Donald Trump is weakening America


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
President Trump has contradicted Secretary Tillerson and a number of his GOP colleagues on issues like North Korea, Healthcare and Charlottesville. As this continues, America's enemies see America as a "house divided against itself" America's allies don't know if they should listen to Trump, Secretary Tillerson, or the GOP lawmakers in Congress. If President Trump cannot even speak with one voice with his own GOP colleagues, America will be seen as a weak and divided nation. This will embolden our enemies, and confuse our allies by sending mixed messages. For a candidate who campaigned on making America strong and independent, he is succeeding in doing the opposite.

P.S. Trump Supporters: Before you dismiss this as "fake news" I would invite you to actually read the links below, and consider they are from Business Insider and USA Today. Not at all a haven of the Liberal Left.


Trump contradicts Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and 'Little Rocket Man'

Lawmakers slam Trump's latest defense of Charlottesville response

Trump could be hurting the Obamacare repeal effort more than he's helping
The only people weakening America are the un-American globalist pigs who can’t accept the will of the people.

People like you.
The only people weakening America are the un-American globalist pigs who can’t accept the will of the people.

I'm sure you meant the "will of the electoral college"....because a total of 3 fucking MILLION people voted AGAINST the orange fuck up....LOL
President Trump has contradicted Secretary Tillerson and a number of his GOP colleagues on issues like North Korea, Healthcare and Charlottesville. As this continues, America's enemies see America as a "house divided against itself" America's allies don't know if they should listen to Trump, Secretary Tillerson, or the GOP lawmakers in Congress. If President Trump cannot even speak with one voice with his own GOP colleagues, America will be seen as a weak and divided nation. This will embolden our enemies, and confuse our allies by sending mixed messages. For a candidate who campaigned on making America strong and independent, he is succeeding in doing the opposite.

P.S. Trump Supporters: Before you dismiss this as "fake news" I would invite you to actually read the links below, and consider they are from Business Insider and USA Today. Not at all a haven of the Liberal Left.


Trump contradicts Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and 'Little Rocket Man'

Lawmakers slam Trump's latest defense of Charlottesville response

Trump could be hurting the Obamacare repeal effort more than he's helping

With all the arrests among their members, how is it that the Left does not understand the concept of "good cop, bad cop" in both interrogation and diplomacy?

Both publications list to the Left.
The only people weakening America are the un-American globalist pigs who can’t accept the will of the people.

I'm sure you meant the "will of the electoral college"....because a total of 3 fucking MILLION people voted AGAINST the orange fuck up....LOL
The people decide who the electoral college vote for. Nice lie. Fail.
President Trump has contradicted Secretary Tillerson and a number of his GOP colleagues on issues like North Korea, Healthcare and Charlottesville. As this continues, America's enemies see America as a "house divided against itself" America's allies don't know if they should listen to Trump, Secretary Tillerson, or the GOP lawmakers in Congress. If President Trump cannot even speak with one voice with his own GOP colleagues, America will be seen as a weak and divided nation. This will embolden our enemies, and confuse our allies by sending mixed messages. For a candidate who campaigned on making America strong and independent, he is succeeding in doing the opposite.

P.S. Trump Supporters: Before you dismiss this as "fake news" I would invite you to actually read the links below, and consider they are from Business Insider and USA Today. Not at all a haven of the Liberal Left.


Trump contradicts Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and 'Little Rocket Man'

Lawmakers slam Trump's latest defense of Charlottesville response

Trump could be hurting the Obamacare repeal effort more than he's helping

A US Republican senator says he will not seek re-election, delivering a fierce attack on President Donald Trump.

Arizona Senator Jeff Flake said "reckless, outrageous and undignified behaviour" at the top of the US government was dangerous to democracy.

Mr Trump has previously called Mr Flake "toxic".

The US president is already embroiled in a row with another Republican Senator, Bob Corker.
A US Republican senator says he will not seek re-election, delivering a fierce attack on President Donald Trump.
US Republican majority leader Mitch McConnell said he had "witnessed a speech from a very fine man".
The only people weakening America are the un-American globalist pigs who can’t accept the will of the people.

People like you.

DERPDIDDY DERP DERP - DERP DERP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

the will of the people ... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

yeah, go with that one. Thats a good one !
jughead weakened the military, allowed all manner of illegals and criminals to FLOOD the country, sent reps to criminals funerals, and these fucking idiots say Trump is weakening the country? What LIARS! Trump is trying to fix what the fools allowed jughead to do!
President Trump has contradicted Secretary Tillerson and a number of his GOP colleagues on issues like North Korea, Healthcare and Charlottesville. As this continues, America's enemies see America as a "house divided against itself" America's allies don't know if they should listen to Trump, Secretary Tillerson, or the GOP lawmakers in Congress. If President Trump cannot even speak with one voice with his own GOP colleagues, America will be seen as a weak and divided nation. This will embolden our enemies, and confuse our allies by sending mixed messages. For a candidate who campaigned on making America strong and independent, he is succeeding in doing the opposite.

P.S. Trump Supporters: Before you dismiss this as "fake news" I would invite you to actually read the links below, and consider they are from Business Insider and USA Today. Not at all a haven of the Liberal Left.


Trump contradicts Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and 'Little Rocket Man'

Lawmakers slam Trump's latest defense of Charlottesville response

Trump could be hurting the Obamacare repeal effort more than he's helping
Jeff Flake gave a speech today worthy of Advise and Consent or Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
He’s calling out this deranged president and also the GOP who enables him.
He’s practicing what he’s preaching and not going to participate in this fascade any longer.
Once again this is unprecedented but then again we never had a prez this out of control and incompetent..
jughead weakened the military, allowed all manner of illegals and criminals to FLOOD the country, sent reps to criminals funerals, and these fucking idiots say Trump is weakening the country? What LIARS! Trump is trying to fix what the fools allowed jughead to do!
Under Obama more undocumented Mexicans left this country than came in. So as usual... you have no idea what you’re talking about.

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