Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?
Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?

Over a decade since the Great Recession, the U.S. economy seems to be on a roll: Wage growth is relatively high, inflation is low, unemployment is really low, and the stock market is booming. Despite President Trump's impeachment — not to mention his erratic, bullying, bigoted behavior — could the economy nonetheless hand him a second term in 2020?

It's definitely a possibility. In fact, a number of observers who run models of elections are already predicting Trump will take home the win

.......Yale University professor Ray Fair, Oxford Economics Ltd., and Moody's Analytics Inc. are all outfits that run election prediction models, for instance. They don't rely solely on the economy. But factors like GDP growth trends, inflation, and the unemployment rate play big roles in their projections. Bloomberg spoke to all three recently, and they were all predicting re-election for the White House's current occupant. "The election is Trump's to lose," Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody's Analytics, bluntly put it. "Trump wins if the economy and his approval rating are about the same a year from now as today, and turnout is typical." Moody's has accurately called every election over the last two decades except for 2016. Oxford got 16 of the last 18 elections right.......

ME: Not only will the Trump booming economy re-elect Trump, but so will the palpable hate and lies and meanness coming from the Democrats which America is very tired of
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POLITICO: How Trump is on track for a 2020 landslide
How Trump is on track for a 2020 landslide

Economic models point to a Trump blowout in 2020. But a faltering economy or giant scandal could change everything......

......if the election were held today, he’d likely ride to a second term in a huge landslide, according to multiple economic models with strong track records of picking presidential winners and losses. Credit a strong U.S. economy featuring low unemployment, rising wages and low gas prices — along with the historic advantage held by incumbent presidents.
Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?
Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?

Over a decade since the Great Recession, the U.S. economy seems to be on a roll: Wage growth is relatively high, inflation is low, unemployment is really low, and the stock market is booming. Despite President Trump's impeachment — not to mention his erratic, bullying, bigoted behavior — could the economy nonetheless hand him a second term in 2020?

It's definitely a possibility. In fact, a number of observers who run models of elections are already predicting Trump will take home the win

.......Yale University professor Ray Fair, Oxford Economics Ltd., and Moody's Analytics Inc. are all outfits that run election prediction models, for instance. They don't rely solely on the economy. But factors like GDP growth trends, inflation, and the unemployment rate play big roles in their projections. Bloomberg spoke to all three recently, and they were all predicting re-election for the White House's current occupant. "The election is Trump's to lose," Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody's Analytics, bluntly put it. "Trump wins if the economy and his approval rating are about the same a year from now as today, and turnout is typical." Moody's has accurately called every election over the last two decades except for 2016. Oxford got 16 of the last 18 elections right.......

ME: Not only will the Trump booming economy re-elect Trump, but so will the palpable hate and lies and meanness coming from the Democrats which America is very tired of

Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?


no one is 'unbeatable'
A good economy gives him a very good chance at victory.

Its The economy, stupid
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Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?
Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?

Over a decade since the Great Recession, the U.S. economy seems to be on a roll: Wage growth is relatively high, inflation is low, unemployment is really low, and the stock market is booming. Despite President Trump's impeachment — not to mention his erratic, bullying, bigoted behavior — could the economy nonetheless hand him a second term in 2020?

It's definitely a possibility. In fact, a number of observers who run models of elections are already predicting Trump will take home the win

.......Yale University professor Ray Fair, Oxford Economics Ltd., and Moody's Analytics Inc. are all outfits that run election prediction models, for instance. They don't rely solely on the economy. But factors like GDP growth trends, inflation, and the unemployment rate play big roles in their projections. Bloomberg spoke to all three recently, and they were all predicting re-election for the White House's current occupant. "The election is Trump's to lose," Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody's Analytics, bluntly put it. "Trump wins if the economy and his approval rating are about the same a year from now as today, and turnout is typical." Moody's has accurately called every election over the last two decades except for 2016. Oxford got 16 of the last 18 elections right.......

ME: Not only will the Trump booming economy re-elect Trump, but so will the palpable hate and lies and meanness coming from the Democrats which America is very tired of

Year in Review: Strong Job Market and Consumer Spending Boost Economy as 2019 Wraps Up
This article is part of a special Epoch Times series reviewing 2019
December 22, 2019

Year in Review: Strong Job Market and Consumer Spending Boost Economy as 2019 Wraps Up

The economy is finishing the year in stronger shape, thanks in part to resilient consumers and a healthy job market. With near-record low unemployment and solid wage growth, the U.S. labor market is expected to continue to underpin consumer spending and the economy.

The Commerce Department said Friday that the total output of goods and services, or the gross domestic product (GDP), expanded at an annual rate of 2.1 percent in the July-September quarter. “The economy is still solid,” said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Grant Thornton

ME: Thank you President Trump for a great 2019. Four More Years!!!
Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?
Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?

Over a decade since the Great Recession, the U.S. economy seems to be on a roll: Wage growth is relatively high, inflation is low, unemployment is really low, and the stock market is booming. Despite President Trump's impeachment — not to mention his erratic, bullying, bigoted behavior — could the economy nonetheless hand him a second term in 2020?

It's definitely a possibility. In fact, a number of observers who run models of elections are already predicting Trump will take home the win

.......Yale University professor Ray Fair, Oxford Economics Ltd., and Moody's Analytics Inc. are all outfits that run election prediction models, for instance. They don't rely solely on the economy. But factors like GDP growth trends, inflation, and the unemployment rate play big roles in their projections. Bloomberg spoke to all three recently, and they were all predicting re-election for the White House's current occupant. "The election is Trump's to lose," Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody's Analytics, bluntly put it. "Trump wins if the economy and his approval rating are about the same a year from now as today, and turnout is typical." Moody's has accurately called every election over the last two decades except for 2016. Oxford got 16 of the last 18 elections right.......

ME: Not only will the Trump booming economy re-elect Trump, but so will the palpable hate and lies and meanness coming from the Democrats which America is very tired of

NBC News
Trump's economy is roaring. Will it carry him in 2020?

Trump's economy is roaring. Will it carry him in 2020?

WASHINGTON — There's really only one word — "boom!" — to describe the economic picture surrounding President Donald Trump 18 months away from the 2020 election.

On Friday, the Labor Department announced that the economy added 263,000 jobs and hourly wages grew by two-tenths of a percent in April. The unemployment rate — 3.6 percent — is at its lowest level since December 1969, before the births of nine of the Democrats running for his job.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average index of top stocks has been hovering near its record high in recent days, gross domestic product rose by 3.2 percent in the first quarter, and while some Democratic candidates are making the case that income inequality means that most Americans aren't feeling real benefits from the big numbers, that message is competing both with the broader figures and other topics.

Trump's allies see a president who is competently leading the country in the right direction on jobs and the economy, the issues that typically matter most to voters, and a Democratic Party arguing for a 180-degree pivot at its own peril.
About 1/3 of voters are insulated from the economy due to public employment or "entitlements."

That means that 3/4 of the remaining voters need to be aware enough for Trump to be elected.
About 1/3 of voters are insulated from the economy due to public employment or "entitlements."

That means that 3/4 of the remaining voters need to be aware enough for Trump to be elected.
Nobody can ignore all the residential and commercial construction going on across the US.
I don’t use the economy as a measuring stick for my voting decisions and never have. Trump will need to maintain or improve his stances on Social issues to ensure I vote for him next fall.
Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?
Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?

Over a decade since the Great Recession, the U.S. economy seems to be on a roll: Wage growth is relatively high, inflation is low, unemployment is really low, and the stock market is booming. Despite President Trump's impeachment — not to mention his erratic, bullying, bigoted behavior — could the economy nonetheless hand him a second term in 2020?

It's definitely a possibility. In fact, a number of observers who run models of elections are already predicting Trump will take home the win

.......Yale University professor Ray Fair, Oxford Economics Ltd., and Moody's Analytics Inc. are all outfits that run election prediction models, for instance. They don't rely solely on the economy. But factors like GDP growth trends, inflation, and the unemployment rate play big roles in their projections. Bloomberg spoke to all three recently, and they were all predicting re-election for the White House's current occupant. "The election is Trump's to lose," Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody's Analytics, bluntly put it. "Trump wins if the economy and his approval rating are about the same a year from now as today, and turnout is typical." Moody's has accurately called every election over the last two decades except for 2016. Oxford got 16 of the last 18 elections right.......

ME: Not only will the Trump booming economy re-elect Trump, but so will the palpable hate and lies and meanness coming from the Democrats which America is very tired of
The impeachment farce was Democrats Pearl Harbor, the 2020 Election will be their Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Merry Christmas! Trump’s Economy Is Helping the Working Class Americans the Most

Thanks to Donald Trump working Americans are winning again!
After years and years of stagnant wages Americans are winning and especially working Americans.


Americans without colleges degrees and with martial backgrounds are seeing the “biggest gains” within the econcomy under President Donald Trump’s administration, said White House Deputy Director of Communications Adam Kennedy in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Matt Boyle.

Kennedy replied, “The president, since day one … has been working hard to make sure that American families — the American people — are at the center of this administration, and what we are trying to achieve, and we’ve seen that in the economy. … We’ve seen that in our new trade agreement, the USMCA, with South Korea, and with many others. This is a president who has put the economy and the American people first and foremost in every single one of our policy initiatives.”

Kennedy added, “One of the things this economy has really been spectacular at is making sure that people who used to be left behind in previous economies — people without college degrees, people who come from more martial backgrounds — have seen some of the biggest gains.”
About 1/3 of voters are insulated from the economy due to public employment or "entitlements."

That means that 3/4 of the remaining voters need to be aware enough for Trump to be elected.

Another 1/3 disregards policies and votes for the party that makes them feel good about their own personal weird degeneracy.
Does a booming economy make Trump unbeatable?
No, riding President Obama's coattails on the economy does not make Trump unbeatable!

This Measure Says Growth Is Slower Under Trump Than Obama
Scientific models all seem to favor Trump by a landslide and not one of 'em even mentions Obama. You do believe in science, right?

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that
According to Moody’s Analytics, Trump is headed toward another four years in the White House. And, if the numbers are right, it won’t even be close.
Earlier scientific modelers came to the same conclusion as Moody's.

3 forecast modelers predict Trump will win in 2020
The big picture: Trump wins all three modelers. Economists predict that the tailwind is large.
  • Ray Fair, a professor at Yale, "found that the growth rates of gross domestic product and inflation have been the two most important economic predictors — but he also found that incumbency was also an important determinant of presidential election outcomes."
  • "Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, has looked at 12 models, and Mr. Trump wins in all of them."
  • "Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics has reached the same conclusion in his examination of the Electoral College."

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