Doc Mengele- a socialist monster


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
During the Holocaust that Germany waged and America put an end to, Mengele was the point man for medical experimentation.

But it shows the real Far Left bias of the media that they never mention that the doctor was part of Germany's risky medical scheme, the Single Payer Hitlercare system. All in Germany were required to be part of the system which provided cradle to grave "coverage".

Telling the whole story of the Holocaust, particularly as it was a socialist program that America went to war to stop, needs to be emphasized. If we are going to remember the event, it should all be remembered so we don't repeat the mistakes of history.

The twins Eva and Miriam Mozes survived Auschwitz
A conundrum. Should the Allies gain a quantum leap regarding research into the limits of human endurance as a result of Mengele's horrific experiments on living humans or destroy the findings?

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