Donald Trump failed 41% of all businesses he started

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10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed

As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.
When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "
I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.
They Did Not Give Up

Actually, Edison didn't even do that much. He did not invent the light bulb. Others had already made them, all Edison did was experiment until he found a filament type and design that burned long enough to make it a commercially viable product to sell commercially. Edison was only after the money. And the greatest irony? The bulb found its greatest application in the AC system that he had bitterly opposed.

Don't believe a WORD you write. Is it so hard to provide a link? To substantiate? Too many times people write shit that they don't really understand!
Give me the links and then I might believe you!

What, are you too fucking stupid to have seen like maybe a HUNDRED TV programs over the years documenting this?

Too fucking lazy to go research it for yourself on the web? Took me all of 5 seconds to find this:
Who Invented the Light Bulb?
AC/DC: The Tesla–Edison Feud
War of the currents - Wikipedia
Edison vs. Westinghouse: A Shocking Rivalry | History | Smithsonian

Edison was a hack. Just as Marconi took credit for inventing the radio when really Nikola Tesla came up with it first, just as Alfred Russel Wallace really came out with a feasible, provable theory of evolution and natural selection which Darwin then took his letter about it and on the urging of two friends, published it as part of his own work without Wallace's knowledge or approval putting his (Darwin's) name first (which became known for decades as the Darwin-Wallace Theory until eventually, they slowly erased Wallace's name and they dropped mention of Wallace altogether), Edison was a hack and you've been lied to all your life---- Edison for the most part took other people's ideas, found ways to commercialize them for personal gain (including getting Tesla to fix the design of his DC generators then refusing to pay him the money promised), and took all the credit for them.
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed

As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.
When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "
I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.
They Did Not Give Up

Actually, Edison didn't even do that much. He did not invent the light bulb. Others had already made them, all Edison did was experiment until he found a filament type and design that burned long enough to make it a commercially viable product to sell commercially. Edison was only after the money. And the greatest irony? The bulb found its greatest application in the AC system that he had bitterly opposed.

Don't believe a WORD you write. Is it so hard to provide a link? To substantiate? Too many times people write shit that they don't really understand!
Give me the links and then I might believe you!

What, are you too fucking stupid to have seen like maybe a HUNDRED TV programs over the years documenting this?

Too fucking lazy to go research it for yourself on the web? Took me all of 5 seconds to find this:
Who Invented the Light Bulb?
AC/DC: The Tesla–Edison Feud
War of the currents - Wikipedia
Edison vs. Westinghouse: A Shocking Rivalry | History | Smithsonian

Edison was a hack. Just as Marconi took credit for inventing the radio when really Nikola Tesla came up with it first, just as Alfred Russel Wallace really came out with a feasible, provable theory of evolution and natural selection which Darwin then took his letter about it and on the urging of two friends, published it as part of his own work without Wallace's knowledge or approval putting his (Darwin's) name first (which became known for decades as the Darwin-Wallace Theory until eventually, they slowly erased Wallace's name and they dropped mention of Wallace altogether), Edison was a hack and you've been lied to all your life---- Edison for the most part took other people's ideas, found ways to commercialize them for personal gain (including getting Tesla to fix the design of his DC generators then refusing to pay him the money promised), and took all the credit for them.

so why didn't you do this in the first place? How dumb must you be to think geez all these people will just take YOUR word for it!

That's the problem with idiots like you! You don't substantiate and then BLAME ME?

I didn't say those comments by the way! I simply provided the links and if YOU think he was a fraud then why didn't you do this effort initially? But again that's not the value
of people like you spouting your opinion!
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10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed

As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.
When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "
I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.
They Did Not Give Up

Edison was a thief.
so why didn't you do this in the first place? How dumb must you be to think geez all these people will just take YOUR word for it!

Don't expect anyone to take "my word" for it, Fuckface, like I said, you have two hands to look it up if you don't know, in my entire life you're the first dumbass so stupid that I've ever been questioned about what is common knowledge to anyone with a high school education!
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed

Your a fool. Trump made the majority of his money through bankruptcy and screwing investors and banks. He can't get a loan in any western bank. And worldwide it's Deutsche Bank, Republic of Cyprus, and Russia that will lend him money.
How many businesses have you started?

Myself 3. 2 failed and my current one has been going strong for almost 30 years.

That is a terrible failure rate but if ask any of the people who I employ or the homeowners who's homes I remodel if that makes any difference they will tell you no.

By the way you just joined and I can already see the future with you. Try to be less obvious
Its a sock. Its some retarded asian kid that needs to lose his virginity

^^^^^ This
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed
That;s good! We need more failure.
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed
That;s good! We need more failure.

Ban erasers on pencils dammit!
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed
And 99% of Microsoft’s R&D fails.
so why didn't you do this in the first place? How dumb must you be to think geez all these people will just take YOUR word for it!

Don't expect anyone to take "my word" for it, Fuckface, like I said, you have two hands to look it up if you don't know, in my entire life you're the first dumbass so stupid that I've ever been questioned about what is common knowledge to anyone with a high school education!

So the only conclusion from YOUR lack of substantiation is you never ever had to justify what you wrote to skeptics like me!
Because if you did you know the number 1 rule in making any exaggerated statement as you did is SUBSTANTIATE IT!
Not one logical rational person would believe any of your comments unless you proved your sources by providing links!
Why should I have to justify your subjective, uncorroborated truly 7th grade comments? You made them you prove them!
If 41% failed that would mean that 59% were successful.

He could make the MLB Hall of Fame hitting that.

A Pro Baseball Player makes the Hall by failing 70% of the
time. (.300 gets you in the Hall)
And in Trump-like fashion the 70% failure rate would earn him truckloads and truckloads and truckloads of money, likely north of $100M.

Play ball!
Liberals are far more impressed with Obama who never failed at anything in the private sector. You can't fail as a Community Organizer since no one knows what you are supposed to be doing.
You can fail as a community organizer. That just shows how ignorant you are.


American president is the biggest community organizer in the world. Duh!
10 of Donald Trump's businesses that failed horribly
"To test that claim, The New York Times analyzed 61 of Donald Trump's projects from the 2000s to 2012, scouring archived web pages, old press releases, and lawsuits to see if they were in fact good business.

The reporters concluded that 24 of those deals failed"

Proof that failure leads to success. Even though I don't like the man for what he has done to women, I respect his accomplishments, drive and determination to succeed

Hey many businesses have you started? Stick with something you know like how to wipe the Borscht off your chin.
started 7 businesses all earned me hundreds of millions
So the only conclusion from YOUR lack of substantiation is you never ever had to justify what you wrote to skeptics like me!

No, sorry again, Dolt. I never had to substantiate that the Sun rises in the east either. You are the first person in almost 50 years so uneducated an uninformed that I've had to "prove" common knowledge to that not only hasn't even the character to be appreciative, but has the nerve and lack of self-judgement to actually be indignant that I didn't do all the leg-work for them on a matter they can easily look up in seconds for themselves and actually expects others to write everything on the assumption that all are as stupid as you to provide links, documentation and footnotes to every little fucking basic thing, and the temerity to not even be embarrassed about it.

MY GUESS: You were a Bernie Supporter - 70%

You were a Hillary Supporter - 30%

You were a Trump Supporter - 0%
So the only conclusion from YOUR lack of substantiation is you never ever had to justify what you wrote to skeptics like me!

No, sorry again, Dolt. I never had to substantiate that the Sun rises in the east either. You are the first person in almost 50 years so uneducated an uninformed that I've had to "prove" common knowledge to that not only hasn't even the character to be appreciative, but has the nerve and lack of self-judgement to actually be indignant that I didn't do all the leg-work for them on a matter they can easily look up in seconds for themselves and actually expects others to write everything on the assumption that all are as stupid as you to provide links, documentation and footnotes to every little fucking basic thing, and the temerity to not even be embarrassed about it.

MY GUESS: You were a Bernie Supporter - 70%

You were a Hillary Supporter - 30%

You were a Trump Supporter - 0%

Well see once again your grossly uneducated approach...i.e.. seat of the pants, opinionated...and mostly boorish chest beater is WRONG!
I donated to President Trump, went to the rallies and definitely voted for this common sense Queens New Yorker who is loud, boisterous opinionated BUT loves America!

Only pompous people like you think everyone should believe everything you write.
Me on the other hand I trust the reader to doubt and verify or as President Reagan once said ""Доверяй, но проверяй"!

And since you probably are too young to know who Reagan is, here is a link that will translate that for you!
Trust, but verify - Wikipedia
Well see once again your grossly uneducated approach...i.e.. seat of the pants, opinionated...and mostly boorish chest beater is WRONG!
I donated to President Trump, went to the rallies and definitely voted for this common sense Queens New Yorker who is loud, boisterous opinionated BUT loves America!

So my loud, boisterous opinionated approach is all wrong, but you donated to and went to see another guy who had a loud, boisterous opinionated approach. Got it. And did you write to the Trump Campaign bitching to them too, to explain everything you didn't understand or believe?

Only pompous people like you think everyone should believe everything you write.

I don't think anything other than if you don't know or have doubts about what you read, you should get off YOUR FAT LAZY ASS and spend 5 minutes learning more about the matter rather than wasting other people's time as you've wasted mine expecting them to anticipate your ignorance for you and teach you the world while you stand on one foot.

And since you probably are too young to know who Reagan is,

I remember JFK being shot, asshole. And STILL, you just don't GET IT. I guess the Left is at least PARTLY right--- some Trump supporters ARE flaming jackasses! And I just met one!
If 41% failed that would mean that 59% were successful.

He could make the MLB Hall of Fame hitting that.

A Pro Baseball Player makes the Hall by failing 70% of the
time. (.300 gets you in the Hall)
And in Trump-like fashion the 70% failure rate would earn him truckloads and truckloads and truckloads of money, likely north of $100M.

Play ball!

He's a life-long criminal. His father was a criminal and so were his grandparents.

Finally settled the phony university scam. Stole millions and made millions profit.

He bragged the same about his bankruptcies - he stole from many and made a fat profit.

Brags that he doesn't pay taxes but he doesn't do anything to earn that.

He brags that he doesn't pay his bills an uses other people's money.

Now, he's doing nothing to earn his weekly $3MILLION vacations.

He's trailer trash with money. The whole klan is very much like the Kardashians. They're rich and famous for being rich and famous.
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Well see once again your grossly uneducated approach...i.e.. seat of the pants, opinionated...and mostly boorish chest beater is WRONG!
I donated to President Trump, went to the rallies and definitely voted for this common sense Queens New Yorker who is loud, boisterous opinionated BUT loves America!

So my loud, boisterous opinionated approach is all wrong, but you donated to and went to see another guy who had a loud, boisterous opinionated approach. Got it. And did you write to the Trump Campaign bitching to them too, to explain everything you didn't understand or believe?

Only pompous people like you think everyone should believe everything you write.

I don't think anything other than if you don't know or have doubts about what you read, you should get off YOUR FAT LAZY ASS and spend 5 minutes learning more about the matter rather than wasting other people's time as you've wasted mine expecting them to anticipate your ignorance for you and teach you the world while you stand on one foot.

And since you probably are too young to know who Reagan is,

I remember JFK being shot, asshole. And STILL, you just don't GET IT. I guess the Left is at least PARTLY right--- some Trump supporters ARE flaming jackasses! And I just met one!

If you remember JFK then you should have a better education than you are evidencing because when I was in school excellent scholarship required substantiating documentation which before the Internet was very difficult but obviously your education standards weren't equal to mine.
I would NEVER be so presumptuous as to make any statements about personalities especially as you did regarding Edison without proof. You offered none.
Evidently you don't believe in the burden of proof lies with the accuser!
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