The Voodoo impeachment


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
It was almost painful to watch mainstream Republicans in the House of Representatives yesterday squirming with embarrassment, as Matt Gaetz and his little band of loonies tried (without evidence) to conger up grounds to impeach Biden, in the meantime precious seconds tick away towards a government shutdown.

98% of the "Biden problems" have been artificially manufactured by the crazies within the GOP, who are acting under the direction of their orange faced God. They have no evidence linking Joe Biden to anything illegal.

IMHO - Joe Biden is getting too old to govern, but if this is how the GOP is going to operate going into a general election, the chances of a GOP victory is slim indeed.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :disbelief:
A day that ends with a "Y", and the moonbats go....

It was almost painful to watch mainstream Republicans in the House of Representatives yesterday squirming with embarrassment, as Matt Gaetz and his little band of loonies tried (without evidence) to conger up grounds to impeach Biden, in the meantime precious seconds tick away towards a government shutdown.

98% of the "Biden problems" have been artificially manufactured by the crazies within the GOP, who are acting under the direction of their orange faced God. They have no evidence linking Joe Biden to anything illegal.

IMHO - Joe Biden is getting too old to govern, but if this is how the GOP is going to operate going into a general election, the chances of a GOP victory is slim indeed.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :disbelief:
What comes around goes around.
A day that ends with a "Y", and the moonbats go....

The Republicans' two expert witnesses testified yesterday there is no evidence.

How unbelievably stupid do you have to be to call two experts who blow your whole witch hunt out of the water?!? :auiqs.jpg:

Most of the House Republicans are fully aware there is no evidence. That's why My Kevin reneged on his promise to hold a House vote before launching a fishing expedition. He knew the vote would have been shot down in flames by his own party.

But My Kevin is being held hostage by a handful of psychotic clowns and so he has to put on this show.

"We don't have the evidence now, but we may find it later." - Michael McCaul (R-TX), impeachment inquiry member.


Sumbuddy a'bring me more fishin' poles, dammit!
What comes around goes around.
That said, Biden may very well deserve to be impeached if his family (and perhaps Joe himself) enriched themselves by selling influence. Those that deny the evidence remind me of this guy.

Those that deny the evidence remind me of this guy.
Feel free to show us that evidence any time you wish. The Republicans sure would appreciate it since they have none.

"We don't have the evidence now, but we may find it later." - Michael McCaul (R-TX), impeachment inquiry member.
It was almost painful to watch mainstream Republicans in the House of Representatives yesterday squirming with embarrassment, as Matt Gaetz and his little band of loonies tried (without evidence) to conger up grounds to impeach Biden, in the meantime precious seconds tick away towards a government shutdown.

98% of the "Biden problems" have been artificially manufactured by the crazies within the GOP, who are acting under the direction of their orange faced God. They have no evidence linking Joe Biden to anything illegal.

IMHO - Joe Biden is getting too old to govern, but if this is how the GOP is going to operate going into a general election, the chances of a GOP victory is slim indeed.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :disbelief:
This just tells you that the Vichy Repulican elites who are in league with the Prog Socialist elites still have immense power. Progs do their attacks on potential threats like Trump full force and the help of 95% of everything media/TV/entertainment doing their part. Republicans have a percentage who will do it.
It was almost painful to watch mainstream Republicans in the House of Representatives yesterday squirming with embarrassment, as Matt Gaetz and his little band of loonies tried (without evidence) to conger up grounds to impeach Biden, in the meantime precious seconds tick away towards a government shutdown.

98% of the "Biden problems" have been artificially manufactured by the crazies within the GOP, who are acting under the direction of their orange faced God. They have no evidence linking Joe Biden to anything illegal.

IMHO - Joe Biden is getting too old to govern, but if this is how the GOP is going to operate going into a general election, the chances of a GOP victory is slim indeed.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :disbelief:
LOL......seems the only defense you folks on the left have is that Trump did something.....and all of the evidence they have on bribery by Biden doesn't exist......and once again Trump did something.

You can't defend anything Biden did, but you can bring up Trump again and again and again thinking this is some sort of defense for the crimes Biden has been caught red-handed committing.
It was almost painful to watch mainstream Republicans in the House of Representatives yesterday squirming with embarrassment, as Matt Gaetz and his little band of loonies tried (without evidence) to conger up grounds to impeach Biden, in the meantime precious seconds tick away towards a government shutdown.

98% of the "Biden problems" have been artificially manufactured by the crazies within the GOP, who are acting under the direction of their orange faced God. They have no evidence linking Joe Biden to anything illegal.

IMHO - Joe Biden is getting too old to govern, but if this is how the GOP is going to operate going into a general election, the chances of a GOP victory is slim indeed.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :disbelief:
Joe is CIA puppetry, so designing deceptions might include Oedipus, always already a family affair. The Oedipus story should be reversed for a more Saturnian viewpoint, not like it is here, with resonance of John 3:16 plastered all over it for disguise. When the CIA goes to church, only a fool believes they are there to pray.

This chron is embarrassingly incomplete and infantile, and blatantly displayed at this level:

The Bidens' Influence Peddling Timeline

Two importanBiden-linked pathologies not mentioned in the chron are Hynansky and Pozharsky.

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