Does Elon understand Liberals buy Teslas?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

As Elon dives into the RW world of lies and conspiracy theories...he might want to think about the damage he is doing to Tesla. Alabama and Kentucky are not big Tesla markets.

GM and Ford are barreling ahead with EVs. And there are lots of start up EV companies out there that would love to see Tesla weakened..

As Elon dives into the RW world of lies and conspiracy theories...he might want to think about the damage he is doing to Tesla. Alabama and Kentucky are not big Tesla markets.

GM and Ford are barreling ahead with EVs. And there are lots of start up EV companies out there that would love to see Tesla weakened..
Does jimboliar remember when Musk was your hero, your god of EV and green energy, and you used to worship him?
You can bet he realizes what he is doing. He iss the richest man in the world and you are on food stamps.
Elon is apolitical and sees the clusterfk below his dignity.
But he's antiwar and that causes many to be confused about his agenda.

As Elon dives into the RW world of lies and conspiracy theories...he might want to think about the damage he is doing to Tesla. Alabama and Kentucky are not big Tesla markets.

GM and Ford are barreling ahead with EVs. And there are lots of start up EV companies out there that would love to see Tesla weakened..
I've always seen Elon as a classic Liberal, more so than most other public figures. You don't see it? Do you think he is conservative or something else?
I was never crazy about the guy but in the last few months I've come to the conclusion he's whacked and I wouldn't put a single thin dime in his pocket. I hope he beggars himself trying to turn Twitter into the Nazy Daily News.

Tesla is gonna Twitter.

As Elon dives into the RW world of lies and conspiracy theories...he might want to think about the damage he is doing to Tesla. Alabama and Kentucky are not big Tesla markets.

GM and Ford are barreling ahead with EVs. And there are lots of start up EV companies out there that would love to see Tesla weakened..
I'm sorry but this cannot be allowed to sail unmolested, whom do you mean by "liberals?" You, and those like yourself, along with the democrat party machine? Well you're not liberals, so who do you imply it is that is liberal, who also buy's Tesla's???

You are not liberals, you are the absolute antithesis of liberal, you are so far removed from liberal its stunning you'd even attempt the linkage, as there is none, whatsoever!

You are fascists, and no fascist ever, anywhere, has ever been a liberal.... :wink:
If Tesla autos go down it's probably more bout customer satisfaction than politics. Try to keep up. And will it even dent his fortune with Space X being the largest launch entity in the world not to mention his SATCOM company
You are not liberals, you are the absolute antithesis of liberal, you are so far removed from liberal its stunning you'd even attempt the linkage, as there is none, whatsoever!

You are fascists, and no fascist ever, anywhere, has ever been a liberal.... :wink:
Sounds to me like you are grossly exaggerating and off base here. The Democratic Party is liberal on social issues but not on fiscal/government issues. They are much more Progressive than Liberal. The Republican Party is more on the conservative side but Trump has eliminated the fiscal responsibility elements and added a layer of nationalism and authoritarianism that makes his faction much much closer to Fascist than their political opponents.
If Musk keeps diving into the world of RW will see.

I was never crazy about the guy but in the last few months I've come to the conclusion he's whacked and I wouldn't put a single thin dime in his pocket. I hope he beggars himself trying to turn Twitter into the Nazy Daily News.

It's not going to end up well for him OP.

Don't believe me? Just watch....
Hahaha…the shameless commie-lite pukes finally out in the wide open for all to see…I love it.
Commie-lites say:
“We hate anyone pushing free speech and that pesky Constitution.”
Liberals, like NaziKarens, are hypocrites of the most extreme.

They tell YOU not to eat meat, while THEY are sitting in line at the Burger King drive thru.
They tell YOU not to buy dairy products, while THEY have a huge ice cream cone in their hands.
They tell YOU not to wear leather or fur, while THEY are driving a car with leather seats and wearing a fur lined jacket.
THEY will tell YOU not to buy gas powered vehicles, while THEY drive their gas guzzling 4x4 trucks.

This kind of hypocrisy should be a felony, punished with immediate extermination.
Is anyone paying attention to this, really?

Elon Musk has exposed one of the most destructive political atrocities of the last century. Pervasive social media entities LITERALLY SILENCED opposing views at the request of highly-positioned operatives of one political party, in order to impact a national election, AND THEY SUCCEEDED!

This is not controversial. It is a fact. It is proven by the actual words of the perpetrators.

And because it is truthful, and potentially damaging to some of their darlings, the Left has declared war on the person who exposes the truth.

I keep reminding anyone who reads me in this space, the Left is EVIL. I'm not joking or exaggerating. I am telling the truth. Evil.
He will sell Twitter and take a loss. But the damage has been done and he has exposed himself as a RW MAGA nut.

Partisan politics and success in business never go well together.

We need to find the Musk equivalent of this. You all just need to be smacked down over your love affair with Musk as well as this meme smacks you down over your hard on for Trump..


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