Dog steals cornbread at Wal-Mart, owner does Bruce Lee impression


Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
AND the son does a strip tease for everyone.

Woman does karate, son gets naked, dog steals cornbread at Walmart, police say

It was worth the read of the paragraph or two, it never says what they tested positive for, I'm betting something like Meth or maybe bath salts.

It said the mother kicked the window out of the cop car after being arrested, and after her son got naked for everyone, he tried to put clothes on from the rack when the cops arrived to give them the slip but they caught him and gave him a shoplifting charge on top of the indecent exposure.

What a bummer for him, let's hope it was over $500.00 (felony charge).

Lets take a look at the upstanding citizens:


Something tells me they won't be holding this crew very long, they'll be plotting their escape before they're done with their first bologna sandwich on stale white bread.

AND the son does a strip tease for everyone.

Woman does karate, son gets naked, dog steals cornbread at Walmart, police say

It was worth the read of the paragraph or two, it never says what they tested positive for, I'm betting something like Meth or maybe bath salts.

It said the mother kicked the window out of the cop car after being arrested, and after her son got naked for everyone, he tried to put clothes on from the rack when the cops arrived to give them the slip but they caught him and gave him a shoplifting charge on top of the indecent exposure.

What a bummer for him, let's hope it was over $500.00 (felony charge).

Lets take a look at the upstanding citizens:


Something tells me they won't be holding this crew very long, they'll be plotting their escape before they're done with their first bologna sandwich on stale white bread.

I believe this falls under "May you live in interesting times".
Drugs from across the southern border...because we have no wall....

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, in Wisconsin. Because drugs come from "beyond a wall" and are never made in, say, a bathtub in West Virginia.
Drugs from across the southern border...because we have no wall....

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, in Wisconsin. Because drugs come from "beyond a wall" and are never made in, say, a bathtub in West Virginia.

Or a legitimate drug manufacturing facility any where in the US.

Or from across the southern border...drugs do come in that way...but because you don't want Trump to win you will put blinders need to look at your stance and what you are willing to allow to continue...That goes for you too POGO.....
Drugs from across the southern border...because we have no wall....

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, in Wisconsin. Because drugs come from "beyond a wall" and are never made in, say, a bathtub in West Virginia.

Or a legitimate drug manufacturing facility any where in the US.

Or from across the southern border...drugs do come in that way...but because you don't want Trump to win you will put blinders need to look at your stance and what you are willing to allow to continue...That goes for you too POGO.....

Fuck you. That's number one.

YOU came waddling in here claiming "drugs in Wisconsin came in from the southern border" -- and then tried to tie a wall into it. You don't even have evidence of drugs at all, let alone where they came from. So you and your imaginarium can bite my ass.

Drugs from across the southern border...because we have no wall....

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, in Wisconsin. Because drugs come from "beyond a wall" and are never made in, say, a bathtub in West Virginia.

Or a legitimate drug manufacturing facility any where in the US.

Or from across the southern border...drugs do come in that way...but because you don't want Trump to win you will put blinders need to look at your stance and what you are willing to allow to continue...That goes for you too POGO.....

The vast majority coming across the border are through normal points of entry dumb ass.
Fuck you. That's number one.

YOU came waddling in here claiming "drugs in Wisconsin came in from the southern border"
And they could you think southern border drugs only make it as far as Kansas?....:21:
The vast majority coming across the border are through normal points of entry dumb ass
It only takes one hit of bad heroin to kill a loved one...where it comes from should be known...but when they sneak it in no one knows where it came stopping it everywhere would be smart...don't ya think?.....
Fuck you. That's number one.

YOU came waddling in here claiming "drugs in Wisconsin came in from the southern border"
And they could you think southern border drugs only make it as far as Kansas?....:21:

Ah but that's not what you posted, is it Chucklenuts.

Roll 'em.

Drugs from across the southern border...because we have no wall....

Now once AGAIN since you don't read so good ---- where does the article mention any drugs, let alone pinpoint where said mystery drugs traveled from?

The memory is the second thing to go. I mean this was just a few minutes ago.
The vast majority coming across the border are through normal points of entry dumb ass
It only takes one hit of bad heroin to kill a loved one...where it comes from should be known...but when they sneak it in no one knows where it came stopping it everywhere would be smart...don't ya think?.....

And nothing in this behaviour indicates heroin.
Fuck you. That's number one.

YOU came waddling in here claiming "drugs in Wisconsin came in from the southern border"
And they could you think southern border drugs only make it as far as Kansas?....:21:

Ah but that's not what you posted, is it Chucklenuts.

Roll 'em.

Drugs from across the southern border...because we have no wall....

Now once AGAIN since you don't read so good ---- where does the article mention any drugs, let alone pinpoint where said mystery drugs traveled from?

The memory is the second thing to go. I mean this was just a few minutes ago.
Yes numb nuts...I'm betting most harmful cheap bathtub drugs come from south of the border....why are you arguing with that is the question dummy....
Fuck you. That's number one.

YOU came waddling in here claiming "drugs in Wisconsin came in from the southern border"
And they could you think southern border drugs only make it as far as Kansas?....:21:

Ah but that's not what you posted, is it Chucklenuts.

Roll 'em.

Drugs from across the southern border...because we have no wall....

Now once AGAIN since you don't read so good ---- where does the article mention any drugs, let alone pinpoint where said mystery drugs traveled from?

The memory is the second thing to go. I mean this was just a few minutes ago.
Yes numb nuts...I'm betting most harmful cheap bathtub drugs come from south of the border....why are you arguing with that is the question dummy....

Because I know something about the process, from working with law enforcement around here, that's why.

But please, DO go on and show us where this Mal-Wart mother-son combo story mentioned anything about "drugs" and then traces their whole path to Eau Claire Fucking Wisconsin.
Because I know something about the process, from working with law enforcement around here, that's why
BS you don't know shit....can you tell me how many harmful drugs from south of the border end up in the Northern states?.....
Because I know something about the process, from working with law enforcement around here, that's why
BS you don't know shit....can you tell me how many harmful drugs from south of the border end up in the Northern states?.....

That ain't my claim Dumbo. You're supposed to tell me how you magically discerned this tracing of whatever-it-is-and-it-sure-ain't-heroin from Mexico to a Mal-Wart in Eau Claire Wisconsin.
That ain't my claim Dumbo. You're supposed to tell me how you magically discerned this tracing of whatever-it-is-and-it-sure-ain't-heroin from Mexico to a Mal-Wart in Eau Claire Wisconsin
Dude the DEA finds drugs from south of the border in every state in the union...but I guess its okay with just want to act like it doesn't happen....I really don't get anti Trumpers like are willing to see people die and our nation over run so Trump doesn't look sick are you?.....
Because I know something about the process, from working with law enforcement around here, that's why
BS you don't know shit....can you tell me how many harmful drugs from south of the border end up in the Northern states?.....

Border patrol says the vast majority comes across at normal points of entry. I wonder why we don't boost inspections there instead of out in the dessert where very little comes across.
That ain't my claim Dumbo. You're supposed to tell me how you magically discerned this tracing of whatever-it-is-and-it-sure-ain't-heroin from Mexico to a Mal-Wart in Eau Claire Wisconsin
Dude the DEA finds drugs from south of the border in every state in the union...but I guess its okay with just want to act like it doesn't happen....I really don't get anti Trumpers like are willing to see people die and our nation over run so Trump doesn't look sick are you?.....

DOOD. :wtf: :banghead:

**YOU** introduced the idea of "drugs from Mexico because no wall" into a story that didn't even bring up "drugs".

Now you want to call other people "sick" for being grounded in the world of reality? How sick are you?

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