Dodgers Remove Gay 'Nun' Group From Pride Night


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The LA Dodgers, while being far out in the lunatic fringe (aka California), have shown at least some degree of mental stability by removing a total loon group called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence from their annual "Pride Night", after opposition from conservative Catholic groups.

This scenario is so filled with wokish lunacy, it's hard to know where to begin here. First one may wonder why the Dodgers would want to acknowledge anything that is LGBT, and call it "Pride". What is there to be proud of ? Being a sex pervert ? All the ridiculous "Pride"exhibitions are really nothing but attempts by the LGBTs to cover the shame they know is connected with their deranged lifestyles. For others in this lunatic fringe, they are so far gone in the head, that they actually consider themselves normal, and others resistant to them, to be hateful and bigoted.

In a letter to Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio said the sisters dress in “lewd imitation” of nuns.
“Do you believe that the Los Angeles Dodgers are being ‘inclusive and welcoming to everyone’ by giving an award to a group of gay and transgender drag performers that intentionally mocks and degrades Christians—and not only Christians, but nuns, who devote their lives to serving others?” the Florida Republican wrote.

On Thursday, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence said the group wasn't anti-Catholic, and its members were offended and outraged by the Dodgers' decision.
“The Dodgers capitulated in response to hateful and misleading information from people outside their community,” the group said.

This is how removed from reality these nutjobs are.

The LA Dodgers, while being far out in the lunatic fringe (aka California), have shown at least some degree of mental stability by removing a total loon group called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence from their annual "Pride Night", after opposition from conservative Catholic groups.

This scenario is so filled with wokish lunacy, it's hard to know where to begin here. First one may wonder why the Dodgers would want to acknowledge anything that is LGBT, and call it "Pride". What is there to be proud of ? Being a sex pervert ? All the ridiculous "Pride"exhibitions are really nothing but attempts by the LGBTs to cover the shame they know is connected with their deranged lifestyles. For others in this lunatic fringe, they are so far gone in the head, that they actually consider themselves normal, and others resistant to them, to be hateful and bigoted.

In a letter to Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio said the sisters dress in “lewd imitation” of nuns.
“Do you believe that the Los Angeles Dodgers are being ‘inclusive and welcoming to everyone’ by giving an award to a group of gay and transgender drag performers that intentionally mocks and degrades Christians—and not only Christians, but nuns, who devote their lives to serving others?” the Florida Republican wrote.

On Thursday, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence said the group wasn't anti-Catholic, and its members were offended and outraged by the Dodgers' decision.
“The Dodgers capitulated in response to hateful and misleading information from people outside their community,” the group said.

This is how removed from reality these nutjobs are.

Dodger Stadium sits in a predominantly Catholic Hispanic area (Echo Park). They don't like the idea of gay male minstrels denigrating Christianity by dressing up as nuns.
Dodger Stadium sits in a predominantly Catholic Hispanic area (Echo Park). They don't like the idea of gay male minstrels denigrating Christianity by dressing up as nuns.
They shouldn't be liking it, no matter where they happen to be located.
Sorry, Bud, as someone who grew up Catholic and had to put up with these psychos for 12 years, I can tell you straight up, these women were all frustrated lesbians.

They were "married to Jesus", but they were bumping the clams.

Oh BS.

I doubt you've ever been Catholic... just another drip spewing crap
Perverts assume most people are just like them so they denigrate and demean people. Certainly we can see how ignorance goes hand in hand when people do not learn the skills to be in natural relationships
Perverts assume most people are just like them so they denigrate and demean people. Certainly we can see how ignorance goes hand in hand when people do not learn the skills to be in natural relationships
Let's hear what you think is a natural relationship from an unnatural one. 😄
That is just your ignorant opinion.
Nope, that's just the reality. Catholicism's main problem is that it lost its way from what Jesus actually taught in the middle ages.

Clerical Celibacy? Found nowhere in the Bible. It's just not there.
It was instituted by the Church so that priests wouldn't leave their land to children who weren't interested in becoming priests.

Oh BS.

I doubt you've ever been Catholic... just another drip spewing crap

You can doubt whatever you like. I went to both a Catholic Grammar and High School. My HS is actually a rather famous one... four Chicago Mayors graduated from it.

He is not Catholic.
Not anymore. It was too freaking silly for me.
Nope, that's just the reality. Catholicism's main problem is that it lost its way from what Jesus actually taught in the middle ages.

Clerical Celibacy? Found nowhere in the Bible. It's just not there.
It was instituted by the Church so that priests wouldn't leave their land to children who weren't interested in becoming priests.

You can doubt whatever you like. I went to both a Catholic Grammar and High School. My HS is actually a rather famous one... four Chicago Mayors graduated from it.

Not anymore. It was too freaking silly for me.
Perverts assume most people are just like them so they denigrate and demean people. Certainly we can see how ignorance goes hand in hand when people do not learn the skills to be in natural relationships

What do you consider "perverted"?
I am currently in an inter-racial relationship. (White guy marrying an Asian woman). Sixty years ago, that relationship would be considered perverse. It would have been illegal in some states.

Different strokes for different folks.
What do you consider "perverted"?
I am currently in an inter-racial relationship. (White guy marrying an Asian woman). Sixty years ago, that relationship would be considered perverse. It would have been illegal in some states.

Different strokes for different folks.
Nobody cares if you married someone with a different ethnicity. I am dating a black woman and have no regrets. Interracial relationships are quite common and accepted by society.
What do you consider "perverted"?
I am currently in an inter-racial relationship. (White guy marrying an Asian woman). Sixty years ago, that relationship would be considered perverse. It would have been illegal in some states.

Different strokes for different folks.
I would say a man putting his private part into an area that it is naturally not meant to be. You know, anything not natural.
Nobody cares if you married someone with a different ethnicity. I am dating a black woman and have no regrets. Interracial relationships are quite common and accepted by society.

But they weren't fifty years ago... They were actually AGAINST THE LAW until 1967.

I would say a man putting his private part into an area that it is naturally not meant to be. You know, anything not natural.

Okay, let's look at that.

nearly half of straight men engage in anal sex with their female partners.

Here's what they found: The National Survey of Family Growth, conducted between 2006 and 2008 with people between the ages of 15 and 44, concluded that 44 percent of straight men and 36 percent of straight women have had anal sex at least once in their lives. Even factoring in the ubiquity and ease of access to hard-core porn, those numbers still seem a little startling. And the surprises don't stop there.

Conversely, we can argue that it wasn't supposed to go in the mouth, either, but 85% of men have had oral sex at some point in their lives.

This statistic shows the share of American men who have received oral sex in the past month, the past year, or in their lifetime. The findings were acquired in early 2015 and published in 2017. During the survey, 85 percent of male respondents stated they have received oral sex at some time during their life.

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