Does Obama hate Texas as much as AZ?

Texas is a proud state and a firm believer in the 10th Amendment. They know that the Constitution says nothing about providing emergency relief to a state so the responsibility falls to the individual state.

Given Rick Perrys secessionist views, I would not want to insult the man by offering him money

Given YOUR views ... please stop giving them, liar.

Thanks for the neg Gunny.....

Texas can't have it both ways. They can either proudly belong to the union or get the hell out. Texas talks the talk when it comes to playing the Secessionist blow-hards. They scream about the 10th amendment and states rights. They moan for a limited government.

But when push comes to shove, they have their hand out begging just like every other state

That's simply not true. We give up a dollar in federal taxes and get 94 cents back. That's not begging, it's a state getting shortchanged by the federal govt. You do realize that there are 15 states, Texas being one of them, that don't even break even while 35 states receive more than they contribute?
“You know the good part about all those executions in Texas? Fewer Texans”
George Carlin
Oh..and this somehow got left out of the post that was sourced.

There's a lot of different scenarios," Perry said. "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."
Governor Says Texans May Want to Secede From Union But Probably Won't -

Sort of can understand that. It's hard to be proud of a traitorous, anti-constitutional, anti-american type like Rick Perry.

Nah. Better to be a nanny-state sheep like your dumb ass.

Nanny state? Not sure how this has anything to do with Governor Rick Perry, who on many occasions has mentioned that Texas might be interested in secession. There doesn’t seem to be a Constitutional way to do my post points out. So what’s left is rebellion. That is unconstitutional and qualifies as traitorous. Additionally it seems that Governor Perry blocked an appeal of a condemned man and allowed him to be executed. Once the details of the case were made seems that a gross error in judgment took place. The prosecution’s case hinged on an arson report turned in by an incompetent inspector. Subsequent analysis of the area where the fire took place showed that there might have been no arson. Additionally, reports by the police indicated that the accused was trying to save his family and was restrained. These doubts were never taken into consideration by Governor Perry, and indeed he is blocking further investigation into the matter. So could be “Murderous” gets added to those adjectives..
Then let them stop paying and receiving. You won't have a problem with that would you? You'd save you some money.


Let Texas start paying its way and stop sponging off the rest of the country. We can start with them begging for flood relief.

They want limited government...lets give it to them

If we didn't have the rest of you sponging off the taxes we pay the Federal government and we could keep the money, who the fuck would need YOU losers?

I do believe that the U.S. would come out ahead all around if Texas seceded.
It's been about a month since Tropical Storm Hermine tore through North Texas. One of the hardest hit areas was a condominium complex in Arlington. The floodwater was so high, dozens of residents had to be rescued.

Because of this, Gov. Rick Perry asked the federal government to issue a disaster declaration for 13 Texas counties, including Tarrant and Denton. On Sunday, Perry learned that the request was denied.

FEMA Denies Perry's Disaster Declaration Request -

I'd be curious to see how many disaster declarations have been denied. I've never heard of one until today.

Hmm, I guess you are not a Californian, or recall Bush telling CA residents we were on our own, let the power corps. of Texas gouging continue in 2001? I recall at the time how Texans thought that was real funny and how we deserved what we were getting.

t r u t h o u t | Jason Leopold | Cheney Suppressed Evidence in California Energy Crisis

But at issue is, do you want taxcuts and less services? If so, prepare your mind for a daily shock as services are cut across the spectrum. WHY isn't Texas prepared to handle it's own disasters? CA has forest fires, so we have jumbo jets equipped to handle the problem. What is wrong with the Texas governor? I guess he doesn't care..............
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Texans' tax dollars not only pay for disaster relief in other states; but it used in other COUNTRIES as well. Nice try rightwinger. We are talking about individuals who lost their homes. Refreshing to see those compassionate libs showing their true values again.

If you scream for "Limited Government" you should be the first to step to the plate and turn down government assistance.

Does limited government only mean less aid for others?
Given YOUR views ... please stop giving them, liar.

Thanks for the neg Gunny.....

Texas can't have it both ways. They can either proudly belong to the union or get the hell out. Texas talks the talk when it comes to playing the Secessionist blow-hards. They scream about the 10th amendment and states rights. They moan for a limited government.

But when push comes to shove, they have their hand out begging just like every other state

That's simply not true. We give up a dollar in federal taxes and get 94 cents back. That's not begging, it's a state getting shortchanged by the federal govt. You do realize that there are 15 states, Texas being one of them, that don't even break even while 35 states receive more than they contribute?

I feel your pain....

My state gets back 65 cents on the dollar. Yet we are not out protesting about secession. Our Governor is not out campaigning on withdrawing from the union
By that logic I guess people who believe that the federal govt squanders social security, public education dollars, etc should opt out of those programs? Oh wait. They can't.

So the answer is "ye
s" ? Seems that way. Along with his loyal followers.. Equal protection is in the eyes of the liberal. Some folks are just more equal than others.

Bedwetting anti-Texites.
Obviously, you have NEVER been to Texas

We don't hate Mexicans (long as they aren't illegals)

Now, gays on the other hand............:ev

My sister is married to a guy from Texas and he's an obnoxious jerk!!! Most men from Texas are. Big know-it-alls that think they are just too much. Most of the women are very pretty and very sweet. But now I know why so many of them come to L.A. They certainly don't want to get stuck with a Texan for a husband.

What does your BIL have to do with Texas dollars and federal money? :cuckoo:

I was responding to the comment above highlighted in pink. That comment just reminded me of Texans I have met, most particularly my bossy, pain in the ass bil. He doesn't like gays either. I think Texans (men) are afraid of things they don't understand. Heaven forbid they should learn something.
“You know the good part about all those executions in Texas? Fewer Texans”
George Carlin

Fewer murderers. I'm all for it.
“The only things that I can tell you is that every case I have reviewed I have been comfortable with the innocence or guilt of the person that I've looked at. I do not believe we've put a guilty... I mean innocent person to death in the state of Texas.”

George W. Bush
Obviously, you have NEVER been to Texas

We don't hate Mexicans (long as they aren't illegals)

Now, gays on the other hand............:ev

My sister is married to a guy from Texas and he's an obnoxious jerk!!! Most men from Texas are. Big know-it-alls that think they are just too much. Most of the women are very pretty and very sweet. But now I know why so many of them come to L.A. They certainly don't want to get stuck with a Texan for a husband.

You must a dumbass left coaster who thinks you know what's best for everyone. LA is full of thugs and idiots.

And speaking of rude and obnoxious, that's about what I'd call your post.

A rose by any other name is still a rose. Sorry, but I was just calling it like I see it. And may I say that every one of your observations is wrong. But you would never even consider that possibility, would you?? You just know how perfect you are and that you couldn't possibly be wrong. You're very easy to read.
Maybe more. I swear i've never seen a President hate his fellow Americans the way this current President does. I guess it's all about the Saul Alinsky 'Rules for Radicals' and Reverend Wright "GOD DAMN AMERICA!" indoctrination for him. He was raised on that Marxist Anti-American stuff. It's too late for him to change now. He is what he is. Lets hope Americans wise up and begin the process of booting these creeps in November. Hopefully Hopey Changey will be a One & Doner. Get out and vote people.

Oh, go soak your head!!! Your radio is always playing the same boring tune. Get a clue.

This current President has divided this nation unlike anything i've ever seen before. His hatred for fellow Americans really is so shocking & sad. I've never seen a President hate & divide like this President has. A "Uniter?" Ha Ha! What a f*cking scam. It all goes back to his Saul Alinsky Marxist "Community Organizer" past. It's who he is.

Would you PLEASE take your meds??? You're running amok!!

Get a clue or just get. You don't know a damned thing about Texas you leftwingnut from the lands of fruits and liberty. Y'all's idea of liberty is I work and pay your rent.

You don't know what you're talking about. If you thought I was so far off the mark, you would not have even bothered to respond. But I pissed you off and you now think you have engaged me in one of those battles where we go back and forth for 2 or 3 pages. Forget it. They bore me. And there is nothing more to say. I've said my piece and arguing with you is an excercise in futility.

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