Docs Reveal FBI Cover Up of ‘Chart’ of Potential Violations of Law by Hillary Clinton

Here are some facts for you-

The list so far:

James Comey, FBI Director, and one of the most corrupt in history,: Fired

Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI Director: Fired, Investigated

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff (who helped cover up Obama’s involvement in Hillary’s illegal emails) : Fired

James Baker, General Council, under criminal investigation for leaks to the media,: Fired

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence, has cooperated with the current DOJ and exposed how the Obama regime attempted to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton: Fired

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence, who spied on the Trump campaign, and lied to the FISA court, Fired, Investigated

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel, Strzok’s lover and co-conspirator, Fired, Investigated

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs, who was complicit in the ‘collusion’ story, : Resigned

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey: Resigned

David Laufman, (connected to Hillary’s email scandal) Chief of the DOJ’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section: Fired

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General, DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General/Acting Attorney General: Fired

Maryy McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General/Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General: Fired

James E. Cartwright, former Obama Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, while trying to obscure his role in passing along top secret information to journalists.

Ben Rhodes, Obama Aide: ‘Person of Interest’ in the unmasking scandal/investigation.

James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)

Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)

Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)

John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)

Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)

Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)

Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)

Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)

Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)

Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)

Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)

Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

All these people were involved in both cases. That must be a record number within a short time, after questioning to be fired or demoted, or forced to resign. And you claim they were legitimate in their dealings.
DOJ inspector general has referred McCabe case to federal prosecutors for possible charges
An honest conversation that denies what is there in black and white? Seriously? If you wanted an honest conversation you would be questioning why they jeopardized the legitimacy of their agencies.
There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.
That’s fine, let’s talk about that. Make a point and show some facts and we can discuss
Turn over after an election doesn’t mean shit. There has been some corruption in our agencies, there is in any large enterprise, but you are far from proving this redicuous deep state narrative that the Right likes to throw out there
Most of these people are career bureaucrats. They don't "turn over."

"Some corruption?" That's like saying the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs was a hiccup.
You forget or ignore the letter from Rosie.

And Where are the FISA judges that got bamboozled or are in on "it". So much wrong, many to charge with real crimes.
The letter from Rosie came at the request of Trump who had decided he wanted to fire Comey after he refused to back off of Flynn and Russia.

So Trump told him what content to put in the letter? Rosie signed his name to a story because DJT ordered him to do that? Comey had no credibility left w/i the FBI.....a laughingstock. Correct?
I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said Trump wanted to fire Comey for not backing off Flynn and Russia and he asked Rosie to write a letter so he could justify the firing. He didn’t get a letter from Rosie and then decide to fire Comey based on that revelation. Let’s stop with the games

There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.

I have a touchpad. Deal with it or ignore. You implied DJT ordered this report as if he controlled content? Is Rosie not responsible for his own words? He wrote, basically stating comey could no longer do the job?
You forget or ignore the letter from Rosie.

And Where are the FISA judges that got bamboozled or are in on "it". So much wrong, many to charge with real crimes.
The letter from Rosie came at the request of Trump who had decided he wanted to fire Comey after he refused to back off of Flynn and Russia.

So Trump told him what content to put in the letter? Rosie signed his name to a story because DJT ordered him to do that? Comey had no credibility left w/i the FBI.....a laughingstock. Correct?
I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said Trump wanted to fire Comey for not backing off Flynn and Russia and he asked Rosie to write a letter so he could justify the firing. He didn’t get a letter from Rosie and then decide to fire Comey based on that revelation. Let’s stop with the games

There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.

Like a leftist, you stall, spin, deny, twist. I said you forget Rosie report. You reply "Trump ordered it" or similar words. Ro wrote the words. Not Trump.......the boss asked for status.....yet you go on and on with nitpicking.
Once again, denial is not a river. You have proved you don’t want to discuss it honestly.
Here are some facts for you-

The list so far:

James Comey, FBI Director, and one of the most corrupt in history,: Fired

Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI Director: Fired, Investigated

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff (who helped cover up Obama’s involvement in Hillary’s illegal emails) : Fired

James Baker, General Council, under criminal investigation for leaks to the media,: Fired

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence, has cooperated with the current DOJ and exposed how the Obama regime attempted to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton: Fired

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence, who spied on the Trump campaign, and lied to the FISA court, Fired, Investigated

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel, Strzok’s lover and co-conspirator, Fired, Investigated

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs, who was complicit in the ‘collusion’ story, : Resigned

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey: Resigned

David Laufman, (connected to Hillary’s email scandal) Chief of the DOJ’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section: Fired

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General, DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General/Acting Attorney General: Fired

Maryy McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General/Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General: Fired

James E. Cartwright, former Obama Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, while trying to obscure his role in passing along top secret information to journalists.

Ben Rhodes, Obama Aide: ‘Person of Interest’ in the unmasking scandal/investigation.

James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)

Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)

Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)

John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)

Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)

Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)

Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)

Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)

Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)

Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)

Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)

Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

All these people were involved in both cases. That must be a record number within a short time, after questioning to be fired or demoted, or forced to resign. And you claim they were legitimate in their dealings.
DOJ inspector general has referred McCabe case to federal prosecutors for possible charges
An honest conversation that denies what is there in black and white? Seriously? If you wanted an honest conversation you would be questioning why they jeopardized the legitimacy of their agencies.
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.
That’s fine, let’s talk about that. Make a point and show some facts and we can discuss
Turn over after an election doesn’t mean shit. There has been some corruption in our agencies, there is in any large enterprise, but you are far from proving this redicuous deep state narrative that the Right likes to throw out there
All I did was ask for you to make a point instead of just copying a list of people who don’t work for the government anymore. Guess that’s too much to ask.
Here are some facts for you-

The list so far:

James Comey, FBI Director, and one of the most corrupt in history,: Fired

Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI Director: Fired, Investigated

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff (who helped cover up Obama’s involvement in Hillary’s illegal emails) : Fired

James Baker, General Council, under criminal investigation for leaks to the media,: Fired

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence, has cooperated with the current DOJ and exposed how the Obama regime attempted to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton: Fired

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence, who spied on the Trump campaign, and lied to the FISA court, Fired, Investigated

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel, Strzok’s lover and co-conspirator, Fired, Investigated

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs, who was complicit in the ‘collusion’ story, : Resigned

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey: Resigned

David Laufman, (connected to Hillary’s email scandal) Chief of the DOJ’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section: Fired

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General, DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General/Acting Attorney General: Fired

Maryy McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General/Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General: Fired

James E. Cartwright, former Obama Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, while trying to obscure his role in passing along top secret information to journalists.

Ben Rhodes, Obama Aide: ‘Person of Interest’ in the unmasking scandal/investigation.

James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)

Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)

Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)

John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)

Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)

Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)

Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)

Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)

Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)

Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)

Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)

Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

All these people were involved in both cases. That must be a record number within a short time, after questioning to be fired or demoted, or forced to resign. And you claim they were legitimate in their dealings.
DOJ inspector general has referred McCabe case to federal prosecutors for possible charges
An honest conversation that denies what is there in black and white? Seriously? If you wanted an honest conversation you would be questioning why they jeopardized the legitimacy of their agencies.
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.
That’s fine, let’s talk about that. Make a point and show some facts and we can discuss
Turn over after an election doesn’t mean shit. There has been some corruption in our agencies, there is in any large enterprise, but you are far from proving this redicuous deep state narrative that the Right likes to throw out there
Most of these people are career bureaucrats. They don't "turn over."

"Some corruption?" That's like saying the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs was a hiccup.
I could paste a similar list of Trump officials that are either under investigation or have been actually indicted of crimes. But if I did that I’m sure you’d have some BS excuse that you fished out of the Nile, am I right?
The letter from Rosie came at the request of Trump who had decided he wanted to fire Comey after he refused to back off of Flynn and Russia.

So Trump told him what content to put in the letter? Rosie signed his name to a story because DJT ordered him to do that? Comey had no credibility left w/i the FBI.....a laughingstock. Correct?
I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said Trump wanted to fire Comey for not backing off Flynn and Russia and he asked Rosie to write a letter so he could justify the firing. He didn’t get a letter from Rosie and then decide to fire Comey based on that revelation. Let’s stop with the games

There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.

I have a touchpad. Deal with it or ignore. You implied DJT ordered this report as if he controlled content? Is Rosie not responsible for his own words? He wrote, basically stating comey could no longer do the job?
I did not imply that. You aren’t understanding me. Ready slower
The problem normal joesixpack medium political TV IQ working Americans see is that these charges are all minor and the other side is clearly guilty of probably worse. Selective withch hunt. Going after taxes from 10 years back but Others in Congress go free for decades ..... like Rangel stories.
Last edited:
The FBI has no legal input in recommending the implementation of the 25th amendment but the Bureau discussed ways of undermining the results of the presidential election. It was an attempted political coup and the mainstream media is covering it up out of loyalty to the democrat party.
The problem normal medium IQ working Americans see is that these charges are all minor and the other side is clearly guilty of probably worse. Selective withch hunt. Going after taxes from 10 years back but Others in Congress go free for decades ..... like Rangel stories.
Just listen to yourself... “Theses (FBI indictments) charges are minor. BUT the other side is clearly guilty of PROBABLY worse. Although there have been no indictments by a Trump led FBI/DOJ.

Is that a joke?

I’m not going to make excuses for anybody who lied and got fired from that list. They should have been fired and held accountable. But y’all are blowing this way out of proportion in an obvious and desperate attempt to turn the tables and try and divert the focus away from Trump and back on his opponents. It is laughable and you aren’t fooling anybody. Except for maybe some of those “normal medium IQ” people you speak of.
The problem normal medium IQ working Americans see is that these charges are all minor and the other side is clearly guilty of probably worse. Selective withch hunt. Going after taxes from 10 years back but Others in Congress go free for decades ..... like Rangel stories.
Just listen to yourself... “Theses (FBI indictments) charges are minor. BUT the other side is clearly guilty of PROBABLY worse. Although there have been no indictments by a Trump led FBI/DOJ.

Is that a joke?

I’m not going to make excuses for anybody who lied and got fired from that list. They should have been fired and held accountable. But y’all are blowing this way out of proportion in an obvious and desperate attempt to turn the tables and try and divert the focus away from Trump and back on his opponents. It is laughable and you aren’t fooling anybody. Except for maybe some of those “normal medium IQ” people you speak of.

Good question. What was Sessions doing for two years?
These were career people.
And you completely ignored the oig referral.
Here are some facts for you-

The list so far:

James Comey, FBI Director, and one of the most corrupt in history,: Fired

Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI Director: Fired, Investigated

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff (who helped cover up Obama’s involvement in Hillary’s illegal emails) : Fired

James Baker, General Council, under criminal investigation for leaks to the media,: Fired

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence, has cooperated with the current DOJ and exposed how the Obama regime attempted to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton: Fired

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence, who spied on the Trump campaign, and lied to the FISA court, Fired, Investigated

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel, Strzok’s lover and co-conspirator, Fired, Investigated

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs, who was complicit in the ‘collusion’ story, : Resigned

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey: Resigned

David Laufman, (connected to Hillary’s email scandal) Chief of the DOJ’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section: Fired

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General, DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General/Acting Attorney General: Fired

Maryy McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General/Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General: Fired

James E. Cartwright, former Obama Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, while trying to obscure his role in passing along top secret information to journalists.

Ben Rhodes, Obama Aide: ‘Person of Interest’ in the unmasking scandal/investigation.

James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)

Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)

Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)

John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)

Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)

Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)

Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)

Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)

Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)

Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)

Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)

Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

All these people were involved in both cases. That must be a record number within a short time, after questioning to be fired or demoted, or forced to resign. And you claim they were legitimate in their dealings.
DOJ inspector general has referred McCabe case to federal prosecutors for possible charges
An honest conversation that denies what is there in black and white? Seriously? If you wanted an honest conversation you would be questioning why they jeopardized the legitimacy of their agencies.
There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.
That’s fine, let’s talk about that. Make a point and show some facts and we can discuss
Turn over after an election doesn’t mean shit. There has been some corruption in our agencies, there is in any large enterprise, but you are far from proving this redicuous deep state narrative that the Right likes to throw out there
To date: no real or meaningful crime found out. 2.5 years into it, including leaking comey who started investigating. Then leaked GOVT docs to the press.

Repeat: Even normal Americans drinking at the local bar who dont follow things closely like you all can see what is going on here. Common sense. 24 years for " lying" to those who should have never been interviewing you? Huh?
Here are some facts for you-

The list so far:

James Comey, FBI Director, and one of the most corrupt in history,: Fired

Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI Director: Fired, Investigated

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff (who helped cover up Obama’s involvement in Hillary’s illegal emails) : Fired

James Baker, General Council, under criminal investigation for leaks to the media,: Fired

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence, has cooperated with the current DOJ and exposed how the Obama regime attempted to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton: Fired

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence, who spied on the Trump campaign, and lied to the FISA court, Fired, Investigated

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel, Strzok’s lover and co-conspirator, Fired, Investigated

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs, who was complicit in the ‘collusion’ story, : Resigned

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey: Resigned

David Laufman, (connected to Hillary’s email scandal) Chief of the DOJ’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section: Fired

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General, DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General/Acting Attorney General: Fired

Maryy McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General/Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General: Fired

James E. Cartwright, former Obama Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, while trying to obscure his role in passing along top secret information to journalists.

Ben Rhodes, Obama Aide: ‘Person of Interest’ in the unmasking scandal/investigation.

James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)

Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)

Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)

John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)

Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)

Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)

Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)

Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)

Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)

Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)

Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)

Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

All these people were involved in both cases. That must be a record number within a short time, after questioning to be fired or demoted, or forced to resign. And you claim they were legitimate in their dealings.
DOJ inspector general has referred McCabe case to federal prosecutors for possible charges
An honest conversation that denies what is there in black and white? Seriously? If you wanted an honest conversation you would be questioning why they jeopardized the legitimacy of their agencies.
That’s fine, let’s talk about that. Make a point and show some facts and we can discuss
Turn over after an election doesn’t mean shit. There has been some corruption in our agencies, there is in any large enterprise, but you are far from proving this redicuous deep state narrative that the Right likes to throw out there
Most of these people are career bureaucrats. They don't "turn over."

"Some corruption?" That's like saying the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs was a hiccup.
I could paste a similar list of Trump officials that are either under investigation or have been actually indicted of crimes. But if I did that I’m sure you’d have some BS excuse that you fished out of the Nile, am I right?
How about the fact that they're innocent?
The problem normal medium IQ working Americans see is that these charges are all minor and the other side is clearly guilty of probably worse. Selective withch hunt. Going after taxes from 10 years back but Others in Congress go free for decades ..... like Rangel stories.
Just listen to yourself... “Theses (FBI indictments) charges are minor. BUT the other side is clearly guilty of PROBABLY worse. Although there have been no indictments by a Trump led FBI/DOJ.

Is that a joke?

I’m not going to make excuses for anybody who lied and got fired from that list. They should have been fired and held accountable. But y’all are blowing this way out of proportion in an obvious and desperate attempt to turn the tables and try and divert the focus away from Trump and back on his opponents. It is laughable and you aren’t fooling anybody. Except for maybe some of those “normal medium IQ” people you speak of.
They should be in prison, not just fired. They committed numerous crimes. Five of them perjured themselves when they approved the application for a FISA warrant, including Rosenstein. They violated the Constitutional rights of numerous loyal American citizens, and they obstructed justice by covering up Hillary's crimes.
If Hillary is guilty, the FBI should arrest all GOP lawmakers on the committee that investigated Clinton. The GOP lawmakers were incompetent and had their anuses kicked black and blue by Clinton.
Who was going to put the evidence before a grand jury, Gomer?...Loretta Lynch?!?

And a reminder to all she told them to refer to the Hillary investigation as a matter, not an investigation.
The problem normal medium IQ working Americans see is that these charges are all minor and the other side is clearly guilty of probably worse. Selective withch hunt. Going after taxes from 10 years back but Others in Congress go free for decades ..... like Rangel stories.
Just listen to yourself... “Theses (FBI indictments) charges are minor. BUT the other side is clearly guilty of PROBABLY worse. Although there have been no indictments by a Trump led FBI/DOJ.

Is that a joke?

I’m not going to make excuses for anybody who lied and got fired from that list. They should have been fired and held accountable. But y’all are blowing this way out of proportion in an obvious and desperate attempt to turn the tables and try and divert the focus away from Trump and back on his opponents. It is laughable and you aren’t fooling anybody. Except for maybe some of those “normal medium IQ” people you speak of.

Good question. What was Sessions doing for two years?
Probably dealing with real things and not concentrating on the political hoopla
These were career people.
And you completely ignored the oig referral.
Here are some facts for you-

The list so far:

James Comey, FBI Director, and one of the most corrupt in history,: Fired

Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI Director: Fired, Investigated

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff (who helped cover up Obama’s involvement in Hillary’s illegal emails) : Fired

James Baker, General Council, under criminal investigation for leaks to the media,: Fired

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence, has cooperated with the current DOJ and exposed how the Obama regime attempted to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton: Fired

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence, who spied on the Trump campaign, and lied to the FISA court, Fired, Investigated

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel, Strzok’s lover and co-conspirator, Fired, Investigated

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs, who was complicit in the ‘collusion’ story, : Resigned

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey: Resigned

David Laufman, (connected to Hillary’s email scandal) Chief of the DOJ’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section: Fired

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General, DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General/Acting Attorney General: Fired

Maryy McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General/Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General: Fired

James E. Cartwright, former Obama Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, while trying to obscure his role in passing along top secret information to journalists.

Ben Rhodes, Obama Aide: ‘Person of Interest’ in the unmasking scandal/investigation.

James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)

Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)

Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)

John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)

Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)

Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)

Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)

Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)

Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)

Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)

Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)

Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

All these people were involved in both cases. That must be a record number within a short time, after questioning to be fired or demoted, or forced to resign. And you claim they were legitimate in their dealings.
DOJ inspector general has referred McCabe case to federal prosecutors for possible charges
An honest conversation that denies what is there in black and white? Seriously? If you wanted an honest conversation you would be questioning why they jeopardized the legitimacy of their agencies.
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.
That’s fine, let’s talk about that. Make a point and show some facts and we can discuss
Turn over after an election doesn’t mean shit. There has been some corruption in our agencies, there is in any large enterprise, but you are far from proving this redicuous deep state narrative that the Right likes to throw out there
The OIG found some bad stuff and people got fired. Rightfully so. That is quite different from the deep state criminal nonesense y’all keep spouting out. In the mean time real crimes are being uncovered and Trump people are dropping like flies. But let’s just ignore all that
To date: no real or meaningful crime found out. 2.5 years into it, including leaking comey who started investigating. Then leaked GOVT docs to the press.

Repeat: Even normal Americans drinking at the local bar who dont follow things closely like you all can see what is going on here. Common sense. 24 years for " lying" to those who should have never been interviewing you? Huh?
Your boy Rosie is the one that hired Mueller let’s not forget. Trumps guy Wray is overseeing the investigation and has stood by its validity. Your conspiracy theory is a joke
The problem normal medium IQ working Americans see is that these charges are all minor and the other side is clearly guilty of probably worse. Selective withch hunt. Going after taxes from 10 years back but Others in Congress go free for decades ..... like Rangel stories.
Just listen to yourself... “Theses (FBI indictments) charges are minor. BUT the other side is clearly guilty of PROBABLY worse. Although there have been no indictments by a Trump led FBI/DOJ.

Is that a joke?

I’m not going to make excuses for anybody who lied and got fired from that list. They should have been fired and held accountable. But y’all are blowing this way out of proportion in an obvious and desperate attempt to turn the tables and try and divert the focus away from Trump and back on his opponents. It is laughable and you aren’t fooling anybody. Except for maybe some of those “normal medium IQ” people you speak of.
They should be in prison, not just fired. They committed numerous crimes. Five of them perjured themselves when they approved the application for a FISA warrant, including Rosenstein. They violated the Constitutional rights of numerous loyal American citizens, and they obstructed justice by covering up Hillary's crimes.
But they aren’t in prison because there have been no indictments from Trumps DOJ. There have been no indictments because there aren’t crimes. You’re full of shit

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