Donald Rumsfeld's $2.3Trillion

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - Donald Rumsfeld's $2.3Trillion[/ame]
Look back at the numbers from the "War to End All Wars."

"Take our friends the du Ponts, the powder people – didn't one of them testify before a Senate committee recently that their powder won the war? Or saved the world for democracy? Or something?

"How did they do in the war? They were a patriotic corporation. Well, the average earnings of the du Ponts for the period 1910 to 1914 were $6,000,000 a year. It wasn't much, but the du Ponts managed to get along on it.

"Now let's look at their average yearly profit during the war years, 1914 to 1918. Fifty-eight million dollars a year profit we find! Nearly ten times that of normal times, and the profits of normal times were pretty good. An increase in profits of more than 950 per cent.

"Take one of our little steel companies that patriotically shunted aside the making of rails and girders and bridges to manufacture war materials. Well, their 1910-1914 yearly earnings averaged $6,000,000.

"Then came the war. And, like loyal citizens, Bethlehem Steel promptly turned to munitions making. Did their profits jump – or did they let Uncle Sam in for a bargain? Well, their 1914-1918 average was $49,000,000 a year!

"Or, let's take United States Steel. The normal earnings during the five-year period prior to the war were $105,000,000 a year. Not bad. Then along came the war and up went the profits. The average yearly profit for the period 1914-1918 was $240,000,000. Not bad.

"There you have some of the steel and powder earnings. Let's look at something else. A little copper, perhaps. That always does well in war times.

"Anaconda, for instance. Average yearly earnings during the pre-war years 1910-1914 of $10,000,000. During the war years 1914-1918 profits leaped to $34,000,000 per year."

This is not a one time deal. The Pentagon loses about 1/4 of it money every year. It was also found that 1.1 trillion went missing from HUD.

Are there any candidates who want to address this problem.

What do we debate?

Bush was ok with it

Clinton was ok with it

Obama is ok with it...

Obama's OK with it? You can prove that?

Year three and he hasn't done anything about it. Guess that means he is just as okay with it as Bush was.

Well either that or you're a moron and don't realize that the POTUS can't control everything.
This is not a one time deal. The Pentagon loses about 1/4 of it money every year. It was also found that 1.1 trillion went missing from HUD.

Are there any candidates who want to address this problem.
Catherine Austin Fitts was the first to open my eyes to the trillion$ that vanished between 1998 and 2007.

Slick Willie may have bought off his impeachment by using the threat of revealing CIA connections to gun running and drug smuggling.

".“Then on October 8th, an hour after the House of Representatives voted to move forward with the Clinton impeachment hearings, the CIA quietly posted Volume II of the CIA Inspector General report on the 'Dark Alliance' allegations on their website.

"Volume II included a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding between DOJ and CIA.

"As Mike Ruppert has hypothesized, the message from President Clinton to the Republicans was simple and clear. You take me down and I will take everyone down."

The missing money also explains how the housing bubble got started. Stealing $4 trillion between fiscal 1998 and 2002 made it possible to acquire another $12 trillion for bailing out Wall Street in late 2008.

Catherine believes that for the last 500 years the only thing all politicians fear more than getting caught doing business with organized crime is losing control of the money organized crime generates every year.

Whether it's flushing money down the toilet through perpetual war or inflating and collapsing stock and commodities bubbles, the nexus between organized crime and government is where the class war began.

Deja Vu View - $59 Billion Missing from HUD at The Solari Report Blog
[ame=]YouTube - Cynthia McKinney - Cost of Financial Recovery - Debate Answer[/ame]
"Trillions missing from DoD!

"We reported that DoD processed $1.1 trillion in unsupported accounting entries to DoD Component financial data used to prepare departmental reports and DoD financial statements for FY 2000."
David K. Steensma
Acting Assistant Inspector General
for Auditing for the DoD
US Dept of Defense (DoD)
February 26, 2002

Billions missing from HUD!
"At the time we discontinued our audit work... An additional 242 adjustments totaling about $59.6 billion, were made to adjust fiscal year 1999 activity."
Susan Gaffney
HUD Inspector General
US Dept of Housing
& Urban Development (HUD)
March 22, 2000

"What does this mean?

"Trillions of dollars in 'unsupported adjustments' means trillions of dollars unaccounted for. What's going on? Where is the money? How could this happen? Where are the checks and balances? How much more has gone missing?

"Is this happening in the other government agencies too? What would happen if a corporation failed to pass an audit like this? Or a taxpayer? Who is responsible for this? Who can we trust to fix it? ... It is a simple attempt to demonstrate the scale of ENRON style accounting in the US government."

Where is the money?

Legitimate businesses earn profits at a 6% to 12% rate while criminal activity generates profits in the 25% to 33% range.

Republicans AND Democrats can do that math in their sleep.
Trillions missing and people are more worried about someone getting food stamps.
In one of her posts Catherine talks about a speech she gave in late 1998 explaining how, in her view, capitalism could be reformed to benefit all Americans instead of a privileged few.

One member of her audience, a CalPERS executive, told her at that time over $4 billion had already left the country, headed for greener pastures in Asia.

Wouldn't it be ironic if Americans finally unite in opposition to the criminals they have elected to serve them?

"The Popsicle Index is the % of people who believe a child can leave their home, go to the closest place to buy a popsicle and come home alone safely.

"For my entire life I have watched the people around me make money from things that cause the Popsicle Index to go down. Drugs, housing bubbles, mortgage fraud, political corruption, environmental pollution. You name it...

"For my entire lifetime the Dow Jones has been going up while the Popsicle Index has been going down.

"The question before us is 'Can we align the relationship between the Dow Jones and the Popsicle Index from a win-lose relationship to a win-win relationship?'

"The answer is, of course, yes. Step one is to face the real problems.

"Most of the answers lie outside of the matrix.

"Stop being socially acceptable. Our problems are too serious to stay inside the matrix in the hopes of clinging to respectability.

"The world is now full of organized crime syndicates that have more powerful computers and weaponry than sovereign governments and have grown powerful on decades of drug running and black budget shenanigans.

"On one hand, it is pretty scary."

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