Do You "Hope President Trump Succeeds"?

Trump succeeding means my life gets fucked up.

I do not want he is peddling, if he even knows what he is peddling. I hope he fails.
So you're either a government employee or on welfare. Why should we give a shit about your life if either is true?

Bush fucked up, and I'm neither of the above, and he impacted my life. The bombs going off, the problems of being in other countries, all of that makes the world a less safe place.
Eight years later and you still can't step out of your safe space. You whiney little prick. Gain some balls you pathetic turd. You are the reason Trump won. The majority of Americans can't stomach your amount of pussy.

Wow, insults.
So you're either a government employee or on welfare.


Why should we give a shit about your life if either is true?

Certainly not out of good samaritan ethics.
What you did get right is I don't give a flying fuck about you. Much like you don't care about me. Only I'm not fixated on the government taking care of me at your expense.
Trump succeeding means my life gets fucked up.

I do not want he is peddling, if he even knows what he is peddling. I hope he fails.
So you're either a government employee or on welfare. Why should we give a shit about your life if either is true?

Bush fucked up, and I'm neither of the above, and he impacted my life. The bombs going off, the problems of being in other countries, all of that makes the world a less safe place.
Eight years later and you still can't step out of your safe space. You whiney little prick. Gain some balls you pathetic turd. You are the reason Trump won. The majority of Americans can't stomach your amount of pussy.

Wow, insults.
Wow, I wonder why you lost. I actually don't wonder. You provide the reason with every post.
What you did get right is I don't give a flying fuck about you. Much like you don't care about me.

If you want to live a happy life, then you need to care about those that you live with. We do not know each other on a deep personal level, so we can afford to not emphasize. I care about my actual community more than I do your imaginary community called America.

Do you consider yourself a patriotic American? How can you not care for the welfare of other Americans while worshipping a collectivist abstraction, such as a nation?

Only I'm not fixated on the government taking care of me at your expense.

You don't think I couldn't use government assistance? If I wanted your money, I would submit for it at the welfare offices tomorrow. I don't want shit from you.
Trump succeeding means my life gets fucked up.

I do not want he is peddling, if he even knows what he is peddling. I hope he fails.
So you're either a government employee or on welfare. Why should we give a shit about your life if either is true?

Bush fucked up, and I'm neither of the above, and he impacted my life. The bombs going off, the problems of being in other countries, all of that makes the world a less safe place.
Eight years later and you still can't step out of your safe space. You whiney little prick. Gain some balls you pathetic turd. You are the reason Trump won. The majority of Americans can't stomach your amount of pussy.

Wow, insults.
Wow, I wonder why you lost. I actually don't wonder. You provide the reason with every post.

I see you have absolutely nothing to add to this forum, that's why we have the ignore button.
I hope every President succeeds. Even if you think a President's policies will be bad for America you should hope that they prove you wrong. What kind of an asshat roots for their country's failure? :dunno:
The lefties all demanded, 8 years ago, that EVERYONE put aside their differences, and make the statement, "I hope he (obama) succeeds."
We all KNEW he would push his CPMMUNIST AGENDA.
Will you FAR left loons hold yourselves to the same standards you demanded of us? Or do you NOW get what El Rushbo was saying?
Stop blaming everything on 'leftists' and 'rightists', you fucking idiot. I am a full-blown Socialist but it doesn't mean "FAR LEFT" as you morons always say. You don't know your big toe from your asshole. Get a real education and learn something about political philosophy ....... FOR A FUCKING CHANGE. I am talking about you and your countrymen in general. None of you seem to know shit about it, just using catch-phrases and kindergarten rhetoric to express something you know nothing about. Yes, I am a Socialist but I support Trump against the witch called Hillary, who isn't "Left" anyway, you fool. So stop getting your political knowledge from FuxNews, the Whine House, the Pentagram, and by eavesdropping on drunks ........... and spread the word to all of your countrymen.

Do You "Hope President Trump Succeeds"?
EVERYONE who wants the US to 'do the right thing' for its' population wants President Trump to succeed. Political convictions have nothing to do with it. It's all in what you want for your country and it's citizens.
The lefties all demanded, 8 years ago, that EVERYONE put aside their differences, and make the statement, "I hope he (obama) succeeds."

We all KNEW he would push his CPMMUNIST AGENDA.

Will you FAR left loons hold yourselves to the same standards you demanded of us? Or do you NOW get what El Rushbo was saying?

There are a few things that Trump can succeed with and many campaign promises that he won't be able to succeed with.

Where he has agreement with Republican house and Senate members.
1. Obamacare-he campaigned on repealing all of it, but after he met with Obama--there will be things that he will keep--Objective is to lower premiums and he'll have total support.
2. Over regulation of industry--he would have agreement on that, as long as it doesn't go to far.
3. Lower corporate taxes, he will have agreement on that.

What Trump won't have agreement on.
1. Scraping existing trade deals like the North American Trade agreement between Canada & Mexico. House & Senate Republicans would strongly oppose that, and he would never get it done. If he tried an executive order, the shit storm would be severe. Note: he may be able to renegotiate certain trade deals, but he wouldn't be able to push the envelope that far without severe consequences.
2. House & Senate Republicans would never agree to appropriate money for a wall. Mexico has already stated they will not pay for the wall, and again he can't put that much pressure on Mexico, without alienating Senate & House republicans in the process. They consider Mexico and Canada to be strong allies, and they aren't going to let him insult their integrity, and degrade the relationship between our countries.
3. Mass deportations will not happen. House & Senate Republicans would never agree to send out Gestapo type squads going from business to business--home to home--doing illegal search and entry, so that will never happen.
4. Muslims will be allowed in this country. Republicans would never block them from entering this country.

So that will be the next two year agenda. Republicans on the hill are watching these nationwide protests, and it's scaring the shit out of them. Their major priority is being able to win their seats when they're up for election--so any crazy ideas that Trump comes up with will be strongly opposed. They never liked him anyway, and he has alienated many of them by launching insults at them. So it's going to be a tough bloody uphill battle for the next 4 years for Donald Trump.

Guaranteed with this civil unrest across the country, that Democrats will take over the house & Senate in 2018--so Trump only has two years to do what he can get done.

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I am a full-blown Socialist but it doesn't mean "FAR LEFT" as you morons always say. You don't know your big toe from your asshole. Get a real education and learn something about political philosophy ....... FOR A FUCKING CHANGE. I am talking about you and your countrymen in general. None of you seem to know shit about it, just using catch-phrases and kindergarten rhetoric to express something you know nothing about. Yes, I am a Socialist but I support Trump against the witch called Hillary, who isn't "Left" anyway, you fool.

Political science and philosophy are my favorite subjects, but socialism is one of the most difficult ideologies to define.
Political science and philosophy are my favorite subjects, but socialism is one of the most difficult ideologies to define.
Socialism is NO MORE DIFFICULT to define than any of the other political philosophies because none of them are written in stone. Yes difficult, but that's what philosophy is. That is exactly why tossing out rhetorical nothingness like "Leftist!" and "Rightest!" infuriates me. People think they've just "said it all" when they haven't said a thing.
The lefties all demanded, 8 years ago, that EVERYONE put aside their differences, and make the statement, "I hope he (obama) succeeds."

We all KNEW he would push his CPMMUNIST AGENDA.

Will you FAR left loons hold yourselves to the same standards you demanded of us? Or do you NOW get what El Rushbo was saying?

Rushbo also said that drug addicts should jailed, yet his drug addled ass wasn't......So Rush is a lying coward piece of shit...
I am a full-blown Socialist but it doesn't mean "FAR LEFT" as you morons always say. You don't know your big toe from your asshole. Get a real education and learn something about political philosophy ....... FOR A FUCKING CHANGE. I am talking about you and your countrymen in general. None of you seem to know shit about it, just using catch-phrases and kindergarten rhetoric to express something you know nothing about. Yes, I am a Socialist but I support Trump against the witch called Hillary, who isn't "Left" anyway, you fool.

Political science and philosophy are my favorite subjects, but socialism is one of the most difficult ideologies to define.
Then you must be deficient in political philosophy...
Political science and philosophy are my favorite subjects, but socialism is one of the most difficult ideologies to define.
Socialism is NO MORE DIFFICULT to define than any of the other political philosophies because none of them are written in stone. Yes difficult, but that's what philosophy is. That is exactly why tossing out rhetorical nothingness like "Leftist!" and "Rightest!" infuriates me. People think they've just "said it all" when they haven't said a thing.
My biggest eye rolling moments is when they pervert the meaning or definitions to try and fit their agenda....These people have no logical perceptions in their conclusions, and they refuse to use the truth over opinion......
I would have to know what he wants, in order to know whether I want it to succeed or fail. I'm not convinced he knows what he wants to accomplish.
I can see why you wouldn't know ... he's only spent 18 months telling you.
Just yesterday, he added the word "amend" to the phrase "repeal and replace Obamacare". Absolutely incredible.

It's already happening and he's not even in office yet.

No honest person can claim to know what Trump wants, outside of his Charlie Sheen-like "winning" thing.
Here is Rush Limbaugh admitting that he never took Trump seriously on his core issue, immigration, after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

I would have to know what he wants, in order to know whether I want it to succeed or fail. I'm not convinced he knows what he wants to accomplish.
I can see why you wouldn't know ... he's only spent 18 months telling you.
Just yesterday, he added the word "amend" to the phrase "repeal and replace Obamacare". Absolutely incredible.

It's already happening and he's not even in office yet.

No honest person can claim to know what Trump wants, outside of his Charlie Sheen-like "winning" thing.
I know, that is the deficiencies of Trump, he's old enough to forget what it was he said and was planning to do....
Then you must be deficient in political philosophy...

Socialism has many different definitions and asserted origins.

I use etymology to track down the original meaning of a word, which I believe is the purest definition. When you do that with socialism, it is very difficult relative to other ideologies. Do we define it in the manner it was used originally by the French, or do we use the Marxist definition?

I am certain that the dictionary definition is incorrect though.
there's no way his policies can work, his crap is impossible if you do the math, so I absolutely want his sorry ass to fail .. that means the country wins.
His policies cannot work, but some things can be implemented.

The country also has everything to lose:
1. The 1st Amendment being restricted in various ways, leading the way towards dictatorship.
2. Weakened economy, economic crisis.
3. Increased Russian activity and loss of sovereignty.
4. An sharp increase in corruption, as well as more power for the ruling elite.
Then you must be deficient in political philosophy...

Socialism has many different definitions and asserted origins.

I use etymology to track down the original meaning of a word, which I believe is the purest definition. When you do that with socialism, it is very difficult relative to other ideologies. Do we define it in the manner it was used originally by the French, or do we use the Marxist definition?

I am certain that the dictionary definition is incorrect though.
That's why you have other words attached to the word to describe in finer detail...

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