Donald Trump Is Leading the Republican Field Among Federal Employees, Too (Poll Trump 1st)

Trump is to the left of Kasich. That's the point. He supports Big Government to accomplish his goals. He is using silly goofs like Vigi and DF. Then he will throw them away. He is a true blue liberal.
You just keep telling yourself that JockStinky. Soon it will be President Trump.
If he is president, he will be no different than Bush or Obama, just a big government progressive. We will get national health care, immigration reform and a pathway and no mass deportations, etc. That would be much more preferable than Perry or Santorum or Cruz et al. Kasich would be better.
I say, give Trump the chance.... We've seen what a McLame, and a McRomney candidacy has done for the party. You know the definition of INSANITY....The JakeAss displays it with every post!

Vigilante attacks me while pointing the finger at himself.

Interesting, that after Romney and McCain, Vigi is willing to go with a guy more liberal than them/.

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