CDZ Does It Really Matter Who Gets Elected ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I hate to be raining on the party of Republicans when they are being victorious in the 2014 midterm elections, but I have to bring up the following disturbing fact. That is that no matter what the Congress and state legislatures do, and what laws that succeed in passing, this all can be nullified by ultra-liberals in the courts, just by judge-shopping, and getting a court ruling against the laws.

Case in point >> In Florida, the state legislature enacted a ban on same-sex marriage. Then, a federal judge, Robert Hinkle struck down Florida's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage (August 2014). This same judge (an ACLU favorite), also shot down voter ID restrictions that Florida Republicans had created, to prevent illegal aliens and other non-citizens from voting illegally.

All this from ONE MAN. And I haven't even looked into this very deeply. Hinkle may have other squashes of the peoples' will, as well, as well as other judges.

Makes you wonder if it's worthwhile to go to all that trouble to pass laws, and do we really have a democratic process at all, if it can be subverted that easily ?

I'd say this is government out of control, going haywire, and needs to have something done about it. Too much power in the hands of the judiciary, at the expense of the legislators, and the people who put them there.
Have you noticed what the "ultra-conservative" U.S. Supreme Court has done to negate our election processes? Get a grip. This government is run by one party, a fascism of sorts, with no competition allowed in the election process. Thank your Republican Supreme Court justices for that.
No, it really doesn't matter. The two party system has given us nothing but massive debt, endless wars, intrusive government, and crony capitalism. Both parties are far more interested in feather their own nests and the nests of their corporate masters/friends then tackling our most pressing issues. This blind allegiance to one party or the other is destroying our nation.
It always matters, just not as much as some people would like. Your choice is between fans of unchecked government expansion vs. fans of slow government expansion/slight contraction.

What we need is people more into federalism, more laws tailored to local needs, and accountable to local people. The more crap we move up, the more unaccountable the crap becomes, and the more entrenched the bureaucratic class becomes.
I don't believe it does. Ever winning politician only won because of whoever their biggest donors were. Not like they're gonna take meetings with non-donors or Joe Plumber thereafter. They're gonna listen to who got them their office. And that's the corporations and uber wealthy. And covering their bets these rich elites donate to both sides. But ultimately party doesn't matter because the ones ohlding the purse strings are always the same.
Problem with non term limited offices is that the ones seeking them are looking at it as a career. Consequently they never have the balls to give the finger to special interests and wouldn't be fine being a one-term official.

Should really consider eliminated terms altogether and make everything term-limited and one big longer term reflective of the average or something. If a senator has to run every few years they're never really doing their job and always fundraising and brownnosing.
Both parties big spenders/big government. Still, Democrats will put aside money for the least among us while republicans want it all for the wealthiest among us and anybody that's poor has no one to blame but themselves, including hungry children. Pretty good link below about how republican governed states fare in the poverty realm. Picture of a hungry child, a product of lazy bums of course.

Bread Highlights the 10 Hungriest and Poorest States - Bread for the World Have Faith. End Hunger.
I don't believe it does. Ever winning politician only won because of whoever their biggest donors were. Not like they're gonna take meetings with non-donors or Joe Plumber thereafter. They're gonna listen to who got them their office. And that's the corporations and uber wealthy. And covering their bets these rich elites donate to both sides. But ultimately party doesn't matter because the ones ohlding the purse strings are always the same.


Big money and bigger, more intrusive government won last night.
I don't believe it does. Ever winning politician only won because of whoever their biggest donors were. Not like they're gonna take meetings with non-donors or Joe Plumber thereafter. They're gonna listen to who got them their office. And that's the corporations and uber wealthy. And covering their bets these rich elites donate to both sides. But ultimately party doesn't matter because the ones ohlding the purse strings are always the same.


Big money and bigger, more intrusive government won last night.

Government's the illusion. Bigger more intrusive business is the reality. Lest we suspect, notice, and rebel, think they make it so parties switch positions regularly. Why Presidents usually alternate which party's in charge. If Dems and Repubs were significantly different, which ever's better objectively would always be in power, but they seem to take turns.
Obamacare's a good example. Denounced as a Democrat invention it's the same thing Romney, a Republican proposed back a bit.
Does It Really Matter Who Gets Elected ?

If it did, there would be no Romney/Obama care.
If it did, there would be no warfare/welfare/security state.
If it did, the government would consume about the same share of GDP as it did before WWI.
Have you noticed what the "ultra-conservative" U.S. Supreme Court has done to negate our election processes? Get a grip. This government is run by one party, a fascism of sorts, with no competition allowed in the election process. Thank your Republican Supreme Court justices for that.
Hopefully, it will stay Conservative over the next 2 years, although it hasn't always been so conservative lately, such as it's decision on same-sex marriage and ACA.
i also don't see it enforcing the constitutional ban on Islam, (Article 6, Section 2), with the closing of all mosques, as should have been done years ago. Not much fascism there.
It always matters, just not as much as some people would like. Your choice is between fans of unchecked government expansion vs. fans of slow government expansion/slight contraction.

What we need is people more into federalism, more laws tailored to local needs, and accountable to local people. The more crap we move up, the more unaccountable the crap becomes, and the more entrenched the bureaucratic class becomes.
The question was Does It Really Matter Who Gets Elected when the laws get struck down by any goofball who enlists a court judge to strike them down.
I don't believe it does. Ever winning politician only won because of whoever their biggest donors were. Not like they're gonna take meetings with non-donors or Joe Plumber thereafter. They're gonna listen to who got them their office. And that's the corporations and uber wealthy. And covering their bets these rich elites donate to both sides. But ultimately party doesn't matter because the ones ohlding the purse strings are always the same.
You're not addressing the TOPIC of the OP either.
Both parties big spenders/big government. Still, Democrats will put aside money for the least among us while republicans want it all for the wealthiest among us and anybody that's poor has no one to blame but themselves, including hungry children. Pretty good link below about how republican governed states fare in the poverty realm. Picture of a hungry child, a product of lazy bums of course.

Bread Highlights the 10 Hungriest and Poorest States - Bread for the World Have Faith. End Hunger.
I don't believe it does. Ever winning politician only won because of whoever their biggest donors were. Not like they're gonna take meetings with non-donors or Joe Plumber thereafter. They're gonna listen to who got them their office. And that's the corporations and uber wealthy. And covering their bets these rich elites donate to both sides. But ultimately party doesn't matter because the ones ohlding the purse strings are always the same.


Big money and bigger, more intrusive government won last night.
In a few cases maybe it did, like Rick Scott in Florida. But mostly, Democrats are not at all getting it. They lost because of the American people are startled by their lax attitude toward NATIONAL SECURITY (ex. ISIS, Ebola, Immigration invasion)

It's not the economy. It's the National Security, stupid.
No it does not matter. Just as martybegan pointed out, as long as Democrats or Republicans run the country NOTHING will change.

Republicans' positions on National Security ARE popular (ISIS, immigration, Ebola,) As long as Democrats remain oblivious to this, they will lose MORE elections, and by even wider margins. Their crazy opinions are scaring the wits out of the American people, and rightly so.

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