Do You "Hope President Trump Succeeds"?

I would have to know what he wants, in order to know whether I want it to succeed or fail. I'm not convinced he knows what he wants to accomplish.
I can see why you wouldn't know ... he's only spent 18 months telling you.
Just yesterday, he added the word "amend" to the phrase "repeal and replace Obamacare". Absolutely incredible.

It's already happening and he's not even in office yet.

No honest person can claim to know what Trump wants, outside of his Charlie Sheen-like "winning" thing.

Donald Trump is NOT a Republican, never has been, never will be. He's not a conservative. He wooed his crowd with wall building, mass deportations, and re opening rusted out old factories that will never happen. That's how he won.

No one should be surprised that Trump has already flipped on Obamacare. It wasn't long ago that he was on Fox News--the Bill O'reilly show praising Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill. Something NO Republican supported.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump did great on the campaign trail because he was playing in his own ball park. Now he is in the Republican congress & Senate ball park, and he's going to have to play along with them and what they want. If he doesn't he will be the most ineffective (lame duck pos President) in the history of this nation.
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The lefties all demanded, 8 years ago, that EVERYONE put aside their differences, and make the statement, "I hope he (obama) succeeds."

We all KNEW he would push his CPMMUNIST AGENDA.

Will you FAR left loons hold yourselves to the same standards you demanded of us? Or do you NOW get what El Rushbo was saying?

Nice try. If the Left wants to duplicate you people on the Right,

they will work every day for 4 years to see that Trump is a one term president.
Socialism is NO MORE DIFFICULT to define than any of the other political philosophies because none of them are written in stone. Yes difficult, but that's what philosophy is.

Every school of thought has a scope, and therefore a definition.

I define words by their etymological root, so I can actually define certain words with ease and others with difficulty. I believe this is the most productive way of defining words, since it keeps them pure and not subject to peversion.

It happened with anarchism and it happened with communism. Some faux ideologues come along and pervert the original meaning of an ideology, and it discredits the thought contributions of all the schools predecessors.

For example, anarchism went from meaning no rulers to meaning chaos and no government. Communism went from meaning the abolition of money and private property, to meaning a totalitarian command economy.
I would have to know what he wants, in order to know whether I want it to succeed or fail. I'm not convinced he knows what he wants to accomplish.
I can see why you wouldn't know ... he's only spent 18 months telling you.
Just yesterday, he added the word "amend" to the phrase "repeal and replace Obamacare". Absolutely incredible.

It's already happening and he's not even in office yet.

No honest person can claim to know what Trump wants, outside of his Charlie Sheen-like "winning" thing.

Donald Trump is NOT a Republican, never has been, never will be. He's not a conservative. He wooed his crowd with wall building, mass deportations, and re opening rusted out old factories that will never happen. That's how he won.

No one should be surprised that Trump has already flipped on Obamacare. It wasn't long ago that he was on Fox News--the Bill O'reilly show praising Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill. Something NO Republican supported.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump did great on the campaign trail because he was playing in his own ball park. Now he is in the Republican congress & Senate ball park, and he's going to have to play along with them and what they want. If he doesn't he will be the most ineffective (lame duck pos President) in the history of this nation.
Members of the House and Senate have a pretty tough decision to make, and they need to make it pretty quickly:

Do they support a guy who is clearly not a conservative, a guy who is completely unpredictable and who can change his mind on a whim, because if they don't they're fighting their own party's standard bearer?

Or do they stick to their principles and legislate as conservatives, no matter what?

Their party has been stolen right out from under them, by some kind of ersatz "populism" that is as clear as mud.
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Then you must be deficient in political philosophy...

Socialism has many different definitions and asserted origins.

I use etymology to track down the original meaning of a word, which I believe is the purest definition. When you do that with socialism, it is very difficult relative to other ideologies. Do we define it in the manner it was used originally by the French, or do we use the Marxist definition?

I am certain that the dictionary definition is incorrect though.

Of course, you use etymology ... that's why you get the word wrong so many times.

You might want to use the connotation of the word, when used in a particular context. It give depth and flavor to the statement. The idea is to communicate - not try to impress people with the misuse of words.
I would have to know what he wants, in order to know whether I want it to succeed or fail. I'm not convinced he knows what he wants to accomplish.
I can see why you wouldn't know ... he's only spent 18 months telling you.
Just yesterday, he added the word "amend" to the phrase "repeal and replace Obamacare". Absolutely incredible.

It's already happening and he's not even in office yet.

No honest person can claim to know what Trump wants, outside of his Charlie Sheen-like "winning" thing.

Donald Trump is NOT a Republican, never has been, never will be. He's not a conservative. He wooed his crowd with wall building, mass deportations, and re opening rusted out old factories that will never happen. That's how he won.

No one should be surprised that Trump has already flipped on Obamacare. It wasn't long ago that he was on Fox News--the Bill O'reilly show praising Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill. Something NO Republican supported.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump did great on the campaign trail because he was playing in his own ball park. Now he is in the Republican congress & Senate ball park, and he's going to have to play along with them and what they want. If he doesn't he will be the most ineffective (lame duck pos President) in the history of this nation.
Members of the House and Senate have a pretty tough decision to make, and they need to make it pretty quickly:

Do they support a guy who is clearly not a conservative, a guy who is completely unpredictable and who can change his mind on a whim, because if they don't they're fighting their own party's standard bearer?

Or do they stick to their principles and legislate as conservatives, no matter what?

Their party has been stolen right out from under them, by some kind of ersatz "populism" that is as clear as mud.

Just go over there in the corner and suck your... uhhh ... thumb, and let the adults handle things from here on out.
I would have to know what he wants, in order to know whether I want it to succeed or fail. I'm not convinced he knows what he wants to accomplish.
I can see why you wouldn't know ... he's only spent 18 months telling you.
Just yesterday, he added the word "amend" to the phrase "repeal and replace Obamacare". Absolutely incredible.

It's already happening and he's not even in office yet.

No honest person can claim to know what Trump wants, outside of his Charlie Sheen-like "winning" thing.

Donald Trump is NOT a Republican, never has been, never will be. He's not a conservative. He wooed his crowd with wall building, mass deportations, and re opening rusted out old factories that will never happen. That's how he won.

No one should be surprised that Trump has already flipped on Obamacare. It wasn't long ago that he was on Fox News--the Bill O'reilly show praising Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill. Something NO Republican supported.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump did great on the campaign trail because he was playing in his own ball park. Now he is in the Republican congress & Senate ball park, and he's going to have to play along with them and what they want. If he doesn't he will be the most ineffective (lame duck pos President) in the history of this nation.

You're pathetic when you have to scrabble like this.
Socialism has many different definitions and asserted origins.
Well .........
That's why you have other words attached to the word to describe in finer detail...
Thank you!

These terms ought to be used only as adjectives. People who understand nothing about philosophy (political or otherwise) yet want to 'join in' on what they believe are highbrow discussions, try to hammer these words into nominative pigeon holes. When you ask them to be more specific ...... they can't. Their world is "Black or White" - "Right or Left" - "With them or Against them".
I would have to know what he wants, in order to know whether I want it to succeed or fail. I'm not convinced he knows what he wants to accomplish.
I can see why you wouldn't know ... he's only spent 18 months telling you.
Just yesterday, he added the word "amend" to the phrase "repeal and replace Obamacare". Absolutely incredible.

It's already happening and he's not even in office yet.

No honest person can claim to know what Trump wants, outside of his Charlie Sheen-like "winning" thing.

Donald Trump is NOT a Republican, never has been, never will be. He's not a conservative. He wooed his crowd with wall building, mass deportations, and re opening rusted out old factories that will never happen. That's how he won.

No one should be surprised that Trump has already flipped on Obamacare. It wasn't long ago that he was on Fox News--the Bill O'reilly show praising Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill. Something NO Republican supported.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump did great on the campaign trail because he was playing in his own ball park. Now he is in the Republican congress & Senate ball park, and he's going to have to play along with them and what they want. If he doesn't he will be the most ineffective (lame duck pos President) in the history of this nation.
Members of the House and Senate have a pretty tough decision to make, and they need to make it pretty quickly:

Do they support a guy who is clearly not a conservative, a guy who is completely unpredictable and who can change his mind on a whim, because if they don't they're fighting their own party's standard bearer?

Or do they stick to their principles and legislate as conservatives, no matter what?

Their party has been stolen right out from under them, by some kind of ersatz "populism" that is as clear as mud.

Just go over there in the corner and suck your... uhhh ... thumb, and let the adults handle things from here on out.
Oops, sorry, I thought I was dealing with a civil, mature person there for a moment.

My apologies.
Socialism has many different definitions and asserted origins.
Well .........
That's why you have other words attached to the word to describe in finer detail...
Thank you!

These terms ought to be used only as adjectives. People who understand nothing about philosophy (political or otherwise) yet want to 'join in' on what they believe are highbrow discussions, try to hammer these words into nominative pigeon holes. When you ask them to be more specific ...... they can't. Their world is "Black or White" - "Right or Left" - "With them or Against them".
They seem lost with words like Christian democracy...
I can see why you wouldn't know ... he's only spent 18 months telling you.
Just yesterday, he added the word "amend" to the phrase "repeal and replace Obamacare". Absolutely incredible.

It's already happening and he's not even in office yet.

No honest person can claim to know what Trump wants, outside of his Charlie Sheen-like "winning" thing.

Donald Trump is NOT a Republican, never has been, never will be. He's not a conservative. He wooed his crowd with wall building, mass deportations, and re opening rusted out old factories that will never happen. That's how he won.

No one should be surprised that Trump has already flipped on Obamacare. It wasn't long ago that he was on Fox News--the Bill O'reilly show praising Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill. Something NO Republican supported.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump did great on the campaign trail because he was playing in his own ball park. Now he is in the Republican congress & Senate ball park, and he's going to have to play along with them and what they want. If he doesn't he will be the most ineffective (lame duck pos President) in the history of this nation.
Members of the House and Senate have a pretty tough decision to make, and they need to make it pretty quickly:

Do they support a guy who is clearly not a conservative, a guy who is completely unpredictable and who can change his mind on a whim, because if they don't they're fighting their own party's standard bearer?

Or do they stick to their principles and legislate as conservatives, no matter what?

Their party has been stolen right out from under them, by some kind of ersatz "populism" that is as clear as mud.

Just go over there in the corner and suck your... uhhh ... thumb, and let the adults handle things from here on out.
Oops, sorry, I thought I was dealing with a civil, mature person there for a moment.

My apologies.

See? One of the facets of successful communication is to put in words that the receiver would understand.

I did.

You just didn't like what you finally understood.
About two months after Obama took office the Republicans announced their only goal was to keep Obama from doing anything.

This needs to be the default position of the entire Democrat party now, not just now but permanently going forward. I mean it takes some gaul to trash someone 50 million people voted for for 8 straight years and then ask the to support the piece of shit you voted for.

Conservatives you have outed yourselves. You are no longer Americans and you will be treated as such. P.O.Shit trump will be ignored as will the Republicans in Congress. Whatever the pass or attempt to do will be opposed in every way possible.

Congratulations, you are now living in the world you created. Many are hoping P.O.Shit trump has a cardiac episode and dies of natural causes. Me? "I'll keep you in suspense".
Last edited:
Just yesterday, he added the word "amend" to the phrase "repeal and replace Obamacare". Absolutely incredible.

It's already happening and he's not even in office yet.

No honest person can claim to know what Trump wants, outside of his Charlie Sheen-like "winning" thing.

Donald Trump is NOT a Republican, never has been, never will be. He's not a conservative. He wooed his crowd with wall building, mass deportations, and re opening rusted out old factories that will never happen. That's how he won.

No one should be surprised that Trump has already flipped on Obamacare. It wasn't long ago that he was on Fox News--the Bill O'reilly show praising Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill. Something NO Republican supported.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Trump did great on the campaign trail because he was playing in his own ball park. Now he is in the Republican congress & Senate ball park, and he's going to have to play along with them and what they want. If he doesn't he will be the most ineffective (lame duck pos President) in the history of this nation.
Members of the House and Senate have a pretty tough decision to make, and they need to make it pretty quickly:

Do they support a guy who is clearly not a conservative, a guy who is completely unpredictable and who can change his mind on a whim, because if they don't they're fighting their own party's standard bearer?

Or do they stick to their principles and legislate as conservatives, no matter what?

Their party has been stolen right out from under them, by some kind of ersatz "populism" that is as clear as mud.

Just go over there in the corner and suck your... uhhh ... thumb, and let the adults handle things from here on out.
Oops, sorry, I thought I was dealing with a civil, mature person there for a moment.

My apologies.

See? One of the facets of successful communication is to put in words that the receiver would understand.

I did.

You just didn't like what you finally understood.
Okie dokie!
About two months after Obama took office the Republicans announced their only goal was to keep Obama from doing anything.

This needs to be the default position of the entire Democrat party now, not just now but permanently going forward. I mean it takes some gaul to trash someone 50 million people voted for for 8 straight years and then ask the to support the piece of shit you voted for.

Conservatives you have outed yourselves. You are no longer Americans and you will be treated as such. P.O.Shit trump will be ignored as will the Republicans in Congress. Whatever the pass or attempt to do will be opposed in every way possible.

Congratulations, you are now living in the world you created.

I wish you all the luck with that ... the intransigence of the left has already cost you most of the down-ballot elections. Continued childish tantrums will ensure you lose the rest.
About two months after Obama took office the Republicans announced their only goal was to keep Obama from doing anything.

This needs to be the default position of the entire Democrat party now, not just now but permanently going forward. I mean it takes some gaul to trash someone 50 million people voted for for 8 straight years and then ask the to support the piece of shit you voted for.

Conservatives you have outed yourselves. You are no longer Americans and you will be treated as such. P.O.Shit trump will be ignored as will the Republicans in Congress. Whatever the pass or attempt to do will be opposed in every way possible.

Congratulations, you are now living in the world you created.

I wish you all the luck with that ... the intransigence of the left has already cost you most of the down-ballot elections. Continued childish tantrums will ensure you lose the rest.

Who cares, you view the entire world as a middle school football game and all you know is 'your team'. Children view life like this. No one cares when an adult hasn't matured past this point, we feel sorry for you.
About two months after Obama took office the Republicans announced their only goal was to keep Obama from doing anything.
But this proves that 'politics' have nothing to do with running the country. "Republican" ... "Democrat" are nothing more than facades, fronting for power/business ventures - generally know as the Military-Industrial Complex. There isn't anything political about it. Simply front men for the purpose of pacifying the population into thinking they have "Democratic choice" rather than "revolution".
About two months after Obama took office the Republicans announced their only goal was to keep Obama from doing anything.

This needs to be the default position of the entire Democrat party now, not just now but permanently going forward. I mean it takes some gaul to trash someone 50 million people voted for for 8 straight years and then ask the to support the piece of shit you voted for.

Conservatives you have outed yourselves. You are no longer Americans and you will be treated as such. P.O.Shit trump will be ignored as will the Republicans in Congress. Whatever the pass or attempt to do will be opposed in every way possible.

Congratulations, you are now living in the world you created.

I wish you all the luck with that ... the intransigence of the left has already cost you most of the down-ballot elections. Continued childish tantrums will ensure you lose the rest.

Who cares, you view the entire world as a middle school football game and all you know is 'your team'. Children view life like this. No one cares when an adult hasn't matured past this point, we feel sorry for you.

Rule 4b. When lacking a coherent or cogent counterargument, attack your opponent to deflect attention from your shortfall.

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