Do you think the VA should be privatized?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
A 2016 RAND report found that veterans relying most on VA care tend to be younger, poorer and to live in rural areas where they lack healthcare from other sources. However, only 25% of veterans live within an hour of a VA medical facility, and access to specialized services is even slimmer. Some 43% of veterans live within 40 miles of VA interventional cardiology services and 55% of veterans live within 40 miles of VA oncology services.

do you know many people on VA will go on medicaid and most doctors do not take medicaid. With the ACA you go on Medicaid if you income qualifies it , so would you rather VA is privatized. Advantage plans are privatized Medicare plans.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, In states that expanded Medicaid, you may qualify for Medicaid if you earn $17,236 a year as a single individual
the republicans want to privatize the VA hospitals.
Do you think the VA should be privatized?
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Veterans should be able to see any doctor they want, and NEVER be charged for it.

Veterans should be able to go to any doctor they need to go to, until they feel they are better to the point they can live without medical assistance again. And veterans should never be "capped" for what medical services they require in order to live comfortably and safely......if they require a medical service all of their lives, then thats what they get. AT NO CHARGE, EVER!!!
Veterans should be able to see any doctor they want, and NEVER be charged for it.

Veterans should be able to go to any doctor they need to go to, until they feel they are better to the point they can live without medical assistance again. And veterans should never be "capped" for what medical services they require in order to live comfortably and safely......if they require a medical service all of their lives, then thats what they get. AT NO CHARGE, EVER!!!
If you get hurt on active duty in a war zone i, I don't believe you should be seen the any doctor is you get a sprain of the ankle without paying, but your entitled to your opinion.
If you get hurt on active duty in a war zone i, I don't believe you should be seen the any doctor is you get a sprain of the ankle without paying, but your entitled to your opinion.

So, to you, anybody who is FREELY giving their lives up to help keep this country safe, doesn't even get a bandage for a scrape for free. Wow. There is no descriptive word that fits what kind of trash you are.
So, to you, anybody who is FREELY giving their lives up to help keep this country safe, doesn't even get a bandage for a scrape for free. Wow. There is no descriptive word that fits what kind of trash you are.
its not a draft, no draft since 1973.
A 2016 RAND report found that veterans relying most on VA care tend to be younger, poorer and to live in rural areas where they lack healthcare from other sources. However, only 25% of veterans live within an hour of a VA medical facility, and access to specialized services is even slimmer. Some 43% of veterans live within 40 miles of VA interventional cardiology services and 55% of veterans live within 40 miles of VA oncology services.

do you know many people on VA will go on medicaid and most doctors do not take medicaid. With the ACA you go on Medicaid if you income qualifies it , so would you rather VA is privatized. Advantage plans are privatized Medicare plans.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, In states that expanded Medicaid, you may qualify for Medicaid if you earn $17,236 a year as a single individual
the republicans want to privatize the VA hospitals.
Do you think the VA should be privatized?

I am open to test programs to see if it is really feasible. We are between VA medical centers so which one you get routed to depends on what your primary complaint is. We do have a local outpatient clinic that does a robust volume of routine maintenance appointments.
I am open to test programs to see if it is really feasible. We are between VA medical centers so which one you get routed to depends on what your primary complaint is. We do have a local outpatient clinic that does a robust volume of routine maintenance appointments.
So you like the Va and benefits??
So you like the Va and benefits??

Some people love the VA and some do not. Experiences vary. I have private health insurance and never go to the doctor unless it is bleeding or broken and then I go to the local ER. Our out patient clinic is relatively new. I've taken a few folks to it who needed rides. Like I said, some like it, some do not. Is always packed when I go. Unlike what the article suggests, our clinic is always packed with old old ancient old people. One of my cousins spent a couple years fighting with the VA for payment because they went to an emergency room when traveling out of state without pre-approval. After that he opted for private insurance too. Anyway, I am always open to trying something different to see if it works. If it does, great. If it doesn't, better luck next time.

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