Does any other nation allow foreigners to influence their political functions?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Many unAmerican wack-jobs and corrupt politicians support the idea of allowing Mexicans / Mexico to influence much of our political workings.
I’m curious, does any other country take foreigners and their demands into consideration when writing policy and legislation?
Does any other nation bust their ass trying to improve the quality of life for foreigners?
Many unAmerican wack-jobs and corrupt politicians support the idea of allowing Mexicans / Mexico to influence much of our political workings.
I’m curious, does any other country take foreigners and their demands into consideration when writing policy and legislation?
Does any other nation bust their ass trying to improve the quality of life for foreigners?
Nope, just our *president* and his relationships with dictators like Vladimir and Kim.

Why do you ask?
Many unAmerican wack-jobs and corrupt politicians support the idea of allowing Mexicans / Mexico to influence much of our political workings.
I’m curious, does any other country take foreigners and their demands into consideration when writing policy and legislation?
Does any other nation bust their ass trying to improve the quality of life for foreigners?
Nope, just our *president* and his relationships with dictators like Vladimir and Kim.

Why do you ask?

We have politicians introducing Bills in Congress to benefit Vlad and Kim?
Come on bud...stop making a complete ass of yourself. Your motive has been made crystal’re an anchor baby at best.
Trump sure did.

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Many unAmerican wack-jobs and corrupt politicians support the idea of allowing Mexicans / Mexico to influence much of our political workings.
I’m curious, does any other country take foreigners and their demands into consideration when writing policy and legislation?
Does any other nation bust their ass trying to improve the quality of life for foreigners?

Who cares what other nations do. Until Trump the United States was a haven of freedom, and offered opportunity and a better life for those oppressed who saw sought a better life for them and their children.

Trump's hate and fear rhetoric has now become the policy of the United States. The Congress is silent and the Executive Dominates the direction of our nation; it will until We the People speak out against this form of evil not seen since the detention of Japaneses-Americans after Pearl Harbor.

What have we become? why is the Clergy silent too, and what happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Russia bought some ad space in cyberworld and LefTards piss themselves daily...Meanwhile Mexico has illegally planted 12-40 million foot soldiers on our soil to breed like rodents and drop litters of anchor babies whom will eventually vote on the interests of thirdworlders and Mexico and the Tards pretend they don’t even see it happening.
Do they really wonder why nobody sane can take them serious?
Many unAmerican wack-jobs and corrupt politicians support the idea of allowing Mexicans / Mexico to influence much of our political workings.
I’m curious, does any other country take foreigners and their demands into consideration when writing policy and legislation?
Does any other nation bust their ass trying to improve the quality of life for foreigners?

Who cares what other nations do. Until Trump the United States was a haven of freedom, and offered opportunity and a better life for those oppressed who saw sought a better life for them and their children.

Trump's hate and fear rhetoric has now become the policy of the United States. The Congress is silent and the Executive Dominates the direction of our nation; it will until We the People speak out against this form of evil not seen since the detention of Japaneses-Americans after Pearl Harbor.

What have we become? why is the Clergy silent too, and what happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Before all that bleeding heart, nobility bullshit we were a prideful, productive, sovereign nation. We were too nice for too long...we got suckered and fucked ourselves. We’re fed up with foreign filth. FUCK THE WORLD! It’s time to take care of our own. America is finally officially CLOSED.
Many unAmerican wack-jobs and corrupt politicians support the idea of allowing Mexicans / Mexico to influence much of our political workings.
I’m curious, does any other country take foreigners and their demands into consideration when writing policy and legislation?
Does any other nation bust their ass trying to improve the quality of life for foreigners?

Who cares what other nations do. Until Trump the United States was a haven of freedom, and offered opportunity and a better life for those oppressed who saw sought a better life for them and their children.

Trump's hate and fear rhetoric has now become the policy of the United States. The Congress is silent and the Executive Dominates the direction of our nation; it will until We the People speak out against this form of evil not seen since the detention of Japaneses-Americans after Pearl Harbor.

What have we become? why is the Clergy silent too, and what happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Funny how you blame Trump for things that were going on in other administrations.
I realize that you think you are helping those that come across the border but at the same time you are creating higher unemployment and lower wages for Americans.
With an open border policy we have no idea who is entering the country. Perhaps you might realize that the actors in 9/11 entered this country legally and look what happened. Who is to say that someone entering this country illegally might be willing to do? Does the idea of walking down the street and be part of a terror attack such as happens in Europe excite you?
Why is it so hard to understand that every country has immigration laws that they enforce. So why is it impossible to comprehend that we have those same policies?

You are an anti-American elitist snob moron idiot partisan sock puppet who lives in a world of fantasy and denial while others stroke your life. You wouldn't know what Trump really did or didn't do if your life depended on it, much less that he is in any way influenced or a puppet of Putin. You have corn syrup for brains and cannot provide one bit of real proof of anything you say about Trump or Putin other than baseless claims from your complicit member websites and totally ignore all that Obama really did to help Russia while trying to influence Israeli elections, all that Hillary took from places like the Ukraine, so live in a state of perpetual denial and cartoons and senseless claims.

Many unAmerican wack-jobs and corrupt politicians support the idea of allowing Mexicans / Mexico to influence much of our political workings.
I’m curious, does any other country take foreigners and their demands into consideration when writing policy and legislation?
Does any other nation bust their ass trying to improve the quality of life for foreigners?
Funny chit coming from a dumbass who supports the candidate the Russians helped win.

Are you really this fucking stupid?
Many whack jobs like the OP are too stupid to realize not every illegal alien is from Mexico.

It must suck to be an ignorant coward.
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Russia bought some ad space in cyberworld and LefTards piss themselves daily...Meanwhile Mexico has illegally planted 12-40 million foot soldiers on our soil to breed like rodents and drop litters of anchor babies whom will eventually vote on the interests of thirdworlders and Mexico and the Tards pretend they don’t even see it happening.
Do they really wonder why nobody sane can take them serious?

If Russian ads were 1/10th as effective as the Leftist sock puppets would have us believe, they would be the biggest idiots ever for spending millions and billions on Hillary ads EVERYWHERE else but Facebook! Get with it liberals! Just buy a few thousand dollars worth of ads on Facebook and win the next election against Trump! That IS what you're claiming, right?

Meantime, Hillary was the most flawed, feckless, simpleton candidate in American history! They had to cheat and prop her up with a board up her ass just to get her to the finish line!

Like all things Left, they dump a dump-truck full of elephant dung in the middle of our front yards then turn around and complain that the Right has littered the street with a cigarette butt. Meantime, it was probably their cigarette too.
Many unAmerican wack-jobs and corrupt politicians support the idea of allowing Mexicans / Mexico to influence much of our political workings.
I’m curious, does any other country take foreigners and their demands into consideration when writing policy and legislation?
Does any other nation bust their ass trying to improve the quality of life for foreigners?
Nope, just our *president* and his relationships with dictators like Vladimir and Kim.

Why do you ask?

We have politicians introducing Bills in Congress to benefit Vlad and Kim?
Come on bud...stop making a complete ass of yourself. Your motive has been made crystal’re an anchor baby at best.
Lol, did you forget what Cheeto Jesus has been doing for them?
Libtards in Germany opened their border to 1 million refugees, now Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel is facing a huge backlash. Concerns over terrorist attacks and economic impact have fueled nationalist movements across the European Union. Parties with hardline views on migration have been winning elections across Europe. Austria’s right-wing chancellor Sebastian Kurz called on Wednesday for the formation of an anti-migrant “Axis of the willing” to fight for restrictive border policies at the E.U. level.
Libtards in Germany opened their border to 1 million refugees, now Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel is facing a huge backlash. Concerns over terrorist attacks and economic impact have fueled nationalist movements across the European Union. Parties with hardline views on migration have been winning elections across Europe. Austria’s right-wing chancellor Sebastian Kurz called on Wednesday for the formation of an anti-migrant “Axis of the willing” to fight for restrictive border policies at the E.U. level.

Hold on a increasing the number of low iQ, morally challenged people within a society causes degradation and divide?
That’s so weird.
Libtards in Germany opened their border to 1 million refugees, now Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel is facing a huge backlash. Concerns over terrorist attacks and economic impact have fueled nationalist movements across the European Union. Parties with hardline views on migration have been winning elections across Europe. Austria’s right-wing chancellor Sebastian Kurz called on Wednesday for the formation of an anti-migrant “Axis of the willing” to fight for restrictive border policies at the E.U. level.

Hold on a increasing the number of low iQ, morally challenged people within a society causes degradation and divide?
That’s so weird.

Allowing these filth to pour into their country also resulted in the filth gang raping their citizens. These prissy elitists like Merkel don't have to worry about getting gang raped she has armed security. I guess Merkel feels that if some German citizens get gang raped well too bad those are acceptable casualties.

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