see, stupid fucks like you are nothing but entertainment because you can only spin and take one small segment of the generous information I bestow on clowns like you.

Seriously, why do I EVEN bother?!?!?!?!?!?

Spit it out. Why are taxes on labor unconstitutional? Stay on subject if you can.

Dear BULLDOG and Dale Smith
To explain in simple 8th grade history terms:
taxation is unconstitutional when it is forced without representation,
when people do not consent to the terms of the contract
of how much money or what percentage is required and where the money is spent.

The problem we face right now is parties with conflicting, opposing
beliefs on what govt should be used for
do NOT agree on what to pay for, and how much to charge which people
deemed responsible for which programs because they don't all agree.
This is especially troublesome with issues of BELIEFS that people
cannot be forced to change by govt,
or forced to fund under penalty if it's against their beliefs.

So that's why it becomes unconstitutional on multiple levels.
And once programs are in place that people contest as against their beliefs and/or consent,
removing them or changing their terms or funding
risks creating MORE costs or consequences
that other people don't agree to pay for! If the policy
doesn't represent and protect the interests/beliefs of all people
equally, but people are punished or deprived of equal rights,
that's discrimination by creed to penalize people on the basis of their beliefs being violated.

Sadly, we can't even CHANGE existing contested programs
where we can't agree what to change them to
that won't incur costs that people don't agree on either!

Back to the solution I propose:
let people choose which party to pay taxes to
on social programs or other contested policies
that not everyone beliefs in funding publicly.

so any contested programs can revert to local,
state, or private business/nonprofit networks
that can be collectively funded by party members
instead of charging all taxpayers unless this is agreed.
There must be fully informed and freely chosen representation where taxpayers
agree to invest their taxes there, so it respects consent of the governed.
Last edited:
You people would bitch, whine and carry on if you shat pure gold BBs.

Oh, do you agree with Trump Jr's Halloween lesson to his daughter about socialism?

Dear Lakhota The point that is being missed is replacing voluntary giving and sharing
with REQUIRING someone FORCED by an OUTSIDE third party. Where free choice is lost.

It STILL makes the same point: (1) is the giver or receiver making the "free choice" to give to others VOLUNTARILY? or (2) is some "third party" imposing and regulating how much to give and who receives it? Currently, participation in Halloween is voluntary, but when outside authority dictates the giving, it's no longer the individual's free will.

Mr. Trump could have taken it further and said: What if Govt enforced a mandate that ALL households were legally REQUIRED to participate in buying and providing candy, according to their income level, or pay a tax penalty. Because of a universal right to candy!
You people would bitch, whine and carry on if you shat pure gold BBs.

Oh, do you agree with Trump Jr's Halloween lesson to his daughter about socialism?

Dear Lakhota The point that is being missed is replacing voluntary giving and sharing
with REQUIRING someone FORCED by an OUTSIDE third party. Where free choice is lost.

It STILL makes the same point: (1) is the giver or receiver making the "free choice" to give to others VOLUNTARILY? or (2) is some "third party" imposing and regulating how much to give and who receives it? Currently, participation in Halloween is voluntary, but when outside authority dictates the giving, it's no longer the individual's free will.

Mr. Trump could have taken it further and said: What if Govt enforced a mandate that ALL households were legally REQUIRED to participate in buying and providing candy, according to their income level, or pay a tax penalty. Because of a universal right to candy!

Actually, you missed the point. Carefully and slowly read what he told his daughter. Are you on drugs?
She needs to trick or treat like a capitalist

Drive around in a limo and make some poor kid trick or treat for you

Then you give the kid one piece, keep the rest and make the kid walk home
Feel free to move to Venezuela. It's a socialist dream. A real worker's paradise!

Feel free to move to Somalia. Its a capitalists government intervention

Why would I leave? I'm not the one complaining about our capitalist system.

Keep flailing fakewinger.......


I'm not the one stealing candy from a little girl

You're a busybody trying to tell other people how to raise their children.

I'm not the one exploiting a young child for rightwing propaganda
That didn’t go over well.


Donald Trump Jr. doesn’t seem to know how Halloween works.

The whole point of trick-or-treating, of course, is that children get candy ― free ― from friendly neighbors.

But in a tweet Tuesday, the eldest son of President Donald Trump indicated that he would take half of his daughter’s Halloween haul and give it away to teach her about socialism.

He wrote:

"I’m going to take half of Chloe’s candy tonight & give it to some kid who sat at home. It’s never to early to teach her about socialism."

The tweet quickly backfired, with more than 30,000 comments. Many of them looked a lot like these:

More: Donald Trump Jr.'s Bizarre Halloween 'Lesson' Backfires Spectacularly

I hope he gives it to poor and disabled children who didn't have the opportunity to go trick-or-treating. Trump Jr. is a sick little puppy.

From the OP, I don't see how it backfired.

With you whining about "poor and disabled children" I guess you don't know either.

Call it sweet revenge.

“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert went after Donald Trump Jr. for posting on Twitter that he would take half of his daughter’s Halloween candy and give it away to explain socialism.

Since Trump Jr. didn’t seem to understand Halloween or socialism very well, Colbert gave him an unforgettable lesson using nothing but candy.

Stephen Colbert Smacks Down Donald Trump Jr. Using Nothing But Candy

Thank you, Stephen.

Fuck colbert. If you think he made a valid point, share it in your own words.

Call it sweet revenge.

“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert went after Donald Trump Jr. for posting on Twitter that he would take half of his daughter’s Halloween candy and give it away to explain socialism.

Since Trump Jr. didn’t seem to understand Halloween or socialism very well, Colbert gave him an unforgettable lesson using nothing but candy.

Stephen Colbert Smacks Down Donald Trump Jr. Using Nothing But Candy

Thank you, Stephen.

Fuck colbert. If you think he made a valid point, share it in your own words.

The Trumps have a twisted view of Halloween

They look at trick or treating as "work" and imagine there are large groups of children who sit at home and demand candy handouts

Ask any child and they will tell you trick or treating is "fun" and those who do not get to go trick or treating are terribly disappointed

I remember one Halloween my sister had the measles. I gave her half my candy. I called it "sharing" not freeloading
Lil Donnie thinks having his young daughter trick or treating is WORK

Children who can't trick or treat are deadbeats

Call it sweet revenge.

“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert went after Donald Trump Jr. for posting on Twitter that he would take half of his daughter’s Halloween candy and give it away to explain socialism.

Since Trump Jr. didn’t seem to understand Halloween or socialism very well, Colbert gave him an unforgettable lesson using nothing but candy.

Stephen Colbert Smacks Down Donald Trump Jr. Using Nothing But Candy

Thank you, Stephen.

Fuck colbert. If you think he made a valid point, share it in your own words.

The Trumps have a twisted view of Halloween

They look at trick or treating as "work" and imagine there are large groups of children who sit at home and demand candy handouts

Ask any child and they will tell you trick or treating is "fun" and those who do not get to go trick or treating are terribly disappointed

I remember one Halloween my sister had the measles. I gave her half my candy. I called it "sharing" not freeloading

IT's called an analogy.

But you knew that. YOu were just lying some more.

When your lies don't fool anyone, all you are doing is telling people that you are an ass and that you don't care what they think.

Very divisive.

Call it sweet revenge.

“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert went after Donald Trump Jr. for posting on Twitter that he would take half of his daughter’s Halloween candy and give it away to explain socialism.

Since Trump Jr. didn’t seem to understand Halloween or socialism very well, Colbert gave him an unforgettable lesson using nothing but candy.

Stephen Colbert Smacks Down Donald Trump Jr. Using Nothing But Candy

Thank you, Stephen.

Fuck colbert. If you think he made a valid point, share it in your own words.

The Trumps have a twisted view of Halloween

They look at trick or treating as "work" and imagine there are large groups of children who sit at home and demand candy handouts

Ask any child and they will tell you trick or treating is "fun" and those who do not get to go trick or treating are terribly disappointed

I remember one Halloween my sister had the measles. I gave her half my candy. I called it "sharing" not freeloading

IT's called an analogy.

But you knew that. YOu were just lying some more.

When your lies don't fool anyone, all you are doing is telling people that you are an ass and that you don't care what they think.

Very divisive.

Pretty sucky analogy
Even for a Trump

Give a kid the option of trick or treating or just getting the candy for sitting home ......
Most kids would go trick or treating

Call it sweet revenge.

“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert went after Donald Trump Jr. for posting on Twitter that he would take half of his daughter’s Halloween candy and give it away to explain socialism.

Since Trump Jr. didn’t seem to understand Halloween or socialism very well, Colbert gave him an unforgettable lesson using nothing but candy.

Stephen Colbert Smacks Down Donald Trump Jr. Using Nothing But Candy

Thank you, Stephen.

Fuck colbert. If you think he made a valid point, share it in your own words.

The Trumps have a twisted view of Halloween

They look at trick or treating as "work" and imagine there are large groups of children who sit at home and demand candy handouts

Ask any child and they will tell you trick or treating is "fun" and those who do not get to go trick or treating are terribly disappointed

I remember one Halloween my sister had the measles. I gave her half my candy. I called it "sharing" not freeloading

IT's called an analogy.

But you knew that. YOu were just lying some more.

When your lies don't fool anyone, all you are doing is telling people that you are an ass and that you don't care what they think.

Very divisive.

Pretty sucky analogy
Even for a Trump

Give a kid the option of trick or treating or just getting the candy for sitting home ......
Most kids would go trick or treating

You knew it was an analogy. THus went you attacked Trump Jr. for thinking trick or treating was "work", you were lying.

That you have to lie about this, looks pretty bad for you.

Call it sweet revenge.

“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert went after Donald Trump Jr. for posting on Twitter that he would take half of his daughter’s Halloween candy and give it away to explain socialism.

Since Trump Jr. didn’t seem to understand Halloween or socialism very well, Colbert gave him an unforgettable lesson using nothing but candy.

Stephen Colbert Smacks Down Donald Trump Jr. Using Nothing But Candy

Thank you, Stephen.

Fuck colbert. If you think he made a valid point, share it in your own words.

The Trumps have a twisted view of Halloween

They look at trick or treating as "work" and imagine there are large groups of children who sit at home and demand candy handouts

Ask any child and they will tell you trick or treating is "fun" and those who do not get to go trick or treating are terribly disappointed

I remember one Halloween my sister had the measles. I gave her half my candy. I called it "sharing" not freeloading

IT's called an analogy.

But you knew that. YOu were just lying some more.

When your lies don't fool anyone, all you are doing is telling people that you are an ass and that you don't care what they think.

Very divisive.

Pretty sucky analogy
Even for a Trump

Give a kid the option of trick or treating or just getting the candy for sitting home ......
Most kids would go trick or treating

You knew it was an analogy. THus went you attacked Trump Jr. for thinking trick or treating was "work", you were lying.

That you have to lie about this, looks pretty bad for you.

I think it is slimy of Lil Donnie to exploit his own daughter like that

Don't you?
Fuck colbert. If you think he made a valid point, share it in your own words.

The Trumps have a twisted view of Halloween

They look at trick or treating as "work" and imagine there are large groups of children who sit at home and demand candy handouts

Ask any child and they will tell you trick or treating is "fun" and those who do not get to go trick or treating are terribly disappointed

I remember one Halloween my sister had the measles. I gave her half my candy. I called it "sharing" not freeloading

IT's called an analogy.

But you knew that. YOu were just lying some more.

When your lies don't fool anyone, all you are doing is telling people that you are an ass and that you don't care what they think.

Very divisive.
Pretty sucky analogy
Even for a Trump

Give a kid the option of trick or treating or just getting the candy for sitting home ......
Most kids would go trick or treating

You knew it was an analogy. THus went you attacked Trump Jr. for thinking trick or treating was "work", you were lying.

That you have to lie about this, looks pretty bad for you.
I think it is slimy of Lil Donnie to exploit his own daughter like that

Don't you?

No. NOthign wrong with discussing teaching your child as an analogy for teaching others.
The Trumps have a twisted view of Halloween

They look at trick or treating as "work" and imagine there are large groups of children who sit at home and demand candy handouts

Ask any child and they will tell you trick or treating is "fun" and those who do not get to go trick or treating are terribly disappointed

I remember one Halloween my sister had the measles. I gave her half my candy. I called it "sharing" not freeloading

IT's called an analogy.

But you knew that. YOu were just lying some more.

When your lies don't fool anyone, all you are doing is telling people that you are an ass and that you don't care what they think.

Very divisive.
Pretty sucky analogy
Even for a Trump

Give a kid the option of trick or treating or just getting the candy for sitting home ......
Most kids would go trick or treating

You knew it was an analogy. THus went you attacked Trump Jr. for thinking trick or treating was "work", you were lying.

That you have to lie about this, looks pretty bad for you.
I think it is slimy of Lil Donnie to exploit his own daughter like that

Don't you?

No. NOthign wrong with discussing teaching your child as an analogy for teaching others.

Exploiting your own child for political gain

How low can Republicans sink?
IT's called an analogy.

But you knew that. YOu were just lying some more.

When your lies don't fool anyone, all you are doing is telling people that you are an ass and that you don't care what they think.

Very divisive.
Pretty sucky analogy
Even for a Trump

Give a kid the option of trick or treating or just getting the candy for sitting home ......
Most kids would go trick or treating

You knew it was an analogy. THus went you attacked Trump Jr. for thinking trick or treating was "work", you were lying.

That you have to lie about this, looks pretty bad for you.
I think it is slimy of Lil Donnie to exploit his own daughter like that

Don't you?

No. NOthign wrong with discussing teaching your child as an analogy for teaching others.

Exploiting your own child for political gain

How low can Republicans sink?

YOur concerns are noted, and dismissed as not credible.
I can see where Lil Donnie got the idea

He probably used to steal candy from other children when he was young. Why should his own daughter be any different?
He paid his bills by wire transfer from foreign banks.

Manafort and the Podesta brothers are kindred souls and thicker than proverbial thieves........and that trail will eventually lead to POS like the Hildebeast and John "lame" want ties to the Russian oligarchs that Putin has been trying to flush out that are Rothschild agents? Look no further than the puppets of the prior administration.

I swear I just read you post something that you like to educate yourself and how hard you work at learning the facts.

This post proves that's a bunch of nonsense.

Debate me........engage in an honest discussion. Let's see what ya got. I am betting that it is chock full of "nothing l
Yes. I understand you don't believe anything from HP. Do you contend that if an article appears there, then any other outlet that might publish same is lying? If not, then you have to admit that some of their articles, particularly this one is true. I'm still amazed that you think all the benefits of living here are free, and you don't owe your share of taxes to pay for them. Pretty childish and selfish of you.

What I am saying is that the Huffingpuffingtonpost wasn't reporting news without inserting their own leftard slanted commentary. THAT is what I am saying.

"I'm still amazed that you think all the benefits of living here are free, and you don't owe your share of taxes to pay for them. Pretty childish and selfish of you"

Consumption taxes are constitutional but a tax on what I make when I barter my labor in one hour increments for paper scrip aka "Federal Reserve" debt notes isn't. Why do YOU think this corporate entity that claims to be a legitimate governmental body is entitled to 25 cents of ever FRN I make? That sounds like feudalism to A progressive income tax is one of the planks of the communist manifesto along with a central bank....did you know that? Look it up. I don't want or expect anything from any corporate entity and I refuse to be a de-facto employee of USA.INC. I will sink or swim based on the merits of my own labor and on my terms......if it's all the same to you....capiche'?

Got it. You think banks are communist.

Is that ALL you got out of my post? You see, stupid fucks like you are nothing but entertainment because you can only spin and take one small segment of the generous information I bestow on clowns like you.

Seriously, why do I EVEN bother?!?!?!?!?!?

Spit it out. Why are taxes on labor unconstitutional? Stay on subject if you can.

Dear BULLDOG and Dale Smith
To explain in simple 8th grade history terms:
taxation is unconstitutional when it is forced without representation,
when people do not consent to the terms of the contract
of how much money or what percentage is required and where the money is spent.

The problem we face right now is parties with conflicting, opposing
beliefs on what govt should be used for
do NOT agree on what to pay for, and how much to charge which people
deemed responsible for which programs because they don't all agree.
This is especially troublesome with issues of BELIEFS that people
cannot be forced to change by govt,
or forced to fund under penalty if it's against their beliefs.

So that's why it becomes unconstitutional on multiple levels.
And once programs are in place that people contest as against their beliefs and/or consent,
removing them or changing their terms or funding
risks creating MORE costs or consequences
that other people don't agree to pay for! If the policy
doesn't represent and protect the interests/beliefs of all people
equally, but people are punished or deprived of equal rights,
that's discrimination by creed to penalize people on the basis of their beliefs being violated.

Sadly, we can't even CHANGE existing contested programs
where we can't agree what to change them to
that won't incur costs that people don't agree on either!

Back to the solution I propose:
let people choose which party to pay taxes to
on social programs or other contested policies
that not everyone beliefs in funding publicly.

so any contested programs can revert to local,
state, or private business/nonprofit networks
that can be collectively funded by party members
instead of charging all taxpayers unless this is agreed.
There must be fully informed and freely chosen representation where taxpayers
agree to invest their taxes there, so it respects consent of the governed.

Yes. There are lots of people who don't like certain taxes, or any taxes at all, and many thoughts about how to remove some of them to suit the complainers. That is not the subject here. The claim was made that taxing pay for labor is unconstitutional. While I agree that is the belief of some, the Supreme Court is the final judge of constitutionality. As a country, we can't really change our tax laws on a whim just because Joe down the street doesn't like them. Each of us is free to believe anything they want about the constitutionality of our laws; tax or otherwise, but just saying taxing labor is unconstitutional doesn't make it so. If he can convince the SC it is unconstitutional, then Dale might have a valid claim. Until then, it's just the inane whining of a lot of conspiracy theory nuts.
You people would bitch, whine and carry on if you shat pure gold BBs.

Oh, do you agree with Trump Jr's Halloween lesson to his daughter about socialism?

Dear Lakhota The point that is being missed is replacing voluntary giving and sharing
with REQUIRING someone FORCED by an OUTSIDE third party. Where free choice is lost.

It STILL makes the same point: (1) is the giver or receiver making the "free choice" to give to others VOLUNTARILY? or (2) is some "third party" imposing and regulating how much to give and who receives it? Currently, participation in Halloween is voluntary, but when outside authority dictates the giving, it's no longer the individual's free will.

Mr. Trump could have taken it further and said: What if Govt enforced a mandate that ALL households were legally REQUIRED to participate in buying and providing candy, according to their income level, or pay a tax penalty. Because of a universal right to candy!

Actually, you missed the point. Carefully and slowly read what he told his daughter. Are you on drugs?
No, Lakhota, I'm not; but
arguing with fellow liberals like you ought to drive me there:

1. He presented the idea of him as her father (IE AN OUTSIDE THIRD PARTY) making her give a portion of her candy (NOT BY HER FREE CHOICE) to other children at school (HE DECIDED ON, NOT HER).

2. Some Critics argued the candy was given freely to her (she didn't earn it or buy it herself)

AGAIN I make the point the givers of the candy did so VOLUNTARILY. And the receivers collected it voluntarily.

That doesn't give a third party the authority to force someone to give to others what was given and received VOLUNTARILY by free choice.

3. Perhaps I confused you Lakhota by adding a stronger scenario than what was presented. I added that Trump "could have taken it further" by presenting the case where even the original distribution and participation WAS ALSO forced and decided by an outside third party.

Were you thrown off that I would actually add creative original thought to the given statement?

Were you only expecting me to parrot what was already said Lakhota? So if what I said didn't repeat what others said then "I must be on drugs or didn't read the story"

Yes I did read it, plus the various comments. Sorry if you misunderstood my point in adding my own comparisons, for the purpose of explaining the difference between voluntary giving receiving and sharing vs. a third party intervening and trying to regulate or require how other people should give or distribute instead of teaching how to share by FREE CHOICE

Lakhota is that more clear now? Sorry if I needed to clarify my purpose and point, please advise if I need to explain further.

Surely, as we are both supporters of free choice, you would know that was the point I was aiming for. Otherwise please advise if you still have a problem with what I added. so I can understand what sounds conflicting to you here, so much, that you would insinuate I was somehow "on drugs" instead of asking me to clarify my comments.

I think you only meant to be sarcastic and funny, but it comes across to me as immature, ignorant or rude to blame the other person, assuming the problem is with them, without asking what they meant first!

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