Dog whistles and Swiftboats

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I am posting this because I hope that a few of the people who have a knee jerk response to "racially coded language" will realize where the problem actually lies. My guess is the usual suspects will miss the point.

As the GOP convention gets under way a day late today, Team Obama must be truly worried about things, if Chris Matthews’ unhinged behavior over the last 36 hours is any indication. But the egregious Matthews is just one small symptom of a larger asymmetry between the two parties.
The Team Obama theory was that they could destroy Romney over the summer with vicious attacks calling him a tax cheat, a murderer, and even a carcinogenic agent. (Get ready for a nasty whisper campaign against Romney’s religion before this is over.) The Left thinks they are merely borrowing the Republican tactic of “Swift-boating,” or, even better, the Willie Horton card (aka, the maxed-out “race card”). The Left considered both the Swift boat attack that helped do in John Kerry in 2004, and the Willie Horton ad in 1988 that helped do in Michael Dukakis, to be below-the-belt, out-of-bounds, unfair, etc. Matthews brought up both Ronald Reagan and the “welfare queen” story again with Newt Gingrich, who throws it back in his face quite effectively. And liberals conveniently forget that the person who first brought up Willie Horton against Dukakis in 1998 was Al Gore in the New York primary.) Hence, there’s no reason why Democrats shouldn’t use made-up, below-the-belt attacks on Romney now. And yet after all this Romney is dead even with Obama. Not the place Team Obama expected to be.
The Left never understood—still doesn’t—why both the Swift boat attack on Kerry and the Willie Horton furlough had such traction with Americans, and why they were no mere mud slinging. The Horton ad is especially instructive. It has had a long shelf-life. In 1990, Sam Donaldson interviewed Horton on ABC’s Prime Time Live, and concluded his interview with the question: “If [Bush campaign manager] Lee Atwater should walk through that door tomorrow and say, ‘Mr. Horton, I think I did you wrong,’ would you forgive him?” This kind of thinking, George Will noted at the time, “encourages in the Democrats the soothing belief that their party’s problems are in the nuts and bolts of the machinery and not in the party’s mind.” Pathetic. Likewise, the Swift boat attack exposed the hypocrisy of an anti-war hero trying to make himself into a war hero. Most people won’t fall for that. The point is: both the Swift boat attack on Kerry, and the Willie Horton ad, exposed weak spots in liberalism that liberals refuse to confront, while the simple mid-slinging against Romney, unconnected to larger issues, is having limited effect. (Back in 1988, the only establishment figure person who dissented from the liberal line was the Washington Post’s Meg Greenfield, who wrote of the Horton issue that “Many Democrats seem unwilling or unable to think about violent crime as a matter of public policy.”)

Let’s Get This Party Started | Power Line
Romney is totally stepping in it using the racially coded language he's using, but it's probably all he has left.

Polls indicate he will get no Black votes, and will probably lose hispanics by a 70-30 Margin. Therefore he has to win White voters by about 20 points to even hope to prevail. (McCain won white voters, but only by 10 points.)

(Get ready for a nasty whisper campaign against Romney’s religion before this is over.)

You mean actually pointing out the crazy shit Mormons actually believe. Romney won't even say "Mormon" in Public.
and the right wing idiots wonder why they cant even get more than 0 percent of the black vote in this election

look at this OP
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Matthews has been great fun to watch since he went off the deep end. He says pretty much everything is a "dog whistle".

"Yeah, did you hear that? He said 'clarinet'. That's a dog whistle right there, the Tea Partiers love that stuff. That's just for them." And all of the other truth-seekers on the MSNBC panel blankly nod their heads like bobble dolls.

I try to laugh as we sink, why not.

John Kerry won a silver medal.

You and your party trashed a decorated war hero for poltical gain.

Your fucking scum
John Kerry is a war hero you fucking liar

So was Benedict Arnold...

But you know, there was that other thing he did...

Just like Kerry.

I don't give a fuck if Kerry claimed a Purple Heart for a bit of shrapnel he fired from his own weapon.

Most people cared about the fact when he got back, he called everyone else who was over there baby-killers and rapists. That's what they were angry about.

The fact that Kerry himself or the people who support him still don't get that is amazing.
When in history has a party been so fucking scummy they trash honoralble war service to try and win elections?

Just once that I know of.

Your party is full of assholes for doing it
The Democrat-Progressive cult members have completely lost it...they didn't expect the people would end up out of LOVE for the Dear Leader and that he could LOSE

lets make it happen people, VOTE OBAMA out
taking a man who won a medals and trashing his war service with fucking lies is not honorable.

Your party is trash for doing it.

Your trash for still hoilding the lies up
John Kerry won a silver medal.

You and your party trashed a decorated war hero for poltical gain.

Your fucking scum

John Kerry was in the Olympics?

The medal you refer to was the "Silver Star", and yeah, he won it.

So what?

He also said,

"They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."

And no one was going to forgive him for tellign lies about them like that. Sorry.
did you not know what happened in veitnam you asshole?

You going to pretend it wasnt a cluster fuck that should have been ended years before it was ?
you idiots would defend any fucking war and trash any fucking hero for poltical points.

Your fucking sick
taking a man who won a medals and trashing his war service with fucking lies is not honorable.

Your party is trash for doing it.

Your trash for still hoilding the lies up

You sound much like the floatsum on the top of a septic tank.
John Kerry served in veitman honorablely.

He deserved his medals and you scum lickers LIED about his service.

your fucking sick
John Kerry served in veitman honorablely.

He deserved his medals and you scum lickers LIED about his service.

your fucking sick

but what did he do when he got home? He dishonored all those who served with him, you are fucking scum and so is john fucking kerry.
did you not know what happened in veitnam you asshole?

You going to pretend it wasnt a cluster fuck that should have been ended years before it was ?

Don't care one way or the other.

Fact is, you don't tell lies about the guys fighting over there... Period.

Kerry did that.

Then he tried to pretend that he didn't do that, and we could totally trust him to win the war in Iraq he voted for but was now against. Because he was sooo trustworthy.

If Kerry was so proud of his time as an anti-war protestor, he should have brought Jane Fonda up on the stage with him.

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