DOJ Weakening the Integrity of American Elections

you dont care about voting rights do you

Only if it doens't include fraud. Requiring people to have an id is not violating their voting rights. It's protecting the process. It's funny how these same people who claim to be disenfranchised always seem to have an identification to buy cigarettes and booze or cash a check, but when it comes to voting they call themselves disenfranchised. The voters are not disenfranchised by these laws, the leaders of the democrat party are, and that is where holders problems with it are.
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then you read NONE of my links.

Im not surprized.

you dont want facts you want justification for your party to keep people from voting

Nobody reads your links, hell....hardly anyone ever even reads your posts, you're so full of shit it is coming out of your ears. When you want to have an honest debate about something without injecting left wing propaganda into it more people would pay attention to your "Links".
Saying this is about illegals is dishonest at best. It is all about voter suppression of typically liberal leaning voters. Show me any proof that there is a large problem with illegals commiting voting fraud. Im sure that the last thing illegal aliens would want to do is show up at a government sponsored event where, even without voter id laws, there are some checks and balances. Why would you chance getting deported just to cast a vote. Does not make any sense.

Yes, because we all know typically liberal leaning voters refuse to have ID.

I haven't said a damn thing about illegals, and if you want proof that there is a problem with voter fraud go do some damn research.

Explain to me how requiring ID to vote is somehow unconstitutional or does anything but strengthen the integrity of our elections.

The left's argument here is simply illogical. It is quite simply stunningly stupid to equate requiring ID to actively attempting to keep blacks from voting.

Screw it, I'll provide some links showing that voter fraud is a problem.

The voter fraud hall of shame: Milwaukee voter fraud conviction makes ACORN

Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud - CNN

Indiana secretary of state convicted of voter fraud -

Florida.: 53K dead people on voter rolls - MJ Lee -
Acorn has been the subject of scores of investigations—a total of 46 inquiries by federal, state, and local agencies, including the FBI and the Treasury Department, and five by Congress as of October 2009, according to the report.

The report found no evidence that voters attempting to cast ballots at the polls had been improperly registered by Acorn, a chief Republican accusation.

The report also said that a sting-style effort to publicize the group’s allegedly illegal activities, may have broken state laws. Two conservative activists set off a firestorm in September when they posed as a pimp and a prostitute seeking financial advice and secretly videotaped Acorn employees offering advice on how the couple could hide their illicit activities and avoid paying taxes.
Look fuck off if you want perfect typing.

this is a fucking chat site not a college term paper

I don't need to point out misspellings to demonstrate your lack of intellectual ability, but when you spell surprise with a z I think it pretty much shows you haven't ever written a college paper.

Again, has any court ever agreed with your idea that requiring ID, provided free in most states, is some racist conspiracy to bring back Jim Crow laws? Has the DOJ won any case against a state with voter ID laws.

I suppose the Attorney General advising black pastors on how to campaign for Obama without violating the law, not that the DOJ would prosecute them for it, isn't politicizing the department. Telling people the laws so they dont break them is not illegal you complete asshole
You are losing this debate, just as the DOJ has lost EVERY SINGLE COURT CASE.

You have already lost in the face of the facts

You're not entitled to your own facts, sorry.....just isn't so.
ACORN waa a republican packed DOJ hit job.

Guess what that VERY republican DOJ did break the laws

Once again you demonstrate your classlessness and ignorance. Try and not use the language of a teenager.

So you are saying that no ACORN employees were ever convicted of voter fraud? Answer that one damn question.

By the way, all of those court decisions you posted were eventually reversed by higher courts. Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, Arizona--all have voter ID laws and all were upheld in court and the DOJ lost.

Way to Google something and post it in a desperate attempt to save face.
Do you ever ask yourself, why it is in our best interest for legal citizens to vote in our elections?
The court just said that it's Ok to vote without proof of you being a citizen.
Judge fines ACORN $5,000 for voter registration scheme - News -

Judge fines ACORN $5,000 for voter registration scheme
By Francis McCabe
Posted: Aug. 10, 2011 | 10:59 a.m.

A judge Wednesday slapped the defunct grass-roots community organizing group ACORN with a maximum $5,000 fine for its role in a voter registration compensation scheme in the 2008 election cycle.

District Judge Donald Mosley was confined by statute to fine only the corporation, which pleaded guilty in April to one count of felony compensation for registration of voters.

Mosley said that if there were an individual standing before him, and not a corporation, that person would have been given a 10-year prison sentence, "and I wouldn't have thought twice about it."

The judge chastised the now-bankrupt corporation for making a "mockery" of the nation's election process. "This isn't a banana republic," Mosley said.

The state will have a difficult time recouping the fine. When the national organization closed its doors in April 2010, the group had assets totaling less than $4,000 and "liabilities of more than $4 million," according to court records.

ACORN, which maintained that it did not authorize the compensation program, allowed its criminal defense attorney, Lisa Rasmussen, to negotiate the case in April...

The voter fraud hall of shame: Milwaukee voter fraud conviction makes ACORN

The voter fraud hall of shame: Milwaukee voter fraud conviction makes ACORN’s 2010 total at least 15
By Matthew Vadum - The Daily Caller 1:27 PM 11/23/2010

Yet another former ACORN employee was convicted of voter fraud last week. This brings the total number of convictions for former workers from the embattled group to at least 15 so far this year.

Kevin L. Clancy of Milwaukee pleaded guilty last week to participating “in a scheme to submit fraudulent voter registration applications,” according to Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen. Clancy admitted to filing multiple voter registration applications for the same individuals and registering himself and other voter registration canvassers to vote multiple times while working on an ACORN voter drive.

Clancy received a 10-month prison term for his crime. Clancy’s sentence will begin when he completes another sentence he is currently serving for armed robbery.

“The integrity of elections is dependent upon citizens and officials insisting they be conducted lawfully,” Van Hollen said. “Wisconsin’s citizens should not have to wonder whether their vote has been negated or diminished by illegally cast ballots.”

So far 2010 has been a banner year for ACORN voter fraud prosecutions.

In Milwaukee, former ACORN worker Maria L. Miles, who worked with Clancy, pleaded guilty to “falsely procuring voter registration.” She will be sentenced next month.

Also in Milwaukee, Frank Edmund Walton was convicted of “falsely procuring voter registration.” According to Van Hollen, Walton solicited voter registrations while working for a group called the Community Voter Project. Court documents indicate that after committing the crime he became an ACORN employee. Walton will be sentenced in December.

In Washington state, ex-ACORN canvasser Kendra Lynn Thill was convicted of voter registration fraud and given a 12-month deferred sentence.

In Miami, Florida, former ACORN voter registration canvassers Maurice Childress, Kashawn John, Liltovia Rhodes, Carlos Torres, Evangeline Williams, Lilkevia Williams, and Richard Williams, were all convicted of “false swearing in an election.” All were sentenced to probation, community service, and forbidden to participate in political campaigns, according to the office of Katherine Fernandez Rundle, State Attorney for Miami-Dade County. In addition, Childress and Richard Williams were ordered to serve 72 days and 125 days in jail, respectively.

Arrest warrants were issued for three other former ACORN canvassers in the Miami area who are apparently still at large.

In Pennsylvania, former ACORN workers Alexis Givner, Mario Grisom, and Eric L. Jones, were convicted of voter registration fraud-related offenses. All three were sentenced to two years probation.

ACORN, the nonprofit shell corporation that runs the ACORN network, is still facing criminal prosecution in Nevada. Although ACORN filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy on Election Day to escape its debts, prosecutor Conrad Hafen, who is Nevada’s chief deputy state attorney general, previously said neither bankruptcy nor dissolution would “necessarily protect (ACORN) from prosecution” in Nevada.

The trial of ACORN for conspiracy to commit felony voter registration fraud was scheduled to begin Nov. 29, but ACORN lawyer Lisa Rasmussen had a scheduling conflict and the proceeding has been postponed. The trial will likely proceed in 2011. Hafen won’t be heading the prosecution’s team because he was recently elected a justice of the peace.

If ACORN is found guilty at the trial whenever it gets underway, the conviction would cause an earthquake in leftist organizing circles across America that could embolden prosecutors nationwide to take on ACORN and similar shady groups. Until it was charged by Nevada last year, ACORN had frequently boasted about how it — as opposed to its employees — had been able to duck prosecution for election fraud-related offenses.

Two weeks ago former senior ACORN executive Amy Adele Busefink cut a deal with Nevada prosecutors in hopes of avoiding prison time for her role in a voter fraud-related conspiracy.

Voter fraud, also called electoral fraud, is a blanket term encompassing a host of election-related improprieties. In this case, Busefink entered an “Alford plea” which is roughly equivalent to “no contest.” The case involves a conspiracy to provide illegal financial bonuses to voter registration canvassers exceeding their daily quotas. Nevada law forbids the practice on the theory that such bonuses provide an incentive for canvassers to file bogus registrations.

Busefink’s sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 10.

Read more: The voter fraud hall of shame: Milwaukee voter fraud conviction makes ACORN

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