Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

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My idea reduces gun violence and eliminates the deficit and debt. Yours is just a crock of shit. :D

Prove to me that "crimimals" buy bullets (pay the tax).
You are not reducing anything, other than the Constitutional rights of others.
The criminals still have the guns, they still get the bullets (unlawfully, of course), the crimes are still being done. But you have reduced the ability for the weaker citizens an effective method to protect themselves. You have reduced the number of rabies infected animals that be destroyed thanks to people in rural areas shooting them, because they know they are dangerous. You have reduced the hobbies of millions of Americans, based on your "beliefs" (talking about shoving your beliefs down someone's throat....).

Once everyone's current supply of no tax bullets is used up, how many people are going to keep all kinds of ammo lying around? So once the supply of bullets starts to dry up, guns won't be worth shit. Then maybe we can take our country back and make it a peaceful one. Makes perfect sense.

Do you know what a "reloader" is?
Do you know you can buy bullets from other countries?

According to your own statement, the "bullet tax" will not help the economy or the gov't. It will just allow the criminals and the thugs to "bully" average citizens. People will live in fear that someone will break their door in and rob them or worse.....
Because they are racists like the teabaggers.
I'm sure they would love to bring back the laws of the good ol' days when slavery was legal and blacks couldn't own guns.

Good Lord, son...

Are you REALLY this unhinged?

I asked this question to a couple other right wingers on this site and they said they agreed with making it illegal for blacks to have guns.

Please tell me that you understand sarcasm.

The second amendment is for all citizens (unless they have proven not to respect law: felon).
Good Lord, son...

Are you REALLY this unhinged?

I asked this question to a couple other right wingers on this site and they said they agreed with making it illegal for blacks to have guns.

Please tell me that you understand sarcasm.

The second amendment is for all citizens (unless they have proven not to respect law: felon).

That wasn't sarcasm, it's a fact many right wing extremists think blacks shouldn't own guns just like the quote I posted.

Keep in mind when the constitution was written, many people, including George Washington himself had slaves. They were not considered people, but property.

That is your "the more you know" fact of the day :up:
I am always amused by the idea that there are all these guns being sold at gun shows that are not being checked. I'm sure there are a few private sales at gun shows, but there are more sold in the park or on the street using craigslist than at gun shows.

The ignorance is astounding.
I don't see where he said what you said he said, but I guess you're entitled to your own interpretation.

You did say 'they', however, which means more than one. Do you have a quote from somebody else that's a little closer to what you've asserted?

Search all the posts from that person, virtually every one is racist and trashing blacks. This post was from a gun debate where that poster feels we should take guns away from blacks, that's as clear as it gets.

I've already posted one example and you are deflecting to find excuses to defend them. With that, it's clear no matter what is presented to you, you are going to try and defend them at all costs.

Bigfoot has posted lots of racist comments, that much is plain, and I did say that you were entitled to your own interpretation, meaning that even though his inference is vague I gave it to you.

Now, get on with providing ONE quote from ONE 'rightwinger' that says "Blacks should be disarmed."

You made the claim, back it up.

You miss this one, BL?
Search all the posts from that person, virtually every one is racist and trashing blacks. This post was from a gun debate where that poster feels we should take guns away from blacks, that's as clear as it gets.

I've already posted one example and you are deflecting to find excuses to defend them. With that, it's clear no matter what is presented to you, you are going to try and defend them at all costs.

Bigfoot has posted lots of racist comments, that much is plain, and I did say that you were entitled to your own interpretation, meaning that even though his inference is vague I gave it to you.

Now, get on with providing ONE quote from ONE 'rightwinger' that says "Blacks should be disarmed."

You made the claim, back it up.

You miss this one, BL?

You clearly are not reading,..

"I've already posted one example and you are deflecting to find excuses to defend them. With that, it's clear no matter what is presented to you, you are going to try and defend them at all costs"
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Bigfoot has posted lots of racist comments, that much is plain, and I did say that you were entitled to your own interpretation, meaning that even though his inference is vague I gave it to you.

Now, get on with providing ONE quote from ONE 'rightwinger' that says "Blacks should be disarmed."

You made the claim, back it up.

You miss this one, BL?

You clearly are not reading,..

"I've already posted one example and you are deflecting to find excuses to defend them. With that, it's clear no matter what is presented to you, you are going to try and defend them at all costs"

Once again for the terminally dense...

You said 'they', meaning MORE THAN ONE.

I gave you your 'interpretation' on Bigfoot's post, even though it didn't meet the criteria that YOU set.
Black_Label said:
they said they agreed with making it illegal for blacks to have guns.

Now run along and find me a quote that says what you say it does, no more freebies.
If the Gun Show Loophole is closed it would make it illegal for a grandparent to leave a weapon to their child or grandchild. Every transfer would have to be registered. After one generation has past every gun in the USA would have to be registered to be legal. That gives the government a complete list of every legal gun owner. It will allow them to easily confiscate all weapons from legal gun owners leaving guns only in the hands of illegal criminal gun owners. This is why we must not allow this. We need a publicized list of bad people who should not be allowed to have weapons just like we do with registered sex offenders. Listing good guys with guns is retarded.

National Sex Offender Registry - Family Watchdog
If the Gun Show Loophole is closed it would make it illegal for a grandparent to leave a weapon to their child or grandchild. Every transfer would have to be registered. After one generation has past every gun in the USA would have to be registered to be legal. That gives the government a complete list of every legal gun owner. It will allow them to easily confiscate all weapons from legal gun owners leaving guns only in the hands of illegal criminal gun owners. This is why we must not allow this. We need a publicized list of bad people who should not be allowed to have weapons just like we do with registered sex offenders. Listing good guys with guns is retarded.

You know how else we could "close" the "Gun show loophole"?

Make it illegal to sell guns at a gun show if you're not a dealer.

Problem solved, and kindly old Grandad can still leave his shotgun "Bessy" to little Opie.
If the Gun Show Loophole is closed it would make it illegal for a grandparent to leave a weapon to their child or grandchild. Every transfer would have to be registered. After one generation has past every gun in the USA would have to be registered to be legal. That gives the government a complete list of every legal gun owner. It will allow them to easily confiscate all weapons from legal gun owners leaving guns only in the hands of illegal criminal gun owners. This is why we must not allow this. We need a publicized list of bad people who should not be allowed to have weapons just like we do with registered sex offenders. Listing good guys with guns is retarded.

You know how else we could "close" the "Gun show loophole"?

Make it illegal to sell guns at a gun show if you're not a dealer.

Problem solved, and kindly old Grandad can still leave his shotgun "Bessy" to little Opie.

But.................then the gun nuts are gonna ask why are you infringing on their rights to sell the 2nd Ammendment?

Me? I think the gun show loophole (and straw purchasers) should be stopped. If you can't pass a background check, you don't need to own a gun.

I mean shit.......................we stop people from driving after too many DUI's, right? Why not have at least a bit of that kind of control for something that kills many more people everyday?
If the Gun Show Loophole is closed it would make it illegal for a grandparent to leave a weapon to their child or grandchild. Every transfer would have to be registered. After one generation has past every gun in the USA would have to be registered to be legal. That gives the government a complete list of every legal gun owner. It will allow them to easily confiscate all weapons from legal gun owners leaving guns only in the hands of illegal criminal gun owners. This is why we must not allow this. We need a publicized list of bad people who should not be allowed to have weapons just like we do with registered sex offenders. Listing good guys with guns is retarded.

You know how else we could "close" the "Gun show loophole"?

Make it illegal to sell guns at a gun show if you're not a dealer.

Problem solved, and kindly old Grandad can still leave his shotgun "Bessy" to little Opie.

Better still, only gun stores should be able to sell guns.
I hope to have some time to catch up on this thread.

Make no mistake, it will not matter what POTUS wants to implement under his constant mantra of- 'Most Americans would agree', Or, "The Majority of Americans agree' drivel

America will never, ever allow herself to become disarmed. There are to may of us left who understand the ultimate sacrifices laid down by those young brave men before us on Omaha, Saipan, Iwo Jima, Wake, Kwajalein, etc. We answered the call to duty to protect our Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.

We took the oath to serve for life, and I will not abandon the dream and visions of an America that those before me gave their lives for.

My idea reduces gun violence and eliminates the deficit and debt. Yours is just a crock of shit. :D

Prove to me that "crimimals" buy bullets (pay the tax).
You are not reducing anything, other than the Constitutional rights of others.
The criminals still have the guns, they still get the bullets (unlawfully, of course), the crimes are still being done. But you have reduced the ability for the weaker citizens an effective method to protect themselves. You have reduced the number of rabies infected animals that be destroyed thanks to people in rural areas shooting them, because they know they are dangerous. You have reduced the hobbies of millions of Americans, based on your "beliefs" (talking about shoving your beliefs down someone's throat....).

Once everyone's current supply of no tax bullets is used up, how many people are going to keep all kinds of ammo lying around? So once the supply of bullets starts to dry up, guns won't be worth shit. Then maybe we can take our country back and make it a peaceful one. Makes perfect sense.

Go for it...won't bother me. I haven't bought ammo in years...I make my own.
If the Gun Show Loophole is closed it would make it illegal for a grandparent to leave a weapon to their child or grandchild. Every transfer would have to be registered. After one generation has past every gun in the USA would have to be registered to be legal. That gives the government a complete list of every legal gun owner. It will allow them to easily confiscate all weapons from legal gun owners leaving guns only in the hands of illegal criminal gun owners. This is why we must not allow this. We need a publicized list of bad people who should not be allowed to have weapons just like we do with registered sex offenders. Listing good guys with guns is retarded.

You know how else we could "close" the "Gun show loophole"?

Make it illegal to sell guns at a gun show if you're not a dealer.

Problem solved, and kindly old Grandad can still leave his shotgun "Bessy" to little Opie.

But.................then the gun nuts are gonna ask why are you infringing on their rights to sell the 2nd Ammendment?

Me? I think the gun show loophole (and straw purchasers) should be stopped. If you can't pass a background check, you don't need to own a gun.

I mean shit.......................we stop people from driving after too many DUI's, right? Why not have at least a bit of that kind of control for something that kills many more people everyday?

so by that analogy you are saying that someone with a criminal record should eventually be able to own a gun.

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