Donald Trump IS America! Strong, Able, Intelligent, Confident. I Wanted to Be Like Him as a Young Man.

You are nasty to everyone when they say something good about Trump----you like a silly vindictive child.
That’s how the leftists are. They pout, attack, demean, etc., anyone who says anything positive about Trump.

I myself was sitting in the hair stylist‘s chair, having to listen to my stylist rage on about how Trump loves Neo-Nazis, and when I objected to what she was saying as being taken out of context, she - the woman I was paying to provide a service! - started arguing with me and remarking, with that disdain we all have seen, that I must get my news from FOX News.

Yes, this is how arrogant and disgusting leftists have become. They feel so superior to anyone who defends Trump (against the liberal lies) that they feel comfortable going on thr attack against a client paying them $200.
That’s how the leftists are. They pout, attack, demean, etc., anyone who says anything positive about Trump.

I myself was sitting in the hair stylist‘s chair, having to listen to my stylist rage on about how Trump loves Neo-Nazis, and when I objected to what she was saying as being taken out of context, she - the woman I was paying to provide a service! - started arguing with me and remarking, with that disdain we all have seen, that I must get my news from FOX News.

Yes, this is how arrogant and disgusting leftists have become. They feel so superior to anyone who defends Trump (against the liberal lies) that they feel comfortable going on thr attack against a client paying them $200.
Maybe you're wrong.
Adulterers are a dime a dozen.
So what’s your point? Adulterers like Trump are commonplace - it’s been estimated that half of husbands have cheated at some point - but actual rapists like Clinton are (thankfully) more rare?
Maybe you're wrong.
No, I’m not. Trump never said the neo-Nazis were fine people.

But besides that, are you saying it’s Ok for a service provider to go on the attack against her client because she pointed the misreporting of the liberal media?
You missed the billions rump inherited from his father. Not one dime went to his brother and his father was a billionaire when he passed. 2.4 bil sounds about right.
Fred Trump was never worth more than $300 million.
You had to expect it. Nothing ever that is a positive for Trump is a positive for America and Americans is a positive for democrats. They are out to destroy us.
I guess I always underestimate the amount of hate and jealousy in here. I mistakenly think most people are like me; proud of our great leaders.
I guess I always underestimate the amount of hate and jealousy in here. I mistakenly think most people are like me; proud of our great leaders.
Yes, the descent of the left has been extreme in recent years. Even when you take something for which one would think would have a unifying opinion - like a dictator invading an innocent country - leftists use it as another excuse to attack Trump and accuse Conservatives of being on Russia’s side.
I guess I always underestimate the amount of hate and jealousy in here. I mistakenly think most people are like me; proud of our great leaders.
If you think Trump is the answer it must be a really dumb question. I know that Biden is no better yet these two Dotards are an embarrassment to the US.
NFBW $- wrote: Thx dudmuck . . .

This match made in Hell . . . .
View attachment 608526
. . . Killed a 6-year-old Ukrainian girl in unicorn pajamas

“Show this to Putin,” he said angrily.

Show this to Mashmont - He lives to be like Trump

Five years of “NATO & CIA bad : Putin good” is DJT’s legacy., Ukrainians are dying because of it. 22FEB28-POST#0067
Nato is BAD---proof is in the puddin-----Do you see them bombing PUTIN for attacking an European NATION? NATO's job (there reason for existence supposedly) is to clamp down quickly on any tyrannt attacking EUROPE and yet look at them? ONly after days of Ukrainians fighting back valiantly are they will to shut down SOME of PUTINS money sources.

CIA is BAD---they lied, perjuried, manufactured fake evidence, attacked harassed innocent americans----these are BAD Things

You have to be one delusional puppy not to realize these two things. SEEK HELP babe, you obviously can't the simple things in life.
In summer 1989, my wife and I had a nonstop to Seattle. In the five-hour flight, I read The Art of the Deal from cover to cover. This was right at the time I decided to switch careers from teaching to real estate investing. I was 30 years old. That book was so motivational to me, had more sound business tips, and was so inspiring, I couldn't wait to get back home and start. That was 33 years ago, and it was the best decision I ever made.

But the point is, Donald Trump represented the very best of America. He was extremely wealthy by age 34, a self-made billionaire by 40. A brilliant, bold, organized, disciplined, confident swashbuckling kind of guy. I liked that and wanted to be that in my own sphere, though not the showy part. I wasn't going to do anything near as big as buy a landmark NYC hotel, but I was going to do my own little thing here in my mid-sized city.

Fast forward to late 1996. My wife and I were in Romania. Not far removed from Communism. The weather was overcast, bleak, lifeless. So were the people. Walking through the streets of Bucharest, the men were all dressed alike. Drab black pants, black shoes, black overcoat. They walked without energy or purpose it seemed. I was tall energetic, walked fast, wore jeans and white sneakers, and a bright red, white, and blue windbreaker. I didn't realize how I stood out, though I wasn't trying to. People looked at me. In the evening, I walked downtown to the casino. I did pretty well at blackjack. The natives didn't seem to know how to play. Nobody ever split or doubled down. I was having such a good run, people were putting their chips beside mine. Before long, the floor manager summoned me, and said I would have to remove my red, white, and blue jacket because it was too flamboyant for their tastes. Underneath I was wearing an old beat-up gray sweatshirt, but that was fine with them because it was not bright. I apologized and did what they wanted.

When I got back to the house where we were staying, I asked our native guide how I was perceived. I thought perhaps I was disliked. She said, no, the people can tell you are an American and admire that. They admire your energy, and are a bit jealous of you because of all you represent. I think I appeared to them the same way Americans see Donald Trump. Tall, energetic, can-do, very confident, maybe a little brash. Some are jealous. But this is what America is.

But is also extremely generous, giving, and caring. Just like Donald Trump. There are many stories of people Trump has helped financially without it being publicized. The media has scrubbed most of those accounts. But I remember before the big Google purge of 2016, such stories were readily found. America has always come to the aid of people in need. We are strong, confident, and giving. Never has an American leader matched a country's personality better than President Trump.

But the Marxist left doesn't want that. They want us to be like Soviet-bloc people. Bland, weak, tired, ineffectual zombie-like, and controlled. They don't want people to strive and dream and work and achieve. They don't want Donald Trumps.
You forgot ‘deranged’!
When their biggest complaint about Trump is "Well, he may have been a billionaire, but he didn't have as many billions as was once thought", well that's pretty darned good.

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