Troops on the Border


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

No details but he had a long talk with Secretary Mattis. There is a law that allows him to do it. He's also pressured Mexico into breaking up parts of the group heading north - no details on what happened to them.

This comes from Troops on the border: Trump ups ante in immigration battle w/few details.
Trump's Six Border Options

1.) Apply diplomatic pressure: [Seems he already has]

2.) Bar entry of anyone suspected to be part of the caravan:

3.) Call in state and local reinforcements: [If they try to make it to the California border, how will that work?]

4.) Send a surge of resources to the border:

5.) Pursue criminal charges:

6.) Strengthen the law: [Remember, Congress is on vacation for the remainder of this week]

From Trump's Six Options for Dealing with the Caravan Crisis
And They Have a "List of Demands!"

Who the hell are they to demand anything of the USA?

We demand of the Mexico and the United States: that they respect our rights as refugees and our right to dignified work to be able to support our families,” the statements reads.

The second demand is “that they open the borders to us because we are as much citizens as the people of the countries where we are and/or travel.”

Screw them!
Mexico’s Economy Minister Threatened To Allow Illegals To Flood U.S. Unless Given Favorable NAFTA Deal

This occurred in August 2017

If they do not treat [us] well commercially, they should not expect us to treat them well by containing the migration that comes from other regions of the world and crosses Mexico,” Guajardo said. “Or they should not expect to be treated well in collaboration with security issues in the region.”

In other words; Do what we want or we'll ignore our own laws and will permit anyone through our country to create trouble for you.

So, the president has given his trade representatives instructions to raise the heat on Mexico via the NAFTA negotiations.

Seems we have a POTUS with juevos.

From FLASHBACK: Mexico's Economy Minister Threatened To Allow Illegals To Flood U.S. Unless Given Favorable NAFTA Deal
I'm not against the idea of the military patrolling our southern border, however, I must point out that they are not trained in law, law enforcement or their tactics.

they are trained to seek and destroy.

all forms of caution should be used to prevent a real tragedy.
I'm not against the idea of the military patrolling our southern border, however, I must point out that they are not trained in law, law enforcement or their tactics.

they are trained to seek and destroy.

all forms of caution should be used to prevent a real tragedy.
If soldiers meet the"invaders" then all they will do is put them in holding camps and they get processed...
I'm not against the idea of the military patrolling our southern border, however, I must point out that they are not trained in law, law enforcement or their tactics.

they are trained to seek and destroy.

all forms of caution should be used to prevent a real tragedy.
If soldiers meet the"invaders" then all they will do is put them in holding camps and they get processed...
shoot to kill
Trump’s idea of putting troops on the boarder is the best political idea I’ve heard of in the last 20 years. Good for him. Shoot to kill.
I'm not against the idea of the military patrolling our southern border, however, I must point out that they are not trained in law, law enforcement or their tactics.

they are trained to seek and destroy.

all forms of caution should be used to prevent a real tragedy.
A real tragedy would be allowing any of these refugee into the country.

Must stop them at all cost to set an example and to show it is not a bluff.

No details but he had a long talk with Secretary Mattis. There is a law that allows him to do it. He's also pressured Mexico into breaking up parts of the group heading north - no details on what happened to them.

This comes from Troops on the border: Trump ups ante in immigration battle w/few details.
---------------------------------------------------------------- good to hear , i hope it works in Trump and MY and Americas favor in excluding these invaders . My only criticism is TRUMP asking 'mexico' for help as that makes TRUMP and the USA appear weak in my opinion . Next thing , as a possibility that i see happening is TRUMP Thanking 'mexico' for its help Longknife.

No details but he had a long talk with Secretary Mattis. There is a law that allows him to do it. He's also pressured Mexico into breaking up parts of the group heading north - no details on what happened to them.

This comes from Troops on the border: Trump ups ante in immigration battle w/few details.
---------------------------------------------------------------- good to hear , i hope it works in Trump and MY and Americas favor in excluding these invaders . My only criticism is TRUMP asking 'mexico' for help as that makes TRUMP and the USA appear weak in my opinion . Next thing , as a possibility that i see happening is TRUMP Thanking 'mexico' for its help Longknife.

In the international theater one has to give a little to get a little.
thanks for the reply but feck those 'mexicans' . What 1500 'hondurans' and assorted third worlders coming to crash the USA border and USA military can't deny access to 1500 hundred or 15 thousand into the USA . Besides that i am hearing that the 'mexicans' have just disbanded the marching third worlders into smaller groups Longknife.
Us troops deployed for domestic law enforcement?

Can't any of you people spell Posse Comitatus?
I hear that there is a LOOPHOLE that i think both 'gwb' and 'mrobama' have used in the past Crep !!
besides that , i just heard General Jack Keane on FOX saying that the National Guard will only be there as Support for the Border Patrol . -------------- Probably means that National Guard will set up field kitchens , diaper changing stations , peel potato's , boil pinto beans , make salsa , change diapers , babysit and hand out 'agua' and snacks of the 'bimbo' brand to thirsty and hungry third world marchers as they arrive so don't get too worried Crep !!:afro:

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