Does Anyone Really Believe This Tale?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Sadly, the media will allow this to stand.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will not be able to testify before House and Senate committees next week on the Benghazi issue due to a concussion, the State Department said Saturday.

Clinton was a scheduled to testify Thursday on the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in which U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stephens and three other Americans were killed.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Philippe Reines said Saturday that Clinton is suffering from a stomach virus, fainted and hit her head, which caused the concussion. said Clinton is suffering from a stomach virus, fainted and hit her head, which caused the concussion.

However, the agency did not say when the fall occurred.

Clinton will not testify before Congress on Libya, purported concussion cited | Fox News
And what would you have the media do otherwise? Demand medical records and sworn statements from doctors that the SoS is indeed ill?

The reality of this is that you and others on the right don’t care about facts or the truth, and you couldn’t care less about those killed, your only interest in this contrived controversy is to have some sort of perceived political weapon to use against the administration.

Fortunately the American people are smart enough to see your true motive.
Not a word of it is true. If there were medical records and sworn statements, they would be untrue as well.
And what would you have the media do otherwise? Demand medical records and sworn statements from doctors that the SoS is indeed ill?

The reality of this is that you and others on the right don’t care about facts or the truth, and you couldn’t care less about those killed, your only interest in this contrived controversy is to have some sort of perceived political weapon to use against the administration.

Fortunately the American people are smart enough to see your true motive.

i'm waiting for them to demand that buah/xhwnwy testify under oath about 9/11
Interesting...So she will skip this whole event entirely.
First when she schemed to avoid the Sunday talk show circuit
because she knew what the deal was.And now she gets out of testifying.

This Lady is good.
I will give her that.
And what would you have the media do otherwise? Demand medical records and sworn statements from doctors that the SoS is indeed ill?

The reality of this is that you and others on the right don’t care about facts or the truth, and you couldn’t care less about those killed, your only interest in this contrived controversy is to have some sort of perceived political weapon to use against the administration.

Fortunately the American people are smart enough to see your true motive.
Do you really believe that, or are you lying?
And what would you have the media do otherwise? Demand medical records and sworn statements from doctors that the SoS is indeed ill?

The reality of this is that you and others on the right don’t care about facts or the truth, and you couldn’t care less about those killed, your only interest in this contrived controversy is to have some sort of perceived political weapon to use against the administration.

Fortunately the American people are smart enough to see your true motive.
Do you really believe that, or are you lying?

Why shouldn't he believe it? You believe rights are "natural", despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Interesting...So she will skip this whole event entirely.
First when she schemed to avoid the Sunday talk show circuit
because she knew what the deal was.And now she gets out of testifying.

This Lady is good.
I will give her that.

Of course, she is good. She was taught by the biggest liar of them all: Bill Clinton, allegedly her husband.
And what would you have the media do otherwise? Demand medical records and sworn statements from doctors that the SoS is indeed ill?

The reality of this is that you and others on the right don’t care about facts or the truth, and you couldn’t care less about those killed, your only interest in this contrived controversy is to have some sort of perceived political weapon to use against the administration.

Fortunately the American people are smart enough to see your true motive.
Do you really believe that, or are you lying?

Why shouldn't he believe it? You believe rights are "natural", despite all the evidence to the contrary.
He shouldn't believe it because it's not true. Dumbass.

But then, the left doesn't much care about the truth, do you?
Another week, another wingnut conspiracy theory.

Of course, it is a "vast right-wing conspiracy". Hilary Clinton in the 1990's.

Words of a paranoid lying liberal whose hunger for power was such that she stood by her lying and serial rapist husband.

This woman would be capable of the most vile evil in order to retain her power.
I'm sure it's all just a coincidence. No, really.

Stomach virus caused dehydration caused fainting caused concussion caused Hill can't possible testify on Thursday (even though docs say she's fine and is well enough to work from home this week) cause she's all screwed up from hitting her head on Saturday .. er, earlier than that, earlier last week.

Doctors say she'll be fine, though. It happened earlier in the week, too. They just didn't tell us until today. That's how insignificant this is. No need for panic. She's going to work from home this week, but she's "looking forward to getting back into the office."

Hillary Clinton Won't Testify on Benghazi Because She Has a Concussion - National - The Atlantic Wire

Yeah, it's a coincidence. Surrrre it is. :rolleyes:
Don't matter one whit if its believable, if Obama or anyone near to him utters anything, the anal fornicating, Obama fellating media will lay down their coats and jackets on top of whtaever kind of puddle happens to be next to the sidewalk Obama and his minions are on so Obama & Co can cross it without getting so much as a drop of water on a single toe all the while backing up every lie and falsehood they utter. Do you remember the block CNN's Candy Crowley threw on Mitt Romney when it looked like Romney was about to break out into the clear with nothing but touchdown against Mr Obama ahead of him in the Second Presidential Debate?
I don't buy into the fright-wing conspiracy, but I couldn't care less if it is in fact a way to get her out of testifying. After the way McCain and company treated Susan Rice (a highly qualified candidate for the office), they can go fuck themselves. If I were in the president's shoes, they wouldn't get an ounce of cooperation from me.

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