Donald Trump: Best US President Ever


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It's a matter of opinion, sure. And one could easily make the apples and oranges argument, because each of the presidents served in different eras, and had different type accomplishments. Washington brought the US into being, commanding the revolutionary war forces, and helping to create the country.

Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Madison authored the Constitution. Jackson kept the British down in the War of 1812. Polk obliterated the Mexicans in the 1846-48 Mexican-American War, and established 1/3 of current US territory. FDR got us through the depression and World War II. Eisenhower commanded the European allied forces in World War II, chased millions of illegal aliens out of the US in Operation Wetback (1954), and created the US interstate highway system.

One could mention other presidents as well. But no president has ever lifted the US economically, from so low, to so high, breaking records left and right, in the greatest economic boom ever. And all of this in spite of relentless, vicious, underhanded attack from the Democrats and leftist world leaders. None ever had 25 years of globalist lunacy to have to remove, and the neglect of 4 wimpy, ass-kissing US presidents, and then do it with direct, forceful action.

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Here's a partial list >>>

1. GDP growth up to 4.2%

2. Unemployment down to 3.7% (a 16 year low)

3. Black and Hispanic unemployment down to lowest points ever.

4. Median income up to $61,400. Highest ever.

5. Stock market is at an all-time high.

6. Consumer confidence is at an all-time high.

7. Mortgage applications for new homes is at a 7 year high.

8. Signed the promoting women in entrepreneurship act.

9. End of the war on coal, causing a new mine for coal mining to open, that will mine clean coal. Trump also put the miners back to work.

10. Promotes buying and hiring American (in contrast to Hillary/Obama globalist policy)

11. Reduced illegal immigration by over 70%. (thereby protecting US jobs for Americans - among many other benefits)

12. Withdrawl from the Trans Pacific Partnership thus keeping jobs here.

13. Created a task force to reduce crime.

14. Signed an executive order to protect police officers and target drug cartels.

15. Signed an executive order for religious freedom.

16. Trump fixing the VA, so now vets can choose their own doctors and be covered. This also protects whistle blowers, and allows VA to terminate bad employees..

17. Authorized construction of the Keystone and Dakota pipelines. The Dakota pipeline is up and running without harming the environment.

18. Commissions on election fraud and opioid addiction.

19. Food stamp use has dropped to its lowest level in seven years

20. Reduced the White House payroll saving taxpayers millions of dollars.

21. Trump is donating his salary to various charitable causes.
Do the day's work. If it be to protect the rights of the weak, whoever objects, do it. If it be to help a powerful corporation better to serve the people, whatever the opposition, do that. Expect to be called a stand-patter, but don't be a stand-patter. Expect to be called a demagogue, but don't be a demagogue. Don't hesitate to be as revolutionary as science. Don't hesitate to be as reactionary as the multiplication table. Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong. Don't hurry to legislate. Give administration a chance to catch up with legislation.
Have Faith in Massachusetts as delivered by Calvin Coolidge to the Massachusetts State Senate, 1914.
It's a matter of opinion, sure. And one could easily make the apples and oranges argument, because each of the presidents served in different eras, and had different type accomplishments. Washington brought the US into being, commanding the revolutionary war forces, and helping to create the country.

Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Madison authored the Constitution. Jackson kept the British down in the War of 1812. Polk obliterated the Mexicans in the 1846-48 Mexican-American War, and established 1/3 of current US territory. FDR got us through the depression and World War II. Eisenhower commanded the European allied forces in World War II, chased millions of illegal aliens out of the US in Operation Wetback (1954), and created the US interstate highway system.

One could mention other presidents as well. But no president has ever lifted the US economically, from so low, to so high, breaking records left and right, in the greatest economic boom ever. And all of this in spite of relentless, vicious, underhanded attack from the Democrats and leftist world leaders. None ever had 25 years of globalist lunacy to have to remove, and the neglect of 4 wimpy, ass-kissing US presidents, and then do it with direct, forceful action.


Trump hasn't done anything other than give himself a nice big tax cut.
I'll agree with you if he
1. Does what Hungry just did in getting rid of gender studies out of our colleges and 2. Fights to restore the traditional family.

He has a long ways to go.
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It's a matter of opinion, sure. And one could easily make the apples and oranges argument, because each of the presidents served in different eras, and had different type accomplishments. Washington brought the US into being, commanding the revolutionary war forces, and helping to create the country.

Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Madison authored the Constitution. Jackson kept the British down in the War of 1812. Polk obliterated the Mexicans in the 1846-48 Mexican-American War, and established 1/3 of current US territory. FDR got us through the depression and World War II. Eisenhower commanded the European allied forces in World War II, chased millions of illegal aliens out of the US in Operation Wetback (1954), and created the US interstate highway system.

One could mention other presidents as well. But no president has ever lifted the US economically, from so low, to so high, breaking records left and right, in the greatest economic boom ever. And all of this in spite of relentless, vicious, underhanded attack from the Democrats and leftist world leaders. None ever had 25 years of globalist lunacy to have to remove, and the neglect of 4 wimpy, ass-kissing US presidents, and then do it with direct, forceful action.


Donald Trump is a great president and make no mistake about that. That's first.

I can't go with you to "Best US President Ever", however. For one thing, let's let him serve out his term, whether he gets one or two. Secondly, he has some really really big shoes to fill. Just consider our very first president. George Washington.

Again, however. A great president in my book for sure.
Americans are tired of the PC Leftard violence, and demand someone who stands up to it and publicly humiliates it.

Thus Trump is in the right place at the right time. The only reason he got elected is because of the insane Left.
Americans are tired of the PC Leftard violence, and demand someone who stands up to it and publicly humiliates it.

Thus Trump is in the right place at the right time. The only reason he got elected is because of the insane Left.

The "deplorables" comment did it.

And for me, Hillary Clinton's audacious assumption she would be POTUS.

The divine right of kings. :cool-45:
It's a matter of opinion, sure. And one could easily make the apples and oranges argument, because each of the presidents served in different eras, and had different type accomplishments. Washington brought the US into being, commanding the revolutionary war forces, and helping to create the country.

Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Madison authored the Constitution. Jackson kept the British down in the War of 1812. Polk obliterated the Mexicans in the 1846-48 Mexican-American War, and established 1/3 of current US territory. FDR got us through the depression and World War II. Eisenhower commanded the European allied forces in World War II, chased millions of illegal aliens out of the US in Operation Wetback (1954), and created the US interstate highway system.

One could mention other presidents as well. But no president has ever lifted the US economically, from so low, to so high, breaking records left and right, in the greatest economic boom ever. And all of this in spite of relentless, vicious, underhanded attack from the Democrats and leftist world leaders. None ever had 25 years of globalist lunacy to have to remove, and the neglect of 4 wimpy, ass-kissing US presidents, and then do it with direct, forceful action.


Just to add to what I said previously: G. Washington was not only an exceptional General and President but, remarkably, when his two terms were ended, he left the Presidency and, if memory serves, even left Washington. When you think about it, that's very humble, but in character for him. As the first president he could have stayed in many capacities--he could have done a lot of things. He wanted to preserve the peaceful passing of power.

Donald Trump is an impressive president...and we've been blessed to have other impressive presidents. May God continue to bless us.
Nice try, but you would do better by not using a source with a left of center bias. Even the AJC itself has admitted it's bias >>

" the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has acknowledged that there is liberal bias in its news reporting"

"In the midst of plummeting ad revenues, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper has responded to reader feedback concerning its liberal bias, by looking to add a full-time conservative columnist while promising to do a better job of making sure its news pieces are fairer. …"

>> Atlanta Paper Responds to Concerns About Bias, Becomes ‘Fairer’

Now, to address your challenge of my item # 11 ("Reduced illegal immigration by over 70%." My statement is 100% correct. Trump DID reduce illegal immigration by that much in 2017. Then in 2018 (election year), illegal immigration rose in conjunction with Democrats' desire to bring in more illegals to vote in the 2018 election, and now spiking with the caravan, set up by them.

In Trump's First 100 Days, A Dramatic Reduction In Immigration

Even without a border wall, Trump is reducing illegal immigration

Trump Has Reduced Immigration Without Lifting A Finger

Trump says illegal immigration lowest in 17 years

Illegal immigration across southwest border down 70 percent under Trump
The Trump AH screams at the fed leader Powell for hiking rates The leader HE put in that position AND he fired Yellen who kept rates low Proof trump is an asshole supreme
The Trump AH screams at the fed leader Powell for hiking rates The leader HE put in that position AND he fired Yellen who kept rates low Proof trump is an asshole supreme
And we should just overlook the 21 items in Post # 2, just because of these things, huh ? Pheeeeew!! (high-pitched whistle, eye's rolling around in head)

It's a matter of opinion, sure. And one could easily make the apples and oranges argument, because each of the presidents served in different eras, and had different type accomplishments. Washington brought the US into being, commanding the revolutionary war forces, and helping to create the country.

Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Madison authored the Constitution. Jackson kept the British down in the War of 1812. Polk obliterated the Mexicans in the 1846-48 Mexican-American War, and established 1/3 of current US territory. FDR got us through the depression and World War II. Eisenhower commanded the European allied forces in World War II, chased millions of illegal aliens out of the US in Operation Wetback (1954), and created the US interstate highway system.

One could mention other presidents as well. But no president has ever lifted the US economically, from so low, to so high, breaking records left and right, in the greatest economic boom ever. And all of this in spite of relentless, vicious, underhanded attack from the Democrats and leftist world leaders. None ever had 25 years of globalist lunacy to have to remove, and the neglect of 4 wimpy, ass-kissing US presidents, and then do it with direct, forceful action.


Trump hasn't done anything other than give himself a nice big tax cut.

Way to much CNN

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It's a matter of opinion, sure. And one could easily make the apples and oranges argument, because each of the presidents served in different eras, and had different type accomplishments. Washington brought the US into being, commanding the revolutionary war forces, and helping to create the country.

Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Madison authored the Constitution. Jackson kept the British down in the War of 1812. Polk obliterated the Mexicans in the 1846-48 Mexican-American War, and established 1/3 of current US territory. FDR got us through the depression and World War II. Eisenhower commanded the European allied forces in World War II, chased millions of illegal aliens out of the US in Operation Wetback (1954), and created the US interstate highway system.

One could mention other presidents as well. But no president has ever lifted the US economically, from so low, to so high, breaking records left and right, in the greatest economic boom ever. And all of this in spite of relentless, vicious, underhanded attack from the Democrats and leftist world leaders. None ever had 25 years of globalist lunacy to have to remove, and the neglect of 4 wimpy, ass-kissing US presidents, and then do it with direct, forceful action.


Trump hasn't done anything other than give himself a nice big tax cut.

Way to much CNN

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ah, how to avoid talking about the issues. I don't watch TV dude, don't go on the CNN website, no CNN. So.... maybe now you're going to have to find out that Trump hasn't actually done anything other than give himself a tax cut.
It's a matter of opinion, sure. And one could easily make the apples and oranges argument, because each of the presidents served in different eras, and had different type accomplishments. Washington brought the US into being, commanding the revolutionary war forces, and helping to create the country.

Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Madison authored the Constitution. Jackson kept the British down in the War of 1812. Polk obliterated the Mexicans in the 1846-48 Mexican-American War, and established 1/3 of current US territory. FDR got us through the depression and World War II. Eisenhower commanded the European allied forces in World War II, chased millions of illegal aliens out of the US in Operation Wetback (1954), and created the US interstate highway system.

One could mention other presidents as well. But no president has ever lifted the US economically, from so low, to so high, breaking records left and right, in the greatest economic boom ever. And all of this in spite of relentless, vicious, underhanded attack from the Democrats and leftist world leaders. None ever had 25 years of globalist lunacy to have to remove, and the neglect of 4 wimpy, ass-kissing US presidents, and then do it with direct, forceful action.

Dow below 2017.

You really must smoke a lot of crack. One quarter of growth over 4% and that's breaking records? Sorry but he inherited a good economy and has kept it good. End of story. Dow however is doing really bad. Labor force participation still sucks. Huge deficits....

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