DOJ Appeals Trump Judges Special Master Ruling

Cannon didn’t follow the law. She demonstrated considerable pro-Trump bias. She practically dude the lawyering for Trump’s crappy lawyers.
You type lies with no proof.

Here are "expert opinions" from two law professors:

1. Dershowitz said the "special master" is "essential" because we can't trust Garland's DOJ.

2. Turley said that the DOJ overplayed its hand.

3. We'll see how the appeal process turns out. The DOJ can whine a lot, and Trump's lawyers can cite legal precedents.
You’re out of your mind if you are going to claim that defending Trump costs them ratings.
Do you know how to read?
Fox follows the ratings.
If someone viscously attacks Trump and their ratings plummet, a back-office discussion takes place.
If the commentator doesn't change, he/she is fired.
It's just that the commentators on Fox are more intelligent than the commentator on CNN and MSNBC who seem not to care if they get fired.
Cannon didn’t follow the law. She demonstrated considerable pro-Trump bias. She practically dude the lawyering for Trump’s crappy lawyers.
They would have no problem in putting this nincompoop on the SC. She's the perfect candidate;
Of course the DoJ would appeal.
Judge Cannon's ruling would stall and impede the Federal investigation of Trump.

"The U.S. Dept. of Justice on Thursday filed a notice of appeal against U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling allowing Donald Trump the “special master” his legal team requested. The order also halted DOJ from taking any investigative steps in conjunction with the 13,000 items, including more than 100 classified documents federal agents seized during the August 8 search warrant execution of Mar-a-Lago"

"“The Justice Department also argued that a former president cannot assert executive privilege after he leaves office, and that it is not possible for one part of the executive branch to assert privilege to shield documents from another part,” The Washington Post reports, but notes that the “appeals process could take longer than any document review by the special master.”

The FBI is afraid they're going to get caught breaking the law.
Of course the DoJ would appeal.
Judge Cannon's ruling would stall and impede the Federal investigation of Trump.

"The U.S. Dept. of Justice on Thursday filed a notice of appeal against U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling allowing Donald Trump the “special master” his legal team requested. The order also halted DOJ from taking any investigative steps in conjunction with the 13,000 items, including more than 100 classified documents federal agents seized during the August 8 search warrant execution of Mar-a-Lago"

"“The Justice Department also argued that a former president cannot assert executive privilege after he leaves office, and that it is not possible for one part of the executive branch to assert privilege to shield documents from another part,” The Washington Post reports, but notes that the “appeals process could take longer than any document review by the special master.”

The theory among legal scholars, observers, and commentators is that with an appeal DOJ is signaling it won’t pursue an indictment.

We’ll see.
Of course the DoJ would appeal.
Judge Cannon's ruling would stall and impede the Federal investigation of Trump.

"The U.S. Dept. of Justice on Thursday filed a notice of appeal against U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling allowing Donald Trump the “special master” his legal team requested. The order also halted DOJ from taking any investigative steps in conjunction with the 13,000 items, including more than 100 classified documents federal agents seized during the August 8 search warrant execution of Mar-a-Lago"

"“The Justice Department also argued that a former president cannot assert executive privilege after he leaves office, and that it is not possible for one part of the executive branch to assert privilege to shield documents from another part,” The Washington Post reports, but notes that the “appeals process could take longer than any document review by the special master.”

the DOJ/FBI needed Trumps' passports and Melanias unmentionables because..?
Of course the DoJ would appeal.
Judge Cannon's ruling would stall and impede the Federal investigation of Trump.

"The U.S. Dept. of Justice on Thursday filed a notice of appeal against U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling allowing Donald Trump the “special master” his legal team requested. The order also halted DOJ from taking any investigative steps in conjunction with the 13,000 items, including more than 100 classified documents federal agents seized during the August 8 search warrant execution of Mar-a-Lago"

"“The Justice Department also argued that a former president cannot assert executive privilege after he leaves office, and that it is not possible for one part of the executive branch to assert privilege to shield documents from another part,” The Washington Post reports, but notes that the “appeals process could take longer than any document review by the special master.”

The DOJ respectfully called the judge an idiot in the appeal - which she is!
1. There is no criminal matter. The PRA is not a criminal statute.
2. Considering that Trump is favored to win in 2024, the reputation argument is valid.
3. We'll have to wait and see how the appeal process plays out.
4. Both Dershowitz and Turley say the DOJ overplayed their hand. We'll see.
1. 8 USC 793,1519,2071 are most definitely criminal statutes. Those are the statutes the FBI claim they suspect Trump to have broken.

2. Only if you believe that a) his reputation will be affected by this in a negative way and a special master will convince those that are doubtful that the evidence is more trustworthy. (doubtful considering the fact that so many still believe the election was stolen despite ZERO success in court and dozens of recounts and audits speaking to the contrary.) And b) That running for president somehow means that you deserve special protections under the law.

3. Sure we'll have to wait and see. I'm just pointing out that Cannon literally made up case law and ignored established judicial procedure AND precedent in order to come to her conclusions.

4. Both Dershowitz and Turley are wrong in my opinion. I'll just commentate on what Turley said.

He pointed out that the national security assessment can continue. Why is he so sure? First of all the FBI is enjoined now. How does that work with witnesses for instance? You can bet your bottom dollar the national security assessment will involve them questioning every person they can identify to have entered the rooms where documents where held. What if that questioning uses the documents and exposes proof of a crime. Can the FBI use that testimony in the context of the criminal investigation? Or could a Trump lawyer claim that since the FBI wasn't allowed to use the documents in the criminal investigation that testimony should be supressed? The Cannon ruling didn't adress how an agency can both not look at documents in one capacity but can look in another.
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We keep forgetting you're an expert Internet attorney.
Your saying that Barr is lying because he would be fired from Fox News for defending Trump.

You don’t have to be an expert to see how absurd that is.
Do you know how to read?
Fox follows the ratings.
If someone viscously attacks Trump and their ratings plummet, a back-office discussion takes place.
If the commentator doesn't change, he/she is fired.
It's just that the commentators on Fox are more intelligent than the commentator on CNN and MSNBC who seem not to care if they get fired.
Do you not know who watches Fox News?
The DOJ respectfully called the judge an idiot in the appeal - which she is!
In the scheme of things they did the right thing. The special master was a time thing now, but so is the appeal. That said, the goal here is to maintain the integrity of the courts by not letting this judge corrupt the special master option. Everyone would be doing it, totally corrupting the legal system.
You type lies with no proof.

Here are "expert opinions" from two law professors:

1. Dershowitz said the "special master" is "essential" because we can't trust Garland's DOJ.

2. Turley said that the DOJ overplayed its hand.

3. We'll see how the appeal process turns out. The DOJ can whine a lot, and Trump's lawyers can cite legal precedents.
Dershowitz is highly biased defense attorney. His only argument is that you can’t trust the DoJ. I don’t trust Alan.

Turley says that the special master is necessary because people want one. It’s not a legal argument at all.

The DoJ cites SCOTUS precedent for their argument. The Trump lawyers cite basically nothing. Cannon ignores precedent.

Any rational legal opinion would accept the reasonable DoJ appeal. Keep the special master but don’t let them review classified documents. There’s no rational basis to think those documents belong to Trump.

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