Donald Trump is completely transforming the DemonRATS!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
He can’t be bought.

And that is what drives them nuts. And since he can’t be bought, he has to be destroyed.

Democrats are now defined by Trump the way that antimatter is defined by matter, with each particle of matter corresponding to an antiparticle. Take the secrecy. Democrats once were the party that fought against the misuse of secret classification laws by the FBI and other agencies. They demanded greater transparency from the executive branch, which is a position that I have readily supported. Yet, when oversight committees sought documents related to the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act investigation of Trump associates, Democrats denounced the very thought that Republicans would question the judgment of the FBI that any such disclosures would be tantamount to jeopardizing national security.

Democratic Party leaders including Pelosi declared that the oversight committees had moved beyond “dangerous irresponsibility and disregard for our national security” and “disregarded the warnings of the Justice Department and the FBI.” Likewise, House Intelligence Committee ranking minority member Adam Schiff expressed shock that the FBI was not given deference in withholding the information in the surveillance investigation.

Yet, when the information was finally forced out of the FBI, including the disclosure of previously redacted material, it was clear that the FBI had engaged in overclassification to shield not national security but to shield the bureau itself from criticism. It included discussion of the roles of high ranking FBI officials and their reliance on such sources as the Christopher Steele dossier, which were already publicly known. Democratic House members like Schiff presumably knew what was in the redactions and, nevertheless, wanted deference to the classification decisions of the FBI.

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Transforming the democrats?!?!?!?


Look to your own party kid!
He can’t be bought.
And that is what drives them nuts. And since he can’t be bought, he has to be destroyed.

That is the bait. Like a mouse with cheese, D. Trump is reeling them in to exposing and committing themselves fully under the illusion that they are getting him! They simply cannot resist in the futile effort to try to save some face after the humiliation of 2016.

It completely escapes them that THEY are the ones with political careers to protect, not the Donald.
Transforming the democrats?!?!?!?


Speaks volumes that the Creep even knows what that means. Real, important stuff, he doesn't know crap. I guess he leaves the crap for Unkatore.
Lol, I'm betting you had to look it up.

You betcha. I actually have a life and don't fill my head with worthless, obscure, Mexican references. Too busy being an American with a life.
Lol, you "have a life" but don't get out enough to be up on current slang terms.


You shouldn't call them DemoRats. Rats at least have the intelligence to abandon a sinking ship. Democrats cause it to sink and hang on.
Lol, you "have a life" but don't get out enough to be up on current slang terms.

Don't need to "get out" anywhere to be sitting in your mommy's basement clicking on your smart phone looking crap like that up! Besides, this is the only place I might run into a creep like you who would actually even know and USE such a term like that. And be surprised others don't know it. I'm much more involved in things that actually matter to my life.

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