DOJ: Border-Crossers Have 88 Percent Chance of Evading Deportation by Claiming ‘Credible Fear’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...Yeah, credible fear of DEPORTATION!

"Border-crossers entering the United States illegally have an 88 percent chance of evading immediate deportation by claiming “credible fear” in their native country, the Department of Justice (DOJ) analysis reveals."

Understood, but it is not the US' job to be the world's policemen, as liberals like to remind everyone, or be the world's half-way house/refuge. We give these countries they are fleeing millions and millions to imprve their countries. If they are failing to do so, we should cut their foreign aid.

DOJ: Border-Crossers Have 88 Percent Chance of Evading Deportation by Claiming 'Credible Fear' | Breitbart
...Yeah, credible fear of DEPORTATION!

"Border-crossers entering the United States illegally have an 88 percent chance of evading immediate deportation by claiming “credible fear” in their native country, the Department of Justice (DOJ) analysis reveals."

Understood, but it is not the US' job to be the world's policemen, as liberals like to remind everyone, or be the world's half-way house/refuge. We give these countries they are fleeing millions and millions to imprve their countries. If they are failing to do so, we should cut their foreign aid.

DOJ: Border-Crossers Have 88 Percent Chance of Evading Deportation by Claiming 'Credible Fear' | Breitbart
End our wars on drugs and terror, right wingers. WE are not the World's policemen.
End our wars on drugs and terror, right wingers. WE are not the World's policemen.
You should have told that to BARRY!

That SOB helped put the Muslim Brotherhood, an acknowledged Terrorist group, into power of the govt of our ally, Egypt.

He financed / armed / trained / protected / defended / took this nation to war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own country....then needlessly allowed them to kill more Americans on 9/11/12.

He ordered the US military not to strike the mile-long ISIS convoys going through the desert headed back into Iraq, to take over much of the country our military had already sacrificed to liberate.

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, and took the US into ANOTHER un-Constitutional, un-authorized war by invading Syria, where we had no business being. He refused to do anything about the Russians PsyOps and interference that he knew about because he did not want to piss off Putin because he wanted his 'OK' to go into Syria.

He protected their black market oil ops which financed their terrorist attacks, like the one on Paris. While the French and Russians launched attacks in retaliation for those attacks, Obama ordered our troops to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them an attack was coming.

He defended terrorists who attacked Americans n US soil, threatening them with his US AG if they exercised their right to free speech. He gave a terrorist a visa, letting her enter the US and murder 7 Californians in a terrorist attack.

He armed Mexican drug cartels, resulting in the death of at least 4 Americans.

You are right, we are not the world's policeman, but we are also not the world's dumping ground for poor, uneducated, unskilled, criminal refugees who want to suckle off the teat of US tax payers or who want to prey on US citizens.
End our wars on drugs and terror, right wingers. WE are not the World's policemen.
You should have told that to BARRY!

That SOB helped put the Muslim Brotherhood, an acknowledged Terrorist group, into power of the govt of our ally, Egypt.

He financed / armed / trained / protected / defended / took this nation to war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own country....then needlessly allowed them to kill more Americans on 9/11/12.

He ordered the US military not to strike the mile-long ISIS convoys going through the desert headed back into Iraq, to take over much of the country our military had already sacrificed to liberate.

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, and took the US into ANOTHER un-Constitutional, un-authorized war by invading Syria, where we had no business being. He refused to do anything about the Russians PsyOps and interference that he knew about because he did not want to piss off Putin because he wanted his 'OK' to go into Syria.

He protected their black market oil ops which financed their terrorist attacks, like the one on Paris. While the French and Russians launched attacks in retaliation for those attacks, Obama ordered our troops to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them an attack was coming.

He defended terrorists who attacked Americans n US soil, threatening them with his US AG if they exercised their right to free speech. He gave a terrorist a visa, letting her enter the US and murder 7 Californians in a terrorist attack.

He armed Mexican drug cartels, resulting in the death of at least 4 Americans.

You are right, we are not the world's policeman, but we are also not the world's dumping ground for poor, uneducated, unskilled, criminal refugees who want to suckle off the teat of US tax payers or who want to prey on US citizens.
We got pot legalized in California, in the mean time.
End our wars on drugs and terror, right wingers. WE are not the World's policemen.
You should have told that to BARRY!

That SOB helped put the Muslim Brotherhood, an acknowledged Terrorist group, into power of the govt of our ally, Egypt.

He financed / armed / trained / protected / defended / took this nation to war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own country....then needlessly allowed them to kill more Americans on 9/11/12.

He ordered the US military not to strike the mile-long ISIS convoys going through the desert headed back into Iraq, to take over much of the country our military had already sacrificed to liberate.

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, and took the US into ANOTHER un-Constitutional, un-authorized war by invading Syria, where we had no business being. He refused to do anything about the Russians PsyOps and interference that he knew about because he did not want to piss off Putin because he wanted his 'OK' to go into Syria.

He protected their black market oil ops which financed their terrorist attacks, like the one on Paris. While the French and Russians launched attacks in retaliation for those attacks, Obama ordered our troops to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them an attack was coming.

He defended terrorists who attacked Americans n US soil, threatening them with his US AG if they exercised their right to free speech. He gave a terrorist a visa, letting her enter the US and murder 7 Californians in a terrorist attack.

He armed Mexican drug cartels, resulting in the death of at least 4 Americans.

You are right, we are not the world's policeman, but we are also not the world's dumping ground for poor, uneducated, unskilled, criminal refugees who want to suckle off the teat of US tax payers or who want to prey on US citizens.
You left out how he Financed HAMAS through IRAN, and ordered DEA to stand down on Meth and Heroin Seizures belonging to a HAMAS-ISIS-Al Queda-Mexican Drug Cartlel Alliance.

You also left out how Obama Bin Lying and Hillary Rotten Clinton were financing and arming Al Queda in Libya and running guns through Benghazi to stage a COUP in Libya and assassinate Qadaffi who was actually helping us in the ME.

Our Enemies and Radical Islam had no better friend than Comrade Obama Bin Spying.
End our wars on drugs and terror, right wingers. WE are not the World's policemen.
You should have told that to BARRY!

That SOB helped put the Muslim Brotherhood, an acknowledged Terrorist group, into power of the govt of our ally, Egypt.

He financed / armed / trained / protected / defended / took this nation to war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own country....then needlessly allowed them to kill more Americans on 9/11/12.

He ordered the US military not to strike the mile-long ISIS convoys going through the desert headed back into Iraq, to take over much of the country our military had already sacrificed to liberate.

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, and took the US into ANOTHER un-Constitutional, un-authorized war by invading Syria, where we had no business being. He refused to do anything about the Russians PsyOps and interference that he knew about because he did not want to piss off Putin because he wanted his 'OK' to go into Syria.

He protected their black market oil ops which financed their terrorist attacks, like the one on Paris. While the French and Russians launched attacks in retaliation for those attacks, Obama ordered our troops to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them an attack was coming.

He defended terrorists who attacked Americans n US soil, threatening them with his US AG if they exercised their right to free speech. He gave a terrorist a visa, letting her enter the US and murder 7 Californians in a terrorist attack.

He armed Mexican drug cartels, resulting in the death of at least 4 Americans.

You are right, we are not the world's policeman, but we are also not the world's dumping ground for poor, uneducated, unskilled, criminal refugees who want to suckle off the teat of US tax payers or who want to prey on US citizens.
We got pot legalized in California, in the mean time.
  • California ranks 43rd in the country for Financial Health
  • California ranks 1st in the country for Poverty Rate and poor standard of living for the lower and middle classes.
  • California has more illegal aliens living in it than any other state.
  • California also has the highest rate of once eradicated diseases in The United States. Even Polio and Tuberculosis has found a home in California
  • California ranks as one of the top Exodus states with more people fleeing that state than any other.
  • California is the only State in the United States in which Californians want to Secede from Each other.
  • California is the only State in the United States that has an Official Human Excrement App, that tells Californians where to avoid Shit on it's streets and sidewalks deposited by it's filthy illegal alien population.

California, The Shit Hole State

The Great California Exodus - LewRockwell
"Caravan of Central Americans a ‘Walkathon for Open Borders,’ ‘Inevitable’ Result of Pushing Amnesty…"

A la shades of 'Field of Dreams', 'If you promise to give it / hand it out like free condoms at an 'All Nude High School', they will the millions!'

While Obama was President I drove by a parking lot downtown one day where a govt vehicle was parked, a table was set up, and a team was gingin people up for 'FREE' Obamaphones. There was a loooong line of people waiting to get their free phones..... At least half of the people in line were standing there talking on the cell phone they already owned. Obama, however, promised them *FREE phones, they were there handing them out, and people came in droves for their 'free sh!t'.

Democrats have been promising to grant Amnesty to all illegals living in the US for decades, since the last time they were given amnesty. During that time no one sealed the border or stopped the flow of illegals into the country....meanwhile the Democrats kept promising Amnesty, declaring giving them amnesty was 'inevitable'.

So you d@mn right every illegal who can make it here has tried and is trying to get un under the fence before the 'glorious day' arrives when our politicians award the millions of criminals whose violations of our Immigration laws and illegal entry they have helped facilitate / encourage.

If Americans are stupid enough to facilitate the passive invasion of their country by millions uneducated, unskilled, violent, terrorist, etc - who they have no way of knowing who / what they are - and are willing to force the citizens of the United States to pay for them, you can't blame the illegals for taking full advantage of it.
the right wants "more policemanship in the world."

The 'RIGHT' wants the Constitution and Rule of Law to be upheld / enforced.

When Barry became President the 1st d@mn thing he did was announce he was not going to enforce the DOMA because HE DID NOT AGREE WITH IT.
-- F* THAT! The man took an oath of office swearing he would faithfully defend and uphold the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law. I don't give a $hit what he agree with or not. I fully expected him to carry out his duties and his oath of office., which he did not.

Barry openly refused to enforce US Immigration laws, openly VIOLATED those laws by arming and protecting Drug Cartels and Human traffickers who were bringing illegals into the country. Obama even got the US Govt into the Human Trafficking business, HELPING illegals enter the country and then dispersing them all over the country without letting state and local governments / agencies know they were coming - ENDANGERING THE LIVES OF US CITIZENS AND BURDEING STATE AND LOCAL GOVTS BY RELEASING CRIMINALS UN-ANNOUNCED IN THE MIDST!
-- Barry even created special 'Rights' for illegals that American citizens were not even afforded. At one point His DOJ was ordered NOT to detain, arrest, charge, or convict any illegal who had committed a crime less than a Felony. WTF?! Then of course his administration protected Constitution/Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that were harboring and protecting criminal illegals who were preying on US citizens.
End our wars on drugs and terror, right wingers. WE are not the World's policemen.
You should have told that to BARRY!

That SOB helped put the Muslim Brotherhood, an acknowledged Terrorist group, into power of the govt of our ally, Egypt.

He financed / armed / trained / protected / defended / took this nation to war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own country....then needlessly allowed them to kill more Americans on 9/11/12.

He ordered the US military not to strike the mile-long ISIS convoys going through the desert headed back into Iraq, to take over much of the country our military had already sacrificed to liberate.

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, and took the US into ANOTHER un-Constitutional, un-authorized war by invading Syria, where we had no business being. He refused to do anything about the Russians PsyOps and interference that he knew about because he did not want to piss off Putin because he wanted his 'OK' to go into Syria.

He protected their black market oil ops which financed their terrorist attacks, like the one on Paris. While the French and Russians launched attacks in retaliation for those attacks, Obama ordered our troops to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them an attack was coming.

He defended terrorists who attacked Americans n US soil, threatening them with his US AG if they exercised their right to free speech. He gave a terrorist a visa, letting her enter the US and murder 7 Californians in a terrorist attack.

He armed Mexican drug cartels, resulting in the death of at least 4 Americans.

You are right, we are not the world's policeman, but we are also not the world's dumping ground for poor, uneducated, unskilled, criminal refugees who want to suckle off the teat of US tax payers or who want to prey on US citizens.
We got pot legalized in California, in the mean time.
  • California ranks 43rd in the country for Financial Health
  • California ranks 1st in the country for Poverty Rate and poor standard of living for the lower and middle classes.
  • California has more illegal aliens living in it than any other state.
  • California also has the highest rate of once eradicated diseases in The United States. Even Polio and Tuberculosis has found a home in California
  • California ranks as one of the top Exodus states with more people fleeing that state than any other.
  • California is the only State in the United States in which Californians want to Secede from Each other.
  • California is the only State in the United States that has an Official Human Excrement App, that tells Californians where to avoid Shit on it's streets and sidewalks deposited by it's filthy illegal alien population.

California, The Shit Hole State

The Great California Exodus - LewRockwell

...and now their citizens / cities are beginning to rebel against their embrace of being a criminal 'Sanctuary City' state.
End our wars on drugs and terror, right wingers. WE are not the World's policemen.
You should have told that to BARRY!

That SOB helped put the Muslim Brotherhood, an acknowledged Terrorist group, into power of the govt of our ally, Egypt.

He financed / armed / trained / protected / defended / took this nation to war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own country....then needlessly allowed them to kill more Americans on 9/11/12.

He ordered the US military not to strike the mile-long ISIS convoys going through the desert headed back into Iraq, to take over much of the country our military had already sacrificed to liberate.

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, and took the US into ANOTHER un-Constitutional, un-authorized war by invading Syria, where we had no business being. He refused to do anything about the Russians PsyOps and interference that he knew about because he did not want to piss off Putin because he wanted his 'OK' to go into Syria.

He protected their black market oil ops which financed their terrorist attacks, like the one on Paris. While the French and Russians launched attacks in retaliation for those attacks, Obama ordered our troops to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them an attack was coming.

He defended terrorists who attacked Americans n US soil, threatening them with his US AG if they exercised their right to free speech. He gave a terrorist a visa, letting her enter the US and murder 7 Californians in a terrorist attack.

He armed Mexican drug cartels, resulting in the death of at least 4 Americans.

You are right, we are not the world's policeman, but we are also not the world's dumping ground for poor, uneducated, unskilled, criminal refugees who want to suckle off the teat of US tax payers or who want to prey on US citizens.
We got pot legalized in California, in the mean time.
  • California ranks 43rd in the country for Financial Health
  • California ranks 1st in the country for Poverty Rate and poor standard of living for the lower and middle classes.
  • California has more illegal aliens living in it than any other state.
  • California also has the highest rate of once eradicated diseases in The United States. Even Polio and Tuberculosis has found a home in California
  • California ranks as one of the top Exodus states with more people fleeing that state than any other.
  • California is the only State in the United States in which Californians want to Secede from Each other.
  • California is the only State in the United States that has an Official Human Excrement App, that tells Californians where to avoid Shit on it's streets and sidewalks deposited by it's filthy illegal alien population.

California, The Shit Hole State

The Great California Exodus - LewRockwell
Most of that is due to cost of living issues. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will help solve a lot of those issues.
the right wants "more policemanship in the world."

The 'RIGHT' wants the Constitution and Rule of Law to be upheld / enforced.

When Barry became President the 1st d@mn thing he did was announce he was not going to enforce the DOMA because HE DID NOT AGREE WITH IT.
-- F* THAT! The man took an oath of office swearing he would faithfully defend and uphold the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law. I don't give a $hit what he agree with or not. I fully expected him to carry out his duties and his oath of office., which he did not.

Barry openly refused to enforce US Immigration laws, openly VIOLATED those laws by arming and protecting Drug Cartels and Human traffickers who were bringing illegals into the country. Obama even got the US Govt into the Human Trafficking business, HELPING illegals enter the country and then dispersing them all over the country without letting state and local governments / agencies know they were coming - ENDANGERING THE LIVES OF US CITIZENS AND BURDEING STATE AND LOCAL GOVTS BY RELEASING CRIMINALS UN-ANNOUNCED IN THE MIDST!
-- Barry even created special 'Rights' for illegals that American citizens were not even afforded. At one point His DOJ was ordered NOT to detain, arrest, charge, or convict any illegal who had committed a crime less than a Felony. WTF?! Then of course his administration protected Constitution/Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that were harboring and protecting criminal illegals who were preying on US citizens.
Nobody on the left takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise. Y'all have nothing but fallacy.
End our wars on drugs and terror, right wingers. WE are not the World's policemen.
You should have told that to BARRY!

That SOB helped put the Muslim Brotherhood, an acknowledged Terrorist group, into power of the govt of our ally, Egypt.

He financed / armed / trained / protected / defended / took this nation to war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own country....then needlessly allowed them to kill more Americans on 9/11/12.

He ordered the US military not to strike the mile-long ISIS convoys going through the desert headed back into Iraq, to take over much of the country our military had already sacrificed to liberate.

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, and took the US into ANOTHER un-Constitutional, un-authorized war by invading Syria, where we had no business being. He refused to do anything about the Russians PsyOps and interference that he knew about because he did not want to piss off Putin because he wanted his 'OK' to go into Syria.

He protected their black market oil ops which financed their terrorist attacks, like the one on Paris. While the French and Russians launched attacks in retaliation for those attacks, Obama ordered our troops to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them an attack was coming.

He defended terrorists who attacked Americans n US soil, threatening them with his US AG if they exercised their right to free speech. He gave a terrorist a visa, letting her enter the US and murder 7 Californians in a terrorist attack.

He armed Mexican drug cartels, resulting in the death of at least 4 Americans.

You are right, we are not the world's policeman, but we are also not the world's dumping ground for poor, uneducated, unskilled, criminal refugees who want to suckle off the teat of US tax payers or who want to prey on US citizens.
We got pot legalized in California, in the mean time.
  • California ranks 43rd in the country for Financial Health
  • California ranks 1st in the country for Poverty Rate and poor standard of living for the lower and middle classes.
  • California has more illegal aliens living in it than any other state.
  • California also has the highest rate of once eradicated diseases in The United States. Even Polio and Tuberculosis has found a home in California
  • California ranks as one of the top Exodus states with more people fleeing that state than any other.
  • California is the only State in the United States in which Californians want to Secede from Each other.
  • California is the only State in the United States that has an Official Human Excrement App, that tells Californians where to avoid Shit on it's streets and sidewalks deposited by it's filthy illegal alien population.

California, The Shit Hole State

The Great California Exodus - LewRockwell


You rubes seriously think Cali is in worse shape than any of those Bible Belt red state shiyholes ?
the right wants "more policemanship in the world."

The 'RIGHT' wants the Constitution and Rule of Law to be upheld / enforced.

When Barry became President the 1st d@mn thing he did was announce he was not going to enforce the DOMA because HE DID NOT AGREE WITH IT.
-- F* THAT! The man took an oath of office swearing he would faithfully defend and uphold the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law. I don't give a $hit what he agree with or not. I fully expected him to carry out his duties and his oath of office., which he did not.

Barry openly refused to enforce US Immigration laws, openly VIOLATED those laws by arming and protecting Drug Cartels and Human traffickers who were bringing illegals into the country. Obama even got the US Govt into the Human Trafficking business, HELPING illegals enter the country and then dispersing them all over the country without letting state and local governments / agencies know they were coming - ENDANGERING THE LIVES OF US CITIZENS AND BURDEING STATE AND LOCAL GOVTS BY RELEASING CRIMINALS UN-ANNOUNCED IN THE MIDST!
-- Barry even created special 'Rights' for illegals that American citizens were not even afforded. At one point His DOJ was ordered NOT to detain, arrest, charge, or convict any illegal who had committed a crime less than a Felony. WTF?! Then of course his administration protected Constitution/Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that were harboring and protecting criminal illegals who were preying on US citizens.
Nobody on the left takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise. Y'all have nothing but fallacy.
Thank you for proving my point, reality-denier. :p
End our wars on drugs and terror, right wingers. WE are not the World's policemen.
You should have told that to BARRY!

That SOB helped put the Muslim Brotherhood, an acknowledged Terrorist group, into power of the govt of our ally, Egypt.

He financed / armed / trained / protected / defended / took this nation to war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own country....then needlessly allowed them to kill more Americans on 9/11/12.

He ordered the US military not to strike the mile-long ISIS convoys going through the desert headed back into Iraq, to take over much of the country our military had already sacrificed to liberate.

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, and took the US into ANOTHER un-Constitutional, un-authorized war by invading Syria, where we had no business being. He refused to do anything about the Russians PsyOps and interference that he knew about because he did not want to piss off Putin because he wanted his 'OK' to go into Syria.

He protected their black market oil ops which financed their terrorist attacks, like the one on Paris. While the French and Russians launched attacks in retaliation for those attacks, Obama ordered our troops to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them an attack was coming.

He defended terrorists who attacked Americans n US soil, threatening them with his US AG if they exercised their right to free speech. He gave a terrorist a visa, letting her enter the US and murder 7 Californians in a terrorist attack.

He armed Mexican drug cartels, resulting in the death of at least 4 Americans.

You are right, we are not the world's policeman, but we are also not the world's dumping ground for poor, uneducated, unskilled, criminal refugees who want to suckle off the teat of US tax payers or who want to prey on US citizens.
We got pot legalized in California, in the mean time.
  • California ranks 43rd in the country for Financial Health
  • California ranks 1st in the country for Poverty Rate and poor standard of living for the lower and middle classes.
  • California has more illegal aliens living in it than any other state.
  • California also has the highest rate of once eradicated diseases in The United States. Even Polio and Tuberculosis has found a home in California
  • California ranks as one of the top Exodus states with more people fleeing that state than any other.
  • California is the only State in the United States in which Californians want to Secede from Each other.
  • California is the only State in the United States that has an Official Human Excrement App, that tells Californians where to avoid Shit on it's streets and sidewalks deposited by it's filthy illegal alien population.

California, The Shit Hole State

The Great California Exodus - LewRockwell

...and now their citizens / cities are beginning to rebel against their embrace of being a criminal 'Sanctuary City' state.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about Constitutional law. States have no authority over Entry into the Union, or Immigration, since 1808.

Any legal subdivision of a State is a mere Organ of that State.
the right wants "more policemanship in the world."

The 'RIGHT' wants the Constitution and Rule of Law to be upheld / enforced.

When Barry became President the 1st d@mn thing he did was announce he was not going to enforce the DOMA because HE DID NOT AGREE WITH IT.
-- F* THAT! The man took an oath of office swearing he would faithfully defend and uphold the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law. I don't give a $hit what he agree with or not. I fully expected him to carry out his duties and his oath of office., which he did not.

Barry openly refused to enforce US Immigration laws, openly VIOLATED those laws by arming and protecting Drug Cartels and Human traffickers who were bringing illegals into the country. Obama even got the US Govt into the Human Trafficking business, HELPING illegals enter the country and then dispersing them all over the country without letting state and local governments / agencies know they were coming - ENDANGERING THE LIVES OF US CITIZENS AND BURDEING STATE AND LOCAL GOVTS BY RELEASING CRIMINALS UN-ANNOUNCED IN THE MIDST!
-- Barry even created special 'Rights' for illegals that American citizens were not even afforded. At one point His DOJ was ordered NOT to detain, arrest, charge, or convict any illegal who had committed a crime less than a Felony. WTF?! Then of course his administration protected Constitution/Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that were harboring and protecting criminal illegals who were preying on US citizens.
Nobody on the left takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise. Y'all have nothing but fallacy.
Thank you for proving my point, reality-denier. :p
The reality is that we should cut defense spending since there are No Exigencies requiring it in our Republic; If, and Only If, the Chief Magistrate of the Union and Congress, agree to lower taxes instead raise taxes, to "meet our current alleged reality".
...Yeah, credible fear of DEPORTATION!

"Border-crossers entering the United States illegally have an 88 percent chance of evading immediate deportation by claiming “credible fear” in their native country, the Department of Justice (DOJ) analysis reveals."

Understood, but it is not the US' job to be the world's policemen, as liberals like to remind everyone, or be the world's half-way house/refuge. We give these countries they are fleeing millions and millions to imprve their countries. If they are failing to do so, we should cut their foreign aid.

DOJ: Border-Crossers Have 88 Percent Chance of Evading Deportation by Claiming 'Credible Fear' | Breitbart
You Can't Blame Liberals If Conservative Don't Cancel Xenophile Laws

Fire sissy Sessions and put a firm patriot in his place.

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