Donald Trump is redefining our standards


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember when American presidents paid tribute to American soldiers on Thanksgiving?





Trump's Thanksgiving will cost Americans over $1 million


Imagine. 300 days in office. 100 days playing golf.

Well, maybe it's not a bad thing. The more he does, the more damage he causes.
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My IRA is worth 40% more now than the day Trump was elected, my house value has increased, the unemployment rate is at a record low, people are getting off of food stamps and onto the payrolls of companies, etc etc.

I've made more money in the first 10 months of this mans presidency than I made in the 8 years of Obama's.

I'd rather Trump keep working hard than sit with soldiers for a photo op. That being said, trumps pic is from a UK website. We have no idea when it was taken.
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My IRA is worth 40% more now than the day Trump was elected, my house value has increased, the unemployment rate is at a record low, people are getting off of food stamps and onto the payrolls of companies, etc etc.

I've made more money in the first 10 months of this mans presidency than I made in the 8 years of Obama's.

I'd rather Trump keep working hard than sit with soldiers for a photo op. That being said, trumps pic is from a UK website. We have no idea when it was taken.

And would have been 40% had Hillary been elected.
My IRA is worth 40% more now than the day Trump was elected, my house value has increased, the unemployment rate is at a record low, people are getting off of food stamps and onto the payrolls of companies, etc etc.

I've made more money in the first 10 months of this mans presidency than I made in the 8 years of Obama's.

I'd rather Trump keep working hard than sit with soldiers for a photo op. That being said, trumps pic is from a UK website. We have no idea when it was taken.

The stock market more than tripled during Obama's eight years in office as the U.S. economy recovered from the recession.

Unemployment rate went from 10% down to 4.5% under Obama

and the yearly running deficit went from $1,4 trillion A YEAR down to $400 billion

Home Prices. Home values rebounded under Obama, reaching a new high in his final year. Sales figures from the National Association of Realtors show the national median price of an existing, single-family home was $235,500 in 2016. That was $38,900 higher than in 2008, an increase of 19.8 percent ...
Debt doubled from 10 Trillion to 20 trillion under Obama.

Labor participation rate was at a record low under Obama.

The stock market began rebounding the day Trump was elected.

Stock market soaring: Hitting record highs at least 50 times since he took office:

The Markets Are Up, Unemployment Is Down. How Much Credit Should Trump Get?

Unemployment falling......lowest in 16 years....
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just a heads up , think its pertinent to this thread . Just heard that TRUMPS Address to the Troops / Nation is coming up shortly on FOX .
Yea but that doesn't matter. He didn't pose for a photo-op with troops so he's anti military.

That's been established already. Whatever Trump does will never be enough for the scumbag left.
My IRA is worth 40% more now than the day Trump was elected, my house value has increased, the unemployment rate is at a record low, people are getting off of food stamps and onto the payrolls of companies, etc etc.

I've made more money in the first 10 months of this mans presidency than I made in the 8 years of Obama's.

I'd rather Trump keep working hard than sit with soldiers for a photo op. That being said, trumps pic is from a UK website. We have no idea when it was taken.
Trump hasn't done anything.
Thank Obama.
what a dumbass thread
Obama was anti-American and pro-criminal--I've documented and linked this before
My IRA is worth 40% more now than the day Trump was elected, my house value has increased, the unemployment rate is at a record low, people are getting off of food stamps and onto the payrolls of companies, etc etc.

I've made more money in the first 10 months of this mans presidency than I made in the 8 years of Obama's.

I'd rather Trump keep working hard than sit with soldiers for a photo op. That being said, trumps pic is from a UK website. We have no idea when it was taken.

The stock market more than tripled during Obama's eight years in office as the U.S. economy recovered from the recession.

Unemployment rate went from 10% down to 4.5% under Obama

and the yearly running deficit went from $1,4 trillion A YEAR down to $400 billion

Home Prices. Home values rebounded under Obama, reaching a new high in his final year. Sales figures from the National Association of Realtors show the national median price of an existing, single-family home was $235,500 in 2016. That was $38,900 higher than in 2008, an increase of 19.8 percent ...
see post # 16
Quick question. Whos under the table in front of Billy ???
Did you see Trump? Someone must have realized that every other president eats with or serves the Troops at Thanksgiving, so they bundled Trump up and went to a Coast Guard office where he spoke in front of one or two dozen Coast Guard.
He had no speech prepared so he made fun of the press, talked about their 401. Hello, the Coast Guard doesn't have 401's.
He asked them if they had any questions, no one did.
Get this, he was wearing no tie. You know he was off to the golf course as soon as he left.

Trump visits Coast Guard in Florida (full remarks) - CNN Video

Look at the food. Cold Hoagies and potato chips? That's it?
At look at them. They laughed a little at his poor jokes, but they look so embarrassed. Not a group admiring the president.
Looked like a Mexican guy in the back. I wonder what he thought? That more than SOME Mexicans don't rape?

Man, they're glad I wasn't there. When he asked "Do you have any questions?" They would have had to drag me away.

Mr. President
Do you still believe that only some Mexicans don't rape?
Do you still believe that some Nazi's are nice people?
Do you feel it's OK taking healthcare away from millions of Americans?
Why will you get at least a billion dollars under your tax plan and we would have increases?
Why do you hate the press that's protected by our Constitution?
How come we find out about your Russian meetings and phone calls from the Russian press?
Do you understand that Russia is not our friend?
Why do you put the lives of those working for US intelligence agencies in danger by publicly dissing them?
How come you only like soldiers that weren't captured?
Why do you fight with the father of a basketball player?
Why do you attack the families of soldiers that died overseas?
Do you understand you are tearing this country apart?
Why do you support a pedophile?
Why to talk so much about former President Obama?
Why do you keep attacking Hillary Clinton?
Why was the Republican Party paying your legal fees?
Why is the Trump Foundation still under criminal investigation?
What were the charges the Trump Foundation plead guilty to?

See what I mean?
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Yea but that doesn't matter. He didn't pose for a photo-op with troops so he's anti military.

That's been established already. Whatever Trump does will never be enough for the scumbag left.
What is it he's done that makes you so proud?

Make it good. We know the facts.

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