Do you get asked to produce an ID before you're given your ballet?

Do you get asked for your ID to vote?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 63.2%
  • No

    Votes: 14 36.8%

  • Total voters
Seriously guys? Yet another one of my own threads that has derailed so badly I have to disown it.

I answered your question. I have voted for decades, straight Republican ticket (with a single exception), and never once have been ID'd at the voting place. Ever.

And no one ever showed that any election was swung by illegal aliens!

So just because no one has shown an election has ever been swung by illegals we should do nothing about Making sure only Legal Citizens vote?

Strange Logic. Especially when Elections seem to be getting closer and closer. lol

There is nothing Irrational about the Idea of Wanting to ID people before they vote. If you have a problem with it, because you think the very poor can't afford to get an ID, then lets talk about a way to Get them a Free ID specifically for Voting. Problem Solved.

If you still have a problem with it after that, you must want Illegal Aliens to be allowed to Vote, and why don't you just freaking admit it lol.
No, the have you sign a sign in, state your name, then compare your signature to the one they have on file when you registered to vote. From there they give you your ballot or if the signatures don't look right will ask for ID.

So ID is only a last resort, needed because your signature has changed? That sounds fair enough. We don't sign in, though.

We were in Sydney, Cairns, Uluru/Ayers Rock and Melbourne. We did a lot of in=country flying. We climbed the Sydney bridge, visited the Blue Mountains. Saw the 3 sisters, Ayers Rock and Kata Juna, the twelve Apostles, went to the Great Barrier Reef and did the Great Ocean Road.

Melbourne is a great city. Haven't been to Ayer's Rock yet but it would be lovely to visit some day.

Did you get any pictures of the Great Barrier Reef?
No, the have you sign a sign in, state your name, then compare your signature to the one they have on file when you registered to vote. From there they give you your ballot or if the signatures don't look right will ask for ID.

So ID is only a last resort, needed because your signature has changed? That sounds fair enough. We don't sign in, though.

We were in Sydney, Cairns, Uluru/Ayers Rock and Melbourne. We did a lot of in=country flying. We climbed the Sydney bridge, visited the Blue Mountains. Saw the 3 sisters, Ayers Rock and Kata Juna, the twelve Apostles, went to the Great Barrier Reef and did the Great Ocean Road.

Melbourne is a great city. Haven't been to Ayer's Rock yet but it would be lovely to visit some day.

Did you get any pictures of the Great Barrier Reef?

Yes, but the flash screwed up on my camera. So you can't see the bright coloring of all the fish. We are going back to Sydney, New Zealand and the Antartic in Dec 2013.
No, the have you sign a sign in, state your name, then compare your signature to the one they have on file when you registered to vote. From there they give you your ballot or if the signatures don't look right will ask for ID.

So ID is only a last resort, needed because your signature has changed? That sounds fair enough. We don't sign in, though.

We were in Sydney, Cairns, Uluru/Ayers Rock and Melbourne. We did a lot of in=country flying. We climbed the Sydney bridge, visited the Blue Mountains. Saw the 3 sisters, Ayers Rock and Kata Juna, the twelve Apostles, went to the Great Barrier Reef and did the Great Ocean Road.

Melbourne is a great city. Haven't been to Ayer's Rock yet but it would be lovely to visit some day.

Did you get any pictures of the Great Barrier Reef?

Yes, but the flash screwed up on my camera. So you can't see the bright coloring of all the fish. We are going back to Sydney, New Zealand and the Antartic in Dec 2013.

Lucky bastard. The only place I want to visit more is Egypt.
So ID is only a last resort, needed because your signature has changed? That sounds fair enough. We don't sign in, though.

Melbourne is a great city. Haven't been to Ayer's Rock yet but it would be lovely to visit some day.

Did you get any pictures of the Great Barrier Reef?

Yes, but the flash screwed up on my camera. So you can't see the bright coloring of all the fish. We are going back to Sydney, New Zealand and the Antartic in Dec 2013.

Lucky bastard. The only place I want to visit more is Egypt.

My wife is an Oncology RN who spent the past 17 years working on cancer wards that specialized in stage 4 cancer patients. We travel as a way for her to stay sane and decompress.
So ID is only a last resort, needed because your signature has changed? That sounds fair enough. We don't sign in, though.

Melbourne is a great city. Haven't been to Ayer's Rock yet but it would be lovely to visit some day.

Did you get any pictures of the Great Barrier Reef?

Yes, but the flash screwed up on my camera. So you can't see the bright coloring of all the fish. We are going back to Sydney, New Zealand and the Antartic in Dec 2013.

Lucky bastard. The only place I want to visit more is Egypt.

I want to visit the Netherlands and Finland. :)
So ID is only a last resort, needed because your signature has changed? That sounds fair enough. We don't sign in, though.

Melbourne is a great city. Haven't been to Ayer's Rock yet but it would be lovely to visit some day.

Did you get any pictures of the Great Barrier Reef?

Yes, but the flash screwed up on my camera. So you can't see the bright coloring of all the fish. We are going back to Sydney, New Zealand and the Antartic in Dec 2013.

Lucky bastard. The only place I want to visit more is Egypt.

I wouldn't go to Egypt anytime soon.
Yes, but the flash screwed up on my camera. So you can't see the bright coloring of all the fish. We are going back to Sydney, New Zealand and the Antartic in Dec 2013.

Lucky bastard. The only place I want to visit more is Egypt.

My wife is an Oncology RN who spent the past 17 years working on cancer wards that specialized in stage 4 cancer patients. We travel as a way for her to stay sane and decompress.

Bless your wife.

My job is so simple by comparison. She deserves every break you guys can afford and then some.
Lucky bastard. The only place I want to visit more is Egypt.

My wife is an Oncology RN who spent the past 17 years working on cancer wards that specialized in stage 4 cancer patients. We travel as a way for her to stay sane and decompress.

Bless your wife.

My job is so simple by comparison. She deserves every break you guys can afford and then some.

After I retired from the Navy I swore I wasn't going to leave the USA again, but I did and I broke my "NO Boats" pledge and rode a boat for 90 minutes to get to the Great Barrier Reef. The things you do for love.
No, the have you sign a sign in, state your name, then compare your signature to the one they have on file when you registered to vote. From there they give you your ballot or if the signatures don't look right will ask for ID.

So ID is only a last resort, needed because your signature has changed? That sounds fair enough. We don't sign in, though.

Voter ID laws vary by state in the USA.
Oz has compulsory voting, which I wish the USA had.
I'm sure OZ has an awesome system in place to keep track of it's citizens.
23 million citizens vs 314 million citizens.

Racism was a southern institution that knew no political boundaries.

You fucking lying sack of shit.

The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, was aimed more at REPUBLICANS than blacks for the first 30 years of it's existence. One HAD to be a registered Democrat to even join the national order of the KKK until 1968 - WELL after the civil rights act.

Both Southern Democrats and Republicans belonged to the Klan

That is a fucking lie - flat out.

{Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party's Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. }

Ku Klux Klan — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

You are utterly without a shred of integrity.

If you want to take the high road here, show me the Southern Republicans who supported desegregation

If you want to take the high road, quit fucking lying.

So ID is only a last resort, needed because your signature has changed? That sounds fair enough. We don't sign in, though.

Melbourne is a great city. Haven't been to Ayer's Rock yet but it would be lovely to visit some day.

Did you get any pictures of the Great Barrier Reef?

Yes, but the flash screwed up on my camera. So you can't see the bright coloring of all the fish. We are going back to Sydney, New Zealand and the Antartic in Dec 2013.

Lucky bastard. The only place I want to visit more is Egypt.

I'm surprised you don't want to go to a right wing utopia like Iran or Saudi Arabia.
No, the have you sign a sign in, state your name, then compare your signature to the one they have on file when you registered to vote. From there they give you your ballot or if the signatures don't look right will ask for ID.

So ID is only a last resort, needed because your signature has changed? That sounds fair enough. We don't sign in, though.

Voter ID laws vary by state in the USA.
Oz has compulsory voting, which I wish the USA had.
I'm sure OZ has an awesome system in place to keep track of it's citizens.
23 million citizens vs 314 million citizens.

Here in Belgium everybody has an ID (it's obligatory) and obviously you have to present it when you go voting (which is also obligatory).
I have always had to show ID whoever doesn't agr
ee is a criminal or wants a fraudulent vote. Dems don't care about any law or decency they're all insane Marxists :D
Because a wayward black or Hispanic may vote for a democrat.

I was in Australia for 2 weeks last month. It is a lovely country, great food and nice people. I talked politics with a lot of people.

Oh come now, you can't be serious? I understand not wanting non citizens to vote, but surely just providing a name and address is enough? I wouldn't object to showing ID, though, if it was requested.

Which state did you visit? I'm in Victoria but will be moving to Queensland in a year or so - fingers crossed.

We were in Sydney, Cairns, Uluru/Ayers Rock and Melbourne. We did a lot of in=country flying. We climbed the Sydney bridge, visited the Blue Mountains. Saw the 3 sisters, Ayers Rock and Kata Juna, the twelve Apostles, went to the Great Barrier Reef and did the Great Ocean Road.

I spent 6 months working out of Australia after spending a month in New Zealand and visited many of those places. That was 20 years ago and I may go back some day when I am not working.
I used to find the lines to be too long so I just used the terlet and went back home.


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Because you are not in a Deep South state. The Deep South is under special rules since they worked so hard to keep blacks from voting way back when.

I have voted for decades in several states and have never once been asked for an ID at the voting booth. I had to prove my citizenship and identity when I registered to vote.

And, gosh, no one has even shown that such recklessness led to illegal aliens swinging elections in over 200 years!

What state do you live in? If I go to the polls and get there before you do, I can say I am you and vote. When you get there, your name will be crossed off the list and you wont get to vote. Sierra Hotel!

Any evidence this has happened, or is this yet another imaginary fantasy?

Yes there is.
In his latest sting—available on the website—O’Keefe’s undercover investigator entered a Washington D.C. polling place during the city’s April 3 primary election. The polling place is in the precinct where Attorney General Eric Holder is registered to vote. The investigator gave Eric Holder’s name and address, and a poll worker offered him a ballot.

O’Keefe’s investigator then suggested that perhaps he should show the poll worker his identification. But the poll worker replied, “You don’t need it. It’s all right. As long as you’re in here, you’re on our list, and that’s who you say you are, you’re okay.”

Voter Fraud and the 2012 Election: The Advancement Project | Capital Research Center

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