Do you realize other countries have access to your personal information?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
I was doing some reasearch on the Government project called Project Gunrunner. While reading on Wiki I came accross this little gem.
Along with a number of Caribbean police forces, many countries are formally provided with eTrace software with access to American gun owner names, addresses and personal information, including

Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I did a search and heres what I found out.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is the federal agency that is authorized by Congress to stem firearms-related violent crime and to regulate the firearms industry in America. ATF’s National Tracing Center (NTC) assists domestic and international law enforcement agencies by tracing the origin of firearms that have been recovered in criminal investigations.

ATF Fact Sheet - eTrace: Internet-Based Firearms Tracing and Analysis

Have we been sold out by the self promoting watchers of the second Amendment? Maybe I am missing something but why would another country be allowed access to our private information?
Your thoughts please
Check out this idiot:


On the Arkansas Times Blog, "Mad" Max made public all of the names and addresses of all people in Arkansas with concealed gun permits.

ARRA News Service: "Mad" Max Brantley No Friend of Gun Owners
What Is eTrace?

eTrace is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) Internet-based firearms trace submission and trace analysis tool. With eTrace—available at no cost to the entire law enforcement community—a department can prepare, transmit, and receive completed firearms trace requests securely. No additional hardware or software is required—only Internet access.

Departments that use eTrace can also directly access a historical database of firearms-related trace data comprising all requests submitted by that department. eTrace also allows the user to analyze all of the department’s firearms trace information and generate a number of preformatted analytical reports.

Tracing Every Gun?

Tracing all recovered firearms (comprehensive tracing) provides departments an invaluable platform of information from which many policing strategies can be generated. Most agencies can accomplish comprehensive tracing efficiently through eTrace, placing a minimal burden on already limited resources.

The information-rich product of comprehensive tracing provides a picture of the criminal firearms problem within a jurisdiction and points to important witnesses and evidence. Departments can enhance their policing strategies and investigations since they know where firearms are being recovered, from whom, the type, their sources, and their purchasers.

Departments also benefit by closely inspecting how firearms are diverted to criminals. These are not solitary events and often involve conspiratorial acts and agreements. Comprehensive tracing can identify the sources of firearms and alert deparments to criminal and gang associations.

Comprehensive tracing also pools resources between departments. Tracing often identifies other law enforcement agencies whose recovered firearms have common firearms sources, purchasers, possessors, and recovery locations.

eTrace’s referral list identifies other departments and agencies with information in common and provides the contact information for their linked traces. A referral list is included in every trace result. Specifically, if a department’s firearms trace has a purchaser and/or possessor who match by date of birth and name, or a firearms licensee, and/or a recovery location in common, this list will display the name and contact information for the other department or agency. This remarkable resource can make departments with common points able to work together if warranted.

Police Chief Magazine - View Article
People in india have access to your phone records ind info.
Any offshored call center does.

What a deflection no concern of individual rights to privacy? So being allowed to track a firearm owner doesn't concern you?

Naah that does not bother me any more than the other losses of privacy, acct nuimbers checking acct numbers, etc.

You do not want people to know you have a gun?
People in india have access to your phone records ind info.
Any offshored call center does.

What a deflection no concern of individual rights to privacy? So being allowed to track a firearm owner doesn't concern you?

Naah that does not bother me any more than the other losses of privacy, acct nuimbers checking acct numbers, etc.

You do not want people to know you have a gun?

Society is generally safer when the names of gun owners is not published. Most criminals will not commit a violent crime against someone if they know they have a gun. There was a string of carjackings and murder of foreign visitors in Florida a few years back. When the criminals were finally caught, they were asked why they went after foreigners. They said foreigners driving rental cars generally do not carry a gun. So if criminals don't know who has a gun, they'll have to be a lot more careful and as a result less crimes will be committed.

There's also the issue of governments confiscating guns from peaceable citizens, but I'm sure you know all about that.
What a deflection no concern of individual rights to privacy? So being allowed to track a firearm owner doesn't concern you?

Naah that does not bother me any more than the other losses of privacy, acct nuimbers checking acct numbers, etc.

You do not want people to know you have a gun?

Society is generally safer when the names of gun owners is not published. Most criminals will not commit a violent crime against someone if they know they have a gun. There was a string of carjackings and murder of foreign visitors in Florida a few years back. When the criminals were finally caught, they were asked why they went after foreigners. They said foreigners driving rental cars generally do not carry a gun. So if criminals don't know who has a gun, they'll have to be a lot more careful and as a result less crimes will be committed.

There's also the issue of governments confiscating guns from peaceable citizens, but I'm sure you know all about that.

Isn't that an oxymoron?
People in india have access to your phone records ind info.
Any offshored call center does.

What a deflection no concern of individual rights to privacy? So being allowed to track a firearm owner doesn't concern you?

Naah that does not bother me any more than the other losses of privacy, acct nuimbers checking acct numbers, etc.

You do not want people to know you have a gun?

1. if people know I have a gun and they intend on robbing someone they will focus on the person they know who has a gun first.

2. It's a non facts that a government fears an armed public. It's a non fact there is an agenda to do away with the rights to gun ownership.

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