Docs Reveal FBI Cover Up of ‘Chart’ of Potential Violations of Law by Hillary Clinton

Where would we be without Judicial Watch? It's a godsend. Here's more blockbuster evidence of the crimes committed by Hillary and her minions:

I’ll make sure Andy tells Mike to keep these in his pocket

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 186 pages of records from the Department of Justice that include emails documenting an evident cover up of a chart of potential violations of law by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Judicial Watch obtained the records through a January 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the DOJ failed respond to a December 4, 2017 FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00154)). Judicial Watch is seeking all communications between FBI official Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page.

The newly obtained emails came in response to a May 21 order by U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton to the FBI to begin processing 13,000 pages of records exchanged exclusively between Strzok and Page between February 1, 2015, and December 2017. The FBI may not complete review and production of all the Strzok-Page communications until at least 2020.

  • Three days after then-FBI Director James Comey’s press conference announcing that he would not recommend a prosecution of Mrs. Clinton, a July 8, 2016 email chain shows that, the Special Counsel to the FBI’s executive assistant director in charge of the National Security Branch, whose name is redacted, wrote to Strzok and others that he was producing a “chart of the statutory violations considered during the investigation [of Clinton’s server], and the reasons for the recommendation not to prosecute…”

[Redacted] writes: I am still working on an additional page for these TPs that consist of a chart of the statutory violations considered during the investigation, and the reasons for the recommendation not to prosecute, hopefully in non-lawyer friendly terms …

Strzok forwards to Page, Jonathan Moffa and others: I have redlined some points. Broadly, I have some concerns about asking some our [sic] senior field folks to get into the business of briefing this case, particularly when we have the D’s [Comey’s] statement as a kind of stand alone document. In my opinion, there’s too much nuance, detail, and potential for missteps. But I get they may likely be asked for comment.

[Redacted] writes to Strzok, Page and others: The DD [Andrew McCabe] will need to approve these before they are pushed out to anyone. At the end of last week, he wasn’t inclined to send them to anyone. But, it’s great to have them on the shelf in case they’re needed.

[Redacted] writes to Strzok and Page: I’m really not sure why they continued working on these [talking points]. In the morning, I’ll make sure Andy [McCabe] tells Mike [Kortan] to keep these in his pocket. I guess Andy just didn’t ever have a moment to turn these off with Mike like he said he would.

Page replies: Yes, agree that this is not a good idea.

Neither these talking points nor the chart of potential violations committed by Clinton and her associates have been released.

  • On May 15, 2016, James Rybicki, former chief of staff to Comey, sends FBI General Counsel James Baker; Bill Priestap, former assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division; McCabe; Page; and others an email with the subject line “Request from the Director.”

Rybicki writes: By NLT [no later than] next Monday, the Director would like to see a list of all cases charged in the last 20 years where the gravamen of the charge was mishandling classified information.

It should be in chart form with: (1) case name, (2) a short summary for content (3) charges brought, and (4) charge of conviction.

If need be, we can get it from NSD [National Security Division] and let them know that the Director asked for this personally.

Please let me know who can take the lead on this.



Page forwards to Strzok: FYSA [For your situational awareness]

Strzok replies to Page: I’ll take the lead, of course – sounds like an espionage section question… Or do you think OGC [Office of the General Counsel] should?

And the more reason for us to get feedback to Rybicki, as we all identified this as an issue/question over a week ago.

Page replies: I was going to reply to Jim [Rybicki] and tell him I can talked [sic] to you about this already. Do you want me to?

This is NOT what you think it is. This is Judicial Watch. The most rabid Clinton hater who has ever lived. He has claimed for years he's got the Clintons and he has NOTHING.

They looked at possible charges, found they had NOTHING, and didn't charge her. Standard operating procedure.
Where would we be without Judicial Watch? It's a godsend. Here's more blockbuster evidence of the crimes committed by Hillary and her minions:

I’ll make sure Andy tells Mike to keep these in his pocket

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 186 pages of records from the Department of Justice that include emails documenting an evident cover up of a chart of potential violations of law by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Judicial Watch obtained the records through a January 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the DOJ failed respond to a December 4, 2017 FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00154)). Judicial Watch is seeking all communications between FBI official Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page.

The newly obtained emails came in response to a May 21 order by U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton to the FBI to begin processing 13,000 pages of records exchanged exclusively between Strzok and Page between February 1, 2015, and December 2017. The FBI may not complete review and production of all the Strzok-Page communications until at least 2020.

  • Three days after then-FBI Director James Comey’s press conference announcing that he would not recommend a prosecution of Mrs. Clinton, a July 8, 2016 email chain shows that, the Special Counsel to the FBI’s executive assistant director in charge of the National Security Branch, whose name is redacted, wrote to Strzok and others that he was producing a “chart of the statutory violations considered during the investigation [of Clinton’s server], and the reasons for the recommendation not to prosecute…”

[Redacted] writes: I am still working on an additional page for these TPs that consist of a chart of the statutory violations considered during the investigation, and the reasons for the recommendation not to prosecute, hopefully in non-lawyer friendly terms …

Strzok forwards to Page, Jonathan Moffa and others: I have redlined some points. Broadly, I have some concerns about asking some our [sic] senior field folks to get into the business of briefing this case, particularly when we have the D’s [Comey’s] statement as a kind of stand alone document. In my opinion, there’s too much nuance, detail, and potential for missteps. But I get they may likely be asked for comment.

[Redacted] writes to Strzok, Page and others: The DD [Andrew McCabe] will need to approve these before they are pushed out to anyone. At the end of last week, he wasn’t inclined to send them to anyone. But, it’s great to have them on the shelf in case they’re needed.

[Redacted] writes to Strzok and Page: I’m really not sure why they continued working on these [talking points]. In the morning, I’ll make sure Andy [McCabe] tells Mike [Kortan] to keep these in his pocket. I guess Andy just didn’t ever have a moment to turn these off with Mike like he said he would.

Page replies: Yes, agree that this is not a good idea.

Neither these talking points nor the chart of potential violations committed by Clinton and her associates have been released.

  • On May 15, 2016, James Rybicki, former chief of staff to Comey, sends FBI General Counsel James Baker; Bill Priestap, former assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division; McCabe; Page; and others an email with the subject line “Request from the Director.”

Rybicki writes: By NLT [no later than] next Monday, the Director would like to see a list of all cases charged in the last 20 years where the gravamen of the charge was mishandling classified information.

It should be in chart form with: (1) case name, (2) a short summary for content (3) charges brought, and (4) charge of conviction.

If need be, we can get it from NSD [National Security Division] and let them know that the Director asked for this personally.

Please let me know who can take the lead on this.



Page forwards to Strzok: FYSA [For your situational awareness]

Strzok replies to Page: I’ll take the lead, of course – sounds like an espionage section question… Or do you think OGC [Office of the General Counsel] should?

And the more reason for us to get feedback to Rybicki, as we all identified this as an issue/question over a week ago.

Page replies: I was going to reply to Jim [Rybicki] and tell him I can talked [sic] to you about this already. Do you want me to?

This is NOT what you think it is. This is Judicial Watch. The most rabid Clinton hater who has ever lived. He has claimed for years he's got the Clintons and he has NOTHING.

They looked at possible charges, found they had NOTHING, and didn't charge her. Standard operating procedure.
I marvel at how you completely ignore the facts.

Judicial Watch publishes the truth. That's why you hate it.

It would have looked like he suppressed it for the election. Everyone thought HIllary was going to win, including you.

Why did he say HIllary shouldn’t be prosecuted on July 5th, 2016 when that is NOT the role of the FBI Director? FBI investigates and they give their facts to th office of the AG. The AG and staff determines if there is enough evidence to prosecute?
If you think his actions helped Hillary then you are on crack. It’s not even debatable

Incompetence? And the loon thought beast would win no matter what....perhaps? They had millions of illegals locking up the biggest states.....
First off that was exposed by a rogue journalist and a whistleblower so they were forced to look in to the whole matter.

So The Comey so called investigation was actually a cover up to suppress that information and allow Clinton to continue to campaign.

She literally committed thousands of felonies and even violated Federal Court orders not to destroy evidence all with Comey’s blessing.

Then to make matters worse immunity was granted to everyone no notes and no recordings. All in violation of FBI procedures, rules policies and laws governing the interviewing of witnesses in Federal Investigations.

Even after they let her bleach bit her server they still found evidence.

They had to create a new standard “too stupid to know you are a criminal” to let her off the hook.

Quit playing stupid.

Why is there even a question as to why crooked Comey was fired?
But Trump is a racist!
Release The Damn Chart!

Of course.

It’s so obvious the goal was to remove Trump from office at all costs.
If they were all so against Trump then why did they all play such a big part in bombing Hillaries campaign with those unprecedented announcements about her email server investigation? They could have easily kept their mouths shut or slow played the investigation till after the election. But they didn’t and it absolutely hurt her momentum. How does that make sense in your warped reality?
Comey was fired for a simple reason, because he wouldn’t back off Flynn and the Russia investigation. Trump said it on National TV. Y’all are living in an alternate universe living off spun up narratives.

Can you not recognize the utter bullshit you’re spinning or do you just not care?

You forget or ignore the letter from Rosie.

And Where are the FISA judges that got bamboozled or are in on "it". So much wrong, many to charge with real crimes.
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I cant read anything into this.

"It should be in chart form with: (1) case name, (2) a short summary for content (3) charges brought, and (4) charge of conviction."

I read that as a chart that includes all similar charges even if not convicted of those charges. I don't think that the FBI should be releasing charges or cases in any capacity where convictions were not reached. I imagine that the chart is removed for that reason.

Of course, I can be reading that entirely incorrectly. #4 can read, IMHO, as including if they were convicted, not convicted or convicted on a charge that was not related to Hillary's investigation or it may be taken to mean only cases with a related conviction.
First off that was exposed by a rogue journalist and a whistleblower so they were forced to look in to the whole matter.

So The Comey so called investigation was actually a cover up to suppress that information and allow Clinton to continue to campaign.

She literally committed thousands of felonies and even violated Federal Court orders not to destroy evidence all with Comey’s blessing.

Then to make matters worse immunity was granted to everyone no notes and no recordings. All in violation of FBI procedures, rules policies and laws governing the interviewing of witnesses in Federal Investigations.

Even after they let her bleach bit her server they still found evidence.

They had to create a new standard “too stupid to know you are a criminal” to let her off the hook.

Quit playing stupid.

Why is there even a question as to why crooked Comey was fired?
Release The Damn Chart!

Of course.

It’s so obvious the goal was to remove Trump from office at all costs.
If they were all so against Trump then why did they all play such a big part in bombing Hillaries campaign with those unprecedented announcements about her email server investigation? They could have easily kept their mouths shut or slow played the investigation till after the election. But they didn’t and it absolutely hurt her momentum. How does that make sense in your warped reality?
Comey was fired for a simple reason, because he wouldn’t back off Flynn and the Russia investigation. Trump said it on National TV. Y’all are living in an alternate universe living off spun up narratives.

Can you not recognize the utter bullshit you’re spinning or do you just not care?

You forget or ignore the letter from Rosie.

And Where are the FISA judges that got bamboozled or are in on "it". So much wrong, many to charge with real crimes.
The letter from Rosie came at the request of Trump who had decided he wanted to fire Comey after he refused to back off of Flynn and Russia.
First off that was exposed by a rogue journalist and a whistleblower so they were forced to look in to the whole matter.

So The Comey so called investigation was actually a cover up to suppress that information and allow Clinton to continue to campaign.

She literally committed thousands of felonies and even violated Federal Court orders not to destroy evidence all with Comey’s blessing.

Then to make matters worse immunity was granted to everyone no notes and no recordings. All in violation of FBI procedures, rules policies and laws governing the interviewing of witnesses in Federal Investigations.

Even after they let her bleach bit her server they still found evidence.

They had to create a new standard “too stupid to know you are a criminal” to let her off the hook.

Quit playing stupid.

Why is there even a question as to why crooked Comey was fired?
Of course.

It’s so obvious the goal was to remove Trump from office at all costs.
If they were all so against Trump then why did they all play such a big part in bombing Hillaries campaign with those unprecedented announcements about her email server investigation? They could have easily kept their mouths shut or slow played the investigation till after the election. But they didn’t and it absolutely hurt her momentum. How does that make sense in your warped reality?
Comey was fired for a simple reason, because he wouldn’t back off Flynn and the Russia investigation. Trump said it on National TV. Y’all are living in an alternate universe living off spun up narratives.

Can you not recognize the utter bullshit you’re spinning or do you just not care?

You forget or ignore the letter from Rosie.

And Where are the FISA judges that got bamboozled or are in on "it". So much wrong, many to charge with real crimes.
The letter from Rosie came at the request of Trump who had decided he wanted to fire Comey after he refused to back off of Flynn and Russia.

So Trump told him what content to put in the letter? Rosie signed his name to a story because DJT ordered him to do that? Comey had no credibility left w/i the FBI.....a laughingstock. Correct?
First off that was exposed by a rogue journalist and a whistleblower so they were forced to look in to the whole matter.

So The Comey so called investigation was actually a cover up to suppress that information and allow Clinton to continue to campaign.

She literally committed thousands of felonies and even violated Federal Court orders not to destroy evidence all with Comey’s blessing.

Then to make matters worse immunity was granted to everyone no notes and no recordings. All in violation of FBI procedures, rules policies and laws governing the interviewing of witnesses in Federal Investigations.

Even after they let her bleach bit her server they still found evidence.

They had to create a new standard “too stupid to know you are a criminal” to let her off the hook.

Quit playing stupid.

Why is there even a question as to why crooked Comey was fired?
If they were all so against Trump then why did they all play such a big part in bombing Hillaries campaign with those unprecedented announcements about her email server investigation? They could have easily kept their mouths shut or slow played the investigation till after the election. But they didn’t and it absolutely hurt her momentum. How does that make sense in your warped reality?
Comey was fired for a simple reason, because he wouldn’t back off Flynn and the Russia investigation. Trump said it on National TV. Y’all are living in an alternate universe living off spun up narratives.

Can you not recognize the utter bullshit you’re spinning or do you just not care?

You forget or ignore the letter from Rosie.

And Where are the FISA judges that got bamboozled or are in on "it". So much wrong, many to charge with real crimes.
The letter from Rosie came at the request of Trump who had decided he wanted to fire Comey after he refused to back off of Flynn and Russia.

So Trump told him what content to put in the letter? Rosie signed his name to a story because DJT ordered him to do that? Comey had no credibility left w/i the FBI.....a laughingstock. Correct?
I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said Trump wanted to fire Comey for not backing off Flynn and Russia and he asked Rosie to write a letter so he could justify the firing. He didn’t get a letter from Rosie and then decide to fire Comey based on that revelation. Let’s stop with the games
First off that was exposed by a rogue journalist and a whistleblower so they were forced to look in to the whole matter.

So The Comey so called investigation was actually a cover up to suppress that information and allow Clinton to continue to campaign.

She literally committed thousands of felonies and even violated Federal Court orders not to destroy evidence all with Comey’s blessing.

Then to make matters worse immunity was granted to everyone no notes and no recordings. All in violation of FBI procedures, rules policies and laws governing the interviewing of witnesses in Federal Investigations.

Even after they let her bleach bit her server they still found evidence.

They had to create a new standard “too stupid to know you are a criminal” to let her off the hook.

Quit playing stupid.

Why is there even a question as to why crooked Comey was fired?
Comey was fired for a simple reason, because he wouldn’t back off Flynn and the Russia investigation. Trump said it on National TV. Y’all are living in an alternate universe living off spun up narratives.

Can you not recognize the utter bullshit you’re spinning or do you just not care?

You forget or ignore the letter from Rosie.

And Where are the FISA judges that got bamboozled or are in on "it". So much wrong, many to charge with real crimes.
The letter from Rosie came at the request of Trump who had decided he wanted to fire Comey after he refused to back off of Flynn and Russia.

So Trump told him what content to put in the letter? Rosie signed his name to a story because DJT ordered him to do that? Comey had no credibility left w/i the FBI.....a laughingstock. Correct?
I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said Trump wanted to fire Comey for not backing off Flynn and Russia and he asked Rosie to write a letter so he could justify the firing. He didn’t get a letter from Rosie and then decide to fire Comey based on that revelation. Let’s stop with the games

There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
possible violations

that says it all

They investigated her as they should and found no crime

this doesn't change anything

It just gives those who believe she commit a crime something to talk about

Yet speculation by armchair law enforcement types is still speculation and not proof that can be submitted to a court of law

in the end she was cleared
Comey was fired for a simple reason, because he wouldn’t back off Flynn and the Russia investigation. Trump said it on National TV. Y’all are living in an alternate universe living off spun up narratives.

Can you not recognize the utter bullshit you’re spinning or do you just not care?

You forget or ignore the letter from Rosie.

And Where are the FISA judges that got bamboozled or are in on "it". So much wrong, many to charge with real crimes.
The letter from Rosie came at the request of Trump who had decided he wanted to fire Comey after he refused to back off of Flynn and Russia.

So Trump told him what content to put in the letter? Rosie signed his name to a story because DJT ordered him to do that? Comey had no credibility left w/i the FBI.....a laughingstock. Correct?
I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said Trump wanted to fire Comey for not backing off Flynn and Russia and he asked Rosie to write a letter so he could justify the firing. He didn’t get a letter from Rosie and then decide to fire Comey based on that revelation. Let’s stop with the games

There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.
You all might want to go read the texts. They have have them for everyone to see.
Comey was fired for criminal negligence and being criminally incompetent.

Only it was all intentional.

He broke enough rules, procedures, laws and leaked enough classified intel to be in jail.

The fact you are even arguing any of this still is proof how uninformed you are.

First off that was exposed by a rogue journalist and a whistleblower so they were forced to look in to the whole matter.

So The Comey so called investigation was actually a cover up to suppress that information and allow Clinton to continue to campaign.

She literally committed thousands of felonies and even violated Federal Court orders not to destroy evidence all with Comey’s blessing.

Then to make matters worse immunity was granted to everyone no notes and no recordings. All in violation of FBI procedures, rules policies and laws governing the interviewing of witnesses in Federal Investigations.

Even after they let her bleach bit her server they still found evidence.

They had to create a new standard “too stupid to know you are a criminal” to let her off the hook.

Quit playing stupid.

Why is there even a question as to why crooked Comey was fired?
Of course.

It’s so obvious the goal was to remove Trump from office at all costs.
If they were all so against Trump then why did they all play such a big part in bombing Hillaries campaign with those unprecedented announcements about her email server investigation? They could have easily kept their mouths shut or slow played the investigation till after the election. But they didn’t and it absolutely hurt her momentum. How does that make sense in your warped reality?
Comey was fired for a simple reason, because he wouldn’t back off Flynn and the Russia investigation. Trump said it on National TV. Y’all are living in an alternate universe living off spun up narratives.

Can you not recognize the utter bullshit you’re spinning or do you just not care?
Haha, you crack me up. If Trump would have wanted to fire Comey for criminal negligence then he would have been fired on day one, not welcomed with a hug by Trump. And Trump wouldn’t of said on National TV that he fired Comey for the Russia thing. How gullible can you be?!
An honest conversation that denies what is there in black and white? Seriously? If you wanted an honest conversation you would be questioning why they jeopardized the legitimacy of their agencies.
You forget or ignore the letter from Rosie.

And Where are the FISA judges that got bamboozled or are in on "it". So much wrong, many to charge with real crimes.
The letter from Rosie came at the request of Trump who had decided he wanted to fire Comey after he refused to back off of Flynn and Russia.

So Trump told him what content to put in the letter? Rosie signed his name to a story because DJT ordered him to do that? Comey had no credibility left w/i the FBI.....a laughingstock. Correct?
I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said Trump wanted to fire Comey for not backing off Flynn and Russia and he asked Rosie to write a letter so he could justify the firing. He didn’t get a letter from Rosie and then decide to fire Comey based on that revelation. Let’s stop with the games

There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.
You all might want to go read the texts. They have have them for everyone to see.
Comey was fired for criminal negligence and being criminally incompetent.

Only it was all intentional.

He broke enough rules, procedures, laws and leaked enough classified intel to be in jail.

The fact you are even arguing any of this still is proof how uninformed you are.

First off that was exposed by a rogue journalist and a whistleblower so they were forced to look in to the whole matter.

So The Comey so called investigation was actually a cover up to suppress that information and allow Clinton to continue to campaign.

She literally committed thousands of felonies and even violated Federal Court orders not to destroy evidence all with Comey’s blessing.

Then to make matters worse immunity was granted to everyone no notes and no recordings. All in violation of FBI procedures, rules policies and laws governing the interviewing of witnesses in Federal Investigations.

Even after they let her bleach bit her server they still found evidence.

They had to create a new standard “too stupid to know you are a criminal” to let her off the hook.

Quit playing stupid.

Why is there even a question as to why crooked Comey was fired?
If they were all so against Trump then why did they all play such a big part in bombing Hillaries campaign with those unprecedented announcements about her email server investigation? They could have easily kept their mouths shut or slow played the investigation till after the election. But they didn’t and it absolutely hurt her momentum. How does that make sense in your warped reality?
Comey was fired for a simple reason, because he wouldn’t back off Flynn and the Russia investigation. Trump said it on National TV. Y’all are living in an alternate universe living off spun up narratives.

Can you not recognize the utter bullshit you’re spinning or do you just not care?
Haha, you crack me up. If Trump would have wanted to fire Comey for criminal negligence then he would have been fired on day one, not welcomed with a hug by Trump. And Trump wouldn’t of said on National TV that he fired Comey for the Russia thing. How gullible can you be?!
I’ve read them. What’s your point?
An honest conversation that denies what is there in black and white? Seriously? If you wanted an honest conversation you would be questioning why they jeopardized the legitimacy of their agencies.
The letter from Rosie came at the request of Trump who had decided he wanted to fire Comey after he refused to back off of Flynn and Russia.

So Trump told him what content to put in the letter? Rosie signed his name to a story because DJT ordered him to do that? Comey had no credibility left w/i the FBI.....a laughingstock. Correct?
I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said Trump wanted to fire Comey for not backing off Flynn and Russia and he asked Rosie to write a letter so he could justify the firing. He didn’t get a letter from Rosie and then decide to fire Comey based on that revelation. Let’s stop with the games

There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.
That’s fine, let’s talk about that. Make a point and show some facts and we can discuss
Here are some facts for you-

The list so far:

James Comey, FBI Director, and one of the most corrupt in history,: Fired

Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI Director: Fired, Investigated

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff (who helped cover up Obama’s involvement in Hillary’s illegal emails) : Fired

James Baker, General Council, under criminal investigation for leaks to the media,: Fired

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence, has cooperated with the current DOJ and exposed how the Obama regime attempted to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton: Fired

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence, who spied on the Trump campaign, and lied to the FISA court, Fired, Investigated

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel, Strzok’s lover and co-conspirator, Fired, Investigated

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs, who was complicit in the ‘collusion’ story, : Resigned

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey: Resigned

David Laufman, (connected to Hillary’s email scandal) Chief of the DOJ’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section: Fired

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General, DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General/Acting Attorney General: Fired

Maryy McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General/Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General: Fired

James E. Cartwright, former Obama Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, while trying to obscure his role in passing along top secret information to journalists.

Ben Rhodes, Obama Aide: ‘Person of Interest’ in the unmasking scandal/investigation.

James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)

Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)

Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)

John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)

Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)

Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)

Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)

Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)

Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)

Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)

Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)

Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

All these people were involved in both cases. That must be a record number within a short time, after questioning to be fired or demoted, or forced to resign. And you claim they were legitimate in their dealings.
DOJ inspector general has referred McCabe case to federal prosecutors for possible charges
An honest conversation that denies what is there in black and white? Seriously? If you wanted an honest conversation you would be questioning why they jeopardized the legitimacy of their agencies.
So Trump told him what content to put in the letter? Rosie signed his name to a story because DJT ordered him to do that? Comey had no credibility left w/i the FBI.....a laughingstock. Correct?
I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said Trump wanted to fire Comey for not backing off Flynn and Russia and he asked Rosie to write a letter so he could justify the firing. He didn’t get a letter from Rosie and then decide to fire Comey based on that revelation. Let’s stop with the games

There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.
That’s fine, let’s talk about that. Make a point and show some facts and we can discuss
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Here are some facts for you-

The list so far:

James Comey, FBI Director, and one of the most corrupt in history,: Fired

Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI Director: Fired, Investigated

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff (who helped cover up Obama’s involvement in Hillary’s illegal emails) : Fired

James Baker, General Council, under criminal investigation for leaks to the media,: Fired

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence, has cooperated with the current DOJ and exposed how the Obama regime attempted to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton: Fired

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence, who spied on the Trump campaign, and lied to the FISA court, Fired, Investigated

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel, Strzok’s lover and co-conspirator, Fired, Investigated

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs, who was complicit in the ‘collusion’ story, : Resigned

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey: Resigned

David Laufman, (connected to Hillary’s email scandal) Chief of the DOJ’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section: Fired

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General, DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General/Acting Attorney General: Fired

Maryy McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General/Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General: Fired

James E. Cartwright, former Obama Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, while trying to obscure his role in passing along top secret information to journalists.

Ben Rhodes, Obama Aide: ‘Person of Interest’ in the unmasking scandal/investigation.

James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)

Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)

Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)

John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)

Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)

Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)

Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)

Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)

Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)

Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)

Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)

Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

All these people were involved in both cases. That must be a record number within a short time, after questioning to be fired or demoted, or forced to resign. And you claim they were legitimate in their dealings.
DOJ inspector general has referred McCabe case to federal prosecutors for possible charges
An honest conversation that denies what is there in black and white? Seriously? If you wanted an honest conversation you would be questioning why they jeopardized the legitimacy of their agencies.
I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said Trump wanted to fire Comey for not backing off Flynn and Russia and he asked Rosie to write a letter so he could justify the firing. He didn’t get a letter from Rosie and then decide to fire Comey based on that revelation. Let’s stop with the games

There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.
That’s fine, let’s talk about that. Make a point and show some facts and we can discuss
Turn over after an election doesn’t mean shit. There has been some corruption in our agencies, there is in any large enterprise, but you are far from proving this redicuous deep state narrative that the Right likes to throw out there
Once again, denial is not a river. You have proved you don’t want to discuss it honestly.
Here are some facts for you-

The list so far:

James Comey, FBI Director, and one of the most corrupt in history,: Fired

Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI Director: Fired, Investigated

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff (who helped cover up Obama’s involvement in Hillary’s illegal emails) : Fired

James Baker, General Council, under criminal investigation for leaks to the media,: Fired

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence, has cooperated with the current DOJ and exposed how the Obama regime attempted to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton: Fired

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence, who spied on the Trump campaign, and lied to the FISA court, Fired, Investigated

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel, Strzok’s lover and co-conspirator, Fired, Investigated

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs, who was complicit in the ‘collusion’ story, : Resigned

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey: Resigned

David Laufman, (connected to Hillary’s email scandal) Chief of the DOJ’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section: Fired

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General, DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General/Acting Attorney General: Fired

Maryy McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General/Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division: Fired

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General: Fired

James E. Cartwright, former Obama Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, while trying to obscure his role in passing along top secret information to journalists.

Ben Rhodes, Obama Aide: ‘Person of Interest’ in the unmasking scandal/investigation.

James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)

Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)

Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)

John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)

Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)

Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)

Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)

Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)

Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)

Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)

Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)

Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

All these people were involved in both cases. That must be a record number within a short time, after questioning to be fired or demoted, or forced to resign. And you claim they were legitimate in their dealings.
DOJ inspector general has referred McCabe case to federal prosecutors for possible charges
An honest conversation that denies what is there in black and white? Seriously? If you wanted an honest conversation you would be questioning why they jeopardized the legitimacy of their agencies.
There is no "game"? You stop the games. You imply Rosie had no control over what went in the letter? It was horrible on Comey...yet truthful? Trump did not write it?

Frankly the boss asking for a status report seems fine? I don't remember Trump doing that......if you say so?
You need to seriously work on your use of punctuation. Haha. Again I never said Rosie had no control and I never said that Trump wrote it. Why do you need to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say? Aren’t you capable of just having an honest conversation? Those are the games I’m talking about.
That’s fine, let’s talk about that. Make a point and show some facts and we can discuss
Turn over after an election doesn’t mean shit. There has been some corruption in our agencies, there is in any large enterprise, but you are far from proving this redicuous deep state narrative that the Right likes to throw out there

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