Doesnt bode well for libs


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Just got shellacked in Liberal Austin. Guess some libs dont like it when govt remakes their city into a shithole.
Wonder if sanity can be found in MPLS or will they commit suicide by govt.
May 2021 Election Results: Austin's Eight Propositions | KUT Radio, Austin's NPR Station
Change: Austin Voters Strongly Reject Unfettered Homeless Camping, Weakening Radicals Adler and Casar – PJ Media
Over the past several years, Adler and Casar have led the council into the tent cities debacle and defunding the police, among other destructive far-left changes. Violent crime is sharply up and police officers are leaving APD at an unsustainable pace. May’s election suggests the city is waking up to the destruction their policies are having on the city and are looking for a different direction. District 6 elected Republican Mackenzie Kelly in a runoff in December 2020, rejecting one of the city council’s most vocal radicals. The question after that and Saturday’s election result is what effect it will have on the other members of the city council. How will they read the election and respond to it?
Texas' 6th Congressional District has been held by Republicans since 1983. They also voted in Republican presidents in the last 6 elections.

Of course they aren't going to vote in a Democrat.
WAsnt talking about one single district
Texas' 6th Congressional District has been held by Republicans since 1983. They also voted in Republican presidents in the last 6 elections.

Of course they aren't going to vote in a Democrat.

No, they didn't even get on one the ballot. Trump carried it by +3. This was a lot worse.
Republicans are delusional. You can't win election without rigging districts and voting laws. And the crazier republicans get, the worse things are going to be for them.

Sucks to be a Democrat Party Candidate in Texas!

Representative Ron Wright died earlier this year and his death led to a special election. Twenty-three candidates ran for his seat: 11 Republicans, 10 Democrats, 1 libertarian, 1 independent.


Republican Total: 61.9%

Democrat Total: 36.8%

Susan Wright and Jake Ellzey, both Republicans, advance to the runoff election later this month.

The new Representative from Texas will be ANOTHER REPUBLICAN!!!
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America is speaking at the ballot box. They don't like Biden's No Border Policy and out of control spending. Biden only lost this district by 3 pts. The Dem lost by 25 pts in this runoff.

America is speaking at the ballot box. They don't like Biden's No Border Policy and out of control spending. Biden only lost this district by 3 pts. The Dem lost by 25 pts in this runoff.
Sounds like the Republicans have been cheating again.
America is speaking at the ballot box. They don't like Biden's No Border Policy and out of control spending. Biden only lost this district by 3 pts. The Dem lost by 25 pts in this runoff.
Sounds like the Republicans have been cheating again.
They stole the election once again, I demand a court hearing.
America is speaking at the ballot box. They don't like Biden's No Border Policy and out of control spending. Biden only lost this district by 3 pts. The Dem lost by 25 pts in this runoff.

Americans are waking up to the fact that we actually allowed Biden to win......
Oh my...GAWD!! Republicans won in a red state!! Quick..someone alert the media!...oh wait.
Nevermind. Nothing to see here.

Come back to me in 5 years when the influx of people moving into the state turn it just about every other state in the Union is moving toward.

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