Does Elon understand Liberals buy Teslas?

FWIW, I live about a mile from the only Tesla "dealership" (I know they call them something else) in Western Pennsylvania, and they appear to be flooded with un-sold cars, mainly Model 3's. I wonder if their sales have hit a wall, or something.
Is anyone paying attention to this, really?

Elon Musk has exposed one of the most destructive political atrocities of the last century. Pervasive social media entities LITERALLY SILENCED opposing views at the request of highly-positioned operatives of one political party, in order to impact a national election, AND THEY SUCCEEDED!

This is not controversial. It is a fact. It is proven by the actual words of the perpetrators.

And because it is truthful, and potentially damaging to some of their darlings, the Left has declared war on the person who exposes the truth.

I keep reminding anyone who reads me in this space, the Left is EVIL. I'm not joking or exaggerating. I am telling the truth. Evil.

They are owned by their evil master.

I used to think there was hope for them but the last two or three years has really changed my mind.


As Elon dives into the RW world of lies and conspiracy theories...he might want to think about the damage he is doing to Tesla. Alabama and Kentucky are not big Tesla markets.

GM and Ford are barreling ahead with EVs. And there are lots of start up EV companies out there that would love to see Tesla weakened..

"I'm leaving the country if Bush wins!"
"I'm leaving the country if Trump wins!"
"I'm leaving Twitter if Musk buys it!"
"I'm giving back my Tesla because Musk is mean!"
"I'm never going to buy a Tesla because Musk bad!"

You people are ridiculous children.

As Elon dives into the RW world of lies and conspiracy theories...he might want to think about the damage he is doing to Tesla. Alabama and Kentucky are not big Tesla markets.

GM and Ford are barreling ahead with EVs. And there are lots of start up EV companies out there that would love to see Tesla weakened..
Well... they used to. First Quarter sales will bake in his antics and we'll see.

What's hilarious is that the leftist parasites are doing their little victory dance around the possibility that their arch nemesis might lose a buck or two, while the product itself has been tanking in terms of performance!

I'm going to bet that Tesla was a toy that Musk could afford to blow some billions on and he doesn't give a shit about,one way or another.

But by all means, continue jacking off to your fantasies of your hated nemesis going broke and being homeless. We find it funny.

But remember that negative emotions like hate can cause all kinds of awful health problems, like strokes and heart attacks.


Is anyone paying attention to this, really?

Elon Musk has exposed one of the most destructive political atrocities of the last century. Pervasive social media entities LITERALLY SILENCED opposing views at the request of highly-positioned operatives of one political party, in order to impact a national election, AND THEY SUCCEEDED!

This is not controversial. It is a fact. It is proven by the actual words of the perpetrators.

And because it is truthful, and potentially damaging to some of their darlings, the Left has declared war on the person who exposes the truth.

I keep reminding anyone who reads me in this space, the Left is EVIL. I'm not joking or exaggerating. I am telling the truth. Evil.
The Left...The Left.....The Left

Those are the people who believe in the Constitution, don't spread lies and misinformation, and care about the poor and unfortunate.

Elon is slashing his own wrist each time he tweets his RW garbage. I am looking at EVs. Tesla is now off the list.

Tesla is gonna Twitter.
Twitter is growing, retard...
The Left...The Left.....The Left

Those are the people who believe in the Constitution, don't spread lies and misinformation, and care about the poor and unfortunate.

Elon is slashing his own wrist each time he tweets his RW garbage. I am looking at EVs. Tesla is now off the list.

I hear VW's EVs are popular with your fellow DemoKKKrats.


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