Do you think people you disagree with should be shot?

The credo of the communist manifesto is "by any means necessary". Translation: There is no line in the sand, there is no tactic that they will not stoop too in order to carry out their agenda. Each deed regardless of how nefarious, dirty-handed or "below the belt" isn't off limits at all. There are certain things that those with a conscience will never do. We have that "line in the sand" that we will never cross. The commies? Any disgusting or dirty deception is considered a meritorious deed if it furthers the marxist agenda...because after all, it's for the majority's own good even... if they don't know it (sick belief as it may be)....but THANK the Heavenly Father ( that leftards don't believe in) that the commies are here to "hip" the masses to real truth and (snicker) "protect us from ourselves" since we don't know what is best for us...only leftards believe that they know best.

Well, I am here to tell the board masses that the socialists/commie fucks don't know their own asses from a hole in the ground. They are the weakest in thought, spirit and mind...critical thinking is something they avoid like soap and water. They are easily programmed, easily swayed by propaganda straight out of think tank groups like the Brookings and Tavistock Instutute and it's all about "groupthink" and being in lockstep with the "collective"....individualism has no place in their little world.They define the term "sheeple". Their "god" is the "State" while not realizing that anything created by man can and should never have power over them. Unfortunately for the leftists, they would willingly give over their unalienable God given rights for privileges granted to them by those that control our fiat currency system of debt slavery... just so long as they take no chances and don't have to be responsible for their decisions.

I spit on them and I spit on what they stand for. I am certainly no supporter of the neocons that work in lockstep with the fabian socialist leftists that laugh at the sheeple behind our back while doing the bidding of their corporate owners that control this fiat currency/debt slavery system...but I will never acquiesce to the commie agenda being pushed by their useful idiots on the left that are doing the work of the very oligarchs that they claim to be fighting against. Democide (death by government) has killed over 200,000,000 unarmed people since 1900.

So to answer your question, I will die on my feet before I will ever bow before the technocratic, totalitarian, feudalistic communist agenda goal of two classes ( the serfs and the elites) as it pertains to that of the new world order. You have absolutely no fucking clue as to how close that very goal is about to come to fruition...I do... and I want no part of it. So, to answer your question? Don't fuck with me and mine and give those like myself a very wide berth unless you wanted to be gutted via a bullet or a knife.

I don't give wide berths, unless I get wide berths. Door swings both ways in my world.
I've debated with you. I don't believe you when you say you don't consider me your enemy.

I think you hate me with a fiery passion.

You might not want to see me killed.

But I bet you wouldn't be upset if I was jailed for "hate speech" or some other excuse that would quiet your residual conscience.
I'm a kind, sensitive person, who cares about the feelings of others, you asshole!
I've debated with you. I don't believe you when you say you don't consider me your enemy.

I think you hate me with a fiery passion.

You might not want to see me killed.

But I bet you wouldn't be upset if I was jailed for "hate speech" or some other excuse that would quiet your residual conscience.
I'm a kind, sensitive person, who cares about the feelings of others, you asshole!

Funny. But not true. My point stands. I don't believe you.
That's exactly what I had in mind!
Oh c'mon, we all know you were thinking wedgie.
That would works as well
In all honesty, it would depend on what the disagreement is about. If shooting someone is what's on the other person's mind, why not give them a good dose of their own medicine if the person that they want to shoot does not deserve it? Since when is defending yourself and other innocent lives something to be ashamed of anyways? In my opinion, it isn't.

God bless you always!!!

Although there are a lot of people at this messageboard I think are disgusting, wrong, delusional, out there, sick, etc., I would never want any of them shot. Nor do I think of them as the enemy. Or evil. Even though I have said that on occasion. One of the things that makes this country great, is the fact that we can talk about our differences without going all Proud boy on each other.

What say you? You think liberals should be shot?

You should be shot.....

Wait, what? No. You shouldn't be shot. The problem is that the right seem to have a massive problem with other people's opinions.

Freedom is for them, not for others. Rights are for them, not for others. The electoral system is so twisted towards the right, they think they own everything.

They say they're patriotic and anyone who disagrees is anti-American.
The problem is that the right seem to have a massive problem with other people's opinions.
the far right yes they do....but so does the far left....
Although there are a lot of people at this messageboard I think are disgusting, wrong, delusional, out there, sick, etc., I would never want any of them shot. Nor do I think of them as the enemy. Or evil. Even though I have said that on occasion. One of the things that makes this country great, is the fact that we can talk about our differences without going all Proud boy on each other.

What say you? You think liberals should be shot?

You mean like on a baseball field shot?
Yeah, exactly. You know, some crazy Bernie supporter starts blazing away with his rifle into a team of Republicans at baseball practice, seriously wounding Congressman Scalise, a Capitol cop and two others?

Maybe a better question is how many more crazy radical lefties do we think are out there and willing to follow in the footsteps of James Hodgkinson?
Although there are a lot of people at this messageboard I think are disgusting, wrong, delusional, out there, sick, etc., I would never want any of them shot. Nor do I think of them as the enemy. Or evil. Even though I have said that on occasion. One of the things that makes this country great, is the fact that we can talk about our differences without going all Proud boy on each other.

What say you? You think liberals should be shot?
Yes they are the enemy but I do not want them shot. That would be too good for them. Liberals should be deported to the socialist/communist country of their choice with no chance to return,
I'd prefer not to shoot anyone.
But with the way the left is acting it may lead to a shooting war.

I mean what are you supposed to do when they are encouraging illegal immigration for votes?
Using our tax dollars to defend illegals,hiding them in sanctuary cities.

I will not see my Country usurped by socialist lefties and third world immigrants.
Republicans do that now. When they shoot unarmed black children. They insist they were scared so it’s OK.
Although there are a lot of people at this messageboard I think are disgusting, wrong, delusional, out there, sick, etc., I would never want any of them shot. Nor do I think of them as the enemy. Or evil. Even though I have said that on occasion. One of the things that makes this country great, is the fact that we can talk about our differences without going all Proud boy on each other.

What say you? You think liberals should be shot?

Why the focus on getting shot? The left has been FAR more creative than that. Goes back to the death wishes when GW Bush choked on a pretzel. THAT would be a story for the history books.

But you got -- Washed up superstar blowing up your house, hoping for a "natural death", beheading, ricin attacks, --- the list goes on.

MAYBE -- what the country needs right now is one of those massive Spanish Tomato Fight festivals. Think of the sponsorship opportunities.

What this country needs is an enema...
I do find it amusing that since the GOP and some on the right have decided to stop taking it, the left is screaming about how we just can't seem to have civil converstaions anymore.

They are angry at the way they are being treated in the public square.

This is how the right has felt and has been treated for the past 40 years.
Not shot, no.

But some need whacked with a few times.

Should bonk them just on their head so you don't hurt anything important.

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