Doing business with millenials...God help us.

As to tech masters, this is like assuming all those Mexican dudes at home depot can lay tile.
Oh do forgive me all...there is one redeeming quality about millennials...the girls prefer older men. Young women dating men 15 years and more older than them is on a heckuva rise.

Edit...twice their age.
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Oh do forgive me all...there is one redeeming quality about millennials...the girls prefer older men. Young women dating men 15 years and more older than them is on a heckuva rise.

In fact, remember "daniel?" He claimed to be a man in his 50s!!! Geez! I really think it all depends on the person and their personal experiences. Sure, if you are a young person who hasn't done much more than attend school and play video games all day, you are going to be on the immature side, and at least THEY have age to blame it on. What's the excuse for the men in their 40s, 50s and older who behave like 16-year-old boys? ;) Not you, of course, that is just speaking in "general." Lol. :)
Oh do forgive me all...there is one redeeming quality about millennials...the girls prefer older men. Young women dating men 15 years and more older than them is on a heckuva rise.

I used to feel that way but, really, many of them aren't much more mature than the millennials you complain about.

I am 50.
I should have said twice their age actually. But I have no interest in going out with someone that young.
Oh do forgive me all...there is one redeeming quality about millennials...the girls prefer older men. Young women dating men 15 years and more older than them is on a heckuva rise.

I used to feel that way but, really, many of them aren't much more mature than the millennials you complain about.

I am 50.
I should have said twice their age actually. But I have no interest in going out with someone that young.

Well, I'm not talking about you personally, so no worries! :) Generally speaking, I think that some people never mature beyond the age of 16, millennials or older generations of people. That is speaking from my own personal experience of course, so not really anything more than anecdotal evidence. I doubt there would be any kind of accurate statistics on such a thing anyways.
Oh do forgive me all...there is one redeeming quality about millennials...the girls prefer older men. Young women dating men 15 years and more older than them is on a heckuva rise.

I used to feel that way but, really, many of them aren't much more mature than the millennials you complain about.

I am 50.
I should have said twice their age actually. But I have no interest in going out with someone that young.

Well, I'm not talking about you personally, so no worries! :) Generally speaking, I think that some people never mature beyond the age of 16, millennials or older generations of people. That is speaking from my own personal experience of course, so not really anything more than anecdotal evidence. I doubt there would be any kind of accurate statistics on such a thing anyways. brother. He is 55, his girlfriend is 34...she might be too old for him.
I love my brother of course, but he never grew past 25 really.
"Doing business with millenials...God help us."

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a composition fallacy.

Composition fallacy...well haven't heard that expression for awhile....since college I think. You too? I thought so.
It is and will be the "new norm" -

Out with the old, in with the new......
"Parents who wonder where the younger generation is going should remember where it came from."~Sam Ewing

Amusing thread
I think if you were born in the 80s to 2000s, you are considered a millennial.

Yep...the "millennial syndrome" that is the "earn without effort" mentality I believe is 30 and under. So that would be 1985 and forward.
Also explains the huge rise in these females seeking older men.
My daughter being one of them, she is 25. She struggles to find any kid her age who doesn't spend 6 hours a day (at least) playing video games...still lives at home...dresses and acts just like he did in high school...aloof...doesn't return calls...wants to go dutch when out...some don't even own a car, or a piece of shit they drove in college.
They are stuck in perpetual high school mode.
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Advice.. Don't hire someone for the position. Who wants to work for you when they can work somewhere else? This I work so hard bs. Nobody cares about how hard anyone works.

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