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Did you vote against trump ast time, but support him now?

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Trump lost really bad in the last presidential election, so he needs to increase his voters a lot to have any chance in the upcoming one. Is there anyone out there that voted against trump in 2020, but have been so impressed by trump's recent behavior till they now will vote for him? How many USMB posters are new trump supporters? You are the only ones that can give him a win.

and yes I will vote for trump this time because of democrats,,
Trump lost really bad in the last presidential election, so he needs to increase his voters a lot to have any chance in the upcoming one. Is there anyone out there that voted against trump in 2020, but have been so impressed by trump's recent behavior till they now will vote for him? How many USMB posters are new trump supporters? You are the only ones that can give him a win.
Polls show Trump and Biden at a dead heat, not factoring in the electoral college or third party runs.
It was a landslide victory for Biden. And that's not my standard I'm using when I say landslide. That is Trump's standard which he used in 2016 when he defeated Clinton without winning the popular vote. He called that a landslide.

Meanwhile, Biden won 7 million more votes than Trump.

we dont elect potus by majority vote,,,

have you always been this ignorant??
You realize that those 7 million came from California and NY alone right? Outside of those deep blue states, Trump won.
A lot of people are better musicians than me. Outside of all those better musicians, I would be a super star. Unfortunately for me they do exist. Unfortunately for trump, California and NY do exist.
A lot of people are better musicians than me. Outside of all those better musicians, I would be a super star. Unfortunately for me they do exist. Unfortunately for trump, California and NY do exist.
And no one cares how many votes the stuff into the ballot box.
Trump lost really bad in the last presidential election, so he needs to increase his voters a lot to have any chance in the upcoming one. Is there anyone out there that voted against trump in 2020, but have been so impressed by trump's recent behavior till they now will vote for him? How many USMB posters are new trump supporters? You are the only ones that can give him a win.

He lost by 44,000 votes in three states.
If you still refuse to accept the fact that that mule movie has been discredited so many times, it would be a waste of time explaining it to you again.
How has it been discredited?

I heard some lefties were claiming cell phone tracking wasn’t proof. Yet cell phone tracking is used in courts to convict criminals all the time.
Trump lost really bad in the last presidential election, so he needs to increase his voters a lot to have any chance in the upcoming one. Is there anyone out there that voted against trump in 2020, but have been so impressed by trump's recent behavior till they now will vote for him? How many USMB posters are new trump supporters? You are the only ones that can give him a win.

Considering according to the Washington Post he’s beating xiden by 10 points,I’d say that many of those people exist

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