DOJ Slams Accusations Attorney General Barr is Mishandling the Release of Mueller's Report

Nope. Quit lying.
Barr has claimed 4 different things he would base redactions on and only ONE has legal standing. The Grand Jury. And THAT could be released by that judge upon request as was done in Watergate
You keep lying...I'll keep pointing out the facts.
fact is he doesn't have to do shit. sit on that egg for awhile.
He has to honor subpoenas
Except when said subpoena violates the law, such as this one.
I’m what way? Let’s hear this lie. Thanks
This has been explained to you umpteen times - your partisan bigotry refuses to let you understand.
Explain it again liar. The Only thing that could legally cause redactions is Grand Jury stuff. And that can be released to Congress simply by requesting the judge release it as was done in Watergate
fact is he doesn't have to do shit. sit on that egg for awhile.
He has to honor subpoenas
Except when said subpoena violates the law, such as this one.
I’m what way? Let’s hear this lie. Thanks
This has been explained to you umpteen times - your partisan bigotry refuses to let you understand.
Explain it again liar
So you can again choose to not understand?
Why do you think you know the law better than the AG's office?
Hey idiot. Barr claimed that Obstruction can’t be prosecuted unless the underlying crime is prosecuted. That’s complete bullshit which I’m sure you stupidly believe
Why do you think you know the law better than the AG's office?
Because he’s lying? He can’t possibly be that stupid. Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart would love to know they were wrongly convicted
theres going to be a shitload of RW Tards eating a shitload of crow sooner than later ..

It must be a great comfort to you to have such a vivid fantasy life to compensate for your lack of a real one.
John Solomon has an excellent column in The Hill on this topic.

The job of prosecutors is not, as the Times headline suggested, to pen “damaging” narratives about people they couldn’t indict. And it’s not their job to air those people’s dirty laundry, or that of suspects outside of a grand jury room or a courtroom.

Mueller concluded there wasn’t evidence President Trump colluded with Russia to hijack the 2016 election, and therefore no indictment was warranted. And he punted on the question of obstruction, leaving his bosses — Attorney General William Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — to determine that there wasn’t enough evidence to indict the president on that charge.

And, most significantly, there were no other people charged. That means Trump legally could not be named as an unindicted co-conspirator in an obstruction plot.

At that point, no federal prosecutor has the right to impugn an uncharged investigative target’s reputation through anonymous leaks or literary reports. They are not allowed to anonymously inject into the court of public opinion any “damaging” information about what they couldn’t succeed at offering in a court of law as proof of criminality.


There is compelling evidence — starting with the lead of the story — that the Times information comes anonymously from “associates” of the actual prosecutors. In other words, it is second-hand hearsay.

I’m not sure that rises to a strong journalistic standard.

Nonetheless, the bigger lesson here should be clear, both to the Mueller team members and the reporters who facilitated their anonymous griping.

In the American justice system, if you don’t indict, you cannot incite.

Note to Team Mueller: If you don't indict, you can't incite
theres going to be a shitload of RW Tards eating a shitload of crow sooner than later ..

Didn't you say the very same thing last fall saying Just wait until Mueller releases his investigation?

We haven't seen it yet dumb ass.

What could be more dumbass than a democrat who says for the 27,053rd time in 2 years, Trump's impeachment or conviction is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! Any day now! We're sick of waiting for you to either PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

View attachment 254118
When did I say impeachment is right around the corner, or any day now? Those are dumb things the right says.

The RIGHT says impeachment is right around the corner?????


Man, you set a NEW BAR to just how dumb, DUMB can be!
We're still waiting for that to happen. And it will. The people will simply throw the rest of the Republicans out of office, and end the party. And they should.
You really do live in a delusional world, don't you?

No charges were filed against the Clintons, For 25 years Republicans have been investigating the Clintons.
Look, BogusLady, I know this is way over your head to grasp, but let's get ONE THING STRAIGHT. No one gets investigated for 25 years FOR NO REASON. The only reason why Hillary walks the streets a free woman is because to convict her would involve dragging in and taking down too many high people in government that the government simply wants to avoid the scandal. If the Clintons go to jail, just as Mueller spun off into a lot of other side people and unrelated things, it would necessitate asking a lot of embarrassing questions that would lead to an investigation that would expose corruption right to the very CORE of our government.

You actually believe all that crap, don't you?

The WHOLE WORLD is either wrong, or YOU.

Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich by Peter Schweizer
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party by Dinesh D’Souza
A Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate by Gary J Byrne.
Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation by Edward Klein
Hillary the Other Woman by Dolly Kyle
Partners in Crime; The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit by Jerome Corsi
The Clintons’ War on Women by Roger Stone and Robert Morrow
Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton by Kathleen Wiley
Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary Clinton by Edward Klein
Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine by Canice Jackson
Gennifer Flowers: Passion and Betrayal by Gennifer Flowers
Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Barbara Olson
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy’s Dossier on Hillary Clinton by Amanda Carpenter
The Extreme Makeover of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Bay Buchanan
A Washington Tragedy: Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Suicide of Vincent Foster by Dan Moldea
Deception: The Making of the Youtube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi by Kenneth Timmerman
Hillary Clinton: The Top 25 Reasons She Should Not Be Elected President by John Foster
The Case Against Hillary Clinton by Peggy Noonan
Whitewash: What the Media Won’t Tell You About Hillary Clinton, But Conservatives Will by L. Brent Bozell
Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich
Blood Feud: The Clintons vs The Obamas by Edward Klein

What's remarkable is that I'm sure you've read none of these, don't know anything about it, yet deny it all and think it all unfounded and made up.

You can make a fortune writing crazy conspiracy theory books and selling them to RWNJs, can't you? I'm thinking about writing a couple myself.

So your saying you've read them all and proven all of their claims false. Apparently they don't need to write much to sell to the Left because their screw is already so loose they don't need to!!

Looks like the Democrats are going to have a great political football in the upcoming election if the report is not released. With 20+ GOP senate seats up (some in blue states), it’s looking very good for the Dems to reclaim the Senate.

And that's why the worst thing that can be done is for Barr to release an un-redacted version of the report. It would take the wind out of the sails of the anti-Trump movement.
17 investigations - no witnesses,


TONS of witnesses.

no evidence,


MOUNTAINS of evidence. So much so, the public shakes their head in disbelief how this crap just keeps going on.

comic demos2.jpg


no crimes, and not one charge. Either Republicans are the WORST investigators ever, or the Clintons haven't done anything illegal - which is it?.


Why do you continually evade the ONE OBVIOUS THIRD ANSWER????? Hillary walks a free woman only because the Clintons are so dirty, so hip deep in connections to other dirty people in high places, that to charge them and prosecute them would involve asking questions leading to too many OTHER people high up in government that half the deep state would collapse under the greatest criminal conspiracy to ever rock this country. All the way to Obama, the FBI and the DOJ.

The simple truth is that she is an INSIDER, one of THEM, and Trump is not. Even Comey admitted she was guilty but that no prosecutor (in his allegation) would touch prosecuting her case.
theres going to be a shitload of RW Tards eating a shitload of crow sooner than later ..

Didn't you say the very same thing last fall saying Just wait until Mueller releases his investigation?

not forming opinions until the investigation is over is just about all I've been saying since day 1 - but look at Trump and his drones ... 30 seconds after Mueller turned over his findings to Barr, Goldilocks started slobbering how he was totally in the clear and his drones bought it - that bring us back to square 1.

It aint fucking over until its over !

By all means eat crow and have a foot for desert.

Bad news champ, the investigation is over. Mueller went home.
So Barr was lying about that too?

What has Barr lied about anything? You must be proven a liar about SOMETHING first before you can be shown to have lied about something else TOO. Show us your evidence. Your BELIEF is worth nothing. If Barr is a liar, then where is your boy Mueller staying so silent for, HUH?

HUH, Big Boy??? :1peleas:
he will, once he redacts the material that he has to follow law on. are you for him breaking the law? wow.

Nope. Quit lying.

Barr has claimed 4 different things he would base redactions on and only ONE has legal standing. The Grand Jury. And THAT could be released by that judge upon request as was done in Watergate

You keep lying...I'll keep pointing out the facts.
fact is he doesn't have to do shit. sit on that egg for awhile.
He has to honor subpoenas
he will, once he redacts the material that he has to follow law on. are you for him breaking the law? wow.
Nope. Quit lying.
Barr has claimed 4 different things he would base redactions on and only ONE has legal standing. The Grand Jury. And THAT could be released by that judge upon request as was done in Watergate
You keep lying...I'll keep pointing out the facts.
Why do you think you know the law better than the AG's office?
After his bullshit claims about Obstruction maybe I do. You know he was absolutely wrong about that.. correct?
He was? How?
She’s lesh and knows all. Ask her

So you really are that stupid?

I probably informed you that I am not a "she" 15 times already but you still get everything else wrong
What has Barr lied about anything? You must be proven a liar about SOMETHING first before you can be shown to have lied about something else TOO. Show us your evidence. Your BELIEF is worth nothing. If Barr is a liar, then where is your boy Mueller staying so silent for, HUH?

Ok troll...riddle me this.
Did Barr claim that Obstruction can't be prosecuted unless the underlying crime is prosecuted?

A simple yes or no would suffice
She’s lesh and knows all. Ask her

So you really are that stupid?

I probably informed you that I am not a "she" 15 times already but you still get everything else wrong
But yet you think you know more than the AG of the US on law! I can’t believe you on anything
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